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Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences

Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc.ElectricalEngineering Semester: III B

Subject: EEL-202 DigitalLogicDesign Date:07/10/2020

Experiment 1: To Verify the Behavior of Logic Gates using Truth Table and
Familiarization with Digital Integrated Circuits.

 Introduction to ICs, logic families,74xx.

 Learn how to read Data sheets, IC diagramsetc.
 Familiarization with pins, switches, LEDs and power supplyconnections.
 Implementation of a basic gate’s circuits usingICs.

Name:Abdul Subhan Section:B SAP ID:11086

Performance Lab Report

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Ability to 5 Organization/Structure 5
Identification 5 5
and Utilization Data Presentation

Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ………………………………

Experiment # 01
Title: Verify behavior of logic gates using truth table and familiarizationwith digital integrated
Introduction :
In this lab we will study the importance of logic gates using truth table. Logic
gates are the basic building blocks of any digital system. It is an electronic circuit having one or more
than one input and only one output. The relationship between the input and the output is based on a
certain logic. Based on this, logic gates are named as AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate etc.
 Introduction ICs ,logic families,74xx
 Learn how to read data sheets,IC diagrams etc
 Familirization with pins,switches,LEDs and power supply connection
 Implementation of basic gates circuit using ICs

Components :
 Logic trainer
 Breadboard
 ICs
 Extenion Wires

In this lab we studied that how we use logic gates using truth table.We use different
ICs to study about logic gates.we use ICs 74LS08 for AND gate ,74LS04 for NOT gate ,74LS32
for OR gate.We connect our AND gate IC on breadboard.Each 7408 gate IC has 4 AND
gate.14th pin is Vcc and the 7th pin is Ground.We verify the AND gate by using output same as
for OR gate NOT gate etc.
IC for AND gate 74LS04

IC 7408 for AND gate:

IC 7432 for OR gate:

IC 7404 for NOT gate:

Observations and Calculations:
The truth tables of logic gates are given below.We will verify the behaviour of
logic gates using these truth tables.
The ICs configuration for AND,OR and NOT gate are given above.

In this lab we use different logic gates.We connects ICs to breadboard and connect
with Vcc and ground.Then we give inputs and connects one with output.And we use logic gates
to study their outputs.We learned the ICs codes of AND gate NOT gate and OR gate.
.After this lab, I am able enough to verify behaviour of logic gates and use digital integrated
circuits for different purposes.

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