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rsten by: Ken Camel, Pil Yares n: Peter Simunovieh, John-Paul Brisigott Proof Reader: Kyran Henty, Mike Haught, ; Gary Martin, Neal Smith Graphic Design & Photography: Casey Davies, Dion Holswich, Mark Owen, Victor Pesch ‘Miniatures Design: Evan Allen Cover and Internal Ave: Vincent Wai Web Support Wayne Turner, Blake Coster ‘Miniatures Painting: Jeremy Painter, James Brown, Mate Parkes Terrain Modelling Jason Buyaki, Dave Taylor Playtest Groups: Auckland City Guard (Chris Townley), ‘Game Korps (Ned Merrick), Finherjae (G,Jokul), The Regimens, (Simon M‘Beth) Photographs: National Libeaty of New Zealand, Imperial War Museum, Bovington Tank Museum, Australian War Memorial, NARA, Nana Archives Of Cada US Army Sigel Coe CONTENTS tee — Operation Market Garden. 2 Firestorm—Market Garden F ‘What are Firestorm Troops? How Firestorm Works... ‘Campaign Scenarios Campaign Deployment... Market Garden Deployment corm Campaign Map Commander—Battle Phase. Order One - Manoeuvre Step.. Order Two - Combat Step Order Three - After Action Step General... Onder One - Planning Phase oa Campaign Victory Point Table. Order Two - Battle Phase Three - Strategic Phase. aign Outcome. The General's Wargame One - Planning Phase Two - Bartle Phase. Th Strategic Phase. “hs complemen tothe ans Of War, he Word War I mises gone A copy athe Flcook fo Fare OF Ware near to falls the Comtents oF ls bak Seas Laces taiaaat isi dais svyataseane tne eae this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, im any form or by any: subset ote oer any fom of tnding cnet xh an land without arena on Big Inpoed ne sent puree sion of ‘The General's Wargame Quick Play Reference... 52 Organiser Choose the Campaign Scenario Organise the Venue... Arrange the Gaming Days. Promote your Campaign. Prepare the Map and Terrain... Set Up the Campaign Run the Campaign.. Celebrate the End of the Campaign. Setting Up a Firestorm Tournament. Airpower Dutch Windmi Dutch Battlefield. Hasty Assault Mission. Hunner Park Scenario Breakout Mission .. Veghel Bottleneck German Firestorm Troops C — © Copyright BardeFione Miniatures Lid, 2009. SEP ae a OPERATION eae | Ihe largest airborne operation in history began on a sunny arstunan Sunday in TN AN eptember 1944. An entire airborne army twas committed in a bold attempt to seize che key bridges over the numerous rivers and canals leading into the heartland of the Reich. Over 4,000 Allied aireraft rook off from airfields in she United Kingdom, France and Belgium to launch a surprise assault on German-occupied Holland. Three British corps each ld by an armoured division were poised atthe Belgian border to fallow up this airborne attack. The ultimate goal was to gain a bridgehead over the Rhine River a formidable natural boundary, in an attempt to end the war by Christmas, IE RACE FOR BERLIN RACE FOR BERLIN With the coming of summer 1944, the beginning of the end of the war in Europe was unfolding. The landings in Normandy followed immediately by Operation Bagration, the Soviet offensive in the East, had the Allied armies on both fronts only 800 miles (1300km) from che German capital of Berlin, The race was on. “Throughoue June and July, the westen Alles ground forces slogged their way through the Bocage country of northern France while their having crushed the German armies of Heersgruppe Mitte (Army Group Cente). Then on 25 July 1944 with Operation Cob, the newly formed US 12° Army Group (the US Biss and Third Armies) led by General Omar Bradley, broke out of Normand wiet Allies raced across Byelorussia, Germany as witnessing both its Western and Eastern Froncs crumbling before the armoured advances ofthe Allied armies. By the end of August, the Soviets had burst into Poland and secured thrce bridgeheads over the Vistula River In che west, British and American armoured formations were also reereating the Soviee successes. By the fist of Septem the Allies had advanced 240 miles (400km) towards Berlin ‘The western Allies crossed the Loire River (11 August invaded southern France (15 August), liberated Fal CCharres and Orleans (17 August) crossed the Seine Riv (20 August), closed the Falaie Gap (21 August), liberated Paris and captured Tioyes and Vernon (25 August), and liberated Amiens (31 August). August had proved to be jus as bad in the West as July had been in the Bast for Hide and Germany. With che arrival of September, che British Second Army tolled into Belgium. Crossing the Somme Ri (1 September) British forces liberated Douai (2 Seprembe Brussels (3 September), Lille (4 September) and Gher (6 September). By 8 September the British XXX Corps hat reached the Albert Canal on the Belgium-Durch border vada Dior amoneomnsox Ros fat tee aa a ee Pe co So . oe eee Dae os vases (ne een a) i mS ka) afl Teta rT ea a eset es _ — — bee Sosa E GGENERALKEY = a —_~ eae ues 2 x Z : My in AS et Pee NN) Sea = pee FO Par AT aeree een. ir) see eee ead Oe a Do ee ONG ui per Ryn Meh S a Boos je re Sr aaang a ee cen © ed ae M Fi eee 7 2 r 4 ar : a Roa er ae p J \ae Pers Sins. ean Behe a E Het ‘sg Aor dees i pee aie Pf Dasher 1 i etre Pe ‘ , so a Sy (fosaie 8 nde + Se H emer rere Sir schindel Veshele . Fa an CO 6 Lip Se haem a eC es Ma ~ p ate: 6 MF e va oS a ; a H wi cs Catone ioteee | 4 ces D bad EN i ih y iO a Oi 7910 iu 2 TS csc pac, ei aie) i cere ro Ere i. ES ae ate G Re: rari rs ot [508 Parachute lafaty Reiner 01" Parcs Ininry Regimens 2" Paschal Regime 6 Praha Infnry Regimens de Inn Re 327 Glider nfancyReginene 326* Aiorne Engineer Baio IDsney Dros 4. Fallichioge ie m6. Falls Regiment af sone fallin STUDENT fb ige 1 AishorneDinison a ‘A MATTER OF SUPPLY The rapid Allied advance now created an enormous logistics sare. The growing multi-national force, together with widening expanse of the front, dictated a new strategy. lack of sufficient port facilities, the growing length of lines, and the now greater need for more supplies the driving factor in any fature offensive plans, | Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander pe, was Faced with a dilemma. ‘There was simply not sifficient supply capacity available to keep ewo full army the Bridsh 21" Amy Group (containing the th Second Army and the Canadian First Army) and. werican 12" Army Group (containing the US First and Ninth Armies), on the offensive. Logistics would letify the next front and the next offensive. THE PLAN hower’ original plan called for a wide-front strategy ping continuous pressure on the Germansacross the entire front. Whereas, Feld Marshal Montgomery, commander of ccsh 21 Army Group, had proposed a narrower thrust iorth through Holland and into Germany. «first weeks of September, while both armies halted to their breath, General Eisenhower consulted wich his id commanders, Logistics probibived him from consinuing, wide plan. A new strategy was needed 10 keep up the se on che Germans until che logistics problem could ove. « nov, only one army would be able t keep up the sive. Montgomery's plan was selected with the ewist of og the newly formed Fitst Airborne Army: The plan, as all S, was a compromise 10 everyone. Releasing the use of « sisborne army to Montgomery would give the airborne «2 chance to shine, while aso giving Monegomery the 0 prove his single thrust attack. Aiming the thrust sds the Ruhs, Getmany’s industrial heartland, could nthe war but removing the air assets 0 support the 1ps could slow supplies to the other Allied armies, Bis would not prove roo crucial as Bradley had mo immediate < for che airhorne troops and the US Third and Seventh were hoth marching into Lorraine and consolidating ‘Marseille, on the Mediterranean, would soon be open a supply pore allowing a more direct route to the southeral Additionally cucting off the German army in Holland could speed the liberation of the channel ports to alleviate the supply sicuation ‘Though a risky plan, ie could springboard the Allies into Germany ahead of the Red Army. Market Garden, the ‘operational name given to Montgomery’ plan, could be the knockout punch to the now reeling German Army. Market Garden became che primary offensive plan while operations in the Lorraine region of France became a secondary offensive. Both operations constieuted Allied thrusts to break through the remaining German defence and enter into the German homeland. Both counted on a continued German retreat, crusting the enemy was incapable ‘of building a defensive line before Allied forces could overrun them, Both underestimated che resilience of the German. Army. ARMY GROUP B ‘But the Germans, General, she Germans.” Major General Stanislaw Sosabowski, Commander 1° Polish Independent Parachute Brigade. As the exhausted British and American armics replenished! their supplies and debated the meres of the single thrust or broad frone strategy to finish off che Germans, Genenalober Jodl, the chie of the OKIW (Armed Forces Operations Stat), began co organise the semblance of a defence in Holland, On 4 September there was just 729. Infansriedviion (719 Infancry Division), supplemented by a Dutch $ battalion and a few Liyfwafé (Air Force) detachments holding the line agains dhe advancing British By 13 September, through outstanding staff and improvised fieldwork, henewly create /,Fallchirmarmee(FirseParachute Army) under Generaloberst Kut Seudent had four divisions holding che line ofthe Meuse-Escaut Canal. Thisincluded the 719, Infunteriedivsion, Kamaferuppe Chill, a division-sized battlegroup containing elements of the 84", 85°, and 89% Infantty Divisions. Division Erdman, (a scratched together Parachute Division), and. 176. Infanteriedivsion recently) removed from the Siegftied Line near the German city off ‘Aachen, EISENHOWER’) WIDE’ PLAN Tnferseridivsion, (both from the reteating. 15. Armee f (Fikeench Army), wouldbeavalableby [Gand 17 September, respectively ee so, on 13 September, batdegroup, Kampfiruppe Walther, was formed with four parachute batlions from Obereuonant Von der Heydees 6. Fallchirmigeregiment (6° Parachute Regiment), a Luftwaffe penal battalion, Sperrverband Hicinke, a blocking fore consisting of two SS bacalions, an $5 tankchunter battalion and a motorised artillery bactery fiom 11 SS-Panzerkorps (2 SS Panzer Corps), and some anti-aircraft batteries. In the nine days the Allies took to launch Market Garden, the defence of Holland had gone from one division of old fmen and boys to an army of six infancey divisions supported by a batelegroup of crack parachute and SS troops. Behind them Genenalfeldmarichall Model began wo rebuild the est of Heevergruppe B (Army Group B). Obergruppenfihrer Bittrich’s 17 S8-Pancerkorps, consisting of the survivors of 9, ‘Hohenstaufen’ SS-Pancerdivison and 10. ‘Frundsberg’ SS-Pancerdivision (9 and 10" SS-Panzer Divisions) after their retreat from Normandy, was refitting near Arnhem, Although well under strength, they still could field a very dangerous batdegroup, ea i ato aes Another battle group, Kampferuppe Tetcau, formed near ‘Amhem consisting of a variety of bactalions including three SS battalions from local reserve depots and training schools. Although lightly armed, ic was well led by veteran officers FanePeM Gone. 09 and ee ‘Once the battle began additional replacement and reser formations where released from Germany 10 help Holland against the Allied assault. 