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aa Oa NPI THE BATTLE FOR CAEN, NORMANDY, JUNE-AUGUST 1944. Written by: Phil Yares Photography: Balefione Suudio Eeivors: Peter Sirnunovieh, John-Paul Bisgost Web Support: Wayne Turner Assistant Writes: Mette Delinge, Sandy Addison, Anshony Playtest Groups: Wh Cavalry (Michael Tunes). R Beaver, Richard Chambers, R Mask Davies, Alun Galley, ‘Auckland City Guard (Damian Reid), Sitmon MeBeth, Marcus Phillips, Ron Trainer Peninsula Praetorian (Mike Parker) Proof Readers: Paul Beach, Mike Haycock, Phowegrapln: National Library of New Zealand, John Hutton, Neal Smith Imperial War Museum, Bovingson Tank Mas Graphic Design: Casey Davies, Dion Holswich ‘Australian War Memorial, Roger Key Private Collection, ‘Miniasures Design: Fvan Allen, Seth Nash NARA, National Archives OF Canada, Gover and Inernal Art: ea Griffin, Vincent Wai swwiww2modelmakercom,, ‘Miniatures Pairing: Jeremy Painwes, Mate Paskes ‘US Army Signal Corps ‘Termin Modeling: Dale Pepperell CONTENT! Rommel Returns sisnsnnnenneee Panzerspahkompanie. Invasionfront—D-Day.snsnnenenene E Divisional Support... German Arsenal Rommel’s Funnie: 21, Panzerdivision Histor ee aintig Conan Erikc For The Se “19 Operation Goodwood joao Iarbernope Onsen ace 11 The Royal Air Force in Normandy sss 46 Kampfgruppe Rauch Attacks warns 14 Out OF Luck. nce Major Hans von Latch sssssseseesee “17 Firepower Comparison... 21, Panzerdivision Canadian 3“ Division Panzerkompanie....1. ol8 Captain John Treleaven .. StuG Batterie... eae British 5% Divisio: Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie... Ride Conipany = Panzergrenadierkompanie€ ...csnnsre Siprore Deena Field Fortifications .sssnnntnnnneeeed British Arsenal Panzerpionierkompanie..sorsmnnnnne Painting British, ‘This isa supplement for Flames Of War, the World War If miniatures game. -A-copy of the rulebook for Flames Of War is necesary co fully use the contents of this book. All rights reserved. No par ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or ransmicted, in any form or by any ‘means without the prior writen permission of the publisher, no he otherwise created in any’ orm of binding or corer other than that | in which cis published and without similar condition bing imposed on the subsequent purchasr. When Hider sent armoured forces to aid the collapsing Italian forces in Africa at che start of 1941, no one an- ticipated that the Deussches Afritukorps would become a legend. 5. Leichte Division (5 Light Division) became 21 Panzerdivision (21% Armoured Division) in September 1941, and with 15, Pancerdivision fought in the desert bates that raged back and forth aeross North Africa. Despite always being outnumbered, they very nearly won. ‘The soldiers of 21. Panzerdivtion had confidence in their comrades, their ‘equipment and their commander Generaleldmarschall Ewin Rommel—the ‘Desert Fox’. On 6 May, 1943, after more than two years in Aftiea, the Deutsches frikakorpssureendered (0 the combined British and American armies at Tunis. ‘As the final battle of Tanis was being fought, Schnell Brigade Wear (Mobile Brigade West), the mobile reserve for France, ‘was combined with 100. Pancerregiment to form Schnelle Division West (Mobile Division West). A month later on 27 June, 1943, Schnell Division Westwas renamed 21, Panzer- division io honour of those who foughe and died in North Afiica. Two thousand Afikakorps veterans were assigned (0 this new division being assembled at Rennes, a city in the Brictany region of northwest France. ‘With the priority of men and material being given to the Eastern Front and the upcoming offensive at Kursk, limited resources were available for Army Group West to equip the new division, Fortunately, an answer was found in Baustab Becker (Construction Staff Becker), ander Oberst Alfted Becker. Becker was an enteeprising soldier witha knack for creative use of captured equipment, He firs scrved with the artillery regiment of 227. Infimeriedivsion (227° Infaotty Division) during the invasion of Holland in 1940. Aer the fighting ended, Becker seized capeured British Mark VI light tanks and, withthe aid of an are welder, single-handedly converted hisbatery wo sel propelled artilery. With six months ofhard work, the frst armoured artillery battery of the Webrmache 2s ready in time for the invasion of the Soviet Union, med afier its com- Seeing his endeavouts, Becker's commander transferred him to the Alkett Armour Works in Paris co create more self- propelled guns based on captured French chassis. Necessity is the mother of invention, and Becker earnestly began the task of salvaging all usable vehicles in France. A tora of over 1800 tanks and vehicles were put back into service, many destined for Schnelle Brigade West. Tivo months after its formation, 21. Pancerdivision listed is strength a ust 8,768 men, nine 7em PakAO guns, ewenty- four 10.5em leFH18 guns, ewelve 15cm sFH13 guns, eight $307(F) Reihenwwerfer self-propelled multiple mortars, and accompanying tanspors. Further units were slowly alded to the division as they became available. Nearly a year later, the shortages of men and equipment have finally been overcome and the 16,300 soldiers of 2, Panzerdivision are stationed around the strategically imporcane city of Caen. ‘the Allies consider this one oftheir ‘most importanc D-Day objectives. With its communication routes, and the Ome and Divers Rivers securing the eastern flank of the invasion beaches, control of Caen bypasses the Bocage country and opens the shortest way to Pais The eve of D-Day finds the division’s 22, Panzerragiment composed of eight tank companies. Fortunately, the first battalion of four companies is fully equipped with modern Panzer IV tanks, while the second battalion still retains 23 obsolete ex-French SOMUA 35S tanks thac never do sce battle. The divisional assaule gun battalion is fully equipped with Becker's creations, as is ewo-thirds of the artillery regiment. Even the infantry regiments have plenty of Becker specials, making them one of the best equipped (if oddest looking) divisions in existence. Rommel, now in charge of the defence of France, has eleven Panzer Divisions under his command. OF these, only chrce nediate counterattack against landings fn the Normandy coast, and only 21. Panzerdivision is close are available for enough 0 strike the beachheads early on D-Day, Thus it becomes the only German division to stike out ta the sea ' ROMMEL’S FU} $307(F) (PIONEER) HALF-TRACK “The SOMUA MCGS half-track was France’s standard heavy artillery tractor in 1940, Bewstab Becker converted numberof these into pioneer half-tracks for 220, Paneer pionienabteitung. Like the Sd Kfs 251/7 hall-tracks of | ‘other Panzer divisions, these are equipped with light assaule bridges strapped to the sides Weight: 7 cons (estimated) Crew: 2 Speed: 20 mph/31 km/h Engine: SOMUA 60 hp. $307(F) (Pioniee) mitdere Schiczenpanzerwagen Armies Tro G40 Armour: '/:°/13mm (approximate) $307(F) (PAK40) ANTI-TANK HALF-TRACK 21. Panzerdivision isthe only Panzer division to have all of its battalion anti-tank guns carried in self-propelled mountings. The standard 7.5em PaK40 anti-tank gun - is mounted in an open-topped armoured body on the ze p SOMUA MCG5 half-track. Although the resulting vehicle isa litle underpowered, ir performs well ‘Weight: 8 cons (estimated) Crew: & Speed: 20 mph/31 km/h Engine: SOMUA 80 hp. Armament: 7.5em PaK40, MG 42 7.5em Pak40 (Sf) auf mSPW $307(0) Armour: "13mm (approximate) (Create eeaehadnedacaal ead Ccetaidteneshndaandacsadsadtekd Cicdeabcemsaiadoadnasne kc $307(F) (REIHENWERFER) MULTIPLE-MORTAR HALF-TRACK Bawstab Becker invented a unique infantry support ‘weapon in its Reihenwwerfer (rack mortar, pronounced rie-en-vaitr-ferr), an array of 16 mortars. The mortars are all inked together and aimed athe same target. A simple arrangement holds the mortar bombs as they are loaded, then releases them together when they are fired ‘Weight: 8 cons (estimated) Crew: 3 Speed: 20 mph/31 km/h Engine: SOMUA 80 hp. Bem leichter Reihenwerfer auf mSPW $307(F) Re aca! 1éx Sen Bande GL Armour: #:"/13mm (approximate) $307(F) (R-VIELFACHWERFER) ROCKET LAUNCHER HALF-TRACK ‘The Waffen-SS developed the R-Vielfichwerfer (multiple rocket launcher, pronounced ra-kay-ten feel-fach-vai fere) as a copy of the Soviet BM-8-32 Katyusha rocket launcher. Baustab Becker took this weapon and mounted it on the MCGS half-track giving 21. Pancerdivision its ‘own rocket atlery. Weight: 8 tons (estimated) Crew: 3 Speed: 20 mph/31 kmv/h Engine: SOMUA 80 hp Armament: 24-rail 8m rocket launcher, MG 42 Armour: '/:"/13mm (approximate) 7.5CM (SF) 39H AND 10.5CM (SF) 39H ASSAULT GUNS 200. StuG Abteilung (200th Assault Gun Bavalion) is ‘unusual in being fully equipped with assaule guns based fon capcured French Hotchkiss H39 canks. The armament is mounced in a large open-topped fighting compartment buile over the engine deck of the tank, Despite their ad hhoc appearance, they are well-armed and effective ee 75cm PaK40 (SP) auf Geschitewagen 39H ‘Weight: 12.5 tons Crewe 4 Speed: 22 mph/36 km/h Engine: Hotchkiss 120 hp. Armament: 7.5cm PaK40 or 10.5em leFH18, MG 42 Armour: "/, 0 1%/"/20 t0 34mm a 10.5em leFH18 (SF) auf Geschiitzwagen 39H 10.5CM AND 15M (SF) LORRAINE SCHLEPPER SELF-PROPELLED GUNS ‘The first of Baustab Becker's creations to see combat was the 15em (SF) Lorraine Schlepper, a self-propelled gun on an old French Tractewr Blindé 371 chasis. These fought with 21. Panzerdivision in the desere. When the division was rebuile they inherited ewo battalions of these from Schnelle Brigade West as their mobile arilery component. Fos 10.5em leFH18 (Sf) auf GW Lorraine Schlepper (f) Crew: 4 Engine: Delahaye 103TT. Weight: 8.5 cons Speed: 21 mph/34 km/h Armament: 10.5em leFH18 or 15cm sFHI3/1, MG 42 Armour: %."/10mm. Jae . 15em sFH13/1 (Sf) auf GW Lorraine Scblepper (P) U304(F) LESPW HALF-TRACK ae U304(F) leichter Schiitzenpanzerwagen “The French had nearly 4000 Unie P107 light hal in 1940, mainly used as light artillery tractors. German Sd Kf 251 halftracks in short supply, Baustab Becker converted several hundred Unie half-tracks into lighe armoured personnel caries in their place giving the division two armoured infantry battalions Weight: 5 tons (estimated) Crew: 2 Speed: 28 mph/45 km/h Armament: Two MG 42 Armour: '"/13mm (approximate) U304(F) (2CM) ANTI-AIRCRAFT HALF-TRACK, As with all Panzergrenadier regiments, 125. Panzer grenadierregiment and, 192. Panzergrenadierregiment have their own light anti-aircraft half-tracks. As you would ‘expect for this division, they are built on French Unic half track chassis, but are beter protected than the normal Sd Ki 10/5 halftracs issued to other divisions Weight: 5 tons (estimated) — Crew: 7 Speed: 28 mph/45 km/h (est.) Engine: Unic P39 62 hp ‘Armament: 2em FlaK38 ‘Armour: '/)"/13mm (approximate) 2em FlaK (SP) auf U304(F) 22, PANZERREGIMENT Cecio ee Ten paves e riers Cierra Pen era tance) eae ee) eae) 4 Kompane (17s PanerV tanks) 125, PANZERGRENADIER- [cine saree} eee roti RPrneNU ney Al Poy) Ei oman Pee See rereite cee Cee Ui once taot? ()Rehenverfr ean ear 1/192 (GEPANZERTE) CYMurMtrey) DONS) eae inae Tr rs Pepe Tien nce Tent) ee RENT ee Sennen repens Pecorceree reset eet Keeton Pirie onesrear ne mnt Rens eneretr ct: comets ear ta Perr) Nereiie Bre ny( Gina Tees STOO sees) Tr Proretercr sn ora rere) Noms ocr Deore ESOT Beso (en al Bs U304(9 an alc) When the Allied storm broke at midnight on 6 June, 1944, 21. Panzendivision was one of the fist units to go Into action. Major von Luck’s 125. Panzergrenadicregiment (125! Armoured Infanury Regiment) was conducting anc airborne night exercises cast of the Orne River when the British 6 Airborne Division landed around them. ‘They Prompxly counteratacked. Mcanwhil Rauch’s 192. Panzergrenadierregiment, stationed co the north 1d west of Caen, dispatched their 8" Company to support cements of 716. Infanteredivision (7164 Infancry Division) in a counceracack against Pegasus Bridge at Bénouville Oberstlewtnant Driving back from Paris at breakneck speed, Generalleutnant Feuchtinger warmed Oberst von Oppeln-Bronikowski to have his 22, Pancerregiment (22 Armoured Regiment) ready to ‘counterattack as soon as Army Group B ‘wasn’t until 0700hts that the division was given orders to terush the airborne landings east of the Orne! However, by then the naval bombardment of the coast had begun. permission, Ie As the British and C: elements of 21. Panzerdivision assigned to stiffen the defences ‘of 716, Infumtriedivision were draw inco the fighting along with Rauch’ Il Baccalion. The heavy anti-tank guns of 200, Panzerjigenabreilung (200% Anti-tank Battalion) were ‘committed on Péviers Ridge, and half of the divisional ati: Tery was committed to che defensive battle by mid morning, n divisions stormed ashore, While this concribucion slowed the advancing Allied troops, the folly of deploying von Luck and Rauch amongst the coastal defence divisions was now becoming apparent. Fully one-third of the division was caught up in the confusion of the Allied assault and was pinned down, unable to take coordinated offensive action against the landings. Ac 1000hrs the Panzers of Kampfgruppe Oppeln (Balegroup Oppeln), having suffered remarkably little attention from the RAF during their march north from Falaise, were finally in a position co launch an assaule against the British 6 Airborne Division at Ranville. Bur the situation had changed. 