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ProFile 1 Unit 6 – Travel

Work through this worksheet and complete your answers in the spaces provided.

Read the clues and write the words. What is the word in grey?
1. a journey in a plane
2. a reservation
3. a journey, a business ______
4. the money that people spend when they travel for business
5. you can fly in first ______, business ______, or economy
6. in other countries







Read the article by David McManus, a sales manager from London, England.
Then answer the questions.

International travel is very important for my work. When I go to a new

country, I always try to learn about the culture. For example, in some countries personal
relationships are the most important thing. When I went to Argentina on business in
1999 I spent a lot of time socializing with my customers, because the most important
thing was to get to know them as people.
In other countries, people prefer to concentrate on the work. When I visit
customers in northern Europe, I often meet a different person at the company every
time – personal relationships don’t seem to be the most important thing.
If I have done my preparation well, I don’t have too many cultural
communication problems. But business travel is always surprising and you never know
what will happen. So I never totally relax when I am in another business environment.

Reading (continued)

1. What was important working in Argentina?

2. D
 avid thinks personal relationships are not the most important thing in northern Europe.
What example does he give to show this?

3. Does David think it is simple to understand new cultures?

4. I n your country, how important are personal relationships when working with different

On the lesson website page, refer to the Video section, an interview with Alan Cheesman,
sales manager. Press ‘Play’ to watch the video. When you have watched the video, look at the
sentences below and decide whether they are true or false.

(Note: If you find the questions difficult, click on the ‘Read the transcript’ link by the video
and read as you listen.)

True False 1. Alan does a lot of travelling in his job.

True False 2. Alan always stays in expensive hotels.

True False 3. Alan used all the hotel facilities when he stayed in the five-star hotel.

True False 4 . Meeting people face-to-face is important in Alan’s job.

ProFile 1 Unit 6 Travel Page  WORKSHEET

On the lesson website page, refer to the Listening section. Download the MP3 audio and listen
to David McManus tell us about travelling overseas in his job. Then answer the questions.

1. How often does David travel to Russia?

2. What does he have to leave at the embassy when getting a visa?

3. How does he solve this problem?

4. Does he like going to Russia?

5. How much did he spend on his last visit to Russia?

David McManus has a new manager, Bethany Bradshaw. Bethany asked him to describe how
much travelling he does in his job. Write his email. Use the information and phrases in the
listening script to help you.

Write about:
• where he goes
• how often he goes
• how much he spends.

nj Send Now ✘ Delete

Subject: my travel

Hi Bethany
You asked me to write an email explaining my travel for work. Please find
the summary below.

I hope this answers your question.


ProFile 1 Unit 6 Travel Page  WORKSHEET

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