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Thermal expansion of vitreous silica: Correspondence between dilatation

curve and phase transitions in crystalline silica

Yoshikazu Kikuchi and Hajime Sudo

Nippon Silica Glass Co. Ltd. 2-4-3 Kyobashi, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104, Japan

Nobu Kuzuu a )

Department of Applied Physics, Fukui University, 3-9-1 Bunkyo. Fukui 910, Japan

(Received 10 October 1996; accepted for publication 9 July 1997)

The linear thermal expansion coefficients of fused quartz containing 3 ppm of OH produced by
electrical melting of natural quartz powder were measured using an interferometric dilatometer in
the temperature range 300-970 K. The data obtained show several maxima and minima, some of
which correspond to the phase transitions in crystalline silica. A sharp maximum is observed at 500
K, which corresponds to the Q' to f3 transition temperature of cristobalite. Minima at 850 and 580 K
correspond to low- to high-temperature phase transitions of crystalline quartz and tridymite,
respectively. This correspondence was not observed in synthetic fused silica containing about 800
ppm of OH. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(97)00220-X]

Since vitreous silica is a low-thermal-expansion mate­ quartz produced by melting natural quartz powder, and type­
rial, its shape and size remain constant with changing tem­ III fused silica synthesized directly by flame hydrolysis of
perature, unlike most glasses and inorganic materials. There­ SiCl4 in hydrogen-oxygen flame. These samples are com­
fore, it is used as a standard material, e.g., standard flats for mercially available HR (Type I) and ES (Type III) grades of
measurement, photomasks for largescale integration (LSI) silica glasses from Nippon Silica Glass Co. Ltd} containing
manufacturing processes, and thin-film-transistor (TFT) sub­ about 3 and 800 ppm of OH, respectively. These samples
strates. To measure the dilatation of vitreous silica, precise were fabricated into cylinders (7 X 14 mm) ground to a
measurement at extremely low thermal expansions is re­ spherical shape at each end. A Shinku-Riko LIX laser inter­
quired. The linear thermal expansion coefficient of vitreous ferometric dilatometer was used. The thermal expansion was
silica had been reported as early as 1934. I It has also been measured at temperatures between 298 and 973 K, raising
reported2 that the nature of the dilatation of vitreous silica is the temperature at a rate of 3 Klmin.
strongly dependent on the type of vitreous silica and its' 'fic­ The results are shown in Fig. 1. The type-I silica shows
tive temperature." i.e., the temperature at which the equilib­ a sharp peak at 500 K, and minima at 580 and 850 K. In the
rium structure is frozen in. It is known that the linear thermal temperature range of 650-750 K, several small peaks and
expansion coefficient shows a negative value in the low­ valleys also appeared.
temperature range 2- 5 of about 140-210 K. These observa­ Data 8 for NIST's standard reference material SRM739
tions suggest that the dilatation of vitreous silica reflects the are also plotted and the interpolated curve 8 is drawn for com­
structure of the Si02 glass network. parison. Although, the data for type-III silica show consider­
Recent study on the thermal expansion of vitreous silica able dispersion. they are in good agreement with those for
has been restricted to synthetic fused silica. 6 However, a SRM739. These data do not show as complex a curve as that
comparison between fused quartz produced by melting natu­ for type-I silica glass. In the previous studies, no such peaks
ral quartz powder and synthetic fused silica will provide use­ for type-lor type-II fused quartz were observed,2 perhaps
ful information on the glass structure because there should be because of the low resolution of the measurement.
a structural difference between these two types of vitreous The temperature dependence of the linear thermal ex­
silica; the former has optically observable "grain pansion of SMR739 and type-III fused silica are essentially
structure," 2 but the latter does not have such a structure, at the same; the data collected in this study are scattered ran­
least, not an optically observable one. However, the grain domly about the line fitted to the data for SMR739 with an
structure does not directly reflect the trace of the interface of uncertaintl of ::i:: 0.3 X 10- 7 K- 1. Since SMR739 is a type­
III fused silica,8 this confirms the reliability of the present
fusing the quartz particles, because the optically observable
measurement. The dispersion of the data for the present mea­
"grain" size (=0.3-0.5 mm) is much larger than the diam­
surement is of the same order of magnitude as the recent
eter of the quartz powder (= 2 - 3 ,um).
measurement by Okaji and Birch;6 the uncertainty of mea­
In this work, we compared the thermal expansion of
surement for SMR739 is about ::i::0.2X 10- 6 K-'. For type-I
these two kinds of vitreous silica produced by different
methods; one is fused quartz 2 produced by electrical melting silica. the scatter of the data seems to be smaller than that for
of natural quartz powder (type-I silica glass), and the other is type-Ill silica. A possible explanation is that the viscosity of
synthetic fused silica produced by hydrogen-oxygen flame type-III silica is considerably lower than that of type-I silica;
hydrolysis of SiCl4 (type-III silica glass). for example, the viscosity of type-III silica is about two or­
Two types of vitreous silica were used: type-I fused ders of magnitude lower than that of type-I silica9 at
~ 1000 C. The lower viscosity of the sample could explain

the scatter of the data, because the sample will deform during
a)Electronic mail: the measurement process.