716% Division was already breaking under the stain of the seaborne assaule and General der Artillerie Marcks, com- manding LXXXIV Armeckorps (84 Army Corps), wanted 21. Panzerdivision co attack into the gap between the allied beachheads at the Juno and Sword landings. Delayed by air raids and traffic jams, it ook another eight hours for Oppela's tanks eo cross the Orne River. There they joined Kampfgruppe Rauch in a delayed assault. By chs time the British were just three miles from Caen, havin ced 716. Infinteriedivision from the German order of batee. Driving northward, Kampfgruppe Oppeln ran head on into the British 3% Division, and bounced. Kampfgruppe Rauch was more fortunate, reaching the sea at Luc-sut-Mer, before pulling back when yet more aitborne troops landed behind him, For the next month the division would fight a grinding bactle of acrtion as part of L. SS-Panzerkorps (1 SS Armoured Corps), East of che Orne, von Luck launched repeated counter- attacks, all the time losing ground, tanks and men, North ‘of Caen, Oppeln and Rauch just managed to hang on to the ground they held, When che division was finally relieved by: rae i= Eon Greens sree) reer UGE Motte) PyOra) Fergie aCe) Coie pete) erect Eien Prete Goren entero Pert PSTN EdLE 305. FLAKA\ ences Becher 21, PANZERAUFKLARUNGS- ROTI) a) erry Mares aehreis Coe ee es pier rey) emis) Niven 510 bal ry at 16, Felddivision (LW) (16* Air Force Field Division), combat units had less than half of their men lef. However, there was to be no time for rest. On 7 July the division was rushed back to Caen to defend against Oper amwood, Caen was finally evacuated on 9 July and the division went into defensive positions east of the city, supported by the Tiger heavy tanks of 505. Schwere Panzerabreilung, ion Cl Just over a week later, on 18 July, Operation Goodwood smashed into 2/. Panzerdivision afer a massive preliminary bombardment and bombing raid across their positions. ‘While the division held its ground in the face of ehree British armoured divisions, success came at a bitter price—Oppela was now down to his last twenty tanks, Nevertheless, the ng southwards as part of Operation Bluecoat. Too weak to stop the attack, they fll back inco the Falaise Pocket. division was soon sent west against British forces dri During the terible days of August parts of 21. Pancerdivision succeeded in escaping encitclement, though it was now a division in name only. Fielding just ten tanks, the division had lose over 8000 men in the killing fields of Normandy. The division’ story did not end chere. Ie fought on while being rebuile during the aucumn, Then ic became part of the reserve for Operation Nordiwind, which erupted on 31 December, 1944, After nearly a month of bitter fighting in Alsace the division was withdrawn from the front once PMN ey sere Na Pew ra cues PINE Seno one ao EArt eatery Die) Sones vera Gem Stan feet aeeencart es Perens pare ere CE eae battalion, 6 infantry cee ea asa eras en aera a Pa aad eer YEP toy The division ended the war facing the Red Army in Silesia In late April 1945, the division fought its lst bacde in the Halbe Pocket, where it was finally destroyed. Only a few clements managed to break out and surrender to US forees at Magdeburg. The long road from Afrika was atan end 21. PANZERDIVISION RULES 21,Panzerdivision follows all of the German Special Rules on pages 166 co 168 of the main rulebook. ROMMEL'S ZIRKUS 21. Panzerdivision has spent nearly a year training with thele French equipment. They have marched back and forth, practising a quick response for when the invasion finally ‘Their old equipment is unreliable. Their first craining marches saw neatly every vehicle break down. Now they Iknow their equipment inside our. They carry the spares and tools co repair them at need. When a 21. Pancerdivision vebicle Breaks Down due to being Unreliable ice page 47 of the rulebook), any other Unreliable vebicle from the division can act as a Recovery Vebicle to repair iz, Unlike a proper Recovery Vehicle, the vehicle requires a Skill Test to repair the Broken Down vehicle, A roll of 1 still leaves the Broken Down vebicle permanently Broken Down. Wanted 27. Panzerdivicion vo attack east of the Orne against Bg) the British airborne landings, But as the strategic picture ‘Only pare of the division was thus sent to attack east of the Orne, a Kampjeruppe (Bavlegroup) under von Luck ontaining most of his 125. Panzergrenadicnegiment, one of ‘the division’ five Panzer companies, assaul guns, the recon- Inssance battalion, and supporting elements. However von © of the division. Kampferuppe Oppeln, comprising his own 122, Panzerregiment, past of 1125. Pancergrenadierregiment, the selF propelled guns of IM/155. Panzeratillericregiment, and a company of pioneers, would attack on the right. Kampferuppe Rauch with 192. Pancergrenadierregiment (less the battalion still desached to 716. Iyfamteriedvision), the self-propelled guns of 11/155, Panzerarillerieregiment, and ‘most of the divisional pioneers would attack to Oppeln's lefe, aiming for Lion-sur-Mer and the radar station ac Douvres-Ia-Délivrande. ne was lost in face their steps 1en, now choked with rubble following naval and As the invaders poured inland, further Retraining the men who now had to re BE hough Bair bombardment, which also crated hordes of refugees Oppelis tanks did not begin 0 deploy near che village OF Lebisey until 1600hrs. Frustrated with whae he saw as Ganerallentnane Kewchtinger’s delay, General Marcs atived Just how hard this was to be was quickly demonstrated, ‘Oppeln’s irse objective was the high ground of the Pér Ridge, thought co be German held. Iewas not. His spearhead ran headlong into troops of 185 Brigade Group, British 3° Division, who were pressing inland from the beaches. “The 2° Battalion, The King’s Own Shropshite Light Infantry ‘were in the process of attacking Lebisey themselves with the support ofthe tanks of the Staffordshire Yeomanry. Hearing tanks they prepared for the onslaught, siting their anti tank guns carefully. They held their fire until the first wave cof 40 Panzer IV anks came into view and then opened a devastating, fire, quickly destroying sixteen of the attacking tanks, The Panzets tied to move around the British flank, but running into mote British troops, ground to a hat. Further to the lefe however, Kampfgruppe Rauch found the gap between the Canadian and British beachheads. ‘The atilegroup forced theie way through to the coas, linking up with roops from 736. Grenadierregiment stil holing coastal positions co the west of Lion-sur-Mer, This breakthrough ‘caused considerable alarm among the Allied command who rushed troops to deal with the breakthrough. Rauch’s men had no sooner reached the coast than they heard and saw masses of gliders flying over head. Fearing he was about to becut off, Rauch ordered a withdrawal, giving the initiative back to the Ali Overnight, Raucls men, along with the remnants of Oppelis group, dug in north of Cacn. They had denied the city to the initial dhrusts co take it, but their own: sttike to the sea had amounted to lite. With Panzer Lehr and 12, SS-Peneerdivision filing to areive on D-Day, the planned hammer blow against the landings had filed 21, Panzerdivision was down 10 70 of the 104 canks with ‘which ie had begun the day-—losss that it could ill afford with the Allies landing another 300 tanks the next day. The Allies were ashore to stay As the afternoon of D-Day wears on, the British forces are nearing Caen. One hast village stands in their way. As they launch their assault, the German counterattack begins “The Kampfgruppe Oppeln Attacks scenario uses the Airborne at Dusk, Ambush, Delayed Reserves, Mobile Bautle, Reserves, and Scattered Reserves special rules. YOUR ORDERS GERMAN ‘The Allies have landed. High command has finally released ‘you to counterattack anel push them back into the sea. You must punch through che leading British troops and break- through to the beaches. BRITISH Progress toward Caen was going well. Until your lead com- panies bumped into dozens of counterattacking German tanks, You must hold your gains and push on to Lebisey Wood, ready to push into Caen tomorrow. PREPARING FOR BATTLE 1, Sct up the terrain as shown on page 13. Place the ob- jectives at the indicated points, The table is 4°/120em by 6/180em, 2. “The German player places their starting troopsat the indi- cated points. The remainder oftheir force is held in Reserve, 3. ‘The British player places ther starting troops a the indi- cated points, 5 (Anti-tank) Platoon and 41 Battery are held off the table in Ambush, The remainder of the force is in Delayed and Scattered Reserve. BEGINNING THE BATTLE 1. The British player has the fist cur, 2 This is a mobile battle, so for the British players fist tui of the game all cams (including those deploying, from Ambush) are considered co be moving. ‘As it turned out, the only significant armoured force (0 launch a counterattack on D-Day was Kampfgruppe Oppeln of 21, Panzerdivsion. Scawered German tank units did counterattack against the Americans on Utah Beach, but never in more than platoon strength. ‘You could fight this batsle with a US Rifle Company, or even better an Assault Company from Bloody Omaha, raking the part of che British, Replace both Armoured Platoons with a single Tank Platoon of three Md Sherman tanks and the MIO self-propelled guns with towed 3” guns ‘Tomake the game interesting, you could give the Germansall of the ranks available ro oppose the landings on Utah Beach. Equip the German counterattack force with obsolete French tanks being used for training. So, instead of Panzer IV tanks, ENDING THE BATTLE “The battle ends when: + Bither player starts their curn in possession of one 6 their oj Dusk falls under the Airborne at Dusk special rule both sides break off the battle. DECIDING WHO WON If cither player holds one of their objectives, chey win battle. Otherwise the outcome is inconclusive as both si retire for the few hours of darkness before making anod effore in the morning. AIRBORNE AT DUSK AAs dusk fell hundreds of gliders Rew over the battlefi reinforcing the 6* Airborne Division. Fearing being cut 0 General Feuchcinger ordered the Panzers to break off At the start of the British player’s turn 7, after taking a Company Morale Check if necessary. the British player rollsa die. On a roll of 5+, dusk falls and the game ends. Otherwise, the German player rolls two dice in their tarts alco needing a 5+ on either die to end the game. Each player continues to rll in turn, adding one die each time, until they rll a 5+ and the game ends 4 PHyvavinn CAMPAIGN Kampfgruppe Oppeln Attacks can be played as part of a ‘mini campaign along with che Kampfgruppe Rauch Atacks scenario on page 14 ‘The winner of the Kampfgruppe Rauch Attacks seenari batele will be greatly enhanced or reduced by your perform ance in this bate, the German Panzer Platoons have Panzer 39H(f) Hotchkis tanks (you could use the Falian R.35 model for these) with a Panzer III tank asthe command vehicle, “The Gerinans debated moving their 12. SS-Panzerdivsion into a position opposite Omaha Beach. You could also play the scenario with the same American force facing off against 4 counterattack by feasless $S-Panzer Platoons eq with Panzer IV tanks, ‘Moving further afield, the Red Army conducted many ti crossing operations. These often faced German countel tacks erying to push them back co the river line. You coul play the scenario with a Soviet Strelkovy Batalon in place the British force. on Cross fighting as an infantryman in chac war. His service Poland, France and Russia won him a second Iron Cross ind a Knights Cross. Aer being wounded at Kursk, he wok omanand of 22, Panzerregiment. On D-Day he was given 22, PANZERREGIMENT ‘Oberst von Oppelin-Bronikowski 5, Panzerkompanie 1,/125, Panzergrenadierregiment VERSTARKUNGEN, 2, Panzerkompanie 3, Panzerkompanie HIL/155. Panzerartllereregiment the task of striking for the beaches wih the only Panzer force available to intervene. With his 4. Kompanie fighting parar chutists across the Orne and 1. Kompanie delayed, it was the composite 5. Kompanie from I! Paneerabteilung that led the ‘way. The remainder of the regiment followed as quickly as it could, pushing towards Lion-sur-Mer on the beach. || PANZERKOMPANIE (CONFIDENT VETERAN) Company HQ (with ewo Panzer IV H ranks at 9) Panzer Platoon (with five Panzer IV tanks at @) Panzergrenadier Platoon (at full strength, with no Panzer- faust anti-tank launchers and no trucks, at @) RESERVES Panzer Platoon (with five Panzer IV tanks) Panzer Platoon (with five Panzer TV tanks) Aamoured Avillery Battery (with six 10.5em (SP) Lorraine Colonel Maurice’s Kings Own Shropshire € Infantry led the push by 3% Division’ 185 Brigade ‘on the afternoon of D-Day. After taking Bewville le, W and ¥ Companies (the KSLI used W, X, Y, rather than the more usual A, B, C, and D for their is) set ou for Lebisey. This village was reported to 28° BATTALION, KINGS OWN SHROPSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY Lieusenane Colonel Maurice W Company | be lightly held, however che Panzergrenadiers of 125. Panzer _grenadierregiment had just arrived there prior to their own attack, After halting ata rank obstacle, the Shropshires were preparing for another attack just asthe first German tanks: appeared over the ridge. Their tanks and anti-tank guns de- stroyed the leading German tanks as more approached. | RIFLE COMPANY (CONFIDENT TRAINED) | ‘Company HQ (with Universal Carrer) Rite Paton (ac fall strength ac QD) X Company || Rile Platoon (a full srength ae 9) Y Company |) Rifle Placoon (at fall strength at @) C Squadron, Staffordshire Yeomanry Armoured Platoon (rated Confident Veteran with three Sheeman IIL tanks and one Firefly VC tank ac @) FLANK GUARD | AMBUSH 5 (Anti-tank) Platoon || Anti-tank Platoon (with four 6 pdr guns) 41 And-tank Battery (SP), 20" Anti-tank Regiment | RESERVES | DELAYED AND SCATTERED RESERVES Z Company || Rifle Platoon (at full strength) ‘A Squadeon, Staffordshire Yeomanry i 7* ld Regn, Royal Ailey || eld Bary (SP), Royal Airy (nih ight Pe le Ancitank Bawery (SP), Royal Artillery (with ovo M10 @") SP) | Armoured Platoon (as above) Si propelled guns) ‘The terrain behind Sword Beach is ‘open fields. Th hedges to break up the wide open s, Even the erops are still youn, barely knce high, giving no cover. The low ridges ate ell enough to hide «stank, with gentle slopes thar provide ro obstacle to movement, However, the wooded stream between Bicville and Lebisey has been tran formed into aw cle for Foiman training exercises, Ie s rated ss Very Difficult Going, ‘Ihe villages of Bewville, Bieville and L.ebisey are set amongst orchards and ‘woods and bounded by Bocage hedge: rows. The hedgerows are tall, fr t00 tall to be seen over from the ridge and gave the villages the appearance of woods from a dista The roads were syestern part of Normandy and allow Nehicles to manocuvre normally and pass other vehicles if need be BOCAGE HEDGEROWS All hedgerows on the cable are fists arout brie ane rN than a tank, Very Difficult Going. and. provide Bulletproof Cover to {woop shelrering behind them. Teams Fedgerow to cross i. The full Bocage ITISH rules are provided in more detail in Ian OBJECTIVE the D-Day book or at our web page be syynFlamesOAWa RI ae UN afer the tanks of Kampferuppe Oppeln atacked, the rgrenadiere of Kampferuppe Rauch launched their own tack on their western flank, Finding the gap between the ish and Canadian beaches, they reached the radar station the beaches and sporadic German opposition. You must “strike inland cowards Caen, clearing the strongpoine at J Douvres-la-Délivrande on the way. ~ PREPARING FOR BATTLE 1. Set up the terrain as shown on page 15. Place the ob- jectives at the indicaved points. The table is 4'/120cm by. G/180em. 2. The Canadian player places their starting «roops in their deployment area. The remainder of their force remains in Reserve, These will arrive between Tailleville and. Beny-sur-Mer. 3, The German player places their troops in the indicated, BEGINNING THE BATTLE 1, “The Canadian player has the fist curn, 2. ‘This is a mobile battle, so for the Canadian player’ first turn of the game all reams are considered to be moving. ENDING THE BATTLE “The battle ends when dusk fills under the Airborne at Dusk special rule, and both sides break off the battle DECIDING WHO WON ‘The German player gets one vietory point for holding the Douvres-Ia-Délivrande radar station object Victory points for holding the Lion-sur-Mer objective. and (wo The Canadian player gets one viewory point for holding the Douvres-l- Délivrande radar station objective and one victory point each for holding the Colomby-sur-Thaon and Caralle objectives. ‘The player holding the most victory points at the end of the game wins. D:DAY/MINI CAMPAIGN Kampfgruppe Rauch Attacks can be pled as part off 4 mini campaign along with the Kampfgruppe Oppeln ‘Autacks scenario on page 13. Play the Kampfgruppe ‘Oppeln Aacks scenario fist, then ths seenario, The winner "of the Kampfgruppe Rauch Attacks scenario wins the ‘campaign. Ifthe German player won the Kampfgruppe Oppela Attacks scenario, the victorious tanks of Kampferuppe Oppeln arrive Like the Kampfgruppe Oppeln Attacks scenario, you could easly fight chis bale with other forces to represen diferent batlesorpossibliies. A perfect example would be theplanned counterattack against Omaha Beach by Kampfiruppe Meyer (See Bloody