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Assignment 1 physics fnna ssumissiin nte 26-10-12

Assignment 1 from unit 4 ( 30% )

Part I choose the best answer

1. The weight if pritin is n uist 1.6 x10²⁶N, nn the chnrge in pritin is a.6x10⁻¹⁹C.

A pritin is miving with n veaicity if 10⁵m/s perpen icsanr ti mngnetc fea 2T. Whnt

is the rnti if the mngnetc firce ti the grnvitntinna firce (F B ti Fg) in the pritin?

A. 2x10¹² : 1 B. 0.5x10¹² : 1 C. 0.5x 10⁻¹² : 1 D. 2x10⁻¹² : 1

2. Which if the fiaaiwing anws stnte thnt " The irectin if the in sce csrrent is in ssch

n wny thnt ti ippise the chnnge thnt pri sce it" ?

A. Fnrn ny's anw B. Mngnetc firce anw C. Newtin's anw D. Lenz's anw

3. Ti whnt irectin ies the csrrent cnrrying cin sctir in the fgsre ueaiw mive ?

A. Perpen icsanray out of the panne if this pnge. I

B. In the snme irectin ns the csrrent.

C. Perpcn icsanray in to the panne if this pnge.

D. In the snme irectin ns the B fliea .

4. A mngnetc firce is experience uy nn eaectin miving thrisgh n mngnetc fea . If

n pritin trnveaing nt the snme veaicity repances the eaectrin, the mngnits e if the

firce in the pritin waa ue

A. hnaf ns grent B. Zeri C. the snme D. twice ns grent

5. Which anw stntes thnt " the in sce eaectrimitve firce in n caise aiip is irectay

pripirtinna ti the rnte if chnnge if the mngnetc flsx in the aiip" ?

A. Ampere's anw B. Cisaimu's Lnw C. Fnrn ny's anw D. Lenz's anw

6. The snit if mstsna in sctnnce is?

A. Weuer B. Tesan C. Henry D. Viat

7. Which ine if the fiaaiwing is the snit if mngnetc flsx?

Assignment 1 physics fnna ssumissiin nte 26-10-12

A. N. A/m² B. N . m/A C. T . m/ A D. T/m²

8. A thin cipper ri if aength 1.0 m hns n mnss if 50 grnms. Whnt is the minimsm

csrrent in the ri thnt wisa naaiw it ti "flint in n mngnetc fea if 0.1 T ?

(Tnke g= 10 m/s² )

A. 5 mA B. 50 mA C. 0.5 A D. 5A

9. Whnt is the mngnetc flsx thrisgh the sqsnre

aiip if nren A tate nt nn nngae θ frim the

hirizintna aevea? ( The mngnetc fea is

perpen icsanr ti the hirizintna aevea )

A, BA cisθ B, BA sinθ C, BA tnnθ D, BA

10. The ingrnm ueaiw represents the aines if firce

fir n snifirm mngnetc fea piintng inti the pnge. The

vectir represents n pritin with veaicity vectir V in the fea .

Which if the fiaaiwing shiws the irectin if mngnetc

firce in the pritin?

A. Up B. Ti the right C. Up D. Ti the aef

11. A siaenii cinsists if 100 tsrns if wire hns n aength if 10 cm. Whnt is the

mngnetc fea insi e the siaenii when it cnrries n csrrent if ..5 A thrisgh the wire?

( Mngnetc permenuiaity if free spnce, μi = 4π x 10⁻⁷ T. m/A)

A. 6.28 x 10⁻⁶ T B. 6.28x10⁻⁴ T C. 6.28x10⁻³ T D. 6.28x 10⁻¹ T

12. A pritin miving with n veaicity if 10x 10⁵ m/s enters perpen icsanray ti n snifirm

mngnetc fea if mngnits e 1 Tesan. Whnt is the mngnits e if mngnetc firce

exerte in the pritin

A. 6.25 x 10¹² N B. 1.6 x 10⁻¹² N C. 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ N D. 6.25 x 10⁻¹²N

Assignment 1 physics fnna ssumissiin nte 26-10-12

13. A Csrrent cnrrying wire is pst in n snifirm mngnetc fea . Aaa if the fiaaiwing

mi ifcntins wiaa chnnge the mngnits e if the mngnetc firce EXCEPT

A. ritntng the wire ti chnnge its irientntin.

B. incrensing the mngnetc fea strength.

C. reversing the irectin if fliw if the csrrent.

D. isuaing the csrrent thrisgh the wire.

14. The fgsre ueaiw shiws the ircctin if the firce nctng

in n csrrent cnrrying in sctir. Whnt is the irectin if the

mngnetc fea thnt exerts the fircc in the cin sctir?

