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The government’s Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat Program has been introduced to promote India’s unity and diversity
across the country. As a part of this endeavor the states of Sikkim and Delhi have been paired together and all the
projects will be based upon these 2 states.

General instructions:

 For each subject there is a choice between a pen and paper project and making a PPT.
 The students have to select any 2 subjects and do one pen and paper project and one PPT.
 Pen and paper— One A4 size sheet both sides included.
 PPT— 5-6 slides.


The people living in Sikkim have a very healthy lifestyle whereas in Delhi, we have to face several health issues because
of pollution and unhealthy lifestyle. What can we learn from them to improve our present way of living? Write your
suggestions on an A4 size sheet. You can make it more interesting by drawing and pasting pictures.


स्वर्ग इनसे बेहतर क्या होर्ा जहााँ दे श की आत्मा बसती है मनमोहक मठ , प्रार्ग ना में शंख की आवाजें, बुलंद चोटियों और
पवगतीय मठों का सं र्म टसक्किम है।
मेरी सााँसों में बसा मेरा पता
शान मेरी पहचान टदल्ली।
दिल्ली में वाह ताज है, स्ट्रीट फ़ूड है तथा व्यंजन ं का अऩूठा दमश्रण है त दिक्किम भी नमकीन प्याल ं , का स्वाि है । ि न राज् ं के
व्यंजन ं में िे मुख्य व्यंजन ं की जानकारी िे ते हुए अपने दवचार व्यक्त करें ।
(दकिी भी A-4 िाइज़ शीट पर िीदमत िाधन िे कार्य प़ू रा करें ।)`


Make a paper and pen project about the merging cultures of Delhi and Sikkim in terms of food, language and festivals.


Sikkim is famous for its monasteries. Buddhist monks spend years learning mandala art and spend their time in
monasteries making mandala. Mandala art is a detailed art that uses geometric patterns and figures. Read and learn
more about this art.

Now, by incorporating various polygons and circles create a mandala art using a black pen/sketch pen/pencil on an A 4
size sheet. Some links are attached for your reference.
Tourism has been a key element in the economy of Sikkim. Prepare an e- brochure(5-6 slides) highlighting the
main tourist spots in Sikkim and Delhi.

सिक्किम के पर्या वरण और प्रकृसि के ियथ अपनी सिल्ली के वयियवरण और प्रकृसि के मनमोहक रूप को िमझनय। PPT के
ज़ररए सिखयए ( PPT को केवल ४ स्लयइड िक ही िीसमि रखे।

Collect information about flora and fauna of Sikkim and Delhi taking into account differences in rainfall, location,
temperature and population. Compile the information in the form of a PPT comprising of 6 slides.


Gangtok is the exotic capital of the mountainous state of Sikkim. Let us do a comparative study between this beautiful
city and the city we live in-Delhi.

Present the following information in the form of a ppt.

Slide1- Cover slide
Slide 2 and 3 - pictures of Gangtok and Delhi
Slide4- Distance, in kilometres, between Delhi and Gangtok. Convert it into metres
Slide 5- Population of Delhi and Gangtok and find their difference.
Slide 6- Number of males and females in Delhi and Gangtok and difference between them.

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