Omaha for detail on 352. Infanteridivsion). As © it turned out they spent all day marching in che divisions tear, but shings could have been very differen if they had F been order to counterattack the beach, Use a US Rifle Company, or even betteran Assault Company from Bloody Omaha, both Armoured Platoons with a single Tank Platoon of three ‘M4 Sherman tanks and the M10 self-propelled guns with place of the Canadian force. Replace 0 assist Kampfgruppe Rauch, ‘The German player receives a Panzer Placoon with three Panzer IV tanks as a Delayed) Reserve artiving at the edge of the German deployment area @ behind Douvres-la-Délivrande in this scenario, If the British won the Kampfigruppe Oppeln Auacks scenario, the aeack by Kampgruppe Rauch is delayed and the German forces that would normally stat in Douvres-la-Déliveande in area @ stare at Cazelle in area @ instead. If you have Bloody Omaha, then use that to create Kampfgruppe Meyer. Otherwise, just use a basic German ‘motorised Panzergtenadierkompanie with a platoon of 3-4 StuG G assaule guns and some towed artillery in support, The sort of confused breakthrough situation portrayed in Kampfgruppe Rauch Attacks happened many times on the Fastern Front. You could replace the Canadian force with a jet Morostrelkovy Batalon that has forced a river and is breaking through into the depths of the German defences with only a small ‘Hedgehog’ position between them and victory. The small German Panzergeenadi force is attempt- ing to reach the river crossings to stem the tide. This batdle takes place along a broad north-south ridge. A stream drains eat cutting down the side of the ridge, In carly summer the stream is shallow, barely an. obstacle, and counts as Difficult Going, Inthe early summer the erops are low | and provide litte in the way of conceal- tment, giving the defenders a wide-open fild of fie, ahough they do provide good going forthe atacking forces. Only the low bed of the railway line provides much of an obstacle, but even that is just Difficule Going and provides no concealment, although it is Bullesproof Cover for stationary Infantry and Man-packed Gun teams immediately behind i. DOUVRES-LA-DELIVRANDE The night-fighter contro radar station at Douvres-a-Délivrande is well fortified. The first line of defence is a | ‘minefield. Inside that is a barbed wire entanglement. As normal, each section cof defences is usually 8°/20em long by 2” Sem wide. The exception to this is the barbed wire entanglements where cach side ofthe Fortification is made up ofa 8"/20em and a 4°/10em section. ‘The garrison is well provided with Trench Lines for protection. ‘They are protected by an HMG in an Open Bunker, a Sem PaK38 gun in an Open Bunker, and a 2em FlaK38 gun in an Open Bunker (see page 30 forthe rules con Open Bunkers, and page 209 of the sulebook for the rules on Bunkers) 2s Mincfeld WE Ser PaK38 in Open bunker AE, Bad wire SMM Zen FHAK38 in Open bunker TLE LI) tenches 78%, WMG in Open bunker tng, L) bs Ss ae Waa Dyginally serving in the army between the wars, Obert rejoined the army in 1935. Afier commanding ler and Panzergrenadier unis in combat, he took over ind of the newly Formed 192. Panzergrenadierregiment. D-Day his command was deployed as a reserve for vision manning the coastal defences 192, PANZERGRENADIERREGIMENT. Oberst Rauch, 1/192, Panzergrenadierregiment TI/192, Panzergeenadierregiment 41192. Panzergrenadierregiment 11/155. Panzerattllerieregiment 3/53. Lufewaffe Nachrichtenregiment NIKAMPFGRUPPE ya Counteratacking with his armoured 1 Battalion, Kampferuppe Rauch reached the night-fighter control station ar Douvres-la-Déivrande defended by a small force from 736, Grenadierregiment and the Lafiwaffe (Air Force) signals croops manning it, before pushing on to the sea at Luesur-Mer. GEPANZERTE PANZERGRENADIERKOMPANIE | (CONFIDENT VETERAN) Company HQ (with artillery Observer team, at @) GepanzertePanzergren x@) lier Platoon (at full strength, Panzergrenadier Platoon (with two squads and no trucks, EXD) Armoured Anti-tank Platoon (with three S304(F) (PaK40) halftracks, at @) Armoured Arillery Baery (with three 15em (Sf) Lorraine Schlepper self-propelled guns, ac) Lafiwaffe Field Platoon (rated Reluctant Trained with two) squads, at G) with Gun teams in Open Bunkers as shown on the map ‘Two independent SMG teams (rated Reluctant ‘Trained at 9) No command teams have Panzerknacker training or Panzerfaust anti-tank launchers. “8 Canadian Brigade Group under Brigadicr Blackadder landed on the eastern half of Juno Beach. By midday the [North Shore Regiments reported Tailleville clear and were "8 (EASTERN) BRIGADE GROUP Brigadier Ken Blackadder The Queens Own Rifles of Canada | “The No Shore (New Bruswie) Regiment | ‘The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (MG) |] 10 Armoured Regiment (The Fort Garry Horse) | 3" Anti-tank Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery 14 Feld Regine, Royal Canaan Arty | 9 (HIGHLAND) BRIGADE GROUP ‘The North Nova Scotia Highlanders 27 Armoured Regiment (The Sherbrooke Fusiliers) | 736. Grenadierregiment. The Queen's Own Rifles supported by the Fore Garry Horse pushed inland to Beny-sur-Mer and Basley. About this time the follow-on 9 Brigade Group finally escaped the massive trafic snarl-up on the beach and ‘moved inland towards Carpiquer airfield at Caen, with the North Novas and the tanks ofthe Sherbrookes in the lead RIFLE COMPANY (CONFIDENT TRAINED) ‘Company HQ (with Universal Carrier) fle Platoon (with two squads) Rifle Platoon (with two squads) Machine-gun Platoon (with one section in MMG Jeno Armoured Platoon (with thece Sherman II tanks) | Anti-tank Bawery (SP), Royal Arilery (with wo M10 6) 8?) I Ficld Battery (SP), Royal Artilery (with four Priest sl | propelled guns) | RESERVES | | Rie Platoon (a ull strength) Armoured Platoon (with three Sherman III tanks and one Firefly VC tank) ea ia Hans-Ulrich von Luck und Wiecen was born into a family with a long military history, including service with Frederick. in the Eighteenth Century. Von Luck joined the German Army in 1929 and was quickly appointed to the ed Panserwaffe or Armoured Force. When war broke out, von Luck commanded armoured reconnaissance battalions through Poland and France, and later fought on the Eastern Front in 1941. His eputation as commander was sealed in the deserts of North Africa where hie led the reconnaissance battalion of 21, Panzerdivision. In the comradely atmosphere of the deser, even his opponents knew and respected his abilities. Von Luck was seriously wounded in May 1942, but returned to North Aftica for the fighting in Tunisia, Just before the surrender in Tunis ferred buck 10 Germany. After teaching at the reconnaissance school in von Luck was Paris, he took command of 125. Panzergrenadierregiment of 21. Pancerdivsion under his old comrade Rommel Von Luck’s regiment was conducting anti-invasion exercises when the British 6® Aisborne Division began landing in the carly morning hours of D-Day German commanders to organise local counterattacks. His regiment continued co fight the Bricish aizborne position for the rest of the month of June. ind he was one of the few On the day Operation Goodwood commenced, von Luck was on leave. He quickly returned and set about reorganising, ‘he German defence. Touring the German line ina borrowed Panzer IV tank, von Luck pulled his pistol and forced a Luftwaffe their 8.8em FlaK18 anti-aircraft guns on the advancing Allied armour, His quick action delayed the advance of the British Guards Armoured Division, buying time for German counterattacks nti-aircraft battery to 0 CHARACTERISTICS Major Hans von Luck is a Warrior and a Higher Command SMG team with a Kitbelwagen for transport. He is rated as Confident Veteran. Von Luck may join a Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie fr Panzergrenadierkompanie from 21. Panzerdivision for +25 points. Von Luck may be mounted in a Panzer IV H tank instead of being an SMG team for an additional +75 points. IF he is mounted in a tank, you may not field one of your Panzer Platoons with more than four Panzer IV H tanks since he has the fifth one. SPECIAL RULES Get Moving: Von Luck knows the value of speed, and of caution, He’ always on the move seeking the critical poine Major von Luck, and any platoon he leads, may reroll failed Skill Tests to make Stormtrooper moves. Better Late than Never: Major von Luck has an unfortunate habie of missing the start of bates. Howe hie orders every available unit to counterattack once he arrives, ‘Major von Luck always starts the game off table in Reserv, The German player may reroll one die each turn when rolling for Reserver, When the ist unit arrives from Reserve, son Luck arrives with that unit, If there are no reserves in the mission, vom Luck is still in reserve and rolls to arrive as per the reserves rule with the exception of re-rlling as above. He will then arrive anywhere on the German table edge when sucessful Reconnaissance Expert: Von Luck is a reconnaissance man, Unless be has joined a platoon, von Luck may Disengage as if he were a Recce team, Because of his experience, he is) never Farced to Dicengage (See pages 150 and 151 of the rulebook) (TANK COMPANY) ‘force based around a Panzcrkompanie must contain +1 Company HQ, and + 2or3 Panzer Pltoons. Weapons Placoons available roa Panzerkompanic are: +010 1 Atmoured Anti-Airrafe Gn Platoon, Support Placoons fora Panzerkompanie can be: + 0c025-Panzergrenadier Pltoons (p. 19), Gepance Panzergrenadier Platoons (p. 23), or Panvergrenadier Platoon (p- 29). + 001 Panverpionier Platoon (p. 32) + Oto 1 Panzerspih Patrol (p. 35) + 040 1 Heavy Tank Platoon (p. 36), 1 COMPANY HQ HEADQUARTERS oomaee ku ‘OPTION eC CMC CUM m nt acy 45 points {As the commander of a Panzerkompanie, you must be bold ike hard. Your tanks are as good as anything the Allies have, and the crews becter. The enemy will outnumber you, so use your wits and skill to outfight them. COMBAT PLATOONS 2.OR 3 PANZER PLATOONS LU uceToh 4 Panzer IV H 380 points 3 Panzer IV H 285 points OPTIONS Be Cee een mec Scr cn eases Pa eset re ees Metra Sra Cenc for +5 points Se ee ee eae tank and one Firefly VC tank. + 0 to 1 Mororised Artillery Baccery (p.37), or Armoured Artillery Batery (p. 37) 0 (01 R-Vielfachwerfer Batery(p. 38)s 0 t01 Rocket Launcher Bacery(p- 39), 0 t0 1 Antéaircrai Gun Platoon (p. 38), and Oto 1 Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon (p. 39) You may have any of all of the above suppore choices attached to your company: MOTIVATION AND SKILL The new 21. Pancerdivision i built around a core of exper- ienced Deutsches Afikakorps soldiers. A Panzerkompanic is rated as Confident Veteran JARTERS ST EUSA SNES} rE lS — Sa U Meer men] EE LEUTNANT ‘Command! Panzer VH UNE Ponzeriv PanzeriVH DE 0 TO 1 ARMOURED ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON Law Nolo) S| 3 Flakpanzer 38(0) 120 points 2 Flakpanzer 38(0) 80 points The Allied air forces have driven the Lufzwaffe from the skies leaving the Feer, the Army, co fight the decisive battle alone. The new Flakpanzer anti-aircraft tanks accompany your Panzers into battle keeping he Jabo fighter-bombers at bay Keep the Flakpanzer platoon with the centre of your force, so that you can manoeuvre freely, undaunted by the constant threat of enemy air strikes. POTN Command Flakpanzer 38) PORE EA SECTION CLACTON PANZERKOMPANIE SUPPORT PLATOONS 0 TO 2 SS-PANZERGRENADIER PLATOON PLATOON eee ee foray Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points De eas and An SS-Panzergrenadier Platoon is rated as Fearless Veteran rather then the usual Confident Veteran and is allied 10 your Panzerkompanie (se page 183 in the rulebook), SS. Panzergrenadier Platoons may wse the Mounted Asaule special rule OPERATION EPSOM During Ope 5 June, the defending 12. “Hitlerjugend’” SS-Pancerdivision vas. almost overrun, 8 Epsom, launched by the British on Reinforcements flooded in from every ee eam: ] iim——, itt eke Command Paneer Kibebvogen ic tam era Pioneor MG Opel Mauer ‘aan Pionaer MG Opol Mauitor 0 TO 1 LIGHT ANTI-TANK GUN PLATOON PLATOON Peron 3 Anti-tank Gun Sections 145 points. ? Anti-tank Gun Sections 105 points ‘Major von Luck’s 125. Panzergrenadierregiment had a light antitank gun platoon as well as the armoured anti-tank n platoons in ies battalions, Although the Sem PaK38 lnti-tank gun is lacking in anti-tank punch against che latest Soviet equipment, itis more than adequate against British and American tanks ac close range, Position the guns where the enemy cannot engage chem until they are within short range where your guns can reply with deadly effect. Dig them in amidst an infancry platoon on an objective. If the enemy cannot sce the defenders until they get within short range, they will have to fall back od 0 TO 1 LUFTWAFFE FIELD PLATOON LEU reLeN| Pekin 3 Jiger Squads 100 points 2 Tiger Squads 70 points A Luftwaffe Field Platoon is rated as Reluctant Trained rather then the usual Confiden Veteran and is allied to our Panzergrenadierkompanie see page 183 in the rulebook). The Lufiwaffe (Ait Force, pronounced loof-vat-er) formed Felddivixionen (Geld divisions) in 1942 from its surplus per- sonnel, With lieele combat training, the majority of these performed poorly and were taken over by the army in 1943, 16, Felddivision (LW) relieved 21. Panerdivision in. front of Caen at the stat of July, but almost immediately lost 31. Jigeregiment(31" Light Infantry Regiment) in Operation Charnwood on 9 July when the British and Canadians captured Caen. The infantry of 16, Felddivsion (LW) formed TEIN Command SMB team Pea zou iesPW hallrack UNTEROFFIZIER PADD. Sem Pak38 gun ae Usdin leSPW hatarack ANTI-TANK GUN SECTION —SRAAD. Sem PaK3B gun ‘sot leSPHVhatrack Sem PaK38 gin CONS LIGHT ANTI-TANK GUN PLATOON. ssi foSPWV harack UN SECTION ee EG ‘tt Command ieyMG tam E mu Tne TUM ||| HEE RiteiMG team |] Frte4G tam Filler toam Het Pile NMG team TEES) HE Hee eH RilleA4G team Ril/MG toam TEAC EE are the German front line for opposing Operation Goodwood with 21, Panzerdivision deployed immediately behind them as a counterattack reserve. Due to high casualties suffered in this battle, the division was disbanded, (INFANTRY COMPANY) ‘A force based on a Panzergrenadierkompanie must +1 Company HQ, and + 2or3 Panzergrenad Weapons Phioons available co a Panzergrenadierkompanie Platoons, 0 10 1 Machine-gun Platoon, 010 1 Armoured Anti-tank Platoon, 010 1 Armoured Light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon, and. 010 2. Armoured Multiple Mortar Platoons. Suppore Platoons for a Panzergrenadierkompanie can be: +0 (0 2 Panzer Platoons (p. 19), or StuG Platoons (p. 21), 0 c0 1 Heavy Tank Platoon (p. 36), 0 to 1 Self;propelled Infanery Gi 0 t0 1 Scout Platoon (p. 26), 00 1 Pioneer Platoon (p. 26), 0 10 1 Light Ant-tank Gun Platoon (p. 27), or Heavy Anci-tank Gun Platoon (p. 36), Platoon (p. 25), + 010 1 Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoon (p. 23), oF Luft Field Platoon (p. 27), 0 to 1 Motorised Artillery Battery (p. 37), or Armoured Artillery Battery (p. 37). 