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Clinical feature

Pneumonia commonly follows a viral

Upper respiratory tract cause a
brupt sudden onset with systemic
symptoms like high fever, pleuritic chest
pain chills .pulmonary finding shows
productive cough with mucopurulent
sputum and blood tinged sputum and
occasionally there' is hemoptysis.
(pathology department book)
There are other finding while examination
of patients like tachycardia, an increased
resonance of voice sounds heard when
auscultating the lungs, often caused by
lung consolidation and fibrosis, loud
crackles or rales due to excessive fluid
exaudate in the airways with Dullness on
percussion ,Tachypnea .(Jain V, Bhardwaj
A. Pneumonia Pathology. [Updated 2020
Jan 22]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure
Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020
the beginning of the symptoms resembles
the usual cold or normal flu.There are
common symptoms appear on patients
like fast breathing and shortness of breath
, fatigue, general weakness,nausea and
vomiting,muscle pain,fast heart beats ,and
the decreasing of the oxygenated blood
may cause cyanosis in many cases.and
some cases has diarrhea and sweating and
.shaking chills
:Symptoms in Children
The immune system of a child can protect
them from pneumonia .except viral
pneumonia can develop symptoms like
shortness and difficulty of breath
,dehydration and irritability with general
.systemic symptoms like fever and cough
Medically reviewed by Judith Marcin,)
M.D. on November 27, 2017 — Written by
)Peter Crosta

: Treartment
Treatment of the pneumonia depends on
. the type and severity

Bacterial types of pneumonia are usually

.treated with antibiotics
Viral types of pneumonia are usually
treated with rest and plenty of fluids.
Antiviral medications can be used in
Fungal types of pneumonia are usually
.treated with antifungal medications
Doctors commonly prescribe over-the-
counter (OTC) medications to help
reducing the symptoms of pneumonia.
These include treatments for reducing
fever, reducing aches and pains, and
.suppressing coughs
Patient always asked to have a rest and
drink plenty of fluids to reduce the fatigue
and dehydration. Hospitalization is
needed if the symptoms are bad or the
patient is immunocompromised.Medically
reviewed by Judith Marcin,) M.D. on
November 27, 2017 — Written by Peter

An experimental study on two groups of

forty diseased children is done. The first
obsevating group were treated using step-
.down antibiotic therapy
The second controlled group were treated
with antibiotics using step-up therapy
method .the study results showed_ in
children with mild lobar pneumonia in
the observation group after 72 h of
treatment_ no significant differences in
white blood cell (WBC) reduction rate ,the
course of antibiotic treatment,
disappearance time of pulmonary rales
and total efficiency . But the level of high-
sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and
procalcitonin (PCT) in the observation
group were significantly lower .While in
the server cases of lober pneumonia the
rate of WBC reduction accelerated
significantly. Compared to the patients in
the control group, the course of antibiotic
treatment and disappearance time of
pulmonary rales were shortened
significantly, And the step-down therapy
In severe cases In controlled group
showed a better result in relieving the
.inflammatory reactions
Exp Ther Med. 2017 Jun; 13(6): 2681–(
Published online 2017 Apr 10. doi:
PMCID: PMC5450740
PMID: 28587330
Yan Li,1 Feng Han,1 Yan Yang,2 and
Jianwei Chu2) Received 2016 May 25;
.Accepted 2016 Dec 30

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