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Well, I don’t know how your weeks been, but it’s been one of
those weeks at work for me, you know just full on, lots of
difficult things to sort out & it seems like there’s been no
space between one thing and the next happening – & I’m sure
you’ve all had weeks like that when you feel like your
meeting yourself coming back from another job & your just
grateful to make it to the weekend.
Because life can sometimes be like that, can’t it you know,
full of so much stuff going on… often good stuff
But the pace can sometimes feel a bit too much, at times, too
many pressures on us – You know whether it’s money issues
or work pressures or our health or our families or our
relationships. Things can sometimes just feel out of balance/
even sometimes a bit out of control.
& so maybe not surprisingly, If the statistics are to be
believed: over 8 million of us (I suspect a few Sunderland,
Hull & Middlesbrough fans in there somewhere) will suffer
from stress, anxiety, feelings of exhaustion and even
depression that will lead us to visit our GP in this year alone.
So to lift the mood a little, I thought we’d watch a light-
hearted clip of all those things that can pile on the stress &
exhaust us (I’ve shown this before, so some of you might
recognise it) it’s against the backdrop of some very restful
operatic music… So, how many of these can you identify
But often life can feel like a bit of a juggling act with all the
different commitments and responsibilities we have
demanding our attention and time.

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