0 co 1 R-Vielfachwerfer Battery (p. 38), 0 to 1 Rocket Launcher Battery (p. 39), 0 co 1 Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon (p. 38). and 0 co 1 Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon (p. 39). You may have any or all of the above support choices awtached to your company. MOTIVATION AND SKILL ‘The fighting in Normandy is critical ro the surv Third Reich, ‘The soldiers know that if the Allies break ‘out of Normandy, it will be hard co stop them shore of Germany's borders. A Panzergrenadierkompanie is rated as Confident Veteran. al of the HEADQUARTERS 1 ComPANY HQ TOUT OPTIONS + Replace either of both Command S ey swith CeCe en en ane a pony ‘The motorised Panzergrenadier battalions ate the bulwark of the division’ defence, just as the mobile armoured Panzergrenadier battalions are the speathead in. attacks The motorised battalions have the same equipment as the armoured ones, so they can give a good account of them selves when attacking. as well HAUPTMANN. Campane ban ait, Motoreycle oa Kf 1 field car COME rE Sao Gow | PLATOON Dare EOE Eivere\sh COMBAT PLATOONS 2. OR 3 PANZERGRENADIER PLATOONS LW\reronN| PETS! HQ Section with 3 Panzergrenadier Squads 205 points eRe 2 Panzergrenadier Squads 145 points. a NTRS Ta fee HME |] Et * Replace the Command MG team with a Command MGten MG teen MGteam MG team Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points + Add 3-ton trucks at no cos. The army in France is desperately short of trucks of any rarer Sort, As a result the division’ stock of trucks is varied 0 say JAD, the least. A company is lucky to have wo trucks made in the same country; lec alone of the same model. Despite the chaotic transport situation, the motorised Panzergrenadiers ate well armed, well rained, and ready for bate, With six MG42 machine-guns and Panzerfaust anti-tank launchers, a dug in Panzergrenadier platoon is hard to shift NNN TAN OL EAKCIONN WEAPONS TOONS 0 TO 1 MACHINE-GUN PLATOON LEUTNANT PLATOON HQ Seton with ttt conn 6 en DNase nasipoins 1 Machine-gun Si 85 points OPTION + Add 3-ton trucks at no cost Mong “Mcwzume | | MowHMG Mca HMG Machine-gum Platoons may make Combat Attachments to Combat Platoon. VESTN Machine-gun platoons are the core of the battalion's defence against infancry attacks. For more survivability, you can put your machine-guns in bunkers (see page 30) protected by barbed wire and minefields a tm 0 TO 1 ARMOURED ANTI-TANK PLATOON, The Armoured Anci-tank Platoon is organised the same as the one on page 24 a SE 0 TO 1 ARMOURED LIGHT ANTI-AIRCRAFT PLATOON The Armoured Light Anti-aircraft Platoon is organised the same as the Armoured Light Anti-aircraft Platoon on page 24. ES ES 0 TO 2 ARMOURED MULTIPLE MORTAR PLATOONS The Armoured Multiple Mortar Platoons are organised the same as the Armoured Multiple Mortar Platoons on page 25. 21, Panzerdivision spent much of its time in Normandy de- fending stati positions. Knowing that they would need every advantage they could get when the next British attack came, they constructed bunkers for their machine-guns and laid mines and barbed wire entanglements to protect the most «exposed approaches to their positions. A Pancergrenadierkompanie (but not a Gepanzerte Panzer grenadierkompanie) can field fortifications from the following lise as part of its normal force in any game where they are in Prepared Positions ina mission that doe: not use the Fortifications special rules (page 217 of the rulebook). You may swap one or both Machine-gun Section from your Machine-gun Platoon for fortifications at the sear of the game > INP el NNT aa3 ‘The field bunkers built by the Panzergrenadiere of 21. Panzer division were closer to roofed in foxholes than concrete pill- boxes. Farmhouses lost doors and rables to hold up the dirt piled on the roof. Despite their crude nature, these bunkers were very effective Open bunkers follow the rules for Bunkers (page 210 in the rulebook) in all respects, except that: When a hie Pins Down an open bunker, the shooting player immediately makes «second Firepower Test for the shooting weapon A success test will Destry the open bunker A fiiled te leaves the open bunker Pinned Down, but otherwise unharmed. However, guns with the No HE attribute cannot Destray an open bunker Range HMG in Open Bunker 24 160em 6 before deployment bus after determining who will be astacking and who defending. This takes place before you make Combat Attachmems or form a Kampfgruppe. If all of a platoons ‘Machine-gun Sections are swapped for bunkers, the HQ Section is removed from the game Each Machine-gun Section that you swap fo fortifications gives you one HMG in an Open Bunker and either one Minefield ‘or three Barbed Wire Emanglements. All fortifications must be deployed in your deploymene area immediately before you or your ‘epponent places the fis objective. In addition, a Pancergrenadirkompanie tha can fed fortifa- tions can deploy their Panzer IV H tanks in Tank Pits at the sane time ee page 210 ofthe rulebook) BARBED WIRE ENTANGLEMENTS Barbed wire obstacles are excellent for keeping infancy from assauling your bunkers and infantry. Place them just in front of your positions so tha the enemy get hung up on the wie a they try to charge. Thae way only a Few teams each you ata time and you can easily see them off ‘The rules for Barbed Wire Obsaces can be found on page 212 of the rulebook. MINEFIELDS Use minefield to slow dovwn the enemy advance and channel them into your kill zones, Since a determined enemy can cross them, they must be covered with fire to be effective. The rules for Minefield can be found on page 213 of the rulebook. ROF Anti-ank Firepower Notes 6 ROF 2 when Pinned Down. Ge Panserpionierkompanie— (MECHANISED COMPANY) A force based on Panzerpionierkompanie must contain: +1. Company HQ, and + 208 3 Panzerpionier Platoons. There are no Weapons Platoonsavaiable toa Panzerpionier- kompanie. Support Platoons fora Panzespionierkompanie ean be: + 0.10 2 Panzer Platoons (p. 19), or SeuG Platoons (p. 21), 0 (0 1 Heavy Tank Platoon (p. 36), 0 (0 1 Lufewaffe Field Platoon (p. 27), 0 to 1 Heavy Anti-tank Gun Platoon (p. 36), 00 1 Motorised Arti (p.37),0r Armoured Anillery Battery (p. 37). 010 1 RViellachwerfer Batery (p. 38), Oto | Rocker Launcher Battery (p. 39), 0 co 1 Anti-aircraft Gun Placoon (p. 38), and 0 to 1 Heavy Anti-aiverafe Gun Placoon (p. 39). You may have ay attached 10 your fr all of the above support choices mpany. MOTIVATION AND SKILL “The Panzerpioniere ace cough fighters, as well trained and quipped to lead assaults as they are for other hazardous tasks like laying and clearing minefields. They know what of their ability to do it. A 2s Confident Veteran. they are about, and are confide Panzerpionierkompanie is HEADQUARTERS 1 COMPANY HQ HEADQUARTERS OPTIONS Ss ey ean en eRe (Command Panzerfaust SMG teams for +10 points GerCrey ee ern eee een The Company HQ of a Panzerpionierkompanie may use she Mounted Assault special rule. A. Panzerpionierhompanie (armoured engineer company, pronounced pantseerpi-o-neere kom-pan-ee) is parc ofthe divisions assault engineering batalion. Their job isto cleat fortifications in atacks and create them in defence. To that end they only have engineers in cheir batalion, relying on the rest ofthe division For supporting weapons. HAUPTMANN. itt iy ttt oy Company Command U304)leSPW 2G Command U304( SPW ‘Saibteam ballwack SMG team hal-reck LEUTNANT SE COMBAT 2 OR 3 PANZERPIONIER PLATOONS LTV Urolo)s) reheat 3 Pioneer Squads 335 points 2 Pioneer Squads 240 points orate) Oe eee ere emer Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. oat) itional $307(P) (Pioneer ealen pagan es RCS an cea eet as eee ceri MG team for +30 points. You may replace up 10 one Pioneer MG team per squad swith a Flamethrower team ae the star ofthe game before deployment Panzerpionier Platoons may use the Mounted Avsaule special rule LEUTNANT. Command Pinger $207 (Panees) MG team harack PORN UO UNTEROFFIZI Pionoor MG $207(Pionger) ‘eon hallrack AM Pioneer MG Pionoor MG $207 Pioneer| ‘eam halreck AHH Pionoer MG OEM PIONEER SQUAD i tht am ttt Pioneer MG S207) (Pionoer) Pionoor MG ‘an halrack team ——_ EE EEE —_—_' PANZERPIONIER PLATOON, ~. CAEN, 1944 ... “Achtung Jabot” Oberpionier Schiller yells pointing skyward as eo winged shapes peel off into a steep dive high above, The Royal Air Force is ou i fo time his Proniercug has been strafed in as many hours! today, this isthe second Seconds late the shapes become recognisable as Typhoon fighter-bombers. Moments later eight black specks Ay fiom the leading airerai, rockets streaking towards the cath, tearing the sky in «wo with an earspltting sereech The earth seems to tremble from the explosions as the rockets land amongst che supporting assault guns, tearing fone apart, The second Typhoon begins a strafing run seeking out the lightly-armoured half-tracks. From the wings Four cannon spit fire in an unending stream cutting a swath through the wheat field, acks alike. Then itis over. The aircraft roars off, Sabre engine throb- bing under full power asic pulls up from its steep dive Picking himself up from the dire he docsnic remember hitting, Schiller finds himself trembling, “Himmel” he thinks, “Clearing minefields is nothing to these incessant air attacks and the unending Tiommelfeuer, the massed drum-fire of the British atillery. anerspabkompanig (MECHANIZED COMPANY) {A force based on an Panzerspihkompanie must contain: + 1 Company HQ, + 3108 Panzerspith Patrols, and + Lor 2 Aufklirungs Platoons. Weapons Platoons available vo an Panzerspihkompanie 0 to | Armoured Cannon Platoon, 0 10 I Aufktirungs Heavy Platoon, 0 10 1 Light Ant-tank Gun Platoos Oto 1 Light Infantry Gun Platoon, 0 (0 | Armoured Pioneer Platoon, 0 2 Heavy Armoured Car Pkioon. Support Platoons for a Panzerspihkompanie can be: + 0 to Panzer Platoon (p. 19), oF SeuG Platoon (p. 21), Oto 1 Heavy Tank Platoon (p. 36), HEADQ' 1 COMPANY HQ OTOL) ‘Company HQ. 70 points OPTIONS een een see ar ences armoured car for +10 poi Citrine ineacee nr ces EEL? The Company Command ream of a Panzeripabkompanie isa Reece team. The Company Command Sd Kf 250 balf- snack counts as a Tank teu and may fire its rear AA MG cven though it does’ earry any pasenger Sal Kfe 251/16 (Flamm) half-racks may nos loach assauls The Sd Kfe 251/16 (Flamm) mounts one flame-thrower cn each side of the body. These can both fire at the same time, but must fire at the same enemy platoon, Each flame. thrower can fire at any targer on its side of the half-rack, from straight abead to straight behind. 21. Panceraufilirungabrelung (Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion) has a mix of old training equipment and the latest issue. ‘The halftracks are all the ‘new’ model of the light Sd Kf 250 half-rack, including the Sd Kf 250/9 em) armoured car. The division’ only two armoured flame-throwers, both brand new, are also in the reconnais- sanee battalion. On the other hand, the wheeled armoured cars are an assortment of four and eight-wheeled armoured ‘ars dating back co the first year of the war. They are good German equipment and still Function, but newer equipment to match the half tracks would be nice. + 0101 Heavy Antitank Gun Platoon (p. 36) + 00 1 Lufiwaife Field Platoon (p. 27) + 0 10 1 Mocorised Arillery Battery (p.3 Ailey Battery (p. 37) 0 t0 1 R-Vielfachwerfer Batery (p. 38), 0 co 1 Rocket Launcher Bactery(p. 39). 0 w0 1 Ant-aircrafe Gun Platoon (p. 38), and 0 to 1 Heavy Anti 1 Platoon (p. 39) You may have any or all of the above support choices tached to your company ),or Armoured rerafe G MOTIVATION AND SKILL The reconnaissance troops are hard-hitting. A Panzerspaih- ompanic is rated as Confident Veteran. |ARTERS HAUPTMANN. aa pene Let PANZERSPAHKOMPANIE Your Panzerspabkompanie (Reconnaissance Squadron, pro- nounced pants-sert shpay kom-pan-ee) is an Mechanized tunit whose infantry’s task is to break a hole in the enemy line for the Paneerspahuagen armoured cars co get through and reconnoitre in depth PLATOON ean Sd Kfi 221 (2.8m) armoured car at no cos spa Patrols may be equipped aes No more than three Pans Pa A Command Sd Kf 250 half mack counts asa Tank team in a Panzerspih Patrol and may fire its rear AA MG even though it dacin carry any passengers, 1 TO 2 AUFKLARUNGS PLATOONS PLATOON Pony 3 Aufldirungs Squads 300 points 2 Aulldicungs Squads 215 points OPTIONS ace Command MG team with a Command Ur ee ee i cc neat + Replace the hull MG with a hull- mounted 2em gun SI Ceb nee eee Aufelirungs Platoons may use the Mounted Awaule special rule; While the theory says that your Aufklirangr platoons are there to clear the way for the armoured cars to operate, in practice things in Normandy have been very different, Afier spending the morning hunting non-existent parachutists south west of Caen, the reconnaissance battalion spent the rest of D-Day attacking the real airborne landings east of the PANZERSPAH PATROL Panceripah Patrols are Reconnaisance Platoons. 18 armoured cus are lightly armed so that heir com. mandlers done get silly ideas about fighting rather than scouting. Your armoured cars should be leading your advance looking for ambushes or seeking out hidden enemy units, and even sneaking through gaps in the enemy line (0 take objectives by surprise. They shouldn't be charging the enemy dying in a pointless firefight OANA itt ole Command SaKi2250/10 MGteam —_(37em) hallsack OREN Can tHE HH MGteam MG oom UNE TH RHE MGteom MG team SéK250 hal-rock So Kin260 halltrack Ue tht alle ttt MGteam —Sakte250 —MGteam haltreck OE UNCT) UTA NTONEM VAC ‘Ome. ‘Thereafier, the battalion took its place in the line as another infancry baccalion to cover the extended front line WEAPON PLATOONS 0 TO 1 ARMOURED CANNON PLATOON ‘The Armoured Cannon Platoon is organised the ime as the Armoured Anti-tank Platoon on page 24, except that ic is ‘equipped with Sd Kfz 251/9 (7.5em) assault guns instead of $307(F) (PaK40) self-propelled anti-tank guns and costs 45 points per Gun Section, PLATOON HQ Section with 2 Machine-gun Sections 230 points 1 Machine-gun Section 135 points No machine Gun Sections 40 points OPTION + Add a Mortar Section for +90 points ‘An Aufkdirungs Heavy Platoon must have a Mortar ee ge ee cae ee Auftdirungs Heavy Platoons may make Combes Attach ‘mens 10 Combat Platoons. Each Panzerpabkompanie has a heavy platoon equipped with machine-guns and mortars to give the Auflarungs platoons immediate support, ‘These keep well forward with the ad- vaneing platoons, fire support against any opposition hae delays the advance, y 10 provide immedi All ofthe weapons can fite from their vehicles, so there is no need to dismount. This means that if you move them from firing position co firing position, the vehicles simply halt OT LEUTNANT ttt ol Command Sa Kir 250 SMGteom ——_halrrack UNTEROFFIZIER a ke 250 (Hut6)at-track whan ol MGAZHMG Sa kta 250 (wtG) nalrtrack MGA HAG Sa Kz 250 (uM atctrack ven oll ‘MGA HMG Sa Ki 250 (unt attack Te MGa2HIMG ‘AUFKLARUNGS HEAVY PLATOON a 0 TO 1 LIGHT ANTI-TANK GUN PLATOON The Light An replace the Sem PaK38 guns with 7. nk Gun Platoon i organised the same asthe Light Ancitank Gun Platoon on page 27, excepe tha ic st m PaK 40 guns for 420 points per gun. age 0 oS 0 TO 1 LIGHT INFANTRY GUN PLATOON The Light Infantry Gun Platoon is organised the same as the Light A\ Y ea ih 1k Placoon on page 27, except that have two Gun Sections and must replace the Sem PaK38 guns with 7.5cm leIG18 guns at no cost 0 TO 1 ARMOURED PIONEER PLATOON “The Armoured Pioneer Platoon is organised just like the Panzerpionier Platoon on page 32. Note that Aufilirungs, Aufllirungs Heavy, Armoured Cannon, Armoured Light Anti-tank Gun, Armoured Light Infantry Gun and Armoured Pioneer platoons are not reconnaisiance platoons. Their role isto clear the Platoons which are reconnaissance platoons. © TO 2 HEAVY ARMOURED CAR PLATOON Law fete) y) 3 