J. Appl. Phys. 82 (8), 15 October 1997 0021-8979/97/82(8)/4121/3/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics 4121
Iii pressure. These structures exhibit short-range order which is
difficult to detect by diffraction methods. Therefore, the
8 present result may provide a supplemental insight into the
co structure of vitreous silica.
In type-III fused silica, such a structure is not observed.
-::: There are two possible explanations for this. One is related to
the starting material; since this type of fused silica is synthe­
;< , sized from a liquid, SiCI 4, no trace of the crystalline struc­
- ture remains. The other explanation is that there is some
II trace of crystalline structure or short-range order that contrib­
200 400 600 800 1000 utes the phase transitions, but a considerable amount of OH
Temperature / K (= 800 ppm) in the type-III silica could reduce the stress in
the glass network. Such a "soft" glass network could absorb
FIG I Linear thermal expansion curve of two types of vitreous silica, the abrupt change of the short-range order at the phase tran­
t\pe-I (- 1 and t\pe-Ill (L). Data for SRM739 are also plotted (e and solid
sition point. Material with a large amount of OH has a
(un e I. \crlJ('al lines indicate the phase transition points of silica crystals:
solid line 1 CI, cmtobalite: dashed line (Qi, quartz: and dotted line (T l , shorter relaxation time for structural change. Such relaxation
T:- Te, T 1 and T,I: trydimites, is also observed in the "defect line" in the Raman spectra;
the relaxation time of a middle-range order structure is in­
creased by increasing the OH content. 19 ,20
Type-I fused quartz exhibits a different temperature de­ The absolute value of the thermal expansion coefficient
pendence than does type-III fused silica. Since the type-I of type-! silica is higher than that of type-III silica at tem- ~

silica is formed by melting crystalline quartz powder. some peratures higher than about 400 K. This can also be inter­
trace of crystalline structure might remain. preted in terms of the effect of OH. The silica glass network
The crvstalline forms of silica which are stable at room with high OH content should be softer than that with lower
temperature. are quartz, 10 . II cnsto
' b a I'!te, P- an d tn'd ymlte.
. 1011
.­ OH content and more easily deformed. Thus, the effect of
Crystalline quartz exhibits an a to (3 phase transition at 846 lateral vibration of the glass network21 reduces the thermal
K. ]0.1] This temperature corresponds to a minimum in the expansion. as in the case of the negative thermal expansion
expansion curve of type-I silica (indicated by the dashed line of (3-quartz. This effect \\ ould be stronger in silica with high
Q in Fig. I). Cristobalite exhibits a low- to high-temperature OH content. because the ~ofter the glass network, the higher
phase transition at 493 K.] 2 This temperature corresponds to the amplitude of the lateral \ibration of the glass network.
the maximum of the dilatation curve of type-I silica (solid The effect of OH on the softness of the glass network is
line C). The phase transition of tridymite is more supported by the fact that the elastic modulus of the higher
complicated; 10.13 several phases, named MX, PO-IO, OP, OH content (= 1200 ppm) SIlica is several percent higher
OS, Oc, and HP, are observed in tridymite. The OC to HP than that of lower OH content ( = 40 ppm) silica. 22 This ef­
phase transition occurs gradually between 583 and 653 fect is also supported by the fact that higher OH content
K. 12-1--1 The lowest limit of this range, 583 K (dotted line T 4 ), silica has lower viscosity at high temperature. 9 ,2.1 Another
corresponds to the minimum value on the thermal expansion example of the effect of OH on the "softness" of the glass
curve, and the highest limit of this range, 653 K (T s ), cor­ network is evident in the resistance to excimer laser
responds to a small maximum. The other transition points in irradiation. 24 - 27 The higher the OH content, the lower the
tridymite, OS to OC at 464 K (T 3), OP to OS at 423 K (To), excimer laser induced absorption. High OH content material __
and MX to OP transition at 383 K (T]),]O do not correspo'nd is resistant to bond breakage by excimer laser irradation be­
to either maxima or minima of the dilatation curve. Other cause OH reduces the amount of strained Si-O-Si bonds.
weak peaks and valleys also appeared in the dilatation curve. Even if the bond breaks. it can easily rebind after stopping
They might cOITespond to phase transition points of some the irradiation because of the "softness" of the silica glass
type of crystalline silica, but their origin is not known at the network. Yet another example is the OH content dependence
present stage. At any rate, these findings suggest that some of fractoluminescence. 28 The higher the OH content, the
trace of the crystalline structure that is stable at room tem­ stronger the intensity of the 2.7 e V emission band observed
perature could remain in the fused quartz. from an oxygen-deficient center (ODC), which might be due
For the structure of vitreous silica, Zachariasen] s pro­ to the brittleness of the glass network. It is noted that the
posed a random network model as early as 1932, supported scatter of the expansion data increases with increasing tem­
by x-ray diffraction data. 16 However, some alternate models perature, as seen in Fig. I. This may be an effect of "soft­
for the structure of vitreous silica have been proposed, in ness" on the glass network.
which very small crystalline regions are connected by disor­ To determine the effect of OH, the dilatation in OH-free
dered regions. 17 Goodman]S proposed a strained mixed clus­ synthetic fused silica, which is produced from liquid mate­
ter model. This model suggests that vitreous silica forms as a rial, must be measured. This fused silica can be produced by
random network of aggregated but strained clusters based on the soot remelting method such as vapor-phase axial deposi­
cristobalite, trydimite, and quartz with dimensions of a few tion (V AD).2129 It should be noted that some OH-free soot­
nanometers; the other phases are assumed not to exist be­ remelted silica would contain a considerable amount of CI,
cause they are unstable at room temperature in atmospheric which would have a similar effect to OH on the softness of

