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FS 5 A = A 7 = NORWAY sweDENy, =m i ue an ARS. UUs eae, ce aunts Rite: OR nr cat i en saan ‘OCEAN Ne aida eS TTC Cd G rn SXUGOSLAVIA ‘ a eee a Ccee a ve Lee 9 eae a ae : es THE WORLD AT WAR Hlarmes Of War, you take on the role ofa field commander manoeuvring your troops across the batlefe is classic period of warfare is brough¢ to life in your own game or Hungary ftom October 1944 to Fal n forces that foughe during b the Of War rulebook, which contains all the rules and national characteristics that you need War Il battle IHY COLLECT A FORCE FROM i Burape ings lames Of Wario he epic strug for sed o11 Hungary 0 in the bate of Debrecen, for the Tisea River line, the 1nd its 100 days of siege forward mobile troops to catch the fees off guard and to keep chem in receat. They have new ny battalions with lend-lease M4 ‘Emcha armed with long 76mm guns. Once they ity assault battalions. The ns cd alongside prove themscly like the ranthet G IVI70 tanks. with hardened Panzergrenadier JOW THIS BATTLE BOOK WORKS he Intelligence Briefings in this hook give you the choices of 1 Romanian, two German, and three Hungarian sed on historical examples that foughe the battles 1 September 1944 and February 1945. ich Army is made up of platoons, each platoon has an iad points cost based upon its size and the additional ns chat you select for them. You and your opponent select your forces ro an agreed points valu To find out more, HOW TO BUILD A FORCE In Flames Of War games you will command a company wi platoons. Each company includes: Company Headquarters - The company headquarel platoon is requited—without ityou have no command! Wh you choose your force the first thing you should purchas with your poins is your company headquarte ‘Combat Platoons - Ar least rwo combar platoons “These platoons make up the ons are the backbone of ‘Weapons Platoons - Weapons placo ‘om your bautalion or regiment. Although they are optional they of your company excellent support, such as heavy machine-guns, ‘mortars and anti-tank weapons. Support Platoons - Support plaroons are sent to your npany by the division oF corps. These platoons give you extra support in many forms, ranging from tanks to artillerz PLATOONS Each platoon diagram indicates the required teams that you! need to make that unit a combat-worthy The tto¢ that ae black in each diagram must be included. Those tro in grey are optional troops that add additional men, spe weapons and equipment to the placoon, SPECIAL RULES In Flames Of War, there ate many special rules that give players he flavour of playing each individual nation, The special rales reflect the sort of training and equipment the soldiers of each nation used, as well as the fighting spirit of the men. sit our website at sow Flames ot visit your local game store. i WAR IN THE EAST left Romania turned to Ge protection. Strangely, they now found the before them, Bessarabia, abdicate and replaced him 1 Mihail I. Howew joined them to their hese in ‘ACROSS THE STEPPES TO STALINGRAD ‘Once Odessa fell Romani Dear) a m ROMANIA. ny that was fighting for Stalingrad. This huge commit- ent of troops made Romania the third largest Axis po Europe after Germany and lualy. MThe Red Acmy went on the offensive in November 1942, Pershing through the Third and Fourth Armics on the northern and southern flanks o| {Hoops foughe ten tank guns, they w alingmad. The Romanian jously, buc lacking enough tanks and anti jerwhelming no match of the Soviets! SIEGE OF ODESSA The Si ‘oF Odessa was an epic 73-day strugale between the Romania and the det Black Sea Fleet. Romania led che assault, committing the fall stengch of the Fourth Army to th The bitter and protracted siege cost the Romanians 93,000 casualties (from the ever 340,000 troops com amitted co the battle). The three main assaults on Odessa were marked nding Red Army and Soviet bloody street fighting, and blazing summer heat. On 15 Ociober 1941 the Ri tured their evacuated the remnants ofthe garrison and civil~ ians to Sevastopol. ay 2 AFTER STALINGRAD As the lines stabilised in 1943 after the Axis defeat at gad, the Romanians continued to fight in the Crimea, again their toops played an important part in the of the peninsula, ighting with great courage for the ich of ground, When the Crimea fll o the Red Army in May 1944, only a handful of Romanians were left to be evacuated, In the meantime the remnants of the Third and Fourth Armies smashed ar Stalingrad were rebuilding in Romania, The battle for Stalingrad shows héw much Germa allies contributed to the fighting in southern Russia. The ch Army fighting in the immediate vicinity ad numbered 300,000 men, the ‘on their flanks roralled a similar mum including their troops in the Caucasus region, while further north o the Hungarians and Italians contributed ‘over 200,000 men each. To put this in context, the Romanians alone ourmumbered the combined British Sit 1941-1943 Advances 1944 Fons 19-1913 Fronts Major as St Ronan ema“ (ale}:12> fe) 4°) mmanians and Germans back across the Bug River and tered Bessarabia, ‘The Red Army was on che very doorstep the Soviets launched massive offensive on 20 August 1944. Two Sovice thrusts re ditected at the cities of lassi and Kishiney, Powerful With his filure to protect Romanian soil, Anton: rested and King Mihail formed a new governmet ards, o save Romania from total destruction ene was reached with the Soviet