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WORKSHEET: Inequalities 1

Inequalities - show the relationship between two expressions that are not equal to
one another.
Solving inequalities
The process to solve inequalities is the same as the process to solve equations,
which uses inverse operations to keep the equation or inequality balanced. Instead
of using an equals sign, however, the inequality symbol is used throughout.
Example: Solve the inequality 3𝑥 + 2 > −4
The inequality will be solved when is isolated on one side of the inequality. This
can be done by using inverse operations at each stage of the process.
3𝑥 + 2 − 2 > −4 − 2
3𝑥 > −6
3𝑥 −6
3 3
𝑥 > −2

The final answer is 𝑥 > −2, which means can be any value that is bigger than -2,
not including -2 itself. If this answer was to be placed on a number line, an open
circle would be needed at -2 with a line indicating the numbers above this.

Solve the inequality 3(2𝑥 + 5) ≤ 4. Show the answer on a number line.

 Extra care should be taken when the unknown in an inequality has a negative
 Use an inverse operation to make the coefficient of the unknown positive.
Solve the inequality . 3(3 − 𝑥) < 6. Show the answer on a number line.

Integer solutions to inequalities
When solving inequalities there will be a range of answers because any numbers
represented by the range are acceptable, and there are an infinite amount of
solutions to inequalities.
For example, if 𝑥 > 4, then any number that is bigger than 4 is a possible answer,
from any decimal slightly bigger than 3 to infinity.
Sometimes, only integer solutions are required.
List the integer solutions to −5 < 𝑥 < 1
This can be read as −5 is less than 𝑥, which is less than 1.
That means that 𝑥 is larger than −5, but not equal to −5, so the smallest integer
that 𝑥 can be is −4.
𝑥 is less than 1, but not equal to 1, so the largest integer that 𝑥 can be is 0.
𝑥 can also be the integers in between −4 and 0.
This means that the integer solutions to −5 < 𝑥 < 1 are: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0.
List the integer solutions of . −3 < 2𝑥 < 8
3(3 − 𝑥) < 6
Expand the bracket:
9 − 3𝑥 < 6
The unknown has a coefficient of −3, so now add −3𝑥 to both sides of the
9 − 3𝑥 + 3𝑥 < 3𝑥 + 6
9 < 3𝑥 + 6
Subtract 6 from both sides:
9 − 6 < 3𝑥 + 6 − 6
3 < 3𝑥
Now divide both sides by 3
1 < 𝑥 , which can also be written as 𝑥 > 1(reading from right to left)

To show this answer on a number line, put an open circle at 1 and indicate the
numbers above this point.


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