10 (107 Panzer Brigade), 208. StuC Brigade (208* As Battalion), and 506. Schwere Panzenabielung (5 “Tank Bactalion), together with a number of naval, 2 and security battalions all eventually reinforced the defenders, Tn three weeks the Getmans managed co scrape togeth 100,000 troops and nearly 200 panzers to counter advance up the single highway towards Arnhem OPERATION MARKET GARDEN ‘Market Garden consisted of two paris: Market, the a portion and Garden, the ground portion. Its prize was che bridge at Amhem, a full 60 miles/100km behind lines. The airborne army would be dropped to provide = cearpet for the ground forces to race ahead and secure bridges over the numerous rivers and canals in Holla ‘Accomplishing this would allow the armoured forces of British XXX Corps to continue inco Germany and industrial heartland of the Rubr. With but a week’ planning, the operation was execs The largest airborne operation in history began on @ with a three-day timetable to push through the German and secure the bridges to Amhem. Resistance was ex o be light as Allied intelligence had identified few com ready: Getman units along the planned route. Surprise an speed were thought the only necessary advantage need overcome the remnants of Hitlers army. “To Grab the Bridges with Thenderelap Surprise’ Lieutenant General Brereton, Commander First Airborne Army. ane A$ re ome plan was designed t0 lay a carpet of airborne troops across three Dutch towns. Fach airborne division wa to perform an airborne assault and secure one town and all its bridges wo link the roads leading north from the jgian border to the town of Arnhem across the Lower Rhine, 1° ‘Screaming Eagles’ Aieborne Division under Major General Maxwell D Taylor was assigned to rake the firs. thoven. This included the bridges over che Wilhelmina Canal at Son as well 3s Hells Highvsay, the road through) beeween Eindhoven and che Grave bridge. All American’ Airborne Division led by Brigadier General James M Gavin was assigned to take the second town, Their objectives included the Groesbeek Heights, the Grave Bridge and the Nijmegen Bridge. General R E Urquhart, commander of the “Red Devils’ of the 1* British Airborne Division, was given the ultimate bridge over che Rhine River at Amhem. bayonet 101" ‘SCREAMING EAGLES’ AIRBORNE DIVISION i a Geran Rodblock S101" ‘Screaming Fags’ Mae a gh SORRIDOL OPEN, in 1 day See le Sram stole Rael a Unde ce ol Nisan ea ges be capel ee tock eae eee woe 101" Arbome ar Bef wer fall 8 alr (13k) nee D1" Airborne would secure seven Beidns. The fise over the Wilhelmina 4 the rownofSon was the cespon- | Eagan oy of the 506 Pach Inf ae (PIR). Tivo. spanning the River at St. Ocdenrude were ken by the 502 PIR supported company of the 326* Airborne Battalion. Finally, four over the Aa River fell othe AR near the town of Veghel. Aer Eindhoven was also co be caprured fe 506% PIR while the res of the ‘open 15 miles (23km) of the ward Amhem for the advancing | sh XXX Corps i end of Market Garden, the would refer co this stretch of 2s ‘Hells: Highway’. Securing Son and Best bridges and holding | = EINDHOVEN way From repeated German | caccacks ultimately cost che |fiRMmalNcpgieti eet ono s 00 casualties over the nine | ETc j Petty ne ety et Garden. | foanva ts lear inn alii ene nee evr CNNEDTE ert NIJMEGEN 82" AIRBORNE ‘ALL AMERICAN’ AIRBORNE DIVISION “All American’ Aisborne Division ned oftheir fourth and final combat drop ‘of the war evo days before the 17 September ok drop. Theit objective was to capture and | id the key bridges a Grave and Nijme as well as some subsidiary bridges over a canal “to the est of Grave eee ae ee oe nia The 504* Parachute Infanery Regiment (PIR) the nd several smaller Maas-Waal Canal. One mpany was dropped on the south side of ridge while the rest of the regiment was dropped to the north. The Grave Bridge, che gest in Europe ar the time, was secured on che firs night. “The 508° PIR yas asigned «wo major o Their fist ‘osecure the Groesbeck Heights to prevent German coun: terattacks from Kleve in overrunning their di second objective was to take and h Both General Browning and: Iaeights was a priorcy 0 pros rears NUMEGEN Aerna Peta . ie) ee cane Cees eer a cme Pp in Ne The regiment cook and held the heights fire day, but their inital effores ro ‘Nijmegen Brie from an ad division-sized b Forthe next vo days, the 8 while conducting aggressive naissance patrols until the Ish Guards from che) British Armoured Guards Division ing the advance of the round link-up. However, the Nijmegen anc ral bridges, which were the last remain link to the British aisbome forces in Arnhem, remai enemy hand a GERMANY a ae e ra ee cn errr) NIJMEGEN Perea eed gethe main playing pieces on the mapboard are the Firestorm oops representing the main combat unies thae foughe in folland during Operation Market Garden. The Firestorm “Troops in an area represent the main combat forces in that a. The table below shows the basic rype and quantities of “Firestorm Troops available co both sides for the game. ft all units are represented as Firestorm Troops, and a0 area that has no Firestorm Teoops is not devoid of combat GERMAN FIRESTORM TROOPS 8.8 CM GUN (x5) SECURITY (x4) ‘The table above shows the basi rm Troops available to both sides for the campaign. “The details of these Firestorm Troops, including their initial deployment and the rein ype and quantities of “your £ and Forth raid pote Pan ab Ga eat ff this information from F the German Firestorm Troops: the Konigstig 1, and the Securicy troops, represent the wide to defend chit bord were seraped smaining garrison troops and Uae iicere) ey) The Keni Firestorm “units (such as 506 Heavy Tan Brigade, and Kampfgruppe Hummel) that the Germans: shrevr into The firse section troops. Units that are not represented by Firestorm Troops uch as the many infantry securcy, anti-aircraft, and artillery bacalions that took part in the bartle, may supplement che basic Firestorm Troops. Firestorm Troops provide che combat power found in front-line areas. To show this, a player fi in an area with Firestorm Troops will receive a bonus for exch pe Firestorm troop fighting in the bacte ate. ALLIED FIRESTORM TROOPS BRITISH SHERMAN (x5) BRITISH SEXTON (x3) Cound EUG? PARATROOPER (x4) NZ OLAC) BRITISH 5.5” GUN (x3) Mixes NPA ate)) Ditton Meus me dase Kee) page fiom the German Firestorm Troops shown on the nest page a an example of a variable — op representing the numerous small armoured k Battalion, 280" Assault Gus \mbem to deal ih the landings. hows the names of the unit starting locations in the A Bridge Too Far scenario la die each time that Firestorm Troop. The sec notch front-line units, while others the Flam scual platoons you sorting you in your OF War game for each die roll ope es ferrari ie sapere Flak 38. BRIT roe pd Sir ss ae farthest behind enemy line 1 Airborne Division was 10 road and ross the thine R m. General planned for 1* Aithome il bridges at Aroh A by pare the 1" Airborne Division ineo action. ‘The to plan aperation did not unduly ighted to be going had only one «they had planned nearly wo June nel F that followe Further n man sal Urqubare, saw che firse problem There were not enough aircraft co get his whole He decided co make th che Parachute hem in one air drop the brid Air the operation's D-Day. ‘D the bridge the drop zone “Para he and 10" F Parachuce Brigade and nding Brigade v0 Divisional F while the Airlanding brigade 4° Parachute Brigade followed in the second air deop *POns* te sct day while the 1" Polish Independ eduled for a third drop. This plan hi holding he bridges, 1 Seisade securing the high ground north oF Arnhem, and the ing, the perimeter at Oosterbeck. The and south of the river, crossover, and create a ¢ Parachute“ the & Parachute mainal Airborn to the ae et rr) 13 te Mere Tenn ees aa EF; fi i i OOSTERBEEK oar ater = i A + t 1 i i i er nding Tettau, 280, Division was containe: d heavy fal F insisting Because of unsuitable ground ‘expected over Ahem, thi P the ds even miles (I1km) from, mainly because enemy stren was believed 10 be and secrecy prevented any additional int gence suggesting greater German stn the area from re mie 00s The initial drops Parachute Battalion ;, made for the bri od the river bypi th 3% Para moved 1 ing 1" Para in fn foor, taking a rout ing the town of Oosterbeek, towards the only amie long into gether with an a iting in ch the aie drop stopp aca at the bridg the additional German reinfo GB the following. day the remainder of the 1 , and casual at Oosteb 5s the Rhine suffering very heav Ciaces) FONT Ts route ale a ARNHEM, eae ee SUA aero) Pee) Iho a See ec F SMa ua et as Pe eed TAS = ALLIED FORCES German Infantry: 107,000 Allied Infantry: 135,000 KRERREREA Ra MAPRTENE 4 ai] | ae oe German Aircraft: 420 we oe ee oe a fe fe fe VS eee eet eee! aed sae4 ged cat = German Tanks: 195 ih ai oo) | 506. SCHWERE PANZERABTEILUNG & KG HUMMEL VARIABLE MARKER Roll one die and reinforce your company with the KONIGSTIGER (x2) appropriate unit shown below ee or2Q9 - Paar Poon of dhe Su Gas gus, Rated Confident Tenined - Ranga: Pion off ammongen 2 (aes, acs Coden ned ~ Schwere Panzer Platoon of one Tiger IE tank, Rated as Confident Veteran, OS oro) Seer Par Pion ofoe Kelsi Heche) nk Ra Condes Ver TING AT INN eye} barren Ra ae a ‘Aessout Mobility Font Side Top Equipment and Notes, Weapon Range ROP Antictanh Firepower Fallysracked 3 1 Hall MG, Protected ammo, Schiren KO gem 32cm un 3+ Hull mounted Fully racked 5 1 Coat MG, Slow nk, Unreliable, 24 16Gem 6 4 Oneman ure ‘Fitem 5+ Hull munted Plone she, Fally-eched 5 2 Coax MG, Hall MG, Potecrd ammo, Sow tank, Wide sls 40" 78000m 8 3s Slowmvene Pally cracked 8 Coax MG, Hull MG, Oveloadd, Slow tank 071000 16 Sie re cst worry if you do noc have the appropriate models for a “Troop unityou rolled, ust usethe most appropriate section gives the Flames Of War characteristis of cach type models in your collection and place a Proxy Marker with of team in the platoon that is supporting you. <9 indicate fo your opponent thae they ate not what Bey sccm 10 be, OPERATION GARDEN “This is a tale you will tell your grandchildren ... And mighty bored theyll be.” —Lieutenant General Brian Horrocks, Commander British XXX Corps. ae <———.— rn requited the British XXX Corps led by eral Brian ‘Jorrocks’ Horrocks, speisheaded Js Armoured Division, ro take Eindhoven in two sand then cover the 64 miles (106km) from the jan border to Arnhem in «wo to three days, The niles (58km) to the lsselmeer (Zuider Zee) was to en after linking up with all thre airborne divisions of sation Markee prise and speed would be the keys to a secessful Rapidly moving the thre divisions of XXX Corps road through enemy territory while meeting che ‘would be eitical, as the use ofaihorne troops chat ad enemy line had never been done before. allocated C47 Skytrain iso “ 22-1 (035) siverafi. Aircraft muss 01" Aleboene Division Glider | Reserve LZ-W)/Turn 1} be asd 0 air drop Lowland) Division Mountain | Reinforcement/Turn 1 | ghee units an priory but Lowland) Division Mountain | Reinforcement Tum 1 | emaning ain may (Lowland) Division Mounain | Reinforemen/Turs1 | je sop our aogs: Habere ave insufficient stverapt available then Location/Turn Arrival 1 aoe additional airraft se Road (15) to complete the airdrop GERMAN German Firestorm Troops in black are placed in the designated Reserve Area tuntil the Reinforcement Step of the Campaign ‘Turn indicated. 719. Infameriedivision | 8.8em gon | Reserve (Rotterdam)/Tarn 1 KG von Tera Seeurity [Reserve (Amsterdam)Turn 1 406, Infancsiedvision | 88cm gun | Reserve (Kleve)Tusn 2 107. Panzerbrigide | Panther | Reserve (Ruhr! Turn 3 KG Hummel Kinigstiger | Reserve (Apeldorn)/Tiarn 3 306. Schwere Paneraeching} Kanigstiger | Reserve (Wesl)/Turm 4 ‘ORDER ONE - MANOEUVRE STEP 1. Select an Opponent 2. Roll for Initiative 3. Place a Battle Arrow 4, Choose Firestorm Troops 5. Check for Supply ORDER TWO - COMBAT STEP 1. Identify your Mission 2. Play Flames Of War Battle ORDER THREE - AFTER ACTION STEP 1. Roll to Destroy 2. Retreat Defeated Troops 3. Advance Victorious Troops OUT OF SUPPLY Being out of supply usually has a debilitating effet upon susrounded troops, although sometimes they accept their fate and fight even hardes BR] Wen you are Out of Suppl your fore incurs a penalty from the Out of Supply table, Ral adie for your force and apply she Hee from the Out of Supply table to your entire farce fortis bate, ‘The effcs of being Out of Supply are applied to your entire force, including any Firestorm Troops, and lat for she duration of ‘your Blames OF War game, OUT OF SUPPLY TABLE DIE ROLL EFFECT Roll of 1 Q or?’ 2 Morale Reduced For the duration of che battle all Fearless platoons are treated as Confident, Confident placoons are treated as Reluctant, and Reluctant platoons only pass a Motivation Test on a roll of 6 Ral of Gp or) | Soh Reduced Before adding Firestorm Troops co your force, you must reduce the size of your force by 200, eg. if you would have fielded 2 1500 point force, you now have only 1200 points for dhe batle. Firestorm Troops are not affected. (See table below). rallefs @ ‘No Eifer Roll fo Fight to the Death For the duration of che bate all Reluctant platoons are teated as Confident, Confident platoons ate eared as Fearless, and Fearless platoons pass all Motivation “Tests on a roll of 2+ STOINTS Tommy basa 1750 pone Bash Gua Armoured POINTS ‘Squadron that has been isolated on the Elst Road. Being uot Supp belle one de nd ssa His fone ins ede 0350 poins 20 of 1730) to 100 poms. Ti ely ape tote Amourel Suaron 2000 pains 1600 poner] End has no eon ty Fest Tops emmied 1750 points 1400 points co the battle. 2000 points ‘Tommy may either rebuild his force at 1400 points or remove sections and platoons to bring his points total 960 points down co 1400 points, 1200 points 800 points “Tommy decides to reduce two Armoured Platoons by one Sherman V tank each (caving 180 points), remove fone Rifle Section from a Guards Rifle Platoon (saving 480 pois 40 poine), and one Gun Section from his ie Barer, Royal Arillery(eving a final 130 points). (640 points ied or German Commander fights Flames Of War battles 10 advance their armies on the campaign map. The more vious battles Commanders fight during every Campaign Turn the better chance their army has to win the campaign. ORDER ONE - MANOEUVRE STEP cd or German Commander in Firestorm —Marketr Garden wishes to fight a batele, they need to find an opponents barle will rake plac, determine if any addisional troops are available, and check ther current supply satus, - San — 1. SELECT AN OPPONENT ots come from the other Commanders partici= Frestorm—Market Garden campaign, Commander and cbalenge dem a grme of ofa | maiter if the people you play are am your side Of she campaign. If you cons find an opposing we pli just grab anyone who is available as che oO onder being attacked Dyan aula 1 You cannot place your Battle Arrow berween so areas that are separated by an Impassable Border Afier selecting an opponent, you may wish to discuss the size of your army, the mission the use of Firestorm Troops and the effects of suppl 2. ROLL FOR INITIATIVE campaign progresses both sides struggle to seize the as the Initiative is randomly determined for each player winning initiative decides where the battle fought rll a die s0 decide who as the Initiative. The Aighee roll wins the Initiative, Ifthe rolls tie Allied player wins the Initiative eS sun ofthe campaign, ll led Commande YL Blee our Bare Aro ott ou are taking one | | cer declines to pick a battle afier gaining they then forfeit the Initiative and the other _gts to pick where the battle acu Supply Depo can never be capeured. There is no need to Retreat Defeated Troops (see page 31) 1 of them, ard the enemy cannot Advance Vitorious Trop (sce page 31) into them. However the German player gains 10 Campaign Vietry Points if they win a 4 bats with an Allied Supply Depot 2. PLACE A BATTLE ARROW a win inieiative, mark che areas on the Firestorm map -ou will fight over using a Bartle Arrow. 