4122 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 82, No.8, 15 October 1997 Kikuchi et al.
the glass network 24 ,26 Consequently, a fused silica contain­ I W. H. Keeson and D. W. Doborzynski. Physica (Amsterdam) 1. 1058
ing no OH and no Cl 23 should be used. Further study on such (1934).
'R. Bruckner, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 5, 123 (1970).
materials is desirable,
3R. Briickner, Glastech. Bef. 37, 500 (1946).
Linear thermal expansion coefficients of a fused quartz 4R. Bruckner, Glastech. Bef. 37, 495 (1946),
containing 3 ppm of OH (type I) and synthetic fused silica sR. Bruckner, Glastech. Bef. 38, 153 (1946).
containing 800 ppm of OH (type III) were measured using an 6M. Okaji and D. W Birch, Metrologia 28,27 (1991),
interferometric dilatometer in the temperature range 300­ 7 Production Catalogue, Nippon Silica Glass Co. Ltd.
8J. P. Cali. Standard Reference Material 739: Fused Silica Thermal Ex­
pansion, Certificate Analysis (National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg,
The dilatation curve of type-I silica has several peaks MD. 1971).
and valleys which correspond to the phase transition tem­ 9G, Hetherington and K. H. Jack, Phys, Chern. Glasses 5, 130 (1964).
peratures of crystalline silica" i.e., quartz (853 K), cristo­ 10 A. Nukui. Taikabutsu, 44. 596 (1992) (in Japanese),
II A, Nukui. Ceramics 20, 266 (1985).
balite (493 K), and tridymite (580 K). According to these
12 F. E, Wagstaff, Phys. Chern. Glasses 10,50 (1969).
observations, type-I fused quartz may have some traces of 13 A. Nukui. Am. Mineral. 63, 1252 (1978).
the short-range order of the crystalline structure. 14A. B, Thompson and M. Wennemer, Am, Mineral. 64,1018 (1979),
In type-III fused silica, on the other hand, the peaks cor­ 15W. H. Zachariasen, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 54, 3841 (1932).
responding to the phase transitions in crystalline silica were 16B. E, Warren and 1. Biscoe, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 21,49 (1938),
17R. H. Doremus, Class Science (Wiley, New York, 1973).
not observed. There are two possible interpretations for this
18e. H. L. Goodman, Phys, Chern, Glasses 26. 1 (1985).
observation: 19 A. E. Geisseberger and F. L. Galeener, Phys, Rev. B 28, 3266 (1983).
(i) since this silica is synthesized from liquid material, ,oF. L. Galeener, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 7, 373 (1985).
211. Yasui and H, Kawazoe, Kokinousei Carasu (High Functional Class)
SiCI 4 , there may be no remaining trace of the short-range
(University of Tokyo Press. Tokyo. 1985) (in Japanese).
order of the crystalline structure; 22 H. Kobayasi, 1'. Kosugi. and Y. Kogure, Physica B 219&220, 276 (1996).
23 N. Kuzuu, Sekiei Carasu no Sekai (Introduction to Silica Class Science
(ii) even if the short-range order of the crystalline structure
and Technology) (Kogyo Chosakai, Tokyo 1995) (in Japanese).
exists in type-III silica, the abrupt change of the short-range
24N. Kuzuu, Proc. SPIE 2714.41 (1996).
order at the "phase transition" point could be absorbed 25 N. Kuzuu, Proc. SPIE 2714, 71 (1996).
and/or relaxed. 26N. Kuzuu, 1'. Taga, and N. Kamisugi, J. Appl. Phys. 80, 8011 (1997).

To confirm these hypotheses, further study of the thermal

,7 N. Kuzuu, Laser Kenkyu (Rev. Laser Eng.) 23, 396 (1995) (in Japanese).
28y, Kawaguchi, Phys, Rev, B 54, 9721 (1996).
expansion using OH- and Cl-free synthetic silica glass is 29T, Izawa, S. Kobayashi, S, Sudo, and F. Hanawa, Trans, Inst. Electron.
required. Commun. Eng, Jpn. E62, 779 (J 979).

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