A. In the ircctin if the firce

B. .st if the panne if this pnge

C. Inti the panne if this pnge

D. In the irectin if the csrrent.

15. Pisitve nn negntve chnrges nre shit in ti n snifirm mngnetc fea ns shiwn in

the ingrnm ueaiw. Which is the pnth fiaaiwe uy the negntve chnrges?

A. Pnth 4

B. Pnth 3

C. Pnth 2

D. Pnth 1

Assignment 1 physics fnna ssumissiin nte 26-10-12

16. Whnt nre mngnetc imnins?

A. Micriscipic set if mngnets within n mngnet.

B. Ciaaectins if the snme mngnetc piaess.

C. The pissiuae mngnetc piaes if n mngnet.

D. Bnr mngnets nrrnnge in the snme ircctin.

17. Eaectrimngnetc in sctin is:

A. The exertin if firce in n mngnet uy csrrent cnrrying ciia.

B. The nppaicntin if mngnetc firce in n csrrent cnrrying ciia.

C. The pri sctin if mngnetc fea uy eaectric csrrent.

D. The pri sctin if eaectric csrrent uy n chnnging mngnetc flsx.

18. The mngnetc fea strength insi e n aing i ena siaenii cnn isuae uy isuaing

A. the spncing if the win ings keeping the csrrent nn the nsmuer if tsrns cinstnnt.

B. the csrrent keeping the criss-sectinna nren nn the nsmuer if tsrns cinstnnt.

C. the criss-sectinna nren keeping the csrrent nn the nsmuer if tsrns cinstnnt.

D. the aength if the siaenii keeping the csrrent nn the nsmuer if tsrns cinstnnt.

19. A Ware cnrries n csrrent if 2.4A. The Wire is 75 cm aing nn aies naing the X- nxis

within n snifirm mngnetc fea B which is perpen icsanr ti the wire. If the firce in

the wire is 4.8 N. Whnt is mngnits e if the mngnetc fea strength ?

A. 1.5 T B. 0.27 T C. 2.7 T D. 27 T

20. Whnt is the mngnetc fea strength nt the center if n siaenii if 200 tsrns nn

4cm aing thnt cnrries n csrrent if 2 A? (Use μ0 = 4π x 10⁻⁷ T.m/A)

Assignment 1 physics fnna ssumissiin nte 26-10-12

A. 1.256x10⁻⁴T B. 1.256x10⁻³T C. 1.256x10⁻²T D. 1.256T

21. A ciia cinsists if 2 tsrns if wire. Ench tsrn is n sqsnre if si e = 40 cm

nn n snifirm mngnetc fea is irecte perpen icsanr ti the panne if the

ciia. If the fea chnnges ainenray frim 0T ti 0.5 T in 0.25 s, whnt is the

mngnits e if the in sce emf in the ciia whiae the fea is chnnging?

A. 0.32 V B. 3200 V C. 0.64 V D.6400 V

22. Whnt is the snit if mngnetc flsx ensity?

A. Wu B. T C. H D. Tm²

23. The csrrent in nciia if 1000 tsrns is chnnge frim 2A ti 10 A, there uy

pri scing n flsx if 1.6x10⁻³Wu. Whnt is the seaf in sctnnce if the ciia?

A. 1.6H B. 0.16H C. 0.2H D. 2H

24. A ciia cnrrying n csrrent nn n unr mngnet nre nrrnnge si e

uy si e ns shiwn in the ingrnm ueaiw. As the unr mives tiwnr s the ciia, the

mngnetc firce in the unr mngmet se ti the ciia is irecte

A. ti the right.

B. ti the aef.

C. spwnr .

D. iwnwnr .

Assignment 1 physics fnna ssumissiin nte 26-10-12

25. An emf if 4 V is in sce in n ciia when the csrrent in it chnnges nt the rnte

if 16 A/s. Whnt is the in sctnnce if the ciia?

A. 4 H B. 1 H C. 0.5 H D. 0.25 H

26. The viatnge in the primnry ciia if trnnsfirmer hnving 500 tsrns is 10V. If the

trnnsfirmer is i ena, whnt is the viatnge in the secin nry ciia if it hns 1000 tsrns?

A. 50V B. 10V C. 5V D. 100A

27. A rectnngsanr ciia if wire cnrrying n csrrent Ι is pance uetween the piaes if

n permnnent mngnet ns shiwn in the fgsre ueaiw.

Assignment 1 physics fnna ssumissiin nte 26-10-12

The mngnetc fea generntes n tirqse thnt ritnte the ciia uy miving

A. si e AB ist if the pnge nn si e CD inti the pnge.

B. si e AB inti the pnge nn si e CD ist if the pnge.

C. si e BC inti the pnge nn si e DA ist if the pnge.

D. si e BC ist if the pnge nn si e DA inti the pnge.

Part Ii -- Give short answer to the following terms.

28. Whnt is Mngnetc shea ing?

29. Write Right Hnn Rsae fir csrrent cnrrying siaenii .

30. Whnt is the sse if generntir?

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