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Name: _________________________________Date:
Gr. & Sec.: _________________Parent’s Signature: ___________
Subject Teacher: Ms. Hanna Grace C. Honrade

Direction: Read the following statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. using vertical line test, choose the correct choice that describe the graph.
a. neither a relation nor a function
b. relation only
c. both a relation and a function
d. function only
2. which of these graphs represents a function?

a. b. c. d.
3. which of these t – tables represent a function?

a. b. c. d.
4. which of these graphs represents a function?

a. b. c. d.
5. which of the following relations describes a function?
6. what ordered pairs below represent?
{ ( -2 , -1), (1, -4), (7, 10), (8, -11) }
a. neither a relation nor a function b. both relation and function
c. relation only d. function only
7. using vertical line test. Choose the correct choice that describe the graph
a. function and relation
b. function only
c. relation only
d. neither function nor relation
8. which relation diagram represents a function?

a. b. c. d.
9. which of the following relations describes a function?
a. { (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2), (5, 2) } b. { (-2, 0), (0, -2), (0, 2), (2, 0) }
c. { ( 0, 0), (2, -2), (2, 2), (3, 3) } d. { (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6) }
10. which relation diagram represents a function?

a. b. c. d.
11. which of these mappings is a function?

a. b. c. d.
12. think about the vertical line test and answer the question, what would a vertical line
a. function only b. both a relation and a function
c. neither a relation nor a function d. relation only
13. what ordered pairs below represent?
{ (-4, -3), (1, -8), (-4, -14), (9, -16) }
a. function only b. both a relation and a function
b. neither a relation nor a function d. relation only
14. which of the following graphs is not a function?

a. b. c. d.
15. What kind of polynomial is (25x2 – 70xy – 49y2)?
a. binomial b. monomial c. multinomial d. trinomial
16. In the expression 4x3 – 5x2 + 8, which are numerical coefficients?
a.4, 3, 2, -5, 8 b. 4, 3, -5, 8 c. 4, -5 d. 4, 2, -5, 8
17. In 3xy4, what do you call 4?
a. Numerical coefficient b. literal coefficient
c. base d. exponent
18. The terms: 3xy, 3x2y and 3xy2 are considered as
a. Like b. unlike c. literal d.
19. What do we call to xy2 in -4xy2?
a. numerical coefficient b. literal coefficient
c. base d. exponent
20. In the acronym, FOIL, L stands for ____.
a. Last term b. Lasting term c. Long term d. Lost term
21. In adding polynomials, just simply_____ the common literal coefficient
a. add b. multiply c. subtract d. copy
22. In multiplying polynomials, what will you do to the exponent having the same base?
a. add b. multiply c. subtract d. copy
23. In dividing polynomials, what will you do to the exponent to simplify?
a. add b. multiply c. subtract d. copy
24. In power law of exponents, what will you do to the powers to simplify?
a. add b. multiply c. subtract d. copy
25. In adding polynomials, combine only ____ terms
a. like b. unlike c. literal d. variables
26. The sum of 5x and -5x is ______
a. 0 b. x c. x2 d. 10x
27. simplify 8x + 7y -3x
a. 5x b. 5x +7y c. 13x + 7y d. 18 xy
28. simplify 5x + 2 – ( 9x + 2)
a. -4x b. -4x +4 c. 14 x + 4 d. 14 x
29. simplify x 2+ 3 x −7 x +6
a. x 2−4 x+6 b. 3 x 2−7 x+ 6
c. x 2+ 4 x +6 d.3 x 2+14 x+6

A function f is defined by f (x) = 2 x 2 – 3x + 1. Write the values of (3 points Each)

a. f (0) =

b. f (1) =

c. f (-2) =
d. f (-3) =

d. f (-1) =

Given the function and a domain, Find the range.

a. f (x) = -6x -1; (2 points each Range)

Domain Range



b. -3 x 2+ 8; (2 Points each Range)

Domain Range



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