Sd Kfz 233 (7.5 em) 145 points 2 Sd Kfz 233 (7.5em) 95 points Heavy Armoured Car Platoons are not reconnaissance platoons The heavy armoured car platoon gives the armoured cars the direct firepower they need co knock out light anti-tank guns blocking their way forward, ‘way for the Armoured Car LEUTNANT. PTT eee Command 3d Kl 233 armoured car TREaIOM UNTEROFFIZIER ee UNTEROFFIZIER eee 0 TO 1 HEAVY TANK PLATOON orl “4 Kénigstiger (Porsche) 3 Konigstiger (Porsche) 1360 points 1020 points 2 Kanigstger (Porsche) “680 points 1 Kinigatiger (Porsche) 340 points 4 Tiger LE 3 Tiger TE 2 Tiger E T Tiger TE Remember t0 roll for your Tiger Ai 860 points 645 points 430 points 215 points Cad game 503. Schwere Panzerabteing (503% Heavy Tank Battalion) of the most experienced heavy tank battalions in jerman Army. Its first company is also the first co be 0 TO 1 HEAVY ANTI-TANK GUN PLATOON PLATOON okser nn 37.5em Pak40 165 points 27.5em PaO 115 points HQ Section with: 3 8.8m PaA3/41 410 points 2 8.8m PaK43/41 280 points HQ Section with: 3 8.8m PaKA3 425 points 28.8 Paki 290 points 21, Panzerdivision was the only armoured division to tank-hunter battalion fully equipped with 8.8m anti-tank guns. 200. Pancerjagerabtelung was in action on D-Day with 24 heavy 8.8m PaK43/41 anci-cank guns. They lost all of these cumbersome guns (ni door) by the end of June snamed Scheunentor, bar In their place they received 1053. Artillerie PaK-Abteilung equipped with 7.5em PaK40 guns and 1039, Aruillerie-Pa Abteilung with improved 8.8em PaK43 anti-tank guns on cruciform mounts in time for Operation Goodwood. PONT PEUANENN EE Command Heavy Tank Hoawy Tank aie Heavy Tank ATATSUION ENTRUST Heavy Tank equipped with the new anigstiger (King or Bengal Tiger, pronounced ker-nigs tee-gere) tank, The battalion joined 2/. Panzerdivision just in time to be heavily bombed in Operation Goodwood. Despite over- turned tanks and stunned crews, they counterattacked the British on the eastern flank of their advance. The battalion fought on until the end of the campaign, sup- porting 2/. Panzerdivision in Operation Bluecoat and the Falaise pocket. UNA TEUTNANT tH img Command Kfe 1S field ear SW team ‘Ant-tank gun SD tractor ametank gun SO tractor UNIS HUNKS ito PLATOON Poker 2.Gun Sections 240 points 1 Gun Section 135 points OPTION Oe caer cco Enoki trucks at no cost, ‘The first battalion of 155. Panzerartllerieregiment is mainly equipped with captuced Soviet 12.2em FH316(s) field how- itzers, These give the battalion more firepower than the usual German 10.5em leFH18 howitzers, as well as longer range. These artillery pieces give your force the ability co sic backand pound difficult enemy positions into submission before you attack them. While itis deadly, you will never have enough time or guns to completely destroy the enemy. What you must do is knock out their anti-tank weapons and machine guns to allow your tanks and infantry to assault and clear the position. 0 TO 1 ARMOURED ARTILLERY BATTERY PLATOON, Pee 2. Gun Sections 410 points 1 Gun Section. 20 points OPTIONS Replace all 10.5em (Sf) Lorraine Schlepper self propelled guns with 15cm (Sf) Lorraine Schlepper self propelled guns for +45 points per Gun Section Replace Command SMG team and Kfi 15 field car th a Command Lorraine Schleppet OP tank for Pome Replace Observer Rifle teams and Kibelwagen jeeps with Observer Lorraine Schlepper OP tanks for eee es Command Lorvaine Seblepper OP tanks and Observer Lormaine Sclepper OP tanks cannot launch asus oe ahi Command Staff team Swit Ia rT OTA es At op Kibetwagen ‘nserver —Kibolwagen Fille toam Cobsewer file teom FE. 12:2em FHBIB() gun 12.20m FHSIBI? gun 122m FHBIB( gun CUNSTaEM UES MOTORISED ARTILLERY BATTE HAUPTMANN. itt came at-at eal Command Kfe WSfeldear —Stafftoam ——_Kie68 aco. SMe team muck TEU at oe Kibetwagen EV AX othe Observer Kibelwagen fie team em (1 Loraine Sehlepper 105m ($0 Loreaine Schepper sem (St Loraine Schleppar | | 10cm SI) Lorraine Schleppor 0 TO 1 R-VIELFACHWERFER BATTERY PLATOON HQ Section with: 2 Launcher Sections ‘OPTION OO cre g co with 5 or more crew and count each rocket launcher as two weapons when firing a bombardment for Pees as fachwerfer rocket launchers The R-Vielfachoerfer isa cheap method of delivering plenty of firepower. With 48 rails on each launcher, every salvo is the equivalent of the guns of two divisions fring at once. ‘The rockets are rather light and not particularly destructive, but are ideal for bringing down quick and effective bombard- ments on infantry caught in the open and guns that have not hhad time to dig in, R-Vielfachwerfer rocker launchers are equally good for pinning down hard-to-hic cargets since they saturate the area ‘with rockets to make up for their lack of precise accuracy: 0 TO 1 ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON PLATOON 3 Sd Kfe 10/5 (2em) 90 points 2 Sd Kf 10/5 (cm) 60 points loot all Sd Kf 10 ae er (Quad 2cm) half-tracks for +15 points per RRS CRP ee ond ee eats nen Bese cys See ere nite reece ta Pelee LEUTNANT. TEU ie Still car Observer file team ERE Command Steam Kibetwagen TE TED SOT FMitachweror Son Vallachwerer LAUNCHER SEC LAUNCHER SECTION R-VIELFACHWERFER BATTERY. ARMOURED ROCKET LAUNCHER The $307(F) R-Vielfuchwerfer leaves a huge cal of smoke in the sky when it fies. To avoid councerbacery fire, they would usually displace immediately after firing, 30709) R-Vielfachwerfer rocket launchers use the Armoured Racket Launcher special rule on page 167 of the rulebook ONAN Eu ovr Command SK 105 2em) PLATOON ers ‘itt Command 2 Launcher Sections 235 points SM team 1 Launcher Section 130 points TOTEM OPTIONS PEC CmeM Te Retent Rm cs LEUTNANT fC aor aa see Observer Kubelwagon Observer Kibelwagen Replace all three 15em NW41 rocket launchers Bite tam 7 Bile tam a Pr aN are eee ecu "Bhan. whan. Panzerwerfer 42 (Maultier) rocket launchers for Pic pinyean weir ‘em AWAT rocketlauncher | | 156m AOA rocket launcher ‘Add an Anti-tank Section for +55 points. ‘The Germans fielded three brigades of Nebelwerfer rocket Thar "vhhan. launchers in Normandy. On the British sector, ane of the wo regiments of 7. Werfer Brigade usually provided support | | "5°" NW! rosetlauncher |] 160m NWA} rocket euncher to 21. Panzerdivision, With well over 100 rocket launchers in the brigade, itis no surprise thac British soldiers came Bs i cn Ae wh Bhhhas. "Bhhaas. ‘Gem NWT rocketlauncher | | 15em NWA rocket launcher The 15cm rockets of the Nebelwerfer are considerably more deadly against protected targets than the 8m rockets of the R Vielfachwerfer, but being towed guns are much more vul nerable to counterbattery fire. The Panzerwerfér 42armoured CUES rocket launchers are the best combination of the two. Relea 0 TO 1 HEAVY ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON IPN colo) Command SMGteam — Kle 5field cor 205 points ae Pie at OO Scena eae nie ener n te eens reals _ —— . Sd Kz 7 (6 lack ‘SAK (8) hal-track I. Flaksturmaregiment of Il Flaksturmkorps (38 Anti-averale PEG Assault Corps) was deployed behind 21. Panzerdivision nist during Operation Goodwood for additional heavy anti- EPO SiS SUNDUNCSTOT aleraft and anti-tank support. LUFTWAFFE HEAVY ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON You may field your Heavy Anti-aiverafi Platoon from Flaksturraregiment UL manned by Lufewatfe troops instead of the divi- sion’ own 303. Heeres FlaK Anilletie Abteilung, [yon doo, the platoon is rated as Reluctant Trained instead of Confident Veceran, but costs only 130 point for 2 Anti-aircraf Sections or 75 poins for 1 Antvaircrafi Section. The guns can still be ‘modelled with 8 or more erew and have their ROF increased to 3 for +10 points per gun The Lufieaffeantivaierafe guns were frequently called into service as artillery due to a shortage of ammunition for many conventional artillery pieces. Your Luftwaffe Heavy Ant-aireraft Platoon may fire Artillery Bombardments with a Range of £88°7220em, an Antitan rating of 3 and a Firepower of 5+ OT —) Armour Name Side Top Equipment and Notes Weapon OF Aui-tank Firepower TANKS Panzer 1V H Fally-racked Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Proteted ammo, ehirzn, 75am Ke 0 gam 32780 Sheeran I Iytracked Coax MG, Hull MG M3-75nm gun 327800 Sra Fefly VC Fally-racked Coax MG, OQ 17 pdr gm 327806 No HE. Tiger E Faly-racked Coax MG, Hall MG, Poet ammo, lw tank, Wie tacks 8.80 KioK36 gun 4wntoom = 2 Sw raves nigger (Porsche) Flly-racked Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Ovelaadd, Unrelbl, Slow tank 8.8em KK gon W700 =— 2 Be Slow raves ASSAULT GUNS 7.5em (Sf) 39H ally-racked AAMG, Unelabl 7.5m PuK40 gun 327806 3 Hall mounted. 105em ($0 39H Faly-racked AAMG, Uneelil 10m eFHI6 gun 427800 Hull mounted. INFANTRY GUNS (SP) 30716) (PaKA0) Hlracked AAMG, Unreliable, 750m Dak gun 32 78ten 3+ Hall monte 83074 Reihcrwerer Halfracked ‘AAMG, Unelble tem Reienwerfer 4071000 Roce eee, Sua boars Sd Kia 2507 (Bem) Hlfracked AAMG em GW34 mortar 40710000 Hel mound, Doe, Snake bmberdnet Sd Kia 25119 50m) Halak 75em Kk gon 246000 ARTILLERY (SP) 105em (SP) Loraine SclepperFall-racked AAMG, Ovedaded, Sow, Unelible 105Sem KEE howitzer 26m Hol mounted Se Fring bombardnents “280m Swoke bombard 15m (51 Loraine Schlepper Fullysracked AMG, Overloaded, Slow, Unilble {15em 1413 howitzer 1st4000 Bunker ber, Hall norte, Ske. Fring bombarinents 476000 Sake bombardment Loren Schlepper OP Fallvtncked AAG, Oveladed, lo Unable S307(9 R-Vilichwerer——Halracked AA MG, Unrlble om rocks luncer S67isten —- 6 Racket lawn Panzerwerer 42 (Maun) Halsracked [AA MG, Armoured rocket launcher 15cm RWA2 racket leche 67160 Race lancer, Smoke bombard ANTI-AIRCRAFT (SP) 1U304() Gem) al-racked Unveil 2am FaK38 gun 167m Se Anson Sid Kf 1015 (2em) Halfaracked 2am Fk gun 164000 Ania SAK 7/1 (Quad 2em) Hale 2m FuK38 V) go 1614000 Ania Sd KE 712(3.7em) Halal 3.7m B13 gn 2476004 Ani akpanzer 38(0 (2c) Flly-racked 2am FuK38 gun 16m Anti TANK TEAMS fre Name Mobility Front Side Tap Equipment and Notes Weapon Range ROP —Auti-uank Firepower ARMOURED CARS Sa Kia 221 (28cm) Whesed 282m :PSBAL anti-tank rifle 160m ul nonted, No HE Wheced Coax MG. 2em RoK38 gn 167400 Sefdefenceanti-ain, SAK Fe 223 (edi) Whesed AMG, Sa Ke 25009 (2cm) Halésacked Coax MG. 2m Kil 38 on 1610 Sf defince amare SA Kfe 231 (Bad Jeep Coae MG, 2am Kok 38 gen 167400 Sa Kf 233 (75cm) Jecp Hull MG, Sion KiwK37 gu 24 7600m Hal mounted. Sd Kf 251/16 (lam) Halfacked 1 Hull MG. Tov Lion Flanmenwofr 411003 (each) Side mounted, Flamethrower VEHICLE MACHINE-GUNS Viice MG 16%iten ROP 1 ifether weapons fie NFANTRY TEAMS Team Range OF Anti-ank Firepower Notes RifeMG tam 14cm 2 6 MG team 1640em 3 2 6 SMG tam @/iom 3 6 FuILROF when moving Fame-thrower team aN0cm 2 6 Flamethrower Saal cam cannot shooe “Moves asa Heary Gun tam. ADDITIONAL TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT Panett Nom 2 “Tank Asal 6, Cnnor shoot in the Shooting Sep if moved in the Movement Sep Pioncr teams are rated a6 Tank Asal 4 Weapon Range Fnepower Notes MGi2 HMG Manpacked —24°V6Qem 6 ROF 2 whem pinned dwn, Sein GW morar Man-packed —40°/100c 6 Smoke bombardment 75cm IIGIS gun Light 16°/40em 3s Gun shld, Smoke Firing bombardments 48°71206m 3 6 Sem PaK38 gu Medien —24°/606m 3 4 (Gun shi 7-Sem PaKs0 gun Medium 32"/8cm 3. Gun shi 8.8m PaKA3/41 gun Inmotile 40°/100cm Be (Gun shi ‘cm PaKA3 gun Inmmotile 40°7100em Be Gun shld, Tara ‘88cm FAK36 gun Inmate 40°/100em se (Gun shi, Heavy ant-arerafe, Tara 12.22m FH316(0) howiver ——_Immobile in » Gun shi Firing bombardments 807200 10s Icom NW4l rocket launcher Light 61"/16Dean Siok bombardment TRANSPORT TEAMS ‘Armoue Vehicle Mobility Front “Side Tap Equipment and Notes Weapon Range ROP Antictank Firepower TRUCKS BMW mororeycle & sidecar of Kibehwagenjop kp ‘Opvional Pascngs- fired Hall MG. Horch Kfe 15 car Jeep 30m wack Whos Unrtnle Opel Kf: 68 radio ruck Whose Opel Maulier Halktcked TRACTORS Sd Kfe 11 Gd, 0r Sd KE 7 (89 hallurack Halacked RSO Fully-racked Soe ark ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIERS U304(F leSPWhalfack ——Halfacked 1 Hull MG, Pasengerfed AA MG, Unelble U304(9)(HMG) haleack Halbeek Hull MG, FIMG Carte, Pascngerfied AA MG, Unreliable U304(9 (.7em) Hallacked Pasenger-fired AA MG, Unreliable 3.7em PaK36 167400n fe Hall monn $3074 (Ponce) black Half wacked Hull MG, Pasenger-fred AA MG, Assault edge, Unita Sd Kf250 0251 halfwack —HalF-wacked Hull MG, Pasenger-fred AA MG. Sid Kf: 250 (HMG) hlfarack — HalFarackod Hull MG, HIG Carte, Pasenger- fied AA MG. Sid Kf 250 (2m) Halcked Pasenger-fired AA MG. 2em Fak38 16%40m Hull monn. Si Kf 250/10 oF 251/10 (3.7em) HalF-acked 3.7m PaK36 16'iten Se Hall mented RECOVERY VEHICLES Sd Kf: 9 (180) hallerack Hilacked—- Recovery vice Variations Add camo Common belet colours: ‘over Middlestone in German Grey (995), oF irregular blotches: Middlestone (882) Reflective Green (890) ‘Camo colour German Camo Medium Brown (821) Camo colour Plat Plesh (955) Exposed flesh Black (950) Bett, boots, webbing. German Camo Medium Beige (821) Rifle ammo pouches Beige Brown (875) Splinter pattern Rife wood ol hands canoifiage German Camo Medium | German Carno Gunmetal (863) Beige (821) Medium Beige (821) Gun met canen cap Bae colour Deal ba, Reflective Green (899) Flat Brown (084) (Cane Sle ‘Alnrnatsclourt ene German Camo Medium Laie Uniform Town (826) “wWIt IO German Fieldgry Como coo Green Grey (886) (830) All colour names and codes given are for the Vallejo range of Flames Of War paints, ‘available from the online store and Flames Of War stockists, More comprehensive painting and modelling guides can alo be found on the row. FlamesOfWae:com website. Alrernate colour Liftwatfe Uniform WWII (816) Lafewaffe pans & 215™ PANZER VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT Tanks, vehicles and guns are a Sener aecieaien elds) painted in Dunkelgelb (Dark- “Middlestone (882) yellow; use Middlescone 882) camouflaged with very roughly sprayed thin lines of Olingrizn (Olive-green, use Reflective Green 890) and Rovbrawn (Rede Reflective Gren (890) and brown, use Flat Brown 984), Flat Brown (984) ‘or with large jagged swatches of Olin Beige Brown (875) Add camo in irregular stripes 1 base colour: Reflective Green (890), or Tool handles, Gunmetal (984) Tracks, machine-guns, tool Tank ursets are marked with crosses on the sides and rear along, ‘with theCompany/Platoon/ Tank identification numbers, jabra on 18 July, 1944, Caught between opposing a direct lish thrust against their main force in good tank country idan American thrust through dense Boeage country Pagainse their weaker lank, ic was fele that the German Army ‘would have no choice but to allow one or the other attack F to breakthrough. “The opportunity 0 launch simultaneous American and rth operations was dashed when General Bradley of the DUS Firs Army had to postpone the launch of Operation {Cobra from 18 July co 20 July and eventually co 25 July ‘General Montgomery, in charge of both armies, dared noc postpone Operation Goodwood, fearing this would give Generalfeldmarschall Rommel time to reorgani © divisions to create the reserve he so desperately needed. With this concern uppermost in his mind, Montgomery gave {General Dempsey of the British Second Army the go ahead {0 commence operations on 18 July without che Americans. Dempsey VIII Corps consisting of the 78, 11%, and Guards Armoured Divisions was tasked with the main attack designed co capture Bourgébus Ridge. On the eastern flank, the 3" Division under I Corps would clear the flanks of the armoured thrust and capture Troarn. Meanwhile I (Canadian) Corps would conduct Operation Atlantic, Capturing the southern suburbs of Caen, Vaucelles, and Cotmelles wich the 2°! and 34 Canadian Divisions his panzer ‘A THOUSAND BOMBER RAID ‘Ac fist light on 18 July, over a thousand heavy bombers From the RAF Bomber Command and another 570 from the US 8th Air Force began carpec bombing the positions ‘occupied by 2/. Panzerdivsion and theit subordinate 16, Felddivision (LW) (16* Air Force Feld Division). The al bombardment lasted two hours, curning the earth into “alliving hell for the hapless German defenders. Soldiers went tad, some even committed suicide. 