Union for Romania to swap ides and join the Alles, Shortly an agrees ymanian troops were soon in action clearing Romania of man troops and defending the Transylvanian border from Hungarian troops erying to capture the vital passes through 1¢ Carpathian Mouncains. Jowever, all was not tosis with the new allies. The Sovies ans could fle oafiscated all eaprured Soviet equipment, used Romanian mouired rroopsto support Sovice forces, and generally treated F Romanian units as litle more than cannon fodder. Despite his the Romanians continued to fght with gre cross Hungary ending the war by liberating Crechoslovaka. JUNGARY the push and shove of terrcorial claims during 1938 10 941 the Hungarians did well. They regained much radi [onal cerritory through diplomacy and a little flexing of Inilitary muscle. However, che support of Germany and Iraly Hlimived the number of eoops the Romat in these endeavours came at a cost, thet further commitment German military campaigns. When Germany invaded eslavia, the Hungarians joined the campaign to regain more territory lost in the First World Wat, OPERATION BARBAROSSA Having regained thei cerrtory, Hungary was initially velue fant co commic to the German invasion of dhe Soviet Union While anci-communist feeling was high in Hungary, the Hlungarians had no axe to grind with the Sovier people or Bay terricorial claims vo push against them. Te vas not uni ids were conducted by, but regardless of n, the Hungarian Carpathian Army Group ed the German Seventeenth Army and pushed the Red my out of the Carpathian Mountains in tothe Ukraine all fancry elements of the Army Group were Soon left behind on occupation duties, while the Hungarian bile troops were formed into a Mobile Corps. They acted July, where 100,000 Sovies oops were captured, chen con- tinued co advance along the Bug River, assaulsing the town Nikolayev in August. THE BATTLE OF NIKOLAYEV On 10 August 1941 the Mobile Corps liew Adolf 16, Infenteriedivision (mot) with its (On doing so town of Nikokyev on the Bu German $9-Leibstandarte they received a new mission, co eapeute the River, On the morning of 12 August they were ready co attack, The Soviets were well dug-in and protected by minefields and proved hard nu terattacks toward to crack. A vicious battle of attacks and coun: ds the town was fought over two days The most ferocious fighting took place as the Hungarians squcezed Soviet forces against a tributary river running into the Bug River and Germans forces to the east. The Mobile Corps took Nikolayev on 16 At fighting through outlying towns. ust after heav One norable event during the barrle saw the last Hungarian cavalry charge. Two Huszir squadrons and ced car support charged a Soviet position, The shock of sceing an old-fashioned mounted cavalry charge took the defenders by surprise and hey abandoned their trenches in panie ‘The Mobile Corps next rook part in the battles to encircle Kiex. By the end of 1941 the Mobile Corps had covered over: 1000 miles, but was exhausted, It was replaced by the newly raised Hungarian Second Army, which joined German Army Group B on the Don River neat Voronezh. The Soviets atacked the Hungarians as pare of their expand= ing Stalingrad offensive on 16 December 1942. They assaule ced the junction of the Hungarian Second Army and Ialian Eighth Army to che south. Roch armies were overwhelmed and forced to reeat. The Hungarian armoured division, with ‘over 100 tanks and the only major Axi fought hard to hold back che red tide. A new defensive line vas finally established further west scar Novi Oskol, bu due w losses, the Second Army’ had ceased to function asa REBUILDING In 1943 the remaining Hungarian forces in the Soviet Union’ ‘were relegated ro occupation and security duties, while backe in Hungary more forces were mobilised and rebuilt. ‘The Hungarian Regent and leader Admiral Miklés Horthy ‘vas an anti-ascist, making relations between Hungary and Germany difficult nst German Horthy tried to withdraw Hungary from the war with the Soviec Union early in 1944, but the Germans mee this threat by overrunning Hungary with German ground forces in what amounted to a quick and blood With che war curnin Now effecvely under German command, Hungaian fores ‘were sent east once more in March 1944 as part of G my Groups North Ukraine and South Ukraine. Aer the success of the Soviet Operation Bagration in July, more Hungarian troops were eommitted to shoring up the gaps let by the collapse of German Army Group Centre THE BATTLES FOR HUNGARY Defensive Lines TIN Me Axis Mow Sovigt Advance FIGHTING FOR TRANSYLVANIA ses led the Red Army nelines were drawn along 1944, Soviee su orstep of Hungary. The the Carpathian Mountains in northeastern Hungary and on the Hungavian-Romanian border in Transylvania. Seikin before che Red Army could cross Re the opportunity o attack the newly Soviet ali fn the weakly-held Transylvanian border. Their take the pases ov Ivanian Alps could cross them. Most of the Romanian troop ons and the Hungarians ini bur rapidly arriving Si and soon forced the “Hungary The bactle fo ia, Hung che Tran of German and Hungarian forces into ‘prompred Hitler wo send reinforcemer and the Hungarians co mobilise a third field army: “The Red Army launched a massive offensive on 6 October. In the opening days Hungarian and German forces were pushed German counterattacks. The offensive was pare nanian and So kin) in juse chree days. ularly successful in the south where Ri forces advanced DEBRECEN Mn 12 Ocsober Gert k towards dhe Tisza River, The Soviet pla aimed {0 cut the withdrawing Axis armies off in eastern Hungary {o stop them reaching the Tis River. The Sov fcacks on 17 October co cut off the Fighth Army and Hungarian Firse and Second Armies, Fighting cented around Debrecen (Hiungary’s third largest iy) and along the Tisza River. 