10 sins the Iniiasine elects an area to antach from, rea that the enemy controls, 10 attack ino. Place a le Arrow pointing from your area into she encmy area you ies a Each player places up to two Firestorm Troops from the areas of the battle on the Battle Arrow. BRIDGES AND AIRFIELDS Due to Allied air superiority the Ger ns in defence of brid aa Once a brid fee eee eee eee ee ent areas, The battles are resolved in the order that the Pe ener Pa a Airfield arca idges or Airfields g A sccond battle involving the same two areas cannot b Pee ne ea een oe ete been resolved. Seer ALLIED ARMOURED TROOPS 3. CHOOSE FIRESTORM TROOPS armoured troops ate ready to race up the Durch roads verful combat f your command are tep- ran attack in a ORDER TWO - COMBAT STEP you are prepared for batle then you must identify your mision, bring your army to she table and battle your opponent in a OF War game. Mate sure both af ou add any available Firestorm Troops to your forces! 1. IDENTIFY YOUR MISSION are now ready to fight a batle. The nexe step is deciding mission that you will play. of choosing which mission to play is simply t0 our opponent. wore historical flavour to your battle set up the ternain the type arca you are fighting in Ternsin Missions table to get inspiation ast the types of 1s thas suit differensterstin, Thee aren the only misions ow ca fight in these types of terrain, but they represent fhe more common types of battles fought there. find the Hasty Assnle and Breshout missions on 69 and 73. The vet of the misions are in the Flames OF War rulebook or on the Flames OF War website at ce FlamerOfWarcom TERRAIN MISSIONS TABLE Free-For-All Hasty Assault I you're sill having rouble deciding what mision ro play let the player with Iniviatve roll a dic and consult the Terain Misions Table. Ifthe di result is a 6 you can either agree to play she suggested mision, or have the ober player roll 10 decide, the actual mission you wil play. 1 ‘fou ae playing a base bosween areas thar only eve a river dhowndary. you and your apponent could agree to play «River Grsing mison from Firsorn-—Bagration or add a river tothe table and use the River Asante rales on page 67 of the Firestarm Bagration rulebook Figs accursed both in and around Dutch towns, opening your ‘mision options fo Toon areas considerably, While you ca ight dates ina town wing the Seeet Fighting rules on page 221 of ‘the Planes Of War rulebook, ou can as fightin she surrounds ing counsrsde No Retreat Breakout Fighting Withdraval Free-for-All No Retreat Hasty Assault | Fighting Withdrawal] Breakthrough Eree-for-All Encounter No Retreat | Breakthrough Cauldron Forests Free-for-All Encounter NoReeac | Breakthrough | Fighting Withdrawal Towns Breakthrough | Hasty Assault AIR SUPPORT he Allies concentrated on protecting their ar transports and | bombers during Market Garden to insure resupply of their sicbome divisions. For this reason their great air superiority sot fle on the battlefield. This is reflected in the limited unt of ground attack aircraft available cannot spend points s0 take Air Support as part of your inthis campaign. The only way to receive Air Support is ie commit « Typhoon on F190 Firestorm Troop to suppors No Retreat Breakout Breakout NO AIR SUPPORT IN TOWN AREAS. Aircraft missions against towns and buile up areas have limited effectiveness against combat troops. Not only is it ‘extremely difficult co locate targets in buildings, the abiliy to hit them with accuracy is even hardet. Besides, all che aircraft do is add to the rubble and cover making it even: ‘more difficult for attackers to clear out the enemy. To reflect his, when a butsleis to take place within a Town area neither side can commit Typhoon or FW190 Firestorm Troops tothe batile, Simply move she Allied Armoured Firestorm Troop ar Troops ‘the area you are attacking from and place it in one of the on che Baile Arrows, Allied Armoured Firestorm Troops from an tn Supply area thas within three areas ofan area yore are Advancing Victorious Foops into (ze page 26) may advance into the captured area f they were adjacent 0 it, The area containing she Allied sured Firesorm Troop mast be connected tothe area you EXAMPLE: eee a, Ma cr eee 7 Pea oe re " reas ae eee ea Care een tee aa a Grave Bri eo ee Sea GERMAN VARIABLE FIRESTORM TROOPS ‘The German Konigstiger, 8.8cm Gun, and Security Firestorm Troops represent the variable mix of units that were called to support the German defence effort during Operation Market Garden, When you select Kangstiger, 8.80 gun, or Security Firestorm Troop to place on a Bastle Arrow to participate in a baste, roll cic and consult the German Variable Unit Table below to determine the actual typeof platoon availabe for your game KONIGSTIGER One Paton ofr fallef 1 or 25,9 Pare Paton ted Confident ined (duds thes SuG Gas go) fllof 369 amp Paton sl Confident Tnined (nes ve Famwagen 82 (fame). Poll of Schwere Panzer Platoon rated Confident Veteran (Includes one Tiger IF tank) Schwere Paver Paton rated Confident Veteran (Includes one Kénigtge (Henschel ean) Feel One Platoon of either: Roll 19. Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon rated Confident Trained 363 or (Includes one Command SMG team and ewo 8,8em FlaK36 guns with extra crews). ‘Tank-huncer Platoon rated Confident Veteran (Includes three Jagdpanzer IV tank-hunters) Heavy Tank-hunter Platoon rated Confident Veteran (Includes ewo Jagapanther tank-hunter) SECURITY Pe Poe of ie Balof 1 or 269 Sec Maton el Relais Tin oi oat coaca nua nd ora Rolle 3 or 4) Create Paton ted Confident Veteran Oar ace ores ce cy Rolle SD or J. 58 Pancreat Pago sed Fees Veteran (loc So Conard SHG team ae Se MG te) ECK FOR SUPPLY re powcr npn eal Gotan fions whether they are attacking or defending, Roads are the ‘After placing the Battle Arvow and selecting their Firstar Finops, bath players muse check the supply sat ofthe forces tha will fight inthe upcoming bare | For the Allies, she VIL, XI, and XXX Corps Supply Depots are lays In Supply For the Germans, the Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Apeldorn, Wesel, Kiev, and Ruhr Supply Depots are always In Supply dn Supply “Any area containing a road connected 0a friendly Supply Depot ty a continuous road under your conerl is ako In Supply The road route can be as long and circwitous as necessary. just as long [as the road is connected throughout the whole route. Areas that are adjacent areas supplied by road are alio In Supply unless the border between the areas is Impassable Out of Supply All osher areas are Out of Supply Being Out of Supply will give your forces a penalty for any battles fought with eroops from eed aes Soran ee eer aut eer the allies because an hands der oe pete os Dire eens teeta) Nijmegen Bridge and eae EFFECTS OF OUT OF SUPPLY [Being out of supply has a debilitating effect upon surrounded troops although they may stil ight to the death their combat capability is diminished. When you are Out of Supply you are subject to the efits ofthe Out Of Supply table on page 28. AIRBORNE SUPPLY Airborne forces received their supplies from their drop zones, landing 2ones, and airfields until they were con rected to the main supply routes by advancing ground forces. Landing zones, drop zones, and airfields stockpiled supplies forthe airborne troops they supplied Any Allied-controlled area wishin three areas of a Landing Zane, Drop Zone, or Aigld connected by a continuous cha friendly eld areas can Draw Supply from the Landing Zon Drop Zane, or Airfield by removing an Airborne Supply Mark from is Drawing Supply performs fou different functions: : 1. Airborne Supply 2. Parachute Arillery Support 3. Prevent Destruction 4. Fighting Surrounded. 1. Airborne Supply Each time an Out of Supply Paratrooper, Glider Infantry “Mounsain Infantry or Typhoon Firetorm Troop is commited 0 «a bare (cither defending or attacking) they must Draw Suppl ‘f available, ro become In Supply for this batle. One Airborne Supply Marker will make all Paratrooper, Glider Infancy ‘Mountain Infantry, and Typhoon Firestorm Troops in batle In Supply. AIRBORNE SUPPLY KEY DZ (Drop Zone) IZ (Landing Zone) However, the Alied player may not Draw Supply froma Landing Zane, Drop Zone, or Atfeld fora batse where Allied Sherman Seeton, or 5.5” Gun Firestorm Troopt have been committed the Barsle Arrows The player must choose between fighting Oi af Supply. or using only Paratrooper, Glider infanry, Mouncain Infantry, and Typhoon Firestorm Troops. er ene! ei eee ieee 1 Sree ates : meee eae on eS , 7 ‘AY FLAMES OF WAR BATTLES. Beri your cance to prive your mcr user fie Brig Bie Rimes OF War simy to the Geld and vanquish yout for. Play she mision as a normal Flames Of War game. Your campaign organicer will have arranged a suitable poins alu forthe game. However theres no reason that yu and your apponens cant agree on any other size of game. You could fight “pour barle with 1200, 1750, or 2000 pains. You might even tuant 0 mis things up playing differen: ized games shroughout the campaign Remember, although you will most likely both stare with the same number of points, any Firestorm Troops that you add to your force are in addition to this. This could result in one P side being considerably teonger than the other ifthe stra tegic sation is heavily in thei four Ifyou find yourself outnumbered like ehis, dant panic. Fight hard and sry c0 hold your positions while your comrades in other areas take axvantage of your sacrifice to restore the situation. ‘Ac the end of your battle you need to take note of your Victory Points Remove your Battle Arrow from the Campaign Map, unless there was already a Battle Arrow in place for these areas when you started your battle and i has noc yet been removed. F Remove any Aicborne Supply Markers used for Airborne Supply or Avillery Support from the Battle Arrow. If ehere are multiple simultaneous battles in your area, leave your Bactle Arrow in place and wait until the ealier battles © ane resolved before completing your After Action Step. 1. ROLL TO DESTROY Commicsing your Firestorm Troops to battle offers great rewards, but brings great rsk. Their destruction in battle will leave you weakened, hindering your general’s battle plan. | All Firestorm Troops that fought in the battle are at risk of de- struction in the campaign if they are defeated on the battlefield. While actcal loser can be made good by a victorious arm, a COMINTERN FORCE Everyone can participate in a Firestorm campaign. If you do not have Geeman ot Allied forces, use your normal force as a Comintern (Communist International) Fotce sent to support one side or the other. You could field a Soviet Tank Battalion on che Allied sie, ot even a turncoat or Ostzruppen Rifle Battalion fighting with the Germans. Forces fom any nationality can play in the campaign on either side. Use the normal Firearm Troops for reinforcemens: This can result in some ronusual force compositions, eg. Sovie Mototrethovy fighting forthe Germans with a Konigsiger bea san in support ‘abe nationality ofa selected Firctorm Toop doesnot mate nationality of our force, treat that Firestorm Troop asa A Platoon Ge page 183 of the Flames OF War ruleboot). Thi is alo true for German Firewarm Troops ofa diffrent service (Lufewaffe (Air Fore), SS, a Heer (Army) than yours ORDER THREE - AFTER ACTION STEP No job is done until the paperwork is finished! defeated army must conduct a diffu retreat cat ean result i the tral desirction of ts bes rps For each Firestorm roop used in the battle, regardless of it during the game, the opposing Commander wil rola die. T score needed t0 destray the Firestorm Troop in the compaign given on the Rol to Destroy table and depends on the number ‘af Vietory Poines that you scored. Remove any Firestorm Troop ‘that are destroyed from the Campaign Map and place hem in ‘the Reinforcement Pool ROLL TO DESTROY TABLE Score needed t0 Destroy Enemy Firestorm Troops fights a F Supp 2. Artillery Support An Allied player may be support a ee Paratrooper Firestorm Troop and sueceeds. Tommy may choose to remove an additional Airborne Supply Marker drawing supply fiom he Landing Zone to save the om ee Marker for Sa a Firestorm Troop is Destroyed as normal EXAMPLE: j ee DZ-O is Out of