58-ton Tiger tanks were Flipped upside down, leaving 503. Schwere Panzerabrilung (603% Heavy Tank Battalion) with just 8 out of its 42 tanks still operational Vill CoRPS ARMOURED THRUST Major General ‘Pip’ Roberts’ 11 Armoured Division led off VIII Corps assault, making good progeess and meeting little Fesistance. However, as the day progressed and the defenders recovered from the acral bombardment the defence stiffened tonsiderably, slowing the advancing armoured columns. The Self-propelled guns of 200. Saw Abteilung (200% Assault Gun Battalion) and 8.8m anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns deployed in depth took their toll as did counterattack by the surviving Tiger heavy tanks. By mid afternoon, 1. SS-Panzerdivision (V* $§ Armoured vision) had taken up positions on Bourgébus Ridge and launched counterattacks, halking VIII Corps’ advance just © short of its objective Il (CANADIAN) CORPS CLEARS CAEN On the western flank, the 2! and 3% Canadian Divisions commenced Operation Atlantic, In the wake of the ma aerial bombardment, 3rd Canadian Division Drove through the blasted landscape, However, as time lapsed sistance stiffened. Eventually the lead companies came under intense machine-gun and small arms fire from a Chateau and the steelworks factory on the outskirts of Colombelles, on their right flank, Inspite ofthis stiffening resistance the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, supported bya troop of tanks from the Hussars, pushed across the fields tothe village of Gibberville which had been strongly fortified. Close house~ torhouse fighting ensued. By evening the Canadians had secured the village. “The rest of the division continued to work its way to Colombelles ying to clear the Germans form their posi- tions in the steel works. After a hard fight che way forward was finaly cleared, 1 CORPS CLEARS THE LEFT FLANK ‘Meanwhile, the British 3! Division commenced its advance to secu the eastern flank ofthe assault. One Brigade led off, riding on tanks across the open fields. Their progress ‘was fast and ac ther fist objective, Lirose, they overran a surprised Nebelwerfer rocket launcher battery. Finally, as the Germans grew awate of the hole in thir lines the advance ras halted just shore of Mannevile. The heavy Tiger tanks, recovered from the bombing, counteratticked, halting, any further advance: ‘The rest of the division attacked through denser terrain to the east, capruring the village of Toulfreville, As the day wore fon the infantay pushed through to Sannerville on the Caen: ‘Troatn Road with the help ofa squadron of tanks eventually swinging eastwards toward Troarn from a new stat line at Sannerville, As losing Troarn would have put their entire castetn flank at risk, the Germans responded with a stubborn. defence and heavy counterattacks, including attacls by the new Kinigstiger super-heavy tanks. THE AFTERMATH Second Army continued its attack over the following «wo claysin the face of seengthening German defence. Bourgébus Ridge was finally secured, but further progress proved impos- sible, In all, che Germans commisted 12. $5-Penzendivision and elements of 2. Pancerdivision, 116, Pancerdivison, 9. S- Panzerdivision and 10, SS-Panzerdivision o the Caen sector While these forces, combined with heavy rain, brought the battle to a halt, it left nothing in reserve in front of the US First Army. ‘The panzer divisions had been bleed white and kept in the line (On 25 July Operation Cobra was finally launched, deliver- ing their much desired break out. With no reserve armoured divisions, the Germans were doomed. Monty’s strategy had worked, . SeuGAbe PrPioAbe |. PEAA 5. FlakAbe cA ? (Cee J Gasoribeles Eines Proere a era Terenas Tee (sil Gun Batalon) Panzerpionierabe ‘emoured Pioneer Ba Panzeraufldirungsabeilung (Armouesd Resonnsisancs Barton) Panveranlleriesegimenc (Aemoured Areliry Regiment) 5, Heres Fak Abteilung, ‘Asmy AncaireatBatalion) Ceres een eaten Defensive Area Trea “0503, seoabe 503, Schwere Panzcrabrelung, (Heavy Armoured Batalion) 9, Werfée Bde 9, Werfer Brigade (Rocket Launcher Brigade) 1039, Are-Pak-Abt 1039. Anilleie Pak Abteilung, (Arlery Anda Baion) \ PLAKR Maser TOR Regiment Moser (AnesArerat Repent) Tigersgimene (ight tne 46, Higerregiment (igh Tefaney Reginen) 16, Arillriregimen (elery Regine) THE ROYAL AIRFORCE | IN NORMANDY “The Royal Air Force (RAF) knows that air power is going tobe « major part of vietory. The German war machine is reeling under the impacts of night time bombing by Bomber Command and daylight bombing by the US Army Air Force, ‘The transport infrastructure of France is in tatters The rail neework is barely functioning and the bridges actoss the Seine are down. German supplies and reinforcements for Normandy are being strangled. All cha’ leftis for the armies on the ground co mop up and finish the job! SECOND TACTICAL AIR FORCE ‘The RAF’s Second Tactical Air Force is tasked with supporting the ground war in Franc everything the Germans do, keeping the Allied g step ahead of the foe. Its fighter-bombers fly continuous interdiction sorties to keep the Germans short of supplies and reinforcements, shooting up anything that moves on the roads and railways be Its reconnaissance aircraft ind the front lines, ‘The RAF believes that it contributes more by strangling the enemy of supplies than in crying to kill heir front-line Forces. None the less, fighter-bombers also acack tactical argets in the front lines, although the RAF dislikes these operations © high and ic is dificult co accurately identify targets from the at. The Canadian Lieutenant George Blackburn wrote about the Tiffies, as everyone called the Hawker Typhoon ground- in his book The Guns of Normandy: “Ie must make the German the guns, three miles from the targets being, attacked, the ‘monstrous svoosh of the rackets ripping the air on theit way down to the ground from the straining, diving planes can ‘ause anxiery. Even after days ofhearing them, theskin on the back of your neck tenses up whenever you hear the awesome attack aire blood run cold, For even back here at | 4 scroo-ching of the rockers descending. You A Watch, for eich pilot puts on a wuly magnificent display 0 courage. Is incredible any of those planes survive those | dives through skies pollured with the flak of more than six dozen 88-mm ack-ack guns covering che ridg BOMBER COMMAND While the Second Tactical Air Force supports the army, Bomber Command is the RAFS main straegic force. ls primary cask {& the destruction of Germany's ability to wage wats The RAF sees ths as far more important chan the war on the ground, and thus is ecluctant ro divert Bomber Command’ efforts away from the strategic bombing of German cities. However, for major operations when a maximum effort is required, Bomber Command throws its weight into the fight. OPERATION GOODWOOD Operation Goodwood was a daring plan that needed suf ficient firepower to stun the Germans while the tacking Forces penetrated deeply defensive positions. While the Royal Artillery pounded the Germans with more than 700 guns, Second Tactical Air Force’s 83 and 84 Groups and Bomber Command hammered the German positions 30 thi 1056 Lancaster and Halifux heavy bombers of Bomber Command dropped 4800 tons of high explosive on the German defences in less than an hour. When they were finished some 400 fighter-bombers (mainly Typhoons) from 83 and 84 Groups struck known German gun positions rocketing and bombing the survivors while the US Eighth and Ninth Ait Forces dropped another 1900 cons of bombs from 888 medium and heavy bombers. ares: rhe Wo for AMO “Hawker Hucricane inthe bomberintercepior toe, but to deliver she high-aleidude performance needed in that role, What ie gave instead was stunning low-level performance and rugged airframe making ic an excellent fighter-bomber. Prove etaege- Typhoon 8 x 60lb rockets eS (112Ib/5kg of iS 1 —= explosives per aircraft) [|__-— §__—— Each Typhoon caries cight 6b (27kg) HE rockets. Against most targets the tockets ate che prefered weapon, Rockers ate more accurate than bombs and much more deadly than the fte of the Typhoons four 20mm cannon. 25 pdr battery (8 guns) 8x25 lb shelis (Alb /6.4kg of explosives per salvo) Eight salvos = 1 Typhoon With juse1.751b (800g) of explosives in each shell an eight- gun Field Bawcry, Royal Arcillery only fires 14llb(6.4kg) in tach eight-round salvo. Ic would need seven more salvos taking nearly five minutes to deliver che same amount of explosives as one Typhoon fires ina few seconds! at Woes: (lent Powcted by a 2200R Napier abe engi (4445kg) Typhoon can do 405mph (652km/h) ar 18 c (6485m), making it neatly LOOroph (16Okn/h) faster th the Hucicano, despite being almose wo tons heat: Much ofthis weight increases the Typhoon’ heavy armament Lancaster 10 x 10001b bombs (44501b/2020kg of explosives per arcrafi) Despite the ‘Typhoon having the firepower of a Royal Navy: Ctuiser’s broadside, Ir’ firepower is nothing compared with a Lancaster heavy bomber. 5.5” batery (8 guns) 8 x 1001b shells (8OIb/36kg of explosives per salvo) Oe and a hallsalvos = 1 Typhoon Even a Medium Battery, Royal Artillery with its big 5.5% suns cant match a Typhoon. Although the shells are heavie than rockets, they contain less explosive, soa battery o guns only delivers ewo-thirds as much explosive in a salvo a8 ‘one Typhoon firing rockets. Disorganised junterattack (see page 50), No Retreat, and Prepared Capture and clear Bar touinding area, Hold this position exploit co Troarn and Manneville la-Campagne and the sur the flanking bi Hale che Br tions. You must protect the artillery p Ja-Campagne and prevent a British PREPARING FOR BATTLE | Set up the ter 20cm by 6'/180em, attack at all ensts. Do nor give up your posi jtions a Banneville cakchrough, nas shown on page 49. The table is 2. The German player places thei | deployment area. The Heavy An teams are held off the tabl ‘ing troops in their tank Platoon and Sniper \mbush. The rest of their 3. The in the German deployment area, -man artillery observer teams can deploy anywhere “The British player deploys their encire force in theit BEGINNING THE BATTLE 1, AllGerman troops on the table state the game in Prepas Positions, so they are in Foxholes and Gone ro Ground, 2. ‘The British player has the fist cur, ENDING THE BATTLE The battle ends at nightfll ar the stare of the British curn 10, after making their Company Morale Check if necessary DECIDING WHO WON Thete are three object Bannevlle-la-Campagne, th aen-Troarn Road. all. buildings. ‘The apel, and the House by the The player holding the most obj ac the end of the The battle around Sannerville-la-Cam very disjointed from 1 rupted German troops to fight their own individual bat of the importa id Hit orders, the soldiers fought, and died, where they stood, ne Chateau was German perspective, ‘The heavy Bricish bombing ommunications and left the e of the battle TERRAIN ‘As the Suffolks continued their advance southward after capturing Sannerville, they crossed the main east-west ‘Troarn-Caen road approaching the chateau of Banneville-l- Campagne, their final objective for the day. ‘The Banneville-l-Campagne Chateau is a large building with a ewo-storey eentie and evo mote rooms making, up the east and west wings. Use the Large Buildings rules on page 222 of the rulebook for this building. “The stream running, across the battlefield is Very Difficult Going and provides Bullesproof Cover and Concealment to infantey in the stream, sheltering against the steep Although the woods in the western half of the battlefield are badly damaged by bombing and shelling, chey still count as normal Woods and are Difficult Going, The Orchards to the east are more open. While they are area terrain like Woods and count as Difficult Going, they only am Conceal teams within them. ‘They are open enough that teams within or beyond the orchard can see and be seem at = any distance. e remaining terrain is open fields of dey gr thin grey dust from the bombed-out ruins of: © D-Day: Ic has been in constant combat since then. Despite ing reinforced with part of 16. Felddivsion (LW), the 125. PANZERGRENADIERREGIMENT 6, Figerkompanie, 46, Figerregiment (LW) 2, Batterie, 155. Panzerartilleieregiment 10, Batterie, 155. Panzerartilleieregiment HINTERHALT Scharfichiivzen 3 Batterie, 1039, Arillerie Pak Abteilung, VERSTARKUNGEN Major von Luck | | 7. Kompanie, 125. Panzergrenadierregiment oe Placoon (wich three squads, HQ equipped | | 2. Kompanie, 125. Panzergrenadierregiment ‘constant hammering of British artillery and battles ‘contain the bridgehead actoss the Ome have taken thei tol Most companies are now just platoons. KAMPFGRUPPE LUCK (CONFIDENT VETERAN) Luftwaffe Field Platoon (rated Reluctant Trained, with three squads, ac @) | Motorised Artillery Battery (with four 12.2em FH316(e) ) R-Viefachwerfer Bacery (with loading crews at howitzers a ) AMBUSH “Two Sniper teams t Heavy Anti-tank Gun Platoon (with two 88cm PaK43) DISORGANISED COUNTERATTACK. Major von Luck (as SMG team or in Panzer IV H tank) with Panzerfause) Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoon (with two squads, HQ equipped with Panzerfaust) | 8, Bawerie, 52. Flakregiment re Heavy Anti-aircraft Platoon (rated as Reluetant 4, Baterie, 200 StuG Aue so Platoon (with one 7.5em (SF) 39H and two | Trained, with two 8.8cm FlaK36 guns with 8 crew exch) 10.5em (Sf) 39H) 140 3 = 3 tanks, 4 or 5 = 4 tanks, 6 = 5 tanks) 4, Panzerkompanie, 22. eg Platoon (with three to five Panzer IV H tanks, roll roll 10 3» 1 cank, 4 or 5 = 2 canks, 6 = 3 tanks) 1. Panzerkompanie, 503. Schwere a Tank Platoon (with one to three Knigstiger tanks, DISORGANISED COUNTERATTA\ Operation Goodwood penetrated deep into the German defensive lines. Bannevlle-Campagne was an_actillery with reserve tank units hidden in woods just a from the bombing. ‘The main defences were manned by 16, Felddivsion (LW) backed up by Oberst von Luck’ 125. © Panzergrenadierregiment. These were supported by 8.8em anticank guns from 1039. Avilere-PuK-Abteilung. and 8.8m anti-aircraft guns of I] Flaksturmkorps fiom a wide variety of units. The new KOnigstiger tanks ‘of 503. Schwere Panzerabteilang launched several counter attacks to protect Troarn. ‘The surviving Panzer IV tanks of 21, Panzerdivision mainly headed south to counteratack the armoured penetration, joining Beckers StuG batteries fighting a running battle on the flanks of the atack which platoon arrives from reserve. As an example, a roll of 4 would have a StuG Platoon arvive from reserve Ifthe rll is the same as a number that has already been rolled, then take the next lower monber if that platoon has nor yet arrived, and bring it on now instead. f both the rolled platoon cand next lower platoon have already arrived, then no reserves sarive this turn Roll another die 10 determine