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Do’s of Guest Etiquettes

Don’t Stay Too Long

Make sure you leave for your home at proper time and do not bother the hosts
for very long. As they might be tried hosting you all day long.
Bring A Host Gift

A sweet, easy way to express your gratitude for their generosity is to give a gift
to your host. Depending on your host's preferences, a standard gift will be a
good bottle of wine or liquor.

Offer to help when you can

You can help your host in the kitchen as he prepares the food and you could
also offer to help with the cleanup after meal.
Thank your host thrice

When you arrive, when you’re about to leave, and once more after you’ve gone
with a handwritten thank-you note.
Limit Your Phone Use

Spending too much time with your face in a screen will make your hosts feel
like they’re boring you. Try to limit screen time around them and only check
emails, texts, and social media in the privacy of your own room.

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