Supply, so Tommy must choose berween | a en a Out of Supply, or using Airborne Supply tobe Is Supply and receiving Parachute Artillery Support eee Se een Se eer eT casa Pr eae co etias eae Seared ert oe 72. RETREAT DEFEATED TROOPS Bi yu hare be defeated in battle you must surrender four Force n utter destruction retreat is your only recourse corm Ti Airborne troops may remove an Airborne Supply Marker Pe ye ae ee er ee Fighting Surrounded on page 27) 3. ADVANCE VICTORIOUS TROO! egal Upon vanquishing your foe position. To cla ms d fiom that you now con controled area from ad to she newhy-acguired are im Troops that you committed so your hh tics nave may select the rem Firestorm Troop a 3 The victorious player may move up to three Firestorm Se ee eee Caen es ce eee Ce ee newly controlled areas (sce page 25). Te a Y errs Pees eta Road, returning Erp road to German control ‘The German player Poe Allied Firestorm Troop Reena ect pee ees nea] Firestorm Troop must retreat into an adjac pee earn Se ee ee ete eet ree Ree ee res retreats his Firestorm Troop Markers the German player eres The German player decides Peron relay oer eens ot ene ees onan! ener ta Peace a eee ees err eres eg mores i a roll to resolve a battle results in a tie than the battle isa Draw: Neither side wins or loses an area however pated in the battle still risk Destruction. ORDER ONE - PLANNING PHASE 1. Plan your Strat 2. Write Your Battle Plan 3. Brief Your Com ORDER TWO - BATTLE PHASE Commanders fight the Battle Ph ORDER THREE - STRATEGIC PHASE Allocate Air Missions yy ut. Get this right and victory will be yours. FA General has three standing orders: the Planning Phase conducted at the beginning of each Campaign Turn, the Battle Phase where you and your commanders fight battles, and the Strategic Phase atthe end of each Campaign Tern ORDER ONE - PLANNING PHASE of the problems with Market Garden were astociated with the mere seven days of planning that were alloted. Integrating ns, intelligence, communicasions, and logis are all exential to goad planing. To plan your campaign use the simple step approach in this section. Choose the parts thas work for yox and use them to plan your strategy for victory TANS The leader of each side in Firestorm —Market Garden is a General. As the General, you are responsible for planning your | srmry’s campaign and leading your Commanders to victory. You need to develop a batile plan for your Commanders to carry : — 1. PLAN YOUR STRATEGY To grab and bold the bridges with shunderclap surprise,’ Lieutenant General Brereton, First Airborne Army Commander + fist step to victory. _ ALLIED STRATEGY Any Allied strategy should centre om taking the bridges from Eindhoven to Nijmegen co Arnhem. They contain the most points and their capture almost guarantees success, re four possible strategies you can use to take the ss can fight across the entire font slowly grinding oven the German defence, 2 You can thrust your offensive up one of the main roads jeading north n attempt an airborne assault co secure all the ges, or Combine your spearheads with an airborne assault to ure the bridges across Holland. care three routes north through Holland to che Arnhem ‘The simplest is up che middle of the map through dhoven to Nijmegen and then to Arnhem. ‘The second allows the Maas River on your eastern (right) lank. d option takes you up the western (lefe) flank to and then eastward towards Arnhem, xe, keep your toads open to ensure supply for your <2 ee FAs General, you are expected to lead your army into battle, MANOEUVRE STEP Take your own force onto the battlefield and engage the ‘enemy to inspire confidence and respect. COMBAT STEP a ee AFTER ACTION STEP ‘muss implement your sraegy and fighs in the Battle Phase. For the rest of the Campaign Turn, you and your commander fight A General may also lead this own forces in Firestorm, ‘atles using the sree eps of the Batsle Phase: participating in each Campaign Turn as a Commander ORDER THREE - STRATEGIC PHASE During the Strategic Phase both Generals take turms to direct their air asses, reinforce and redeploy their ground forces, and prepare forthe next round of battles + -——_—_— $$. Fee e ea Nae Aireraft Die Roll | — Number of C-47 Skytrain Marko avila Tam @ owe aint Q Iwo Aircraft 3 Qc Aen ‘On TERETE ee ee Afier each Bastle Phase both Generals conduct a Strategic Phase. turn, place them in the appropriate Airerafi Mission Box on she Phe end ofthe this phe ia theend af a Campaign Tarn map. Leave any exces area the Reinforcement Pool In the Sirategic Phase, Generals are sponsible for Conducting TRANSPORT MISSION ASSIGNMENT Air and Airborne Activities, Exploitation, Reinforcement, and Strategic Movement ‘Onceall che battesin the field are completed the Ge his Staff need to plan for the next round of engagements to be fought. To this end, che Allied General allocates his strategic I battle, disrupt German movements, and hold up their reinforcements air and airborne assets to affect the 2 In response, the Germans send their meagre Lufewalfe air assets to either interdict Allied air supplies to their isolated paratroopers oF support German tops counteratacking against the Allies. Beyond this, each General will exploit ‘weaknesses in the enemy's defencs, bring up reinforcements, and redeploy thie troops for the upcoming bacls. “Assigning the proper air mission for your aircraft i crucial in keeping your reinforcements, supplies, and airborne troops 1. AIR ALLOCATION ‘operating effectively behind the front lines. ‘There are four actions in the Ait Allocation Step. de Bop + Allied Aircraft Avalabilicy Air drop missions deliver airborne troops co empty Landing + Transport Mission Assignmenc CRU eau ou aliiciae + Tactical Air Mission Assignment + Aircraft Mission Resolution ALLIED AIRCRAFT AVAILABILITY An Air Drop cannot be made Weather, aircraft maintenance, and attrition from German IBY DLT anti-aircraft fire all had a direce effece upon the number of ia eee eaten ad aircraft available eo suppore daily operations. To determine the number of Allied C-47 Skytrain Markers aoailable for this Turm roll the Aircraft Die and consult the Allied Aircraft Availabilty Table The Allies also have one Typhoon Firestorm Troop. Ifthe Allies do not need all of the C-47 Skytrain Markers available, they ‘may swap two C-47 Skytrain Marker fr up to one additional ‘Tiphoon aireaf for that turn only ‘eae aes een mens The Germans have one FW190 Firestorm Troop. 4. MAKE STRATEGIC MOVES oving forces before your next offensive or defensive MARCH MOVEMENT For movements over short distances troops can march off = provides you with the flexibility co meet both known nown threats. Both armies use the local road. < co bring theie units to the front. eral mates Strategie Moves first, followed by the General, gic Movement step @ General moves any or all of corm Troops from areas thas they consrol to other areas consol. Troops cannot make a strategic move into an ust been occupied by an Exploitation Move. may use two types of strategic movement: Road nat and March Movement. rrategic moves have been made remove any Battle sows that were wsed t0 show Exploitation Moves can not make Strategic Moves, ROAD MOVEMENT critical ro operations in Holland. Elevated roads ove the polder and road bridges over the numerous rivers canals channelled all strategic movement onto the few roads vm Troop thas is both In Supply ve page 26) and isin rea containing @ road can use Road Movement follewed by al Movement muss follow areas connected by road. A | Frnzorm Troop sting Road Movement can move through any ; ef friendlyrcontroled areas containing a road, as long follow the road and end their movement in an arca aor certain prea ita Serta eres Sa) Besa reser nvr their own ewo feet. Marching this way, a unic can redeploy quickly through any type of terrain, Any Firestorm Troop who has not moved by Exploitation can use “March Movement to move into any adjacent friendly concrolled ‘area whether hey are In Supply not You cannot make a March Movement followed by a Road Movement, J See ory en eee pee Senet nr er Perera errr 5. TOTAL YOUR VICTORY POINTS The ase ching to do in the Strategic Phase is to total your ‘Campaign Victory Points. While Victory Points for holding. ‘Objectives are not awarded until the end of the campaign, ic is useful o know how well you are doing as the campaign progeesses, Both Generals now eotal the Campaign Vietory Points chat they have earned from capsuring and holding objective arcas and surrounding and capturing enemy Firestorm Troops Capturing Objectives Maintaining possession of the bridges is critical to winning the campaign, These are the routes needed to enter the Reich and end the war by Christmas, You are awarded the number of Campaign Victory Points howita ‘on che Campaign Vietory Poine table for each objective area that you hold at the end ofthe Campaign. Bridges and towns are af limited value sf they are cut off and unsupplied. Asa result, you only receive half of the Campatga Victory Point for an area that is Out Of Supply Gee page 26) Airborne Supply Markers cannot supply Objectives for awarding Victory Prints at she end of the Campaign. Supply mat be raced from an Allied Sapp Depot q You can asign C47 Skytrain Marker 9 an Air Drop mission By pacing isin an unccupied (no German or Aled Firestorm borne Supply Markers) friendly or enemy-controled Glider Infantry Firestorm Troop fiom the Allied Reserve or Iuterdiction Reinforcement Pool. Inendition targets enemy troops formations acempting ta sratrooper Firestorm Troops may be Air Dropped om cither reinforce the font lines xg Zoe or Drop Zones. Glider Infantry Firestorm Troops The Allied player maty attempt to interdics German Reinforce only be Air Dropped on a Landing Zone sments and Resere by placing a Typhoon Frstorm Trop on a roca | 3 German Supply Depo. em) ee rear an SS Saar e Petey Pr ab a ’ BE Drea Zoic Perens ee oem poeta or Reinforcements bein ponies m The German player crus tht Tica ir Misions fer he Allis. The German player may attempt to inerdict one lied Resupply mixin by placing the FWI90 Firestorm Troop in Air Resupply Landing Zone, Diop Zone or Airfield with a C-47 Skytrain resupply adds addicional supplies to your fighting units Marker asigned 10. @ Rewpply Mision. Air Drop misions ind enemy line eee dial ou can assign C-47 Skytrain Marker to an Air Resupply ion by placing it in a friendly-contrlled Landing Zone, Drop Zone or Airfield without an accompanying Paratrooper or | Glider Infinery Fiertoron Troop | (Eisai attempe to interdict the Na cereas! at DZ-T, but may not | Daring osch Satie Tum, you may only conduc ne Air Tt E Resupply mision on each Landing Zone, Drop Zone or Prieta Air Drop mission on ing Zones and Drop Zones that are tn Supply through road connection 10 a Supply Depot cannot be the target of borne Resupply misions ra erry pat (Close Air Support targets enemy troops in contact with your = The Allied player places any remaining Typhoon Firestorm Troops in any area they control. Ifthe German player is nor attempting tan Interdiction, shey then place sheir FW190 Firexorm Troop in any area they consol. These will fight as Firestorm Troops in the next turns battles, PT arr eetn ere ee omnes a >a AIRCRAFT MISSION RESOLUTION ‘Once all aircraft have been assigned their missions, resolve the effects of Interdiction, Air Drop and Air Resupply Interdiction TInterdiction could successfully prohibit the reinforcement of front line troops by reserves. Each player rolls adie to resolve an Allied dnterdicton mission: + Uf the Allied players swore i at lea equal r0 the German Player score, shat Supply Depot is unaoailable unsil the ol lowing Campaign Tarn. Any Reserves or Reinforcements that would be placed in that Supply Depor are returned t0 ther Reserve or Reinforcement Pool. Areas cannot be supplied by this Supply Depot, so any area that isnot supplied from another Supply Depor that is not interdicted, is Out of Supply. Leave the Typhoon Firestorm Troap an the German Supply Depot until the next Strategic Phase to indicate a succesful Interdiction Ifthe German players score is higher than the Allied Player’ score then the iaterdiction failed and there is no efit on the German Supply Depot. Return the Typhoon Firestorm Troop 10 the Allied Reinforcement Pool Wve BRIDGE Ce eer higher than or equal to the German player er Pees Ak ‘xe Preece) for — Each player ralla die to resolve a Germans Interdiction mison: + Ifthe German playerssore sat oat equal tothe Allied Player score, they have succesfully iendited thar Resupply Mission ‘and the C-47 Skytrain Marker is resurned ta the Air Mission Box without dropping any Airborne Supply Marker, + Ifthe Allied players score is higher than the German Player score then the Interdiction file and there is no effet on the Resupply Mision In either case the FW190 Firestorm Troop is returned 10 the German Reinforcement Pool, eee age pears the Allied C-47 Skytrain Marker the Air Mission Acs cert eer aes wae er If the Allied Player rolls Ae ence be Cees G : Phe CUm aren coy Air Drops Air drops provide airborne reinforcement to the troops on the ground along with the supplies they will need ro fight. Place two Airborne