18 and Hungarian forces started to svihdraw bi fthdrawing German THE BATTLES FOR HUNGARY eee ecu) ices in of Torda became the focus of th Di heir attacks were led by the Lieutenant Ervin Tarczay pany. Wich just five Panther tan 111 enemy tanks, 17 anti-tank guns, 20 machine-gun nests, and a Karyusha ro + and 6 October. Showing great mmanding Hungary's only cae fe ee 34 tanks. A E w days crural ce Ben etait ane The Axis troops held on to Deb strcet-fighting by both Hui and assault guns held off the Soviets German and Hungacians passed thcough, Su sracked on 23 Oca dd ccc pea tae alert cae Oa eee een the Soviet chrust was bro car desteuce sion of a So Hungarian troops held the main. Fhe Tiszaar Pol - [storey eh 4: 13. PANZERDIVISION AT KARCAG The Soviet invasion forced the Germans to send rein: forcements ro Hungary. Many of th re pan stop the Soviet or panzergrenadier formations ord Us Debre thrust the German countera is Debrecen, re 0 K ith: ff Debrecen, The div rnc the J Bet ag spo ppe immediately ran into elements Mechanised Corps. A desperate stru ed for the domination of the ground. ‘The Panthers engaged thirty Sovier tanks, winning the ferocious fe fighe, but y ets entered Kare h just six oftheir own tanks remaining, The in the late afternoon, which was already occupied by the 66, Panzergrenad Fighting for the town continued into the evening with Panzergrenadiers holding off the Soviets despite the laucer’s support from 18-2 heavy ranks. B just four Panthers in action, and as In mid October 13, Panzerdivsion moved north oped the Red my thrust north of Debrecen, vxis Counterattack Axis Withdrawal 5 Oct Front Line 28 Oct Front Line Thisallowed the Hungaian Second Atmy o witha Afier capturing Debrecen on 20 ctober and push Axis back to the Tisra River, the Soviets paused co take stock. Many of the Sovier units were worn down and the Tank and Mechanised Comps were in serious need of test and refiting. the offensive ro continue: arian capital Budapest. However, the Soviet plans called f ‘on to che next objective, the Hui THE DRIVE TO BUDAPEST ec offensive beg in the south against the Hungarian Thied Army, This hastily formed satmy was made up of reserve and training units and quickly crumbled before the Sovier assault, The Red Army captured Kecskemét on 31 October and by 1 November had advanced "up t0 30 miles (48 km) all along its front. This allowed the behind the German Sixth Army’ ards Budapest. A new So mechanised troops to g ank, opening the way ¥ Mindfal of the near destruction of the cavalry-mechanised group at Nyiregyhaza, che Soviets made sure their spearheads kept sufficient numbers of tanks back to protet the flanks from the inevitable Germany counreratacks were not overexposed. They Jn the north, the Soviet 7® Guards the Tisza and established bridgeheads after three days of ghting, On 4 November the Soviet 74 Guards Army broke Hungarian 20° Infantry Division, took Ceglédy and advanced 10 within 10 miles of Budapest, before ‘was stopped by German counterattacks. Soon alter Hitl zmy had pushed across oe Barious couneraccacks during November around the city The German Sixth Army abandoned the Tisza line in early INovember and retreated west ro new positions between Budapese and Miskole, During ‘ouped their forces fo prepare for an offensive on a much broader front. The Hbint Ukrainian Front encered Hungary from the south, The Second Ukrainian Frons, which included the Romanian First nd Fourth Armies, was cast and northeast of Budapest ly November the Soviets ROMANIANS CROSS THE TIZSA Romanian troops ide the Soviets were also Debrecen on the direct route to Budapest. A number of divisions crossed the Tisza River id established bridgcheads south of Szolnok and other divisions fought south of Debrecen The Romanian near Szolnok in mid-October and quickly established a bridgchead over the river. This lightly raed division soon faced dete Infantry Division arrived at the Tizsa armed and newly sed frontal attacks, fist from a Hungarian corps on 19 October, quickl followed by a German assaule by the IV Pancerkorps, which included a battalion of heavy King Tiger tanks Despite the odds, the Romanian 4 Infantry Division cously held out for thirty hours before its three regimen were overrun, Even after the infantey were ans of the corps arillery and a lverrun the aircraft German breakthrough for some time Other nian divisions along the Ts pressure in the norch and south and Germans to withdraw from the river in eatly allowing the Romanians to joined the final advance on Budapest. THIRD UKRAINIAN FRONT ‘On 7 November the Thitd Ukrainian Front attempted +0 feos the west bank of che Danube south of Mohics, but letermined German defence held chem uncil 22 November The Third Ukrainian Front be Inorthwest of Pécs and north along the Danube in carly wn a quick advance to the December. German Panzer units were rushed south to rein- foxce this nk. German Panzer counterattack finally stopped the Soviets thrust at the Lake Balaton-Lake Velenee line on B December after ferocious fighting