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Problem statement: Is sometimes expertise in a particular sector is not enough to get your

worth or factors like gender also play a key role?

Situational analysis: Alice George an efficient marketing expert of Conman Systems faces a
situation in which she is being promoted as a Vice President of Public relations rather than
Vice President of Marketing, which she actually disserves. She feels discriminatory and
unjust towards her new Managing Director Mr. Sen.

If she is not being heard within her company she should seek her grievances under different
provisions provided under the constitution of India.
Alice should voice out the concern to Human Resources department. They will better
understand the scenario of gender discrimination and will take the right course of action.
She should respect the decision of new Managing Director and try to explore the new field of
work. Her great marketing skills, customer relations and connections with the dealers might
help her in new work experience.
Alice being an expert in marketing field with lots of achievements, should try to look for a
better place of work where people will understand her worth.

Decision: Considering the performance of Conman Systems under the guidance of Alice and
still the kind of treatment she received from her peers, she had to face male prejudice all
along and also her promotion was given to Mr. Naik (general manager) who gave unethical
ideas and always looked down at her. My recommendation for Alice is that she should take
legal help and fight for her position.

Course of action: Gender discrimination in the work place is illegal under the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 and the kind of treatment Alice was facing it is quite clear that she was a victim
of gender discrimination in Conman Systems. She should take help of an experienced
employment attorney who can assess her case and help her in taking the legal action to gain
her worth.

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