Supply Markers in the Landing Zone or Drop Zone area with the Paratrooper or Glider Infant Firestorm Troop. Once this is done, return the C-A7 Skytrain Marker t0 the Allied Reinfsrcement Poo. Air Resupply Air Resupply allows your aitborne army to keep fighting even when surrounded. ‘To resolve a Resupply Mision, the Allied player vole ce Airenaf Die and consults the Air Resupply Table. Place the number of Airborne Supply Markers as indicated in the Air Resupply Table ‘on the Landing Zone, Drop Zone or Airfield that you wish to resupply and return the C-47 Skytrain Marker to the Allied Reinforcement Po Loi, Wes ca Seer ores sea » they place spobring Firestorm Troops The German player wins a bare against an Allied Supply ‘Mose unies that are mauled in combat are pulled out of Depot, sey do not advance thir victorious trogps into the aes the line and rebuile before being thrown back into the fay. Ieyemains in Aled control, bu the German player dos get 10 Beesptured and totally destroyed i loses a bac While Firesorm Troops thas are Destroyed as a real of par- tiipating in a battle are placed back in the corsponding B Reinforcement Pool, thse that are Captured because they vere unable to retreat are removed from the game instead (ce Have each General count up their total Victory Poin from ‘Page 30). Freaorm Troops shat are Captured in his way ear capeured bridges and iretorm Toop, and sce attack the enemy Campaign Victory Poines as shown on the Campaign Allied Supply Depots. They then place their individual Vietory Vietory Points table Poine Indicator on the appropriate total atthe bata ede of the Campaign Map Once you have worked out your victory points, all thar remains to do is update the campaign map. Attacking Allied Supply Depots “There are simply too many Allied divisions arriving through The last ching todo isto move the Campaign Turn marker to the Allied supply depots for the Germans co ever capture the next Campaign Turn them. However, a successful attack on one will throw the Allied plans into disorder. — pt Ae SAMPLE VICTORY POINT SITUATION AT THE END OF TURN 3 At just over half way through the game the German forces appeat to be holding the advantage, keeping the Alles at bay However, the Allied forces are ina good position to start launching their inal assault in the ast 2 turns, ALLIED VICTORY POINTS GERMAN VICTORY POINTS Area Name In Supply Amhem Bridge jimegen Bridge Veghel Bridge Tjessel Bridge Wilhelmina Canal Bridge Usrecht Son Bridge Gelderland Bridge Bindhoven Maas-Waal Canal Bridge Tilburg Bridge Grave Bridge ‘Turnout Road Zalehommel Bridges Albert Canal Boxmeer Bridge ‘Maas Bri ‘S'Hereogenbosch RIRIRINIRIRIRIRIRIR Helmond Bridge Viughe Bridge ‘Total Victory Points for Objectives Captured Firestorm Troops 1 Capeured Panther RIRRIRIRIRIRIRIR ID Total Victory Points for Objectives Captured Firestorm Troops and Attacks on Allied Supply Depots 1 Capeured Paratrooper 1 Captured Security Troop 1 Successful Arack on Allied Supply Depot Hlowever when aunt is cutoff and surrounded, ic will ke Campaign Vitry Points for thei suc each ENDING THE CAMPAIGN TURN : ee FN Sts ame ad 2. MAKE EXPLOITATION MOVES ee | Namie of got ned dea vere ele A ls: woe a seer e sem Merle would immediately exploit this hole in the enemy defer ) Pee pushing their lead troops inco the gap. | d duce by she MOUNTAIN INFANTRY The Allies had planned to eapeure a German airfield ‘ airland the mountain infantry of the British 52 Coens At the beginning of their Seratogic Phase, if the Allies ‘ Bm Ne ae et not mate, wcuer they do emma ts 1. ROLL FOR INITIATIVE he campaign progresses both sides struggle to seize the ative o strike a Blow before the enemy can react. players roll a die to decide who has the Initiative. The Bplay with the highest voll wins the Initiative. Ifthe rll sa sie Dobe che Allied playey wins he Initiasve “During she fist suen ofthe campaign, all Allied Commanders Speceive a + to their die vols for determining the Initiative WF Commander declines to pick a battle after gaining riative they then forfeit the Initiative and the other smander gers to pick where the batele occur b> CV as ‘Tommy and Friez roll off for Initiative. Both Tommy eee eee en ee es — 13 CNN 8 Tommy, the Allied player, rolls one die and scores a 5. Friv, the German player scores a 2. ‘Totalling the die een rolls gives five, so they consult theta Cee ea ee ere et Number Of Battles track ee eres Tommy and Priv een nt eres 2. MAKE YOUR PLAN You need a strategy to guide your actions in the campaign. ‘This strategy is all about taking enemy-held bridges and hholding the ones you already have. These objectives bring victory points ro your army. Think aboue using flanking & manoeuvres, counter-atacks, cutting enemy supply lines and encircling enemy troops to secure victory. Spend a moment studying the map and mabe a plan before each sun’ battles begin A simple but creative srategy it your first step to victory. Use the Strategy guide in the Generale ection 10 help you devise @ strategy for she Generals Game 1 i : ~@ 2. PLACE A BATTLE ARROW ‘Afier you win initiative, mark the areas on the Fivetorm map) where you will ight over using a Battle Arrow The player who wins the Initiative elects an area to atack fom, sand an area that the enemy control, t0 attack int, Place a Battle Arrow pointing from your area into the enemy area you are attacking You cannot place your Basle Arrow between two areas hat aril separated by an lnpassable Border ow may place your Bate Arrow so that you are aracking ome of a Supply Depot, bus only the German Player may attack into «Supply Depo. Supply Deposs can never be captured. There i no ned to Retr Defeated Troops (see page 31) ou of them, and she enemy canna Advance Victorious Tvops (ee page 31) io thers, However th German player gains 10 Campaign Victory Points if they win ial battle with an Alliod Supply Depot 4 | 1. DETERMINE NUMBER OF BATTLES P+ Each player ros one die. + Look up the cotal on che Number of Bartles Table. Ts ele Ue Total Score for both Dice | Number of Battles : ; Bord Worll Each player ralls one dc, Allied player adds +1 in the first tuen Highest roll has Initiative (Allies win ties) 2. PLACE A BATTLE ARROW Player with Initiative places a Bartle Arrow. Point arrow from attacking area to defending arca, CHOOSE FIRESTORM TROOPS Each player commits up to 1wo Firestorm Troops, Place Fitestorm Troops on Battle Arrow. Allied Armoured Troops can be up to three areas away. CHECK FOR SUPPLY ‘Trace a oad from a Supply Depot, ot Remove an Airborne Supply marker to Draw Supply. RESOLVE THE BATTLE Bach player rolls two dice. Add Firestorm Troop Bonuses, Add Situation Modifiers Higher score wins ROLL TO DESTROY Look up difference on Roll to Destroy Table Players rll to Destroy committed Fitestorm Tioops Place Destroyed troops in Reinforcement Pool. 7. RETREAT DEFEATED TROOPS + Move all Firestorm Troops our of defeated area, 1, ROLL FOR INITIATIVE eee eee tet te aaa VIER TINT QUICK PLAY REFERENCE ORDER ONE F PN dee 8. ADVANCE VICTORIOUS TROOPS + Place or remove Control Marker on defeated arca + Move troops off Battle Arrow into defeated ate + Move troops from adjacent areas into defeated area + Only three Firestorm Troops can advance in total. ORDER THREE STRATEGIC PHASE 1. AIR ALLOCATION PHASE + Roll on Allied Aivcrafe Availability Table, ‘+ Assign C-47 Skycrin Markers to Air Drop or Air Resupph + Assign Typhoon and FWI90 Firestorm Troops Interdiction or Close Air Support missions. + Roll for Incerdition missions ALLIED AIRCRAFT AVAILABILITY TABLE a Ta Aircraft Available this Turn eens] a + Roll on the Air Resupply Table for Air Resupply mission *+ Place troops and Airborne Supply Matkers for Air Drops USSU a aes 2. MAKE EXPLOITATION MOVES + Move Firestorm Troops into unoccupied enemy areas. 3. BRING IN REINFORCEMENTS + Place Allied Reinforcements in Supply Depots. + Roll Supply Deport for each German Reinforcement *+ Roll dy to place German Reserves in Supply Depot + German Reserves automatically arrive on second turn, 4. MAKE STRATEGIC MOVES Move In Supply troops along friendly roads ‘Move any troops into adjacent friendly area 5. TOTAL YOUR VICTORY POINTS Objectives Captured Firestorm Troops Auacks into Allied Supply Depots. F ‘The powerful combat forces under your command are rep- resented by Firestorm oops. Committing these troops to a | battle increases the chances of success considerably "Each player may commis up to rwo Firestorm Troops from the Jarea you are fighting in. Place cher Firestorm Troops i the holes in the Battle Arrows, You do not need to have Firestorm Troops t attack, Not having E Firestorm Troops simply means that you will not gain any F bonases for the batele ALLIED ARMOURED TROOPS Allied armoured woopsace ready to raceup the Ducch roads co support an attack in a key area, or occupy captured ground. Allied Sherman or Secon Firesorm Troops are Allied Armoured Firestorm Troops Ifyou have won the Initiative and are In Supply (ce page 26), F jou cam commit an Allied Armoured Finesorm Troop from another In ply area thai within thre arcs ofthe area you sare attacking into own by the pain of the Batle Arrow). The trea containing the Aled Armoured Firstorm Troop mast be connected t0 the area you are attacking by continues friendly. eld road. Simply move the Allied Armoured Fivezorm Toop or Tops into the area you are atacking frown and place it in ‘oe ofthe bles onthe Bale Arron Allied Armoured Firesorm Troops from an In Supply area that is within three areas of an area you are Advancing Victorious Troops into (vee page 31) may advance into the captured area as if they were adjacent to it. The area containing the Allied Bp Armoured Firestorm Troop must be connected to the area you captured by continuous frendly-held roads, GERMAN VARIABLE FIRESTORM TROOPS |The German Kénigstiges 8.8em Gun, and Secusty Firestorm F Troops represent che variable mix of unies that wore called D upon ro suppor che Geeman defence effort during Operation Marke [When you select a Kanigsiger 8.8em gun, or Security Frstorm F Troop to place on a Bale Arrow to participate n a bate, roll adic and consult the appropriate tle below to determine the E970 of Firearm Troop platoon for that bate GERMAN VARIABLE FIRESTORM TROOP TABLE RIDGES AND AIRFIELDS — Due o Allie air superiority the Germans placed antiaircraft gus in defence of bridges and arf throoghout Holland. Once a bridge was secured the Allies would Immedlac defen iby placing thet omm ane ser guns to prec An area containing a Bridge or Aifeld but no Fresorm Troops | 4s Defended by Anti-aircraft Guns, The defnding commande ‘has a Situation Modifier ofa +1 to thei die roll (ee page 50) if attacked in an area thas is Defended by Anti-aireraft Guns, 4. CHECK FOR SUPPLY ; Keeping your troops in supply is crtical for sustained oper tions whether they are attacking or defending. Supply Depots Afier placing the Basile Arrow and selecting the. Firesorm Troops, both players must check the supply status of the force shat will fight in the upcoming bale. For the Allies, the VIII, XI and XXX Corps Supply Depos are always In Supply. For the Germans, the Rostendam, Amsterdam, Apeldorn, Wes Kleve, and Rulbr Supply Depots ave always In Supply. In Supply “Any area containing a rad connected ta friendly Supply Depot bya continuows road under your comrol is alo In Supply. The | road route can be as long ad crcitons as necessary, just as lore «the road is connected throughout the whole route Areas thas are adjacent +0 areas supplied ty road are ako In Supply unless the border berween she arcas it Impasable, Out of Supply Allocherarcas ave Out of Supply. Being Ou: of Supply wil i dou ire pena fr any bale fug with em from that aret. Airborne Supply Airborne forces cs use their Airborne Supply Markers insta af normal road-based suppl See page 39 for desu EFFECTS OF OUT OF SUPPLY Being out of supply haa debating fect upon surrounded | ctoop although they ma il ight tothe death hit omar capability is diminished. your die roll for te battle asa Situation Modifer (ve page 50, When you are Out of Supply your force incurs a -2 penalsy ro | SiG 38m Gan Secnty SiuG 380m Gan = Flammpanzer 8.8cm Gun Security : Tiger Sm Gan Security Wainer Sed 35 afiery Kénigstiger $5 Infancry, 5. RESOLVE THE BATTLE Ber erie ohainiog dex seongat Bre cop etine sae eat vice i oe eshll a cree ican dd ey eer ieee ae | Bren Ber wlsimarely decide a battle, Gan. Rolling on the German Variable Firestorm ee eam) Troop Table, she 8.8em Gun surns out to bea StaC red adds the Fistorm Troop Bonsses forthe Firetorm Troops AAA aT we she commited and any applicable Situation Moditon jor Aa da geo Se Faeroe ML eles eoia the battle and holds onto Eindhoven. The higher roll wins the batee.A re with both players rolling she score results ima drawo in which case neither sde advances FIRESTORM TROOP BONUSES Firescorm Troop placed ona Battle Arrovrandcommitted fa battle gives 2 bonus to your die roll. Committing the ‘oops in the right terrain is important as this homus nds on the type of Firestorm Troops committed and the in in the area where the batle is being Fought, ithe Firestorm Troop Bonuses Table 10 determine your bonus sch Firestorm Tivop placed