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My website portfolio

The link attached includes all of the work I have done throughout my two year UAL
Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production course so far. Each unit is in its own tab
completed with research, planning and production, and an evaluation. The evaluation in
each is a description of the work: my intentions, my processes and how these experiences
have helped me develop my knowledge. Also, the creative processes of scripts, research
ideas, edit notes and storyboards are all included in the website.

The Audio-Visual work at the bottom of the page ‘Year One -> Units 1-4 -> British Youth ->
Short Film’ means a lot to me as the message of the short film strongly resonates with me.
The toxic ideas that have been formed around body image amongst British youths are really
damaging. This is not often shown in media with boys however is greatly covered with girls,
I wanted to show a different perspective than what society is used to as boys feel the
pressure from societal expectations too. Whilst filming this production I used a fluid head
tripod for the first time, this enabled me to create smooth panning shots that I included
multiple times throughout the short film. I believe this movement type looks really
professional and so I have repeated it in other productions I have created since. Referring
back to the weekly blog I produced, the filming took considerably more time than I
proposed due to me not taking in account the time I would use whilst adjusting props and
the camera. Since, I have become a lot better at time management.

The page ‘Year Two -> Unit 12 -> LO3: Development’ has an example of formal academic
writing reflecting upon the work I had produced throughout the unit, what I did well and
what I could have improved on; taking this knowledge with me into the ‘Be Creative’ unit I
am currently completing.

Thank you for reading and taking my application into consideration.

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