in the rapidly deteriorat- lng weather conditions. The Hungarian winter had arrived. The Second Ukrainian Front launched a major offensive on: 11 November. Resistance was stronger than expected, forcing the Soviets to fight for every inch of ground. Counerarracks were conducted by all the available Panzer troops. After a week: of fighting the Soviets had reached Miskole, which they did noe take until 4 December. The Second Ukssinian Front { then pushed into the Matta Hills, northeast of Budapest ‘On 5 December, the Pliev Cavaley- Mechanised Group, "Guards Tanke Army, and the Harvan sector, at the junction of the German Sisth and. Eighth Armies. The area, defended by three German divi- sions, including che 13. Penzendivision, was hie by over 500 Soviet tanks and assault guns on the frst day. The Soviets punched through the frontlines and drove armour through’ the gaps. Guards Army attacked in German Counteratacks stopped the advance at Erde of the southwest outskirts of Budapest on 8 December, The 6 Guards ink Army chen thrase north of Budapest and ino the Boresiny Hillson 11 December FINAL ENCIRCLEMENT On 20 December the 6 Guards Tanks Army crushed the German 357. Infanteriedivison and speed south out of, the Bérzsinyi Hills past Ipolysig. The Third Ukrainian Front attacked north on both sides of Lake Velence. By 22 December the Soviets had seized Vil and Budapest was in danger of encirclement. The jaws of the tap closed on 24 December: The 18° Tank (Comps ofthe Third Ukrainian Front and the vanguards of the (6* Guards Tank Army of the Second Ukrainian Frone linked up at Esacergom and Budapest was encircled THE SIEGE OF BUDAPEST Budapest was defended by 33,000 German and 37,000 Hungarian troops. From 4 December these troops came under the IN 8S-Gebingskorps. The city straddled the Danube River, with the hilly suburbs of Buda on the westera side and Pest occupying the eastern bank. Through December the Soviets made many attempts to pene trate nto the iy. They seleced sectorsheld by the Hungarians because Germany’ allies tended to he less well equipped. However, Hungarian armour, German Feldserrnhalle, and SS counterattacks threw back most of the Sovier thrusts, By 9 December the Soviets had established a bridgehead on (Csepel Island south ofthe city, The Soviets had formed a tight ring around the city by 10 December and began ro pound it with heavy artillery Fighting died down between 17 and 23 December, but news arrived on 24 December that the city had been encircled, The Soviets tied to batter their way into Budapest on 25) December, but fievee fighting by Feldherrabulle oops held them back. ‘The Soviets made gains on 28 December and on 30) December broke through Hungarian 10 Infantry Division: lines near Csomér, The Germans concentrated Mak with the 13. Pinzerdivison around Csbmér to protect the New! Racecourse airfield. RACECOURSE BATTLE On 6 January Kobinya and Riékosfalva, which the Soviess captured the Pest suburbs allowed them to keep the emergency airfield on the racecourse clased by bor barding ic from the north and south, ians started fierce counterattacks to regain the racecourse, ‘The Hungarian 10° Assault Gun Battalion and a mixed German/Hungarian Combat Group were positioned The following day the Germans and Hung behind the wooden fence of a grandstand, Soon afier the position was taken up, and before any attack could be launched, Sovietinfancry approached, singing, arm-in-arm and drunk. Hungarian assiule gun comm: Sindor Ha ire. They kicked down the fence and fired on the approaching Soviet riflemen. The Soviets broke for the stands to take cove Captain k ordered his men te bue the assault guns fired into the rows of seats aking a teribh toll, Reports pur the Soviet dead at about 800, The Germans a making ic to the far side of the infantry meant the attack could not continue to com: pletely secure the racecourse airfield and ic could not be reopened, meaning that supplies so Pest dropped in by parachute, Often the result was the last {Hungarians continued their atcack, course. A lick of iad t0 be of ammunition and food beyond enemy lines due to off target drops Phe counterattacks by 13. Pancerdivinion were not able take Back the airfild fully, forcing an Axis retreat to a shorter defensive line The battle to take the city was taking longer than the Soviets Anticipated. Once the encirclement was completed the city Bras expected co fill in three to four days. However, the city ehting with ares keep tl Red Amy out. The Soviets asked for che Budapest defenders surrender on 29 December; but the offer was refused and the savage street fighting continued about the city and Romanians pressed the defences and by 31 December they had German troops pushed back to within hhalfa mile of the Danube. On the night of 31 December/1 January, the Red Army made a concerted artemp' co throw the Axis forces out of Pes witha frontawvide asaule on the eastem portion of the ch A massive artillery barrage was unleashed all along the front followed by assaults. The 13. ensendivision was pushed west ‘uc of Csomor and the defenders were forced to commie tein Jasc reserves in an attempt co hold Pst. ‘The Soviets made more avacks between 1 and 15 January the defenders threw them back. Each time the Germans and Hungarians were forced to shorten their lines, decreasing the: defensive pocket. Pest’s days were numbered. Axis Forces if Pest were finally ondered to withdraw across