which point the reserve platoon sill arrive. On a roll of 1 or 2 the platoon arrives at the cormer of the table. On a roll of 3 or 4 the platoon arrives along the southern road. On a roll of 5 or 6 the platoon along the eastern road ‘Major Has von Lack arrives with the fire unis to arive. The German player can choose whether he arives in the tank or in bis Kiibelwagen. Ihe arvivesin a tank, then the Panzer Platoon thas & maximurn of four tanks when ie arrives. Unlike normal Reserves, Major Von Luck does not et to re-rll the reserves die rollin this senaria . ‘The 1 Suffolks had the dubious hon: advance for 8 Brigade. Afier clearing © Companies were left holding the cown while theres ofthe boatalion attacked the defenders of Banneville-a-Campagne with B Squadron of the 13/18¢h Hussars in support. By this stage most companies were severely weakened by casualties and barely strong enough Co field ovo platoons. of leading the snnerville, Band 1" BATTALION, THE SUFFOLK REGIMENT Lieutenant Colonel Gough 7 Platoon, A Comp 8 Platoon, A Company 16 Platoon, D Company 17 Platoon, D Company 7 Platoon, 2% Bn, The Middlesex Regiment (MG) 45 Battery, 20% Anti-tank Regiment, Royal Artillery 303 (Fife) Battery, 76% (Highland) Field Regiment, Royal Arillery B SQUADRON, 13/18" HUSSARS B Squadron, 13/18" Hussars 6 Troop, 13/18" Hussars 7 Troop, 13/18" Hussars Lieutenant General Simonds, commanding If (Canadian) Corps, wasnt the fist to think of using armoured artillery carriages as armoured personnel carriers (see page 61), just the first to actually do ic Licucenant General Crocker of | Corps had suggested con- verting Priest self-propelled guns into armoured personnel ‘eartiers for Operation Goodwood, but was turned down as the benefits were not perceived to be sufficient. Afier the While a major breakout eluded the Allies for che Fist (wo ‘months of the campaign, small-scale breakthroughs lke the 3# Division's were reasonably common in every operation from Epsom to Bluecoat ‘You could play che Out OF Luck scenario with a US Rifle ‘Company attacking to represent one of the small US break- throughs on the road to St, L6 by the 25 Infanery Division (See Bloody Omaha). ‘The battle represents the Americans pushing through the German lines on a nartow sector trying. to take a chateau before the German counterattack arrives © rostop them. ‘gunners and the Royal Artillery ant Fortunately the Germans were short of troops too an ‘were unable to mount a strong defence. ‘The Bannevill-k Campagne chateau was cleared in an hour and a half RIFLE COMPANY (CONFIDENT TRAINED) Company HQ (with Universal Carrier) Rifle Platoon (wih ewo squad) Rifle Platoon (with «wo squad) Rifle Platoon (with ewo squads) Rifle Platoon (with «wo squads) Machine-gun Platoon (with «wo sections in MMG Carriers and PLAT team) Anti-tank Batery (SP), Royal Acilery (with four M10 3” SP) Field Battery (SP), Royal Artillery (with eight Priest self propelled guns) ARMOURED SQUADRON (CONFIDENT TRAINED) ‘Company Command and 2iC Sherman IIL tanks Armoured Platoon (with three Sherman III ranks and one Firefly VC tank) Armoured Platoon (as above) Armoured Personnel Cartier Sections (see page 61) to the British force forthe battle and see what difference it makes. For this sc Ammuni change the German Kénigstiger tanks into Panther tanks, You might also want to change the map 10 add fields sure rounded by Bocage hedgerows around the Orchard and across much of the table apart from the chateau WEAPON FIREPOWER Volume of fire ‘nn HF HF AH At) nn AT platoon is mainly in its light provide the bulk of the Firepower, but them ammunition, ring areas that iryingextra ammunition. Weight Rate of SIb/4.tkg 550 rpm Ib/LI.Gkg —1200spm_ Bele (50) 500m! 8.61b/3.9kg 50 spm Clip 11.5 Single 30m pistols to increase the pi firepower in close-combat, while allowing them co concentrate on commanding f the rest of the bactle, also had a short-ranged ant rank weapon, ‘The Germans used the disposable, one-shot, Panzerfaust (armoured fist), while the British use the PIN (Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank). GERMAN PANZERGRENADIER PLATOON FIREPOWER adier platoon has a massive Firepower over a British rifle pkioon, With twice as many guns, eich with more than evice the rate of fire, ey can lay down th here isa down side to chs rapid use of ammunition, though, firepower at a much higher rate 9.x MP4O submachine-guns, 6 x MG42 machine- ‘guns (three erew each), 3 x Kar I INI WEAPON FIREPOWER Volume of fire Weight Rate of Fire Magazine Sten submachine-gun | om = 6 6/31 550 rpm Box (32) Bren machine-gun 22.31b/10kg — 500rpm Box (30) No. 4, Mk. 1 Rifle —_— S.1Ib/4.1kg 60 rpm Clip (19) 3ib/1.4kg per ound 2" mortar ‘ 2.3Ib/ kg / 191b/8.6kg 8 rpm pe Webley revolver 32ib/4.5kg 4pm 1.81b/0.8kg 20rpm_ Cylinder (6) 50m BRITISH RIFLE PLATOON FIREPOWER = ‘A British rifle platoon doesnt have the same immediate fire- 4x Sten submachine-guns, 3 x Bren machine-guns (wo power as a German platoon, but it SSeS crew each), 22.xNo. 4 les, 1x PIAT (ovo crew), ‘of ammunition, This allows the Bri afi 11x 2” mortar (two erew), 1x Webley pistol Firepower at a more measured pace throughout the batt ‘The British platoon is versatile, having a light mortar for Knocking out machine-gun nests and fring smoke, and a PIAY (Projector, Infantry, Anc-tank) for taking on tanks and bunkers 8 BRIGADE: Paco MiNi aty IomratnieN [yee ie permet roeN Ta) Eee ru) HME roENTT) See] Ro ee ne at Peet Pan ata VN eer acest) Eee CENT) HRN Tee) | eee eass Frome eas eae | 157, THE CANADIAN z Reon seve 64 omen yLeineec CRN TT UT) reaenreesneret ces Tu) Crema emer NTCENU NI) Drom ee CENT) Rone ee rent ier he 3% Canaclian Division was const F summer of 1940, Initially. che division lacked. even. basic ‘equipment, but the volunteer soldiers were led by veterans F of the Canadian victories at Vimy Ridge and “The Last 100 Days’ of the First World War, The result was a well-trained Band motivated Division that was worthy of those traditions. he division crained and fought in close coordination with the 2 Canadian Armoured Brigade, which consisted of the { Armoured Regiment (I Hussars), the 10 Armoured Regiment (the Fort Garry Horse), and he 27 Armoured Regiment (Ihe Sherbrooke Fusiliers). D-Day “The 3% Canadian Division led the assault on Juno beach on D-Day, 6 June. Because of the need to wait for a high tide to fet over the water obstacles, the Canadians were the last of the Allied Forces to actually hic the beach, Despite significant | payal and air attacks the assaulting infantry found that many ‘of the defensive positions were intact and puting up sig- © pificant resistance. However, the lead batalions were able 10 lear the defences and establish a beachhead before pressing forward off the beach to their inland objectives. A troop of 1% Hussars supporting 7 Brigade made ic Further inland than “any other allied invasion unit on D-Day itself ed during the critical F On Dil the Canadians pushed forward with the lead bat- talions of 7 Brigade, becoming the first units of the invasion Force co actually reach their D-Day objectives. Unforcunately Graco tNrion) a Ista gel ee ULV Naor eT vi 68 Pian Cen Oss eae Pie (NEW BRUNSWICK) Lavy Recerca aires Tate sXe) oh N (Mau Sct) Earner) ERNE aT eeur ern INNA QT UYN Ne eee GTN aoe Roe THN See ses Peo PINT yCy NP} GLENGARRY HIGHLANDERS ra ronan fey Wahoo (17™ DUKE OF YORK’S ROYAL CANADIAN HUSSARS) Reverie bridgehead. Over the next five days, the SS launched a series of counter anadians back. However, they atacked piecemeal and without co-ordination and-were repulsed with heavy losses at Buron, Non Breceville-! Orgueilleuse. Only at Putoten-Bessin did the SS enjoy any sucess, actually taking the village from the Royal Winnipeg Rifles Their success was short-lived though, as the Canadian Seotish threw them back the same day with « hastily planned but wel executed counterattack acks to drive the cen-Bessin and OPERATIONS WINDSOR & CHARNWOOD For the rest of June, the Canadians actively pacrolled their front, clashing with the SS, tying co sie down as many German ttoops as possible. On 4 July, the division resumed offensive operations with Operation Windsor. 7 Brigade, reinforced and supported specialised assault tanks fom the British 79% Armoured Division, captured the Carpiquet airfields from 12. SS-Panzerdivision, finally achieving the divisions D-Day objectives. On 8 July, the encite division participated in Operation Charnwood with the British 3° and 59 Divisions. The Canadians once again achieved al oftheir objectives despite hheavy loses and strong resistance from the SS, After a month of heavy fighting Caen was in Allied hands On 18 July, 3! Canadian Division attacked once again, this times part of Operation Adatc, the Canadian component of Operation Goodwood, clearing the southern suburbs of Caen and gaining foothold east of the Orne. Foca Ey7RANTOILG) Paint Paes et paren at Eyer Ceca Tene et hs 326 pee gat) PERE cov LOTTO amt Prater e) Pcs ETSZAMNTUIEG) yar g aces tral Peet Poe SU eave a Corea eee er ee eC ec ne ce Pa a Oa THE FIRST CANADIAN ARMY ‘Oo 23 July, the First Canadian Army was activated, taking, cover I (Canadian) Corps, with 2! and 3® Canadian and 4 Canadian Armoured Divisions, and the British 1 Corps with 3, and 51" (Highland), and 6* Airborne Divisions ‘The new Canauian Army's first battle was Operation Spring, aunched on 25 July, The goal was co capcure high ground that eluded Operation Goodwood and keep the Germans ‘on this front while the Americans struck in their Operation Cobra, While 38 Canadian Division achieved ies objectives the overall ateack was a failure. From 7 August to 16 August, 3° Canadian Division particl pated in two operations, Tatalize and Tractable, atempring a breakthrough to Falaise. In the second operation the bulk of the division rode into battle in ‘deftocked’ Priest armoured ers with the Canadian armour, Despite Pancerdivision, the Canadians finally captured Falaise on 18, August. To THE War's END After the Normandy eampaig along with the rest of the First Canadian Army, continued fighting hard sith litle rest berween battles. By wars end the 3 Canadian Division had marched farther, seen. more ‘combat and taken heavier casualties than any other the 2" Army Group. That it never failed 0 gain its written objectives was one of the ‘chiefreasons for Patton's comment “The Canadians are the best troops that Montgomery has, and they're American.” the 38 Canadian Division, division, When war came co Canada, John ‘Treleaven answered the a Second Lieutenant na Rifle Regiment—a prow regiment from the alto arms. He was commissioned a into the Rey farming districts of Saskatchewan, Affectionately known as the Farmer Johns’, che Regina Rifles played a major role in the Normandy landings, leading che assault on Juno Beach, © As a subulteen platoon commander in Major Peter's B Company, Tecleaven led from the fine as his men hit the E each at Coursuelles-sut-Mer, Licutenan Treleaven’ platoon Fas caked with clearing a number of pllboxes within the Sand dunes. This was achieved quickly and efficienely with DD tanks of B Squadron, 1* Hussars, and AVRE engincer ranks from 26 Assile Squadeon, RE. the help of Sherma By nightfall the initial objectives had been secured and the y was at Fontaine-Hlenry under enemy fire. During tle course of the day, the company commander and second ies command were both killed and other senior staff wounded and evacuated fiom the front lines. Lieutenant ‘Treleaven asstimied command of B Company and organised its advance. ng, ts final objective was the town of and by noon on D+1, Lieutenant at dawn the next mor Breceeville-Orgueill Treleaven’s leadership saw the company cleae the town, (On 8 July 1944, during Operation Charnwood, the eaprure of Caen, the Reginas Found their advance blocked by the ancient Abbaye d’Ardenne. As B Company assembled forthe assaul the new company commander was seriously wounded by mortar fire, The newly-promoted Captain Tieleaven again stepped into the yoid and led the assault. Due to Captain Tieleaven’s excellent leadership, his determi- nation to win the battle and his complete distegard for his ‘own safety, his company carried our all the casks assigned to, it. His brave actions where recognized by the French gov- ernment with the award of the Croix de Guerre avec éioile vermeille, the Military Cross with Vermillion Sta. CHARACTERISTICS Ticleaven is a Canadian, a Warrior and a Platoon Command Rifle/MG team, Note that he is not an Independent team. He is rated as Fearless Veteran, Tyeleaven may join a Rille Company from 3% Canadian Division replacing the normal Platoon Command team of a F Rife Platoon for +25 points SPECIAL RULES Croix de Guerre: Captain Ticleaven is a born leader. When things through, ‘The loss of his company commander wor't stop him winning the bacdle anyway yeu can count on him to. pull things Captain Telenven may take Company Morale Checks a | if he were the Company Command team if the Company Command team is Destroyed. In the First Wave: Leading the first wave ashore on D-Day took guts, and lots of it, Treleaven had guts in spades. Capeain Tieleaven and any platoon that be is leading always pass Motivation Tests (including any Company Morale Check he is required to take) on a voll of 3+ CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH While Capeain Treleaven was a Canadian, other junior officers also bravely took control of the situation when their commanders were killed, Lieutenant George Wilson of the South Lanes is a good example, leading his company on D-Day until a replacement commander arrived. You may field Captain Treleaven as a British Warrior with «a different name, If co, be joins a Rifle Company from the Britich 3% Division replacing a Rifle Plazoon Command tearm, but is otherwise the same as Caprain Treleaven rd DIVISION ‘8 BRIGADE rar year one Resi Puro Sire m Coun ts [eaesis Recut) rorya enn Beer [avsyis THE ROYAL Gaetan ROYAL ARTILLERY EFT ae nai ROYAL ARTILLERY ane akin OZ ies The 3° Division has a long and illustrious history, having heen formed during the Napoleonic Wars, fighting at the Barele of Waterloo and then in the Crimean and Boer Wars Tceaened its nickname “Ihe Iron Division” during The Great ‘War where it was one of the first British units in action on the Western Front, “The 3" Division now led by Major-General Montgomery, returned o Francein 1939 as parcof the British Expeditionary. Force. It was Monty who designed the divisional insignia; 4 red inverted triangle surrounded by three black eriangles, representing the 3" Division, made up of three Brigades each of three battalions, In France they fought a series of well executed rearguard actions finally defending the perimeter at ‘Dunkirk, before being evacuated back to England, Over the ‘next four ycars the division trained and prepared to avenge the defeae at Dunikiek by leading the D-Day invasion. ‘The 3% Division landed on Sword Beach, the easternmost invasion beach, aiming to breach the German coastal fort- fications, link up with the airborne forces around the Ome River bridges and, most ambitiously of all, take the city of Caen, To help chem they would have 27 Armoured Brigade with its three armoured regiments: the 13/18 Hussars, The Staffordshire Yeomanry, and ‘The East Riding Yeomanry. 