on the Battle Aron Cross ence the serain where the Batle Arvo is pointing with German Einstorm Troop Tipe find the bonus foreach Firestorm Toop Sa ne mmined. If twa Firezorm Troops are commited add the = 8 Fallechienyjiger onus for bth your die rll FE can attack withous the Benefit of any Firestorm Troops. OF ‘if you do, you receive no bonuses, bus can sll capture the area and advance Firestorm Troops fiom adjacent areas into FIRESTORM TROOP BONUS TABLE Firestorm Troop Type Knigaiger, Tiger & Jagdpanther Sherman, Panther, Panzer 8 StuG Flammpanzer Half-eack & Sexton Paratrooper & Fallschitmjiger Glider, Mountain & SS Tnfantry GERMAN VARIABLE FIRESTORM TROOP TABLE StuG 8.8em Gun Security SuG 8.8m Gun Secutity Flammpanzer 8.8m Gun Security ‘Tiger 8.8em Gun Security Kenigniger StuG SS Infantry Kénigatiger Jagdpanther SS Infantry FIRESTORM TROOP BONUS TABLE Firestorm Troop Type E Konigatigen Tiger & Jgdpancher | Sherman, Panther, Panzer & StuG ae = = [rnin | a Fwi90 Airborne Supply Marker EWU Defending player is Defended by Anti-aircraft Guns (see page 48) Allied player using Parachute Ardllery Support (see page 27) Any player fighting while Out Of Supply (see page 26) cet ee SO MrUad toll Difference ‘Score Needed to Destroy Losing | Score Needed to Destroy Winning Ws Firestorm Troops Firestorm Troops 0 (Draw) 6 Lor2 6 Bord Sor more UATION MODIFIERS. There are three separate situations thar can affect battle results: fighting in or adjacent to Drop Zone, Landing Zone tr airfield fighting ina area containing a bridge, and fighting hile out of supply. The Siuation Modifier table shows the die roll modifier for fighting ina particular situation, SITUATION MODIFIERS TABLE Defending player is Defended by Ant-aircra Guns (se page 48) Add all relevanssisuasion modifiers to your die rollin addition 10.any Fivesorm Troop Bonuses you have added. Allied player using Parachute Artillery Support (sce page 27) Any player fighting while Oue Of Supply (sce page 26) 6. ROLL TO DESTROY Committing troops to battle i essential co vietory, but always ‘comes with the risk of having them destroyed should things go wrong. Unless your victory is complete, there is a chance thar che enemy will maul yout traops so badly that they need to be withdrawn from the front and rebuile Subenact she losing players modified die roll score from the winning player modified die roll score and look up the difference in the Roll 0 Detrny Table below to find the score needed 10 destroy a Fietorm Troop. ROLL TO DESTROY TABLE Die Roll Difference Score Needed to Destray Losing Firestorm Troops For each Firestorm Troop used in the batle the opposing play rolls adie + Ifthe score equals or exceeds the sore needed to deo th Firesorm Trop, place it in the appropriate Reinforceme Pool + Otherwise, the Firetorm Troup is unharmed. Finstorm Troops that were initially in Reserve ar sil placed in ‘the Reinforcement Pol when Destrayed like anyother Freor Toop. Score Needed to Destroy Winning Firestorm Troops 0 (Draw) Lor2 Bord 5 or more eae ee ae eee ee cai 7. RETREAT DEFEATED TROOPS ‘When you have been defeated in barrle you must surrender the battlefield co your opponent. In order to save your force | Som utter destruction retreat is your only recourse. your opponent’ modified score is greater than yours, then you ave been defeated and must retreat. After rolling destruction, remaining Firestorm Troops in the area must be retreated to ny adjacent area of your choice that is under your control cher are no adjacent fiendy-controlled areas to retreat into all ofthe Firestorm Troop in the area including any shat Ud normally be Destroyed are Captured and permanently ed fom the campaign earning dhe victorious Player extrt mnpaign Viuory Points. ee ee ee ae IF the di roll o resolve a battle ORDER THREE Boe a ree ce ea er ee ee supply is still expended and all Firestorm Troops who participated in the battle still risk Destruction, Wee a ES Once all of the battles have been resolved in the Battle Phase, the players move to the Strategic Phase. Here they will allocate air resources, reinforce and redeploy their ground forces and get ready for the next Campaign Turn. The Generals ame Serategic Phase is conducted the same as it would be in a Campaign game. 8. ADVANCE ICTORIOUS TROOPS Upon vanquishing your foe you have gained control of his + position. To claim your prize march yout forces forward and. take control ofthe battlefield, Uf you defeaied your opponent, you now control the area the: efeated forces retreated fom. Place or remove a Control marker om your new area to show shat you now control it As the victorious Player, you may move up 10 three Firestorm Troops into the newly-concrolled area from adjacent areas. Therm first troops to move into che newly-acquired arca must be any surviving Firestorm Troops thas you committed wo your battle Once these eroops have advanced, you may select the remaining Firestorm Troops to advance from any adjacent are may move up to three Firestorm ee ern eae — 1. AIR ALLOCATION ‘mining the numberof aireraft available for the Strategic and assigning them individual missions isthe first pare he Air Allocation Step, re four actions in the Air Allocation Step Allied Aircrafe Availabilty “Transport Mission Assignment Tactical Ai Mission Assignment Aircraft Mission Resolution she rules on pages 38 to 41 10 make your Air Allocations "2. MAKE EXPLOITATION MOVES. ng the confusion of battle, armies sometimes found where cere were 10 afedrs An alert commander Fouts iecitly exo thiol nthe enemy defect aE oS, 1 rules om page 41 10 make Exploitation Moves ; ne CAMPAIGN OUTCOME } od of the last turn, both players total their victory s and consult page 45 to determine the campaign's a Sin - oie 3. BRING IN RESERVES AND REINFORCEMENTS Bringing in addicional Forces to asise those in battle together with refitting those that have been mauled in combat, can tip the scales in any General favour. = ia Use the rules on page £2 10 bring in Reserves and Reinforcements: 4. MAKE STRATEGIC MOVES As the battle develops, a general redeploys their combat troops co create concentrations of strength for the next big push orto block the enemy’s nexe chrust. Use the rules on page 43 10 make Strategic Moves, 5. TOTAL YOUR VICTORY POINTS ‘Keeping track of the victory points held by each side at the ‘end of each tum helps players plan their strategy for vietory Use the rules on pages 43 and 44 to calculate your Victor Point. ———__-— The possibilities ange froma draw to an ouescanding strategic victory that will change che whole course of che war ‘The Firestorm—Marker Garden campaign has two separate scenarios that are both five-turn campaigns beginning on 17 September 1944, at your local gaming ‘campaign to meet your local gamer: needed 1. CHOOSE THE CAMPAIGN SCENARIO. 2. ORGANISE THE VENUE 3. ARRANGE GAMING DAYS 4, PROMOTE THE CAMPAIGN 5. PREPARE THE MAP AND TERRAIN 6. SET UP THE CAMPAIGN 1 7, RUN THE CAMPAIGN } 8. CELEBRATE THE END OF THE CAMPAIGN You've decided to organive a Firestorm —Market Garden campaign. Where do you begin? While alot of planning gues into running 4 campaign, Firestorm—Market Garden i fast-moving and exciting to play in, making ita rewarding experience for both the ‘players and organiser Heres a short guide oo assist you in bosting am action-packed campaign! 1. CHOOSE THE CAMPAIGN SCENARIO Choose cither the Campaign Scenario or the Marker Garden Scenario on page 1) as the starting poine for your campaign, ORGANISE THE VENUE Your Ficestorm—Market Garden campaign can be run in many fin and challenging ways. You and your friends can play Firestorm: ire ov club. A weekend tournament type campaign can be run using a historically themed setting. You can ‘even play the fan two-player version of the campaign with a fiend at home. Firestorm—Market Garden allows you fo tailor your ae ——+ LOCAL STORE Generating a Firesorm—Market Garden campaign in the Focal gaming store brings all your players in atthe same time generating excitement and fun for your entire Flames OF War community. It also builds more interest from potential new players as people enter the store and sce the map in all ofits glory, with its miniacure tanks, vehicles, and battle arrows, Their interest will be piqued and the enthusiasm of your existing players will draw them into the game. This is 4 perfect opportunity to introduce new players to Flames Of War through the Firestorm—Market Garden campaign! GAMING CLUBS Another way to play the campaign is through your local gaming club. A campaign provides a good focus for the club tsa good way to bring the club cogether and gec them playing Flames Of War. eal, you should have a place co set Up your map and leave ic up forthe duration ofthe campaign, bur if necessary you can set ic up for each club meeting, + SMALL GROUP CAMPAIGN If you dont have access to a store of a club, you can play a small group campaign with a few friends, You can either spread che campaign out over a longer time so that you can fight lots of battles each turn, oF you can just play the really exciting battles and use The General’s Wargame (see page 46) (o resolve the rest of the battles, FIRESTORM TOURNAMENT A truly exciting way to play Firestorm—Market Garden is co run a themed tournament. Treat each gaming session within che tournament as a Campaign Turn, Celebrate the best general and the most historic army while deciding che fate of Holland. With your venue sorted our, the next step isto arrange times to play. While you could just tell ll ofthe players o play games our campaign will run much more smoothly if you organise things a lite. — CAMPAIGN TURNS ‘most important consideration when planning your J F is how long your campaign turns will be. The ion is: how many days of gaming will you allow between strategic phase? f : F Each campaign curn has ehree phases: the Planning Phase, | she Bartle Phase, and the Strategic Phase. In the Planning, hase the Generals in charge of exch side plan the turn Dnce they have their plans, all of the players play Flames OF War games in the Battle Phase. At the end of the turn the Generals redeploy their forces in the Strategic Phase, While the Generals are needed at the stare and end of the snpsign turn, the bulk ofthe turn is made up of the gaming n the Bartle Phase. CAMPAIGN TURN LENGTH ou can play a campaign turn in afew houss ina tournament cing, in a week at a store, or even across a whole month ween you and a friend, ; How much gaming you want in each campaign turn will drive your choice of curn lengeh. While lots of gaming is requiring a long turn, the other consideration is wv long your players will maincain their interest in the enpaign, A shorter campaign curn will mean thas the campaign will be hore and sharp, maintaining players interest, bu ie requires mour players to be very active in playing games, A longer | campaign gives your players more time to play games, but, requires more work to keep their interest up aver a longer time period. 7 > STORE CAMPAIGNS in our experience, playing one campaign tun per week works well for a store, This allows the store co set aside a couple of days each week for playing campaign games, while ng playets plenty of freedom to choose their own times ‘0 play THE MORE GAMES THE BETTER! Sa eee eae ees ‘tm, the more fluid and exciting your campai Playing lots of games keep ere tener reer ees cee er ~ eae campaign will ake five weeks, allowing the store to realy push icabouca month, and then be finished. Ifyour players wane more at the end of the campaign, you can stare another Club Campaigns CLUB CAMPAIGNS ‘One campaign cur per week also works well for an active gaming club, While most clubs only play once or twice a week, if all of the players get stuck in and play a game or ‘two each meeting, a club will pay plenty of games in those a4 lca Smaller clubs might want to run the campaign by spreading, ‘each turm over two weeks. The campaiga will still only take a gi litle over two months, but now players have twice as many ail sessions to play games in. SMALL GROUP CAMPAIGNS Ifyou are playing with a small group of friends, the most portant consideration is how long do you wane the campaign to run? Have you got a month, two, three, six months, or ‘even a whale year! Ics entirely up to you, just dont gee too ambitious in your first campaign, Once you know how long you want the campaign to run, you can divide that into campaign turns. Ifyou get plenty of ‘guming in each turn, chats great, IF you don't have time play enough games, you can finish off the Bartle Phase using ‘the General's Wargame on page 46, SETTING ASIDE GAMING DAYS Iisa good idea to set aside dedicated days at your store or club as Flames Of War days. This helps players schedule their game and ensures that they can get a table when they need BATTLEFRONT'S CAMPAIGN ‘When we played our Firestorm —Markee Garden campaign 4 wwe had fourteen players playing the five turn campaign. We | settled on a week-long turn and met once or twice a week, averaging about six to ten games a week. We suggest that your Campaign Tuens allow a minimum of six games each turn, although two, three times this number is even better. It cannot be stressed cote ee ee a eee