the Danube t0 Buda on 16 January. The evacuation lasted until daylight on 18 January. However, many Hungarian troops and civil ians were «rapped when the last bridge was blown by the Gecmans. OPERATIONS KONRAD F-Ill While the defenders of Budapest were fighting for thei lives, several attempts were made ro relieve the city. These were spearheaded by the 3. “Tatenkopf”SS-Pancerdivsion and 5. Wiking’ SS-Panzerdivision transfered fiom Army Group ‘Centre. Three attempts were made, but each failed after heavy) fighting. The final offensive ended on 27 January with the city sil encircled. a0 Eee MiHornion pegmem Brigade = =e ieee es (infancy 2ACaaley Sitink ZA Asaule Guns eal snes Ee oe od a ra os cod cr 19 January food and ammunition were in short supph ith only occasional airdrops geting through. Co troop numbers were also low the last members of the IX'S- (Gebireskorps stall were thrown into the battle as infantry fn 27 January and the Feldberrnhall vision had to “The German command decided to breakout A Red Army attack between Castle Hill and the Budapest citadel to splic the defending forces was met with fierce resist and failed. However, the end was near, zmerge its Panzergrenadier regiments 11 Februa int 2000 hours (8pm). 10,000 seriously were left behind, heavy equipment was destroyed 00 men prepared to breakouie with what light equip Fighting continued with savagery and on 3 February che Infancry defenders destroyed eight Soviet tanks during, the day's combat. - ets opened fire with artillery as soon as iestarted. Lead SUCCESSFUL BREAKOUT from 13, Pans laughtered under the heavy barrage. A se Obcrstleutnants Wilhelm Schoening and Joachim Helmut Wolf led an actempe by che remains of the | litte better: Panzerdivision Feldhetenhalle towards Budakesei with | Various other groups of Hungarians and Germans mad about 600 men. They overran the Soviet blocking forees | out in small numbers, but the majority were either killed and made their way to woods using ravines and gullies for | oF taken prisoner, On 13 February the remaining defenders cover. By 14 February almost half the group had reached | surrendered to the Soviets, Afier an epic strug; the main German lines. This was the largest single force | Budapesc had been lost. 9™ GUARDS MECHANISED CORPS DDuring the battle for Hungary, the 6 Guards Tank Army Bvas one of the key armoured formations of the Second [Dksainian Front. Ic included the 54 Mechanised Corps (ater > Guards Mechanised Corps) and 5 Guards Tank Corps Phe 6* Guards Tank Army was in almost continuous combat From the winter of 1943 to the spring 1944. Te took pare in The encirclement of Germans forces daring operations across the Dnestr River [As the mobile group of the Second Ukrainian Front it took fparc in the lasiKishinev Operation that knocked Romania SOU oF the Axis before heading to the frontiers of Hungary. For Biss pare in the crossing of the Dnescr the 5 Mechanised Corps Became the 5* Dnestrorkith Mechanised Corps Phe comps was honoured with the Guards ttle in September [1944 for its part in the defeat of Romania and it became the 9 Guards Mechanised Comps, the last Mechanised Comps to be so honoured during the war. During the Battle of Debrecen the 9% Guards Mechanised Comps played a secondary role to the Pliey Cavalry Mechanised Group, which acted as che exploitation force probing ahead of the main forces. During the battle, the Keeps attacked Nagyvarid on 2 October to draw attention laway from the Pliey Group, fAfter the Germans had been pushed back to the Tisza River Beyond Debrecen at the end of October the 9% Guards Mechanisec! Corps finally gor co vest and refit. They received new 76mm gun Encha tanks (M4A2 Sherman — pronounced, FBim-cha because a 4 looks like a Russian letter U-cha), Hihcy were pushed back into action in December leading the way during the northern thrust cowards Budapest and the Danube. They attacked through the hills and mountains fo the north of Budapest, taking town after town. The lead ments of the 6 Guards Tank Acmy met up with 18 Tank rps northeast of Budapest on 24 December to complete Me encirclement of the city. the following weeks the 9% Guards Mechanised Corps ugh to keep the city surrounded as well as against the German attempts 0 relieve the encirclement. Aficr final conquest of Budapest in February 1945, the 9 Guards Mech capture of Vien ised Corps took a leading role in the Austria in April INOMAROCHNIKIY TANKOVY BATALON, The batalions of the 9 Guards Mechanised Corps used the American lend-lease Md Sherman. In November they were ‘equipped with new 76mm gun armed M4 Shermans foe the operations to take Budapest. Support was provided by heavy anks, anti-tank, reconnaissance, asaule guns, infant and anillry. To field chem with their M4 75mm Emcha during the Battle of Debrecen, sce the Inomarochaikig ‘Tankovy Batalon in Hammer and Sickle. 