8 Brigade, supported by the DD tanks of the 13/18* Hussars and the specialised armoue from 79 Armoured Division led the initial acac, hiting the beach at 0725hrs on June 6. By Prey aia conor ees Tar yeureye DAO PT | CN Cry Cuan ac orgs Prarie Bia Oar Eon Pon ‘THE ROYAL NORFOLK BORDERERS EeeIVENLs PTC oNe Bee ep LIGHT INFANTRY aay 28° BATTALION, rays ately (MACHINE-GUN) 38 RECONNAISSANCE a LUN ‘midday the division was well inland having relieved the paras at Pegastis Bridge and cleared the Périers Ridge. By 1600hrs The king’s Shropshire Light Infantry had cleared Bewville six miles fiom the beaches and was advancing on Lebisey just three miles from Caen, when they ran into the counterattack by 21, Panzerdivivion, The armoured counterattack was soundly beaten, although some German troops did reach the coast at Luc-sur-Mer, Defending the bridgehead, taking Caen and capturing its surrounding villages became the focus of the Iron Division: forthe next six weeks. Bitterbatles against 21. Panzerdivision 4 and 12, §8-Panzerdivision etched nameslike Cambes, Lebisey, Le Landel, and the ‘bloodiest square mile in Normandy'—Le Londe, ino the divisional memory. Ie wasn' until Operation ‘Charnwood in early July that the division was able 10 take Caen, their final D-Day objective, In Operation Goodwood, the division fought on the easter J flank of the beachhead, reaching Troarn, before switching (0 the other end of the beachhead next 0 the Americans for Operation Bluecoat in August. ‘There they beat off counter= attacks by 21. Pancerdivisin, which had followed them to the western flank, and! advanced through the Bocage country pushing the retreating Germans into che False Pocket. “The 3 Divisions campaign in Normandy was oven, but at a cost of 8,000 casualties. Much hard fighting followed before they ended the war deep in the heart of Germany. Taney VN ha (INFANTRY COMPANY) A force based around a Riffe Company must contain: + 1 Company HQ and + 2103 Rifle Platoons Weapons Platoons available to a Rifle Company can be: 0 to 4 Cartier Patrols, 0 t0 1 Mortar Platoon, 0 (01 Anti-tank Platoon, 0 (0 1 Pioneer Platoon, and 0 to 1 Rifle Platoon oF Pioneer Platoon apport Platoons available fora Rifle Company can be 0 to 2 Machine-gun Platoons (p. 64), 0 to | Heavy Mortar Placoon (p. 64), (0 to | Anticrank Platoon (SP), Royal Arilery (p. 65) or Ancictank Platoon, Royal Antillery (p. 65), 0 to 2 Field Batterics, Royal Anillery (p. 66), Field Baweties (SP), Royal Anillery (p. 67), or Medium Batteries, Royal Antllery (p. 67), AIR SUPPORT Aircraft Typhoon Priority Air Support 220 points ae Ear) See ean faueib divisions symbol ov the I Corps symbol * ASSAULT DIVISION RULES “he British and Canadian 3* Divisions follow the Brivish ‘Special Rules on pages 171 © 175 ofthe main rulebook with the following additions DEAD MEN WALKING “The British 39 Division and its Canadian counterpart were D-Day assault divisions, They eame ashore in the first wave, right into the teeth of Hisers vaunted Arlantikwall F defences. They believed that few of them would see the end F the day. Despite this, they were determined to do their E best for King, for Country, and for their mates. ‘The rifle companies expect to take terrible casualties, and « they are ready to do 30, Company Command teams from the Brivsh 3rd Division and the Canadian 3rd Division may reroll the fist Company Morale Check that they are required to take if they fail hein fis sept CANADIAN AND BRITISH DIVISIONS De ec eae 010 1 Armoured Platoon (p. 68), 010 1 Recee Platoon (p. 68); (010 1 Light Anti-aircraft Platoon (SP) (p. 69), 0 to 1 Field Platoon, Royal Engineers (p. 69), 010 2 Transport Sections (p. 70), and 010 1 Commando Platoon (p. 70). ‘You may field up to two Support Platoons attached to your company for each Rifle Platoon that you are fielding. MOTIVATION AND SKILL The soldiers of the British Confident Trained and British. c Gi 3° Division ate | soldiers of the 3% Canadian Division nfident Trained and Canadian, The soldiers of I Corps are Confident and British Limited Air Support 170 points a y ses symbols to indicate the points difference between ct platoons marked with CANADIAN RULES ASSAULT TROOPS The Canadians have maintained their enviable repuration as aggressive assault troops, unwilling t0 be stopped by enemy fire, no matter how heavy. Canadian Platoons do not use the British Bulldog special rule, Instead any Canadian Platoon that is Pinned Down ‘may reroll failed’ Motivarion tess t0 rally from being Pinned Down or remount vehicles afier being Bailed Out. WOODSMEN Although Canada has been settled for centuries, it was not ‘until ee Ninereenth Century that its population underwent signifcane growth and ic remains a largely rural country. Canadian soldiers are gypically a litle more independent (Gnd unruly) than British soldiers Canadian Platoons use the German Mision Tacties special HEADQUARTERS Sere oe Pane fe) arte) y) Seer neon Pee ces The life of a company commander is not glamorous. It is dangerous and all 00 often, short, Bur you know that all the focher branches of the military are really just there support you and your lads, Only the ‘Poor Bloody Lnfantey’ will take {ground from the Germansand then hold it in spite of every= thing that gets thrown at them, “The comerstone oF your force is your rife platoons. You have your carriers, mortars and anti-tank guns in support When you need them he eolonet wil give you support from machine-guns and heavy mortars, armout, artillery and air power to make a true combined arms unit capable of both ‘unremitting attack and aggressive defence. ‘When properly deployed and dug-in, these lads form the core ‘of your defensive position, capable of handling any threat, with the right mix of anti-tank and artillery support. While « litle slow when advancing, they ae steady under fre, moving forward with fixed bayonets and grim determination. 2 TO 3 RIFLE PLATOONS PN cole) HQ Section with 3 Rifle Squads 2 Rifle Squads 135 points 105 points Ohara 3 Rifle Squads 2 Rifle Squads 145 points 115 points ‘Whether youlre born in Yorkshire or Winnipeg, joined the King’ Shropshite Light Infantry or the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada, you're all “Tommies' now according to the Geimans. Bu, like all opponents before them, the Jerries Ihave learnt co respect the tough soldiers of His Majesty's Empire. MAJOR MAJOR Att 2¢ Command ite team are Company Command ite team COMETAL were proud of their traditions and came ashore on D-Day ‘with bagpipes playing Blue Bonnets. 4 You may add a bagpiper to the 2iC Command team af a Rifle Company of the Kings Own Scottish Borderers for +10 point. If the 21C Command team is then Destroyed by enemy shooting, roll a die, On a voll of 4+, the piper’ music inspires the surviving team members to keep going and the steam is returned to play immediately On any other roll the piper and bis ofcer meet a heroic end. Any hits on the 2iC Command tean do not count towards Pinning Down the platoon. SUE SE AR kk Command PIAT Wan —Ught Mortar Ale team HQ SECTION Bee a File4G team Rife team EEN) SA PLATOON 3 Universal Carriers 70 points [EJ 3 Universal Carriers 80 points Seren une eran enn te eel err reer eet MG for +10 points per carrer. Perea ears cea ee IN CCa patrol with a Boys anti-tank rifle oF PIAT anti-tank projector at no cost Ef 3 Wasp Carriers 95 points 3 Wasp Carriers 105 points ee ete Wasp Carriers $ Company's carrier platoon is ther © alexible and mobile force allowing y jppingat the [weak spots in their defence, spoiling heir advance, forcing = thems to respond and giving you the initiative. 10 give your company SERGEANT Command universal Care —— nso CO ENNOTE Universal Cater Uni Carrier Patrols Ga Wass Contes iateinad Wasp Carriers ma sta he Canadi 0 the driving force behind British d velopment of light fame-thr thrower equipped carver, both the British and Canadian armies. In Auguse at Ikits-to Convert some of th vers, Theit¢ By the end of July 1944 the US Army had a shortage of 105mm ammunition and requested Canadians to cease using their Priest selFpropelled. guns. Lieutenant General Simonds of I (Canadian) Corps was planning Operation Totalize and needed a way to move his infantry forward under fire, so a workshop was set ip near Bayeux to femove the guns and ammunition bins from 76 Priests. They then covered the openings with plating from wrecked landing erat with the space benween filled with sand to convert them to armoured personnel carriers (APC') the British and (eohzeh710 main Command Detrcked Priest Een EMCO PELTON AES DEPLOYING APC’s ‘The Defrocked Priest APCs of Kangaroo Squadron ate held in reserve until needed for a major accick on a heavily defended position, ‘Then they are brought forward and ‘married up with thei infantry in the days before the attack: Dstracked Priest At the start of the game before deployment, you may elect to swap one Carrier Patrol (with any type of armament) to _get one Armoured Personnel Carrier Section for each Rifle Platoon in your company (including Rifle Platoons taken Mechanised Company for she Defensive Batle special rue You may still conduct Night Atacke with APC Each Armoured Personnel Carrier Section must be assigned to a separate Rifle Platoon during deplayment before the game begins. Uhe Rifle Platoon must star the game mounted in their APC’. Your Company HQ tnevels in she platoon’ wehiolee with hem, | 1 | 48 Support Pltoons). Ifyou do this, our fore counts at a | | i You may not field both Armoured Personnel Carrier Sections and Field Batteries (SP): Royal Avillery as they ‘ic he same vebile. “Kangaroo Squadron’ was formed from the Eglin Regiment to man these ‘De-frocked Priests or ‘Holy Rollers’ as they were known, ‘Their use in the operation was the fist dime heavily armoured carriers had been used to carry infantey | into battle. rifle company'is assigned a section of six APCS | to carry the rifle platoons and company command forward (0 the debussing poine, safe from enemy artillery and machines guns. Once the infantry dismoune, the Kangaroos’ retire from the combat zone to pick up the next wave of troops, lea the infantry and tanks to storm the objective. APC’S AND PASSENGERS The battle plan eals for the Defrocked Priest APC's 0 carey their passengers safely forward co chee jump off point, then retire out of harms way. They are far too lightly armoured 49 remain in the bate zone any longer than necessary Defracked Priest APC’ are Tink teams. However they can carry passenger teams in the same manner as a Transport Platoon. If any Passenger team voluntarily diemounte from a Dafiocked Priest, then al of the teams carried by both APCs in the Armoured Personnel Carrier Section must dismount atthe same time, Teams forced to dismount through the destruction of one APC do not force teams to dismount from the other APC. Ifa Defrocked Priest start a turn without pastengers mount- ced, it must be Sent to the Rear in the Movement Step. MORALE CHECKS the ARG oop lel uni wt es thay e done ew al separation, fighting on or retiring together. Allof the Armoured Personnel Carrier Sections on the table count as a single platoon for the purposes of Platoon and Company Morale Checks, but as separate platoons for all ovher purposes. Ifthe Armoured Personnel Carrier Sections fail a Plaroon Monalé check, the Rifle Platoons still being cred dismoun adjacent (0 —be'vebleledifore the ARGH a MORTAR PLATOON LW coLo| HQs ction wits 2 Mortar Sections A. 2 Morar Secdons 1 Mortar Section 165 points 115 points 65 points + Add Troop and Mortar Caries to the platoon at HQ Section wi 3 Mortar Sections 175 points [El 2 Mortar Sections 125 points 1 Mortar Section 75 points Ores no cost. OPTION | ee res Peery ony F Elfective use of chese weapons is integral to the success oF lute of your mission. With six cubes available to provide ‘lick and effective fire support, the mortars can keep the jermans deep inside their foxholes as you assaule their posi- fans, place a wall of smoke across theit gun sights, or force them to hit the dire as they approach your lines ‘a modified i ammuni- © Fach mortar comes with its own Mortar Cat E Universal Carrier with a rack for the mortars tion stowage. This gives the mortars first-rate mobility and llows the platoon to keep up with the advancing infantry tl they find a suitable position to support the attack. SUITES SUNT ant Command fll team COREaIOM SERGEANT a. Ra ver observer aM oat 5° Moner Rite tea BN 3° Morter at Monte NESTON ait 5 Morar ‘eam RA a Observer 3° Mortar iio team am NEST ORTAR PLATOON IAT teams are also available to defend this position should the Hun try to attack. With up to thrce observer teams your entire front ean be covered, with likely attack routes or ambush spots noted and closely watched, giving your troops even more procection, fee eae ee bat PLATOON roe Anta Sections Ay 2Ane tank Seto 1 Anti-tank Section 175 points 120 points 65 points 3 Antictank Sections Bi] 2 Anti-tank Sections 185 points 130 points 1 Anti-tank Section 75 points Your battalion has a platoon of six light 6 pdr anti-eank guns {o protect your men from Jerry tanks. When used with skill these superb litle guns are capable of punching well above sheir weight. In defence, the key is to not reveal your hand too early. Allow the over-conlident Panzers ¢o enter your carefully siced ambush where your dug-in and wel-hidden 6 pds can use their high rate-of-ire ro cake point-blank shots into the anzers flanks 0 TO 1 PIONEER PLATOON [WU rele),| HQ Section with: rs “Assault Squads 1 Assault Squad Reker 2 Assault Squads Ds sssalesquad 70 points 55 points '80 points 65 points SF alesis Fone pam leo Leg eos cae ep ane Command Troop Carrier Fite ° SRE Sper gun Loyd cartier Ly earier ANTI-TANK SECTION ANTI-TANK PLATOON Bpdegun SUE So Command Pioneer —_Pionast itl team ile earn et ruck Sea Pioneer Rite team Joop with ral PIONEER PLATOON Made up of tradesman and sappers, the pioneer platoon has additional training in the construction and destruction of bunkers, barbed wire and minefields, 0 TO 1 RIFLE PLATOON OR PIONEER PLATOON ‘The British regimental system helps maincain four full- Strength rifle companies in each battalion with a steady flow of trained reinforcements your company will be assigned an additional rifle platoon from the company being held in Ifa task needs more inf While preparing for D-Day; one company in each assaule battalion was trained as the Assaule Company’ and given extra training in pioneer tasks and Bangalore “Toxpecloes, ame-throvets, demolicion charges, etc, for their new role. The Assault Company was split up to give each of the other | three companies an ‘Assault Platoon! for the landings | You may take an additional Rifle Platoon (cee page 59) from another company as a Weapons platoon, or instead you may \ | reorganise this as an additional Pioneer Platoon (se above). SULTS TENT) BS COR Yeu y ¥% Command 120 points file oom eres CREE@IOM 130 points 75 points olay De Crnonnc nese nt * Add Tioop and MMG Carriers to the platoon at # Using indirect-fire techniques developed and perfected — during the ¢ 3, they lay down long-range arta JW roLe)y| HQ Section with: 2 Morar Sections TH points A 1 Mortar Section 80 points fee 2 Morar 150 points 1 Mortar Seti 90 points OPTIONS | owen + Add Troop and Loyd Carriers to the platoon at oma Caeser, crt NAAN AKCLONN ‘mortars provide a commander with the range and a large-calibre shell with more explosive ium artillery. They are flexible content than the excellent 25 pdr field gun, Their only. having a weakness is theie inability to sustain long bombardments.

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