eters eed Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Game Night | Game Night Game Night | Game Night Game Night Toral War Game Nighe Toral Wie Game Night 4. Ove YOUR CAMPAIGN ‘in the campaign and recruit players now what iit and where t0 play! = + SIGN-UP SHEETS One effective and simple way to get the message out about the campaign is to pur the sign-up sheet from the Handbook: for players to sce as they visit your store or go to your club meeting, Players ask questions when they see a sign-up sheet [hich is a great time to introduce them to che campaign! Have your players put down their names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and their army's nationality. Inchude any information chat will make it easy t0 contact people and keep them updaced on the campaign. HAND-OUTS Hand-outs are another great way t0 get the word out shout your campaign! Feel free to borrow some of the text fon page 14 to explain what Firestorm—Market Garden is and how it works or look on our website for « handout co download. Be sure to include che times and location that the event is being run so people know where to he when ie starts! Mention co players what they need to bring, such as theic armies! An excellent promotional tool is to put your handouts with the sign-up sheet so people read what's going on and chen sign-up! NEWSLETTER If you are really feeling ambitious, organise a. campaign newsletter (o keep your players updated wich all the latest news during your Frestorm—Market Garden campaign! Get creative with making ic look like a newspaper article or a military intelligence briefing, Then e-mail it ro your players fr have copies next to your handouts and sign-up sheet. FA lide core vo ep players informed on wha s happening keeps them coming back for the next round! THE INTERNET “The Internet can be very useful to help coordinate club events. If your club has ies own website and forum, use that ro get the word out about Firestorm —Marker Ganden, Dedicate a portion of your website to the campaign so players can keep track of che latest buzz and also fling some smack talk ro oa If you dont have your own website to, our forum ae wu HlamesOfWar-com has a section where you can discuss Se, how do you get your commanders out ofthe officers’ mess and anto the baslfield? The organizer’ next duty sto generate interes Egain, the more gamer that are played the better the campaign. To do this, youll need lots of enthusiastic player. Hieving a good leampaign promotion plan is therefore esensal as you organise your event, No ane will be excited to play che campaign if they don ee your campaign. SPECIAL EVENTS Another way to keep interes isto hold.a special event oF ow) during the campaign. For example, host a grand battle ae the beginning t0 kick off the event. Have all the players brin their armies and puc rogecher a large butle. Players will enjoy themselves, but you will also get people watching the gam who donit play, This is the perfect opportunity to involv them in your campaign! Fed fice to host multiple events throughout the campaign. For example, you asthe organiser can declare that the bis at Nijmegen will be fought as a mega battle or perhaps as a big 6000-poine game! Any cime you see an opportunity to whip up some excitement and new players, jump on it) RECRUITING DURING THE CAMPAIGN Also use the campaign t0 recruit more players! There is no reason thatsomeone cant join the campaign halfway through, Nor are players obligated ro play the entite campaign, star to finish. Some players may only be able to play ome gam. in the campaign. You should never restrice your players by forcing them inco playing every campaign tuen, Let them enjoy themselves and they'll have a great time! PROMOTION CHECKLIST Lerting people know abour your campaign is the key eee et ke eee teen a ee ae mee eee Ca 7 ee — — 5. PREPARE THE MAP AND TERRAIN point, you need 1 get everything ready for your campaign. There area few things shat need 10 be dene before you kick off he zmpaign. One task is t0 prepare your campaign map to get it ready for the wear and tear it will fae during your Firestorm —Market & Garden campaign. Another task isto organise some belp to make some really good terrain for your battlfeld 7 ibe PROTECT YOUR MAP Ir is important to protect your map ftom collateral damage! ere are several ways to make sure your map will survive to in another day. You could simply place a sturdy piece ff transparent plastic or glass over the map. This will keep it safe while you slog through the wet Dutch countayside! Another option is to use clear contact paper to cover your ip. While this protects the board well, rake care to apply the paper carefully co avoid wrinkles! MAGNETISE YOUR BOARD. Tf you do not have the space to lay your map ou on a table for the whole campaign, you could magnetise it and stick ie on a wall ‘We have found che following method works well. Get @ picture frame chat fits the cimpaign map and a sheer of tin ur to the same size. Remove the glass from the piceure frame, ‘You will not need it, Place the map in the frame facing ou, “Then, drop the sheet of tn directly behind it. Replace the frame's backing to hold the whole assembly together. Hang J up and your map is all ready! Youll alo need to magnedse your Fescorm troopsand other markers. Buy the suongest rare-earth magnets you can find and glue them co the back ofeach piece. Rae-carth magnets fre not your normal magnets. They are small and very, very sccong! You can usually get them on the Internet or at stores sac sll art supplies or specialised elecronic pear. DUTCH TERRAIN ecrain sa vital component for fun miniature games. Having ght mix of Duech terrain (uch as forests; pokder, rivers, “raised roads, villages and bridges) will seriously enhance che -expcrience of your players You probably dont want to make I ofthe terrain on your own though. The solution is o hold B errain workshop a a — TERRAIN WORKSHOPS A great way to hold terrain workshop is to host a terrane building evening. There isa fai amoune of planning involved in seting up an evening of terrain-building madness Pur together a task sheet with all the terrain you will need. Assemble a list of supplies you'll need. Put the word out early o your players and have them bring supplies. Tris very | helpful co host the event somewhere that has access ro power tools for any wood-cutting tasks you need to do. ‘When everyone arrives, ask for volunteers to take on specific projects, like roads or forests. Then, fire up the grille chrow fon some hot dogs for the Yanks, Bratwun for the Getmans, and bangers for the Poms, Tutn on some motivating tunes playing (o help the busy workers thrive and soon enough, youl have plenty of terrain! When players contribue 10 building terrain, they often take pride in their hard work hard handling ie gensly when packing and unpacking. BATTLEFIELD IN A BOX Before you rush off and make your ovin teresin, ies a good idea ro havea look a the Bactleftont terrain boxes available. ‘We have all sorts of great boxes for your Fierorm—Manker Garden campaign. 6, SET UP THE CAMPAIGN jou havea plan for your campaign, the promotion materials are out, and the ternain is made. Now ith time to et everything up. et s .P SET-UP he campaign map needs to be displayed for players t0 see forthe duration of the campaign. If possible, leave your map Sis an accesible but safe place so that you can return on the “ollowing game day and continue the epic strugele! "One fun aspect of Firstorm—Markes Garden s the Firestorm oops. These small miniatures represent the additional ss that che Commanders can take with theie Flamer Of War forces ~— — Place the Tarn marker on turn one, the Victory Point mas fon the Vietory Point Indicator track, and consult the A: Bridge to Far and Market Garden Deployment on pages 20 and 21 t0 sec up the Campaign Map. The Berlin or But and For the Fatherland posters cll the) players what cheir Firestorm Troops ate, Pu them up on the wall where everyone can see chem. “AMS AND GENERALS F With che map set up, you now need to organise your teams. “The casiest way to fill each team isto have your players sort Themselves Sorting by what forces they have available is a ood way to start. Ideally, you wane even sides, but i is not PP necessary. Don't worry if you. have Sovier armies playing fon the Allied side. Ic is more important to include all your players than have historical forces

fom the 506, the Glider Rifle Platoon, the Airborne F Anci-tank Platoon, and che Guards Armoured Platoon Reserve. BS The Allied player deploys one Americay, Parattooper } platoon within 12°/30 cm of Objective ne 6. ‘The Allied player deploys the remaining Allied platoons within 12°/30cm of Objective @Y. 7. ‘The German player deploys all his platoons in the German deployment area. BEGINNING THE BATTLE 1. ‘The Allied player begins the game in Prepared Positions. 2. ‘The German player has the fist cum. 3. On his first turn the Allied player automatically receives the Parachute Rifle Ploon,from the 506° as reserves: ai They arrive on the road acl Begin rolling normally 9 for Reserves (with 2 dice) om the second turn, ENDING THE GAME ‘The battle ends on o after tuen six when: 1. the German player holds two objectives at the beginning il of their un, or 2. the Allied player begins a turn withygo Geapan unis within 4°/10em ofthe objectives acon DECIDING WHO WON ‘The German player wins if they hold nwo of more objectives at the end ofthe game, otherwise the Allied player wins, Se i. oN Moan ren AINA British Platoons in your force are Allies and follow the Allies rules on page 183 of the rulebook. 1" Lieutenant Frase P* Platoon, B/SO1* PIR, 101" Airborne 2 Platoon, B/501* PIR, 101" Airborne Machine-gun Platoon B/501* PIR, 101* Airborne 165! Heavy Anti-aircraft Regiment 1534 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery RESERVES 1 Platoon, A/506* PIR, 101* Airborne 1 Platoon, D/327"GIR, 101 Airborne ‘Anci-tank Platoon, 101" Airborne 6° Troop, lish Guards Pease For this scenario, all platoons under command of ‘Oberst Walther 1. Zug, 3. Kompanie, 1/16, Grenadier Regiment, 180. Infancetie Division 2. Zug, 4. Kompanie, IN/21. SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment, 9. $S-Panzerdivision 10. $S-Panzerjiger Abteilung 4, Baer, 9 S-Panzerartllerie Regiment Luftwaffe FlaK Platoon, FlaK Tiupp, 1/18. Fallschirmjger Regiment 1. Kompanie, 107. Panzerbrigade 3. Zug, 1. Kompanie, 2107. Pioniee Abteilung Parachute Rifle Company HQ with Company Commai Carbine team, 2iC Command Carbine team and thr Bazooka teams. Rated: Fearless Veteran. Parachute Rife Platoon with three Rifle Squads and 3 Mortar Squad. Rated: Fearless Veteran. Parachute Rifle Platoon with three Rifle Squads and a Mortar Squad. Rated: Fearless Veteran. Parachute Machine-gun Platoon with one Machine-gan Section and Bazooks teat Rated: Fearless Veteran. Heavy Anti-aircraft Platoon with one Heavy Anti-airerafe Section. Rated: Confident Trained. Field Bartery Royal Arillery with HQ Troop and one Gun ‘Troop of two Gun Sections with an HQ Section. Rated: Confident Trained. PParachuce Rifle Platoon with three squads, Mortar Squad and three 3-ton trucks. Rated: Fearless Veteran. Glider Rife Platoon with three squads, and one bazooka team, Rated: Confident Trained. Airborne Anti-tank Platoon with three Gun Sections with ‘Jeeps. Raced: Fearless Veteran. Guards Armoured Platoon with two Sherman V and ‘vo Sherman Firefly anks. Rated: Confident Veteran. [aA Vaisa8 ‘Oberst Walther are not considered Allied platoons. Fallschiemjager HQ of Company Command SMG team, 2iC Command SMG team and Mortat Section Rated: Fearless Veteran, Walkire Platoon with Command Panzerfaust SMG team and three Walktire Squads. Rated: Confident Trained ‘88-Panzergrenadier Platoon with Command Panzerfaust SMG team and three Panzergrenadier Squads. Rated: Fearless Veteran, 'S-Assault Gun Platoon with four Jagdpanzer TV cank-hunters Rated: Fearless Veteran. SS-Anillery Battery with HQ Section and. four 10.5em leFH18 howitzers, Rated: Fearless Veteran, Luftwaffe Flak Platoon wich Command SMG eeam, one 8.8m FlAK36 gun with extra crew, and two 2em FlaK36 guns. Rated: Reluctant Trained. ‘Two Panzer Platoons, each of thtee Panther tanks. Rated: Reluctant Trained. Gepanzerte Panzerpionier Platoon with Command Panzerfaust SMG team, three Pioneet Squads, and Pioneer Supply truck. Rated: Reluctant Trained. Forces used in this scenario can be found in Hells Highway, the battles fr Eindhoven and Nijmegen, Forsress Europe, and in ghe Sicherumg and Walkire PDF on the Flames Of War website, || KONIGSTIGER (x2) Starting deployments Reserve (Apelor) Reserve (Wesel) VARIABLE MARKER Roll one die and reinforce your company with the appropriate unie shown below One Platoon of either: Roll of 12> or 29 Roll of 3 - Panzer Platoon of three SeuG G assaule guns, Rated 2s Confident Trained. - Flammpanzer Placoon of five Flammwagen B-2(F)flame-tanks. Rated as Confident Trained. ~ Schyvere Panzer Platoon of one Tiger lE tank. Rated as Confident Veteran. ~ Schwere Panzer Platoon of one Kainigstiger (Henschel) tank, Rated as Confident Veteran, Roll of 4 Roll of 5D or 6 foley] A Waa Welly] a 7 Sm Sub gn Fammwagen B-2 “17m Kok33() es lon Kak gon Xnigaiger (Hensch) 8m - Armour Mobily Front Side Top Bgipment and Notes, Range ROP Anti-tank Firepower Fulppacked 7 3 1 Hate, ote, Sede s2%80m 2 n Se Hall monn Full-rickd 6 5 1 CoakMG, Slow tink, Unainbe 26cm 2 6 Gs One rr 410m 3 5+ Fall mownted Fame thrower Fulyiradked 9 8 2 Coax MG, Hull MG, Prowted ammo, Slow tan Wide acs 100 — 2 B a5 Sw mac Fullysracked 15 8 2 Coax MG, Hull MG, Overloaded, Show take a71t00m 2 16 3+ Slow eer PANTHER od) Starting deployment Reserve (Rahs) PANZER PLATOON Reinforce your company ith: ‘One Panzer Placoon (Tice Panther tanks), Raed as: Reluctant Trained, Weapon Keh2 gun Equipment and Notes (Coax MG, Hull MG, Wide acs a) PANZER IV. (xl) Scarzingdeplayment Amhem -V9 Reinforce your company with: One SS-Panzer Platoon | (Thace Pacer IV H ean). | Rated as: Fearless Veteran, Equipment and Notes Coax MG, Hull MG, Poeced Ammo, chien VARIABLE MARKER | Nijmegen - 121, Vaght Bridges -F29, Rol one die and reinforce ‘Aunhem West 89, Reserve (Amsterdam) ‘your company with the appropiate unit howe below svand SMG tam + Sccurity Platoon of one Command SMG team & six Rifle reams. Rated as Reluctant Trained. Grenadier Platoon of one Command SMG team 8 six Rifle/ MG teats Rated as Confident Veteran, ~ $S-Panzetgrenadier Platoon of one Command SMG team & six MG teams. Rated as Fearless Veteran, 16cm 6 Fall ROF when moving. 1640 1640 16 em ‘Starting deployment: VARIABLE MARKER Laykagestel - 48, Turon Bridge - BAS, Roll one diz and info Dearne $45, Reserve (Roterdam), Revere (lew) eu rp a 8.8CM GUN (x5) appropriate unit shown be One Platoon of either: ~ Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon of one Command SMG team and two 8.8cm FlaK36 guns with extra crew. Rated as Reluctant Trained, + Tank-hunter Platoon of three Jagdpancer IV tank- hunters. Rated as Confident Veteran, Heavy Tank-huncer Platoon of wo Jagdpanther tank-huntes, Rated as Confident Veteran Cr Sy een ‘Weapon Mobility Range Antitank Feepower Notes Command SMG sam 0m 1 6 Fall ROP when moving Sem Fk 36 gun Tmobile 40"N100m 2 1B 3e Gun shidd, Heavy abstr Ta P] same Mobility Side ‘Top Byuipmenc and Notes Weapon Range Antizane— Brepower Sagipanaer IV Fully racked Hull MG, Povct Ammo, n 3+ Hull moaned. Fully racked 5 Hull MG. 2 ul mete. HALF-TRACK (x2) Searting deployment Budel-L50 Elst Road -T15 Reinforce your ‘company ith: One SS-Panzergrenadier Platoon ne Command Panzeriuse SMG team, hal eacs) ‘SS-PANZERGRENADIER PLATOON Rated ae Fearless Veteran, enand Panzerfast SMG team Mobility Range Falck 167400 470m 16 40m ROF 1 zi 3 Ani-tank o 2 Firepower Notes 0 6 “ é Hull MG, Pasengr fied AA MCG. Hull mena Full ROF when moving, Penzeriuse Mba wien Or PAZERA ON aa ents Reinforce your a4 sian orca b (One Falbchirniger Paton FALLSCHIRMJAGER (One Command (2) Panera SMG eam, and nine ile MG eas ee aa Valkenewaard Road 168 Rice ‘Weer fond“ Q50 s eS Pana SG i ee Se Ne get ‘ 16 40cm FY , 4 Reinforce you = io i company with: he Sporatic Air Support, a ie A ae USD or FWD Wee | AIRCRAFT (xd) EB) Searting deployment a 3 Reserve (Declen Airfield) ea ea Aire ‘Weapon ‘ Jus Bombs & 5 W190 Cannons ae 7 5 . Bombe it 5 i Reinforce your q company with: a One And-ireraft | Gan Platoon BRIDGE & fone Command SMC team || AIRFIELD Jone son Fak gun an eee two 2em FAK38 gus) All German controlled, Barton) unoccupied Bridge areas Reluctant Trxined. ‘and Airfields Weapon Mobility Range OF Antitank Firepower Note ‘Command SMG cum ane 3 i 6 ll ROR when moving 8 Sem Fak36 gun Tmobile 407/10%0m 2 1 3+ Gun shield, Heavy ance, Turabl 2em FAK38 gun Lighe 1600 4 5 Se Atala, Gon shield, Torta EEK WP Cv neta Eun ire sal ePIC Te 0d SHERMAN (x5) Starting deployment XXX Corps Area sap ps Supply Depot (<2) XII Corps Supply Depot (<2) Name Mobility Weapon Range Fll-cocked 32 780% Puly-rached 32 780em Reinforce your company ithe ‘One Sherman Armoured Platoon (Three Sherman V and ‘one Fitely VC tank) Rated as Confident Veteran. Front Side Top_—-Equipment and Notes ROE Antbtank Firepower “ Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Tow Hoo. 2 10 Senbindiwet fo, Se 6 Coax MG, Tow Hook. 3 Ne HE, Semin ire Sima iis i 43" (WESSEX) DIVISION, 3®° DIVISION, 13™ (SCOTTISH) DIVISION 5.5" GUN 6x3) Starting deployment XXX Comps Supply Depot VIN Corps Supply Depot XI Corps Supply Depot Name Wespon BLS" gan hing bombardments OP Caer Jeep ile team Sf sam Mobility Range lmmobile — 32"/80em se72200m Halacked Joep eae Side Anttenk 3 0 1 cannot shoot ‘Top Firepower ie a ° Reinforce your company eth ‘One Medium Baers, Royal Arilery (Tivo Command Ri sie jp, one Obes Rifle eam, one and four BL5.5" guns Rated az Confident Veteran. Equipment and Notes Bunker buses Moves at Heavy Gua tam 328° GUARDS BRIGADE, 159™ & 13157 BRIGADE company ith: ‘One Field Battery (SP), 5 wn fel SEXTON ss ive Command Ril (3) : P ess ove Self oe 3 cone esp one Sherman Seerting deplament 3 (OP tale and four Sexton XXX Coops Area SL se propa gins) VII Corp Acca M52 a oe XII Corps Area 30 Confident Veteran, TOT Vas Tao M oy 7 Uw Vernet og (WITH ONE ose Name Mobily Front Side ‘Top Equipment and Notes espon Range ROP —Antisank —rspower Fullyeracket 1 0 © AAMG 2 9 3+ Hallmosnted, Soke 4 3+ Some dombaninet Pully-acked 6 4 1 HulMG, Jeep 161406 1 cannot hoor Moves a Heary Gun ream ioe Puen ry 1°" AIRLANDING BRIGADE, 1 INDEPENDENT POLISH BRIGADE Reinforce your ‘company withe - (One British Parachute ¥ 3 ‘ Platoon BRITISH/POLISH ro in (One Command Rifle 5 ‘ea, one PIAT team, and PARATROOPER six RiflMG teams) (x4) r % “ Rated at Seeing depement Feces Veteran, Reserves) Tui MN os Uae Noo are Mobily Front Side Top Equipment and Notes Range —-ROF—Antizank —Fiepower 160m 2 2 6 Gammon Bombs (Tink Assule3) 720m 1 10 Se Tank Asal 4 BRITISH MOUNTAIN INFANTRY (x3) ‘Starting depleyment Reserves (3) ‘Weapon RilIMG eam Picea Ligh Monta cern BRIDGE & AIRFIELD. Scarting deployment All Allied-controlled ‘unoccupied Bridge Areas or Airfields Weapon (Command Rife eam Bofors Om gun ‘one Light Morse team so ‘ic RifleIMG team) Rated as: Confident Trained. Mobility Range ROF_—Antitank Firepower Notes ieHdoc 2 2 6 s'20m 1 Se TankeAmmaled 1640em 4+ Smoke, Can ite over indy tans OPE sxe Pua ages Reinforce your ‘company with: One Light Anti-aircraft Gan Platoon, (Ove Command Ril ream, and thre Bofors ‘40mm guns) Rated ast Confident Tesined. UNI] Mobility Range Antitank Firepower Notes 140m 6 Tmobile 24%6nem Se Anise, Tanabe, AIRCRAFT (x1) Starting deployment XXX Comps Supply Depot (x1) Reserves (x1) ALLIED SUPPLY MARKER Seating deployment All Allied-controlled Drop| Zones and Landing Zones. Weapon Rockets Cannons Mobily Lie 83 & 84 GROUP Antitank Front Side Range ROF 16'F0em 2 6 6871600 16°F0em Anivtenk Piepower 3 ‘Top Firgower Reinforce your company with: Sporadie Air Support (Typhoons) Reinforce your company ith: One Parachute Allery Battery (One Command carbine team, one Self fone Observer cab and four MIAT Pick howitzer). Rated a: Fearless Veteran, Equipment and Notes Smoke ‘Srokebombandinens Moves aa Heavy Gun eam AMERICAN PARATROOPER (x6) Starting deployment Reserves (x6) Name Wenpon ill team Bazooka tei [M2 60mm Moree ing Bombe JEEP (x2) Starting deployment Reserves (x2) Name Wespon Rifle ream Bazooka tam Anatenk ‘Man-packed — 24°460cm 327800m Side ROP Anti-tank Reinforce your ‘company with (One American Parachute Patoo (One Command Rife fam, one M2 60mm Mi reat, one Bazooka and sic Rifle MG teams Rated as: Fearless Veteran. Equipment and Notes Firepower 6 Gammon Bombs Tank Asaul 4 Cam ire over ren teams Reinforce your ‘company with: One American Glider Rifle Platoon (ne Command Rie ea te Batok tam, and ine Ril tea). Rated a Confident Tesined. ‘Top Equipment and Notex Fiepower i Se Tanke Assauled After Action Step (page 30)+ The commanders complete the Aer Action Step ae fighting abate. oops advance, rere 1 ae destroyed inthis step, Airborne Supply Marker (page 15) Aborne Supply Markers are used co denoce an existing supply capability in Landing <=, Drop 200s, and airfields Area (page 15): The campaign map is divided into areas. All, movement i from one area to another, and all Fhmes OF Wat bales rake place between two areas, Battle Arrow (page 23): Battle arows mark battles that are currenly king place on the campaign map. Place Firestorm 1s fighting in the bade in the holes on the battle arrow, Bare arrows ae also used to mark exploitation mows Baile Phase (page 23): Fach tum the commanders fight Flames Of War gam inthe Bale Phase. Ech game played in te phat has dhiee steps the Manoeuvre Step the Comba Step, and the After Action Sep, Battle Plan (page 37): The bate plan ea black and white map in che Campaign Handbook. A general prepare a bate plan at ‘he beginning ofeach campaign ern ‘Campaiga Map (page 15): The campaign map poruays thearea of Holland where Operation Market Garden took pace I also contains ake, the Campaign Turn Indicator, the Reinforcement Pool, and a Victory Poin lndicator, Campaign Turn (page 18): The campaign is dived into five Smpaign cums, Within each campaign urn the General conciuct a Planning Phase and a Strategic Phase while che \Commandess ight in the Battle Phase Campaign Victory Poiats (page 36): Campaign victory points < used to measure the success ofeach side in che campaign (Campaign victory points are awarded for capeuring bridges and orher objectives, and for surounding and capraring. enemy “Town (page 15}: Towns ae ates onthe campaign map (Combat Step (page 29): In the Combat Sep ofthe Battle Phase commanders select the mision that they will ply and fight a Flames OF War game. ‘Commander (page 23): Commanders are the players who ‘Sghr the Flames Of War games that determine the campaigns ‘Conteol Marker (page you control. When you advas snatker in xo show tha you now conta it Coneol markers identify areas that ino an area place 4 coneol Exploitation Moves (page 41): In the Suatepic Phase each has the opportunity to move up to two Firestorm * neo unoccupied enemy aris Firestorm Troops (page 16): Firestorm Troops ate miniatares the key units in che campoign, Fresorm Troops sited toa bale giving extra eroops in the Flame Gr game that decides is ourcome ‘General (page 35): Each side has « General who coordinates the sirgy in the Planning and Strategic Phases Jn Supply (page 26): An area is in supply if fe can trace an tsineerrupted road line. supply depot. ~~ “FIRESTORM TERMS Manocuvre Step (page 23): The Commanders complete the Manoeuvre Sep belore fighting a baule, They select their ‘opportent ol fr initiative choose where tight, the roops 40 ‘use, and check that they ate in supply ducing cis sep. March Movement (page 43): Inthe Static Movement sep ‘woops can march fiom one area into an adjacent one, Objectives (page 36): All bridges and one sown, Ussech, ate the objectives giving the side that olds them a the end of the campaign vierory point Organiser (page 54): The Organiser sets upthe campaign. They seleccthe campaign senatio, organise the venue, arrange gaming days, promore the compaiga and run it Out of Supply (page 28): An area is out of supply if ccannor trace an unincerrupted roa line to «supply depot, If your force is out of supply when fighting a bute twill uffr the effects From the Out OF Supply abl, Panning Phase (page 35): Generals prepare ther atl pan in the Planing Phase. Proxy Marker (page 15): Use the proxy maker to mark 4 platoon standing in for Fiesta Teops in a game. Road Movement (page 43): In the Strategie Movement sep ‘troops cn move any distance along friendly connected roads Reinforcements (page 42): Firstorm Troops destroyed after a brute are placed in the Reinforcement Pool on the Campaign Map. They are returned to fiend supply depor during the next Suatepc Phase, Reinforcement Pool (page 42): The reinforcement pools at che boom of the campaign map old Firestorm Troops that were deserved inthe After Action Step. Reserves (page 42): Certain German Firestorm Troops are designated Reserves. They may or may not appear at selected Positions of the Campaign Map during che fist Stateyic Phase Strategic Movement (page 43): Generals redeplay heir Fiestorm Troops using march and road movement in the Surtegc Phase ‘Strategic Phase (page 38) After the Bartle Phase, the Generle ‘onduct the Strategie Phase where they undertake Air Allocation missions, exploit breakthroughs, bring on reinforoement, and redeploy thee Forces with seategi movement. Supply Depot (page 15): Fach side has road entey areas Identified as supply depots. Troops must be able to trace a resdway toa supply depar to bein supply. Allied Armour Firestorm Troop (page 24) Allied Sherman and Seacon Firestorm Troops ate designated lied Armoured Firescorm Troops. They may move up to thice acas to support a bate in the Cheese Fxestoum Tivop step, Victory Point Marker (page 15): The advantage curcndy held by che winning side is shown by the postion ofthe victory poine ‘marker on the victory point indicator on the side ofthe map Variable Firestorm Troop (page 25): German Kinigeger 8.8m gun, and Sicherungr(Secutiey) Infantry Fitestorm troops ate Variable Firestorm Troops. Thee atu plaoon make-up is slecided by dice coll during the Choose Firestorm Troop sep.

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