30™ RIFLE Corps December 1944, the 30° Rifle Corps, of the Second Ukrainian Front consisted of nee divisions, 25% Guards Rifle Division, and the 151 and 155" Rifle Divisions. They were commiced co the assault on Budapest on 12 December. During the heavy street fighting through the northwest suburbs of Budapest, che divisions utilised many of the tactics ist used in Stalingrad and since refined. They organe ised their rifle batalions into integrated assault groups, Each of these groups was organised around three core come ponents: the assault group of submachine-gun infantry, a support group made up of infantry and sappers armed with small arms and heavy weapons selected depending on the situation, and finally, a reinforcement group ro provide further infantry, sappers, and heavy weapons as needed, Sappers would destroy obstacles with explosives, and guns would be used to knockour stubborn resistance holed up fortified positions or buildings. The battalion would provide additional assault groups or rifle companies as further reine forcement ro the successful assault SHTURMOVYE BATALON The Sheurmorye Batalon (storm or assault battalion) is a unique infantry formation chat was only formed when ani turban assault was called for. This provides the player with mixed Combat Companies of Sheurmowye Groups oF Strelkovy Companies. The customisable Combat Companies can he further supported by flame-throwes, reconnaissance, ‘mores, anks, assault guns, anti-tank, infantry artillery and Alec. Ro) SOVIET SPECIAL RULES Inomarchnikiy Tankovy Batalon and a Shrurmovye talon use all the Soviet Special rules on pages 180 to 182 Ofte Flames Of War rulebook and the following edditional pecal rules, engincer-sappers wore body armour to protect them- ies ducing close combat against the enemy in trenches and bunkers. Their weel body armour also gave good protection om knives, bayonets and spades wielded as weapons, as Wellas grenade fragments and ricachering bullets. A Pioncer team from an Engineer-Sapper die when bit dering an Assault, npany rolle a [they wore a 6, bit for she purposes of requiring « Motivation Test 10 Coimerattack xy are unharmed, but still count as Ifty roll any other score, they are destroyed and removed from the table as usa [Shrurmovye Group and engincer-sapper teams used smoke Pos and smoke grenades to mask their assaults against my strongpoints and buildings, Special rams within each pliwoon bravely placed the smoke sereen for their advancing omrades, Shnurmorye Groups an designe for an asseult. Any team doing this cannot shoot in the Shooting Step nor assault in the Ascaule Step, but acts a if giving Covering Fire during the Assault Step. Engineer Sapper Companies may MG or MG seams as Smoke Teams to lay smoke When a Shrurmonye Group or Engineer-Sapper Com lawaches an assault, roll a Skill Test for each Smoke Tea within 4"/10em of a platoon being asaulted. Ifany Smoke Team passes the Skill Test chen all eams from that company perticipating in the assaule are Concealed. SU-100 OBR 1944 Manat With: su, Beige Sow: 80 ph Prot A tie Malin Arament: 100mm 0-108 with 84 Another 1175 were bull in 1948, They began replacing 0-86 assault gun In SU-85M ‘Tow SU-SEM asosulh gum was a stop ap measus Initially avaiable, so 88mm D- $-85 gune were m cary up o 60 rounds instead of 45 ofthe SU-6 fll ising the now Improved ill but for some early produ FAUSTNIKA During Operation Bagration many thousands of German. Panzerfaustanti-tank launchers were captured. These ere put aggressive anti-bunker tacties by engineer-sappers tire teams were equipped wich multiple Panzerfaust antk tank launchers forming fistnila teams, Faustnika Teams may move in the Movement Step and shoot \ their Panzerfaust anti-tank launchers as Bunker Busters (ve page 62 of the rulebook) in the Shooting Step if They target an enemy bunker or infantry team ina building. | (ate, Teams that moved reduce ROF 01) VOLLEY FIRE When the advancing Soviet army came across a German strongpoint, asault guns and antllery batteries stopped to blast it using a massive centralised voley Guns and vehicles with the Volley Fie special rule tae did not move in the Movement Sip may rerll filed } rolls To Hit when booing thir main guns at tins up | #0 16°40 away Vlley Fire doe: nar apply when fring Arilery Bombrdnene | The following gus and woke use dhe Volley Fire pecal rue a + BU : HEAVY BREAKTHROUGH GUN ‘The 15-2 heavy tanks and che ISU-122 heavy assault guns blasted the enemy gun positions into oblivion, leaving lieele chance to escape their fury! Infantry. Guo teams and Unarmoured vebicles automatically fail their saves when hit by the main gun of an IS-2 heavy tant and ISU-122 heauy assault un. A Firepower Test may still be required to destroy the target team as normal ‘Toe $0100 velfpropelied gun was smccessor to the SUBS. Jt was based on a lla but not dential, chassis mounting a 100mm D108 gun. This exollont gun ood penetrate 162mm of armour at 500 meters ‘and 160mm s+ 1000 motors range ‘he hull was improved ftom the SU-86 assault gm with the addition of « eommand: er’s cupola, tho came aa that found on the "7354/86 tank. It was housed in a oylindsaal easoma to the might ofthe gun, ele Uramaeh) snarls 595m bul In 1944 tho fret 600 81-100 assault guns rollegoff the produetionlne who Uralmareh factory in Svendloysk (now Yekaterinburg), ie madium assault gun regiments and brigades in late 1048 10-100. lot enough 100: 1-108 gun were vantage of the new hull was that is gould PERN Bh ZeEcty We ECE pel eeT Pea a arto (TANK COMPANY) PoC Cny ee ee nna - oabeerreenereen 2 5 g 3 = ro Cee Rone ere Prtindh Poteors ed Sed Ey rotor es ELE Ss | eta) ee Lata asad) Cee ror AA isd Eero Bick) Lae) US) OLS eee) ot eee MOTIVATION AND SKILL Afier many b Riven the 9 Mechanised Corps was awarded the Guards tile o become the 9 Guands Me SOVIET eroic deeds during the winter fighting at Koreun, then the advance tothe Dnetr salt on Romania at las and the carly bataes on the Hungarian Plain, the mised Corps in Siprember 1944. An Inomerochnikiy Tenby Batalon ofthe 9 Gnands Mechanised Corps 1s rated Fearless Trained. HEADQUARTERS BATTALION HQ DCU) MA 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) 85 points ary Ce a CeCe ae eV Coa rn + Add Ant-sireraft Platoon equipped with ZSU M17 MGMC self-propelled guns for +80 points Sea en Cee ‘Company Command tank for +15 points. The 9 Goardeysesy Mechanizirovanniy Koprus (9° Guards Mechanised Corps) is armed wich lend-lease tanks, Company Command Ni fm IntdAd Sherman [NEEWNIEY ICTS ENISVAEAN COMBAT COMPANIES INOMAROCHNIKIY TANKOVY COMPANY 10’ M4 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) 9 M4 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) 8 M4 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) 7 M4 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) (6 M4 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) 5 Ma 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) aon See VC econ Ber es Cet aera Pena nes eer ceo Cee tee Rene Spree earns American Frncha (M4A2 Sherman) is very different rom the Soviet baile 134 tank. Is higher and not as wide, bo the Ech (Sherman tankers) like i fori reliability ind spacious incerion Jl the eankers of the 9% Guards Mechanised Corps’ 83, IB¢!, and 85% Guards Tank Regiments and the 46” Guards Hank Brigade have already spent most of 1944 fighting in the earlier 75mm armed Evicha and are well used co them. HThe corp’ November 1944 refit has given them the superior Form armed Echa just for the drive on Budapest. 1 tankers’ battalion is well supported by the troops of the ie, corps and the 6 Guards Tank Army. ae eT ommand Mi 75m NAA? Sherman HO SECTION rane (ET 1 es M2 Sherman 14 rm WAZ Sherman) 1 MAR? Sherman i 7mm HAZ Sherman) CN (NONE! orate ty Se ee as or eRe cre eeh yc ee eters feep them close to the ranks and rely on the supe OPTIONS Saeko ered Ue ey ent * Add trucks for +5 points for the Company. 2-BM-41 mortars provide battalions with addi support fire ds cks. The mortars rain down a barr slosive and fragmentation bombs Positions, making th ssing their weap aN an | an AAA es AANA 1 BAA ees BAA IoC NTANSC NS SOVIET SUPPORT COMPANIES MOTOSTRELKOVY COMPANY erg rene Celtel) De trhcnte a ces bron Straten elon gestern The Soviet mechanised comps combines the best infantry i jower ofthe rank, The 9® Guards Mechanised josps has hice mechanised brigades each with hte are armed sale Force. “These ing rapid fire weapons are ide commend SM oan AI HAN SMGteam — SMG teem 2sANKA VAR} 7H 390 Irena iiNet ANNA RARE SMGteam SMGteem SARA AANA MGteam SMG teem SAAR HARK AANA SARK VARA IN AS NOWWiva AAOUNVL ADIINHDOUVWONT R (SEN ae 1 At AM || St ae Se See eer ee anes | HM an * Arm any or all M3A1 armoured transporters with Maa armoured tr MBA armoured transporte SS eae ne VS re tes aie aac See ee mc emt turretless BA-10M or captured Sd Kf 251 armoured ANNE “DAER] | -SAE WAAR Ce ros ile/MG tam RilIMG tam | | RileMAGtean RieNMG tear 5 reer ga entre ate peti LS ony 2a eeu ee dete tT oT ‘srmoured transporte meelred Baltic the Centralised Cont r a PLATOON Command BA-t4 CORSON OPTION + Replace the AA MG on up to two armoured cars with a hull-mounted PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle at no 7 ENTE ERTS ch BA-G4 armoured ARSECTION ekiierel fs. These seven vehicles provide the reconnaissance of the HOfien the enemy will reveal themselves by destroying one Grmoured car, allowing the rest so ferreat and inform the. BPRS Lcka was en fon 14 Api 92. He joined the Red Army in 1940 and graduated from ‘Saratov Armour School in 1942. di Ocwober 1944 Loz! company fought around Debrecen Before his brigace was finally rested and re-equipped during November. They had their 75mm gun armed ‘Ech! tanks Fepaced with new 76mm ‘mca’ (M4A2 Sherman) tanks [During January 1945 Loza’s battalion was involved in fierce haces 45km north of Budapest. The corps was holding off latempts by German armoured forces to relieve the besieged iy. As deputy commander of the 1" Tank Battalion Loza was Imade commander ofa forward detachment. Ieconsisted of his fank company, two platoons of ankeriders and the 7SU M17 GMC self propelled anti-aircraft guns of the battalion. Ina howling snowstorm in che small hours of 7 January Loza land his detachment slammed into the axis lines through a pth cleared by sappers of mines. Loza and his men quickly ‘efshed dhe firs lite Offence andthe test ofthe brigadewas ableto punch through the gash ripped in the German lines, Working in close conjunction the Zankodesanéniki infantry and Bricha tanks quickly overcame the German defenders and pushed deep into the rear of the defences. The lightning breakthrough was completed when Lozds detachment over ran an arillery battery located in an old brickworks ater a short, bur vicious ie fight. The cosps struck weston the northern bank of the Danube, 4 move thac ultimately would bring German Operation Konead to an end, The fighting continued into western Hungary. In Macch Loea was promoted to Guards Captain and took command of the 1" Batalion. He was later made a Hero ofthe Soviet Union for his exploits during the battle for Vienna, He completed the war in the far east crushing the Japanese army in Manchuria, After the war he had a distinguished carceras an instructor, researcher and author Csr Ue NEAR DE Cey {Gvardeyskiy Kapitan Dmitriy Loza isa Warrior and a Placoon. ‘Command Tank team rated as Fearless Veteran, Tosa may join any Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Batalon and places he Command M4 76mm cankin an Inomarochnikiy Tankory Company for an additional +80 points. SECOND IN COMMAND Tora was often left in charge of the batialion during lighting in Hungary : Goardeysiy Kapitan Dmitriy Loza may take Company Morale Checks as if he were the Company Command team ifthe Company Command tam is Destroyed BATTLE TESTED Louis experience and high initiative gave him a good feel for the batlfield, he enemy's plans and how co deploy against them. It also gave him he confidence to act decisively Hem and Chicks spocial rule docs not apply ro Loca. The rest of his Inomarochnikiy Tenkovy Company still bey the Hen sand Chioks special rule, bus ignore all movement by Loza. SPETSNAZ LOZA ‘When Loa’ battalion called for'a Forward Detachment to be formed for a special mission Loza was always selected Loz and his Inomavochnikty Temkovy Company may wse the Infil rial rules on page 182 of the rule book to infiltrate. Where the rule reads Scone Platoon read it as Loza and bis luomarochnikiy Tankovy Company Loza and his Inomavochnitiy Tankory Company may infl- inate with a Tank Rider Company, Motosvelkovy Company or Raz EMCHA GUNNER Loza had nothing but praise for the Sherman's M1 76mm {gun and believed in getting as many shots off as he and his gunner could The MI 76mm gun of Lozat M when stationary and ROF 2 when moving oer c) ELL ivi AIR ating Eur ALLIED PLATOONS a ae eae ed a ea aera eatin (INFANTRY COMPANY) prom each box shaded black and may field one company ot Ce Tas Sous See og RECONNAISSANCE PLY tre Givens por ey Ny cOvrT Sines aa. ES ror ET cco g is Aci HEADQUARTERS | Baxalion HQ 35 points ey See ec iy fighting methods are many and varied. The fighting wy commander has to deal wich battles for suburbs, os urban fighting, asaults on fortified houses, buildings her areas the enemy may have turned into a strong oftheir defence Shutmorye Batalon (storm or assault batalion) is a organised Strelkovy Bacalon adapted co cope with these as they arise. The composition of the Sheurmovye Gioups can be modified co suit the mission. RELKOVY COMPANY leva ST ean 3 Rife Platoons 2 Rife Platoons 1 Rifle Platoon, ae Pe Loreen eee os Se Renn ete eee care + Replace all Rifle/MG teams with SMG teams in one 395 points 270 points 145 points ile the batealion’s Sheurmovye Groups lead the attack on the enemy positions the rest of che Srrelli (riflemen) follow Behind as the reserve and to mop up isolated pockets of Surelkovy Companies retin all deie standard weapons. cir Mosin. Nagane rifes, DP lighe machine-gun and PMaksim heavy machine-guns are ideal for the reserve role ere they can provide covering fire for the assaulting Shurmovye Groups Once he Sheurmovye Groups have aken their objectiveand faye moved on wo thee next, the Suelkowy Company moves ward co ake over the captured ground and prepare 0 een against counterattacks KYo)'711 ae Satan Komissor eam Command ierktG team Es ania — | Rie6 team AANRt DNR Ale team RtleMG team aANAY QED RileMG team ifleM tear AANRt DNR Rie team _RterMG tesm PAPA SANA OED Aile/ANG team Rile/MNG team Rile/MG tear ANNE DAHA -AANAE AED FileMG ean fila toon _AleMG aml tom ecm 'STRELKOVY COMPANY Rien " SANAt AER Rile/ANG team RleRAG tear At PAAR Aile/AAGteom_ RfeAG team RIFLE PLATOON, eG Ca Assault Group and Reinforcement Group olauelty + Add Komissar team for +15 points Cote met tee The Reinforcement and Reserve Groups are made up of Storm feams. There is no actual team called a Storm tear. Instead 75 of teams 82-BM-41 mortar, Pioneer SMG team, 45mm obr 1942 gu MG team 76mm obs 1927 gun, PTRD anti-tank rifle or team, Heavy Gun teams (see Maksim HMG team, below). these can be any ofthe follow SMG tea Each Shiurmoyve Group cannot have more then four Storm ne type seams can be taken. There can be up nti-tank gun, or 122mm obr 1938 assault howitzer and Stalinets Each Heauy Gun replaces two Storm teams. ie actions of the Shturmovye Group (storm or aeault The commander prepares fhis Shrurmovye Group for the mission at hand, tailoting che Command SMG teem SMG eam adah aan ||) waar SMG team SMG toam am ash AINA SMG team SMG team ANAK AIRE SMG 09m SMG tea Storm twam AANA NAA SMS team SMG team Storm team Storm eam Stor team A Shuurmonye Group is unusual in that the composition. of the compan ‘composition af your Storm Group for each gare before deploy am change from game to game, You must reinforcement and reserve groups to suit what is needed <0 defeat the enemy and take the objective. WEAPONS COMPANIES SHTURMOVYE FLAME-THROWER PLATOON reed 4 Flame-thrower Sections 3 Flame-thrower Sections 2 Flame-thrower Sections 1 Flame-thrower Section. A Sheurmonye Flame-thrower Platoon must make Combat Attachments to Shturmoyve Group tovy Compare wapper Companies with all of their sections ser teams may be dlieributed among any of the 20a single company, and Engines Flame-th above companies or ait As an exception to the normal Combat Arzachme Flame-chrawer Scetions become part of a Shourmony o7 Engineersapper Company for all Platoon Morale Uf they attach 10 a Sirelkovy Company, wse the normal Combat Attachments rules (se page 184 of the rulebook), [ii Flame:thrower team Flame-tivowe tam im — em Fame-eow team Flame-tower team Fame-tiowor team Fame-tvowor team ETE ET PLATOON cokers eee ee eee Re ee eee ee ee as Bie outs ate outstanding individuals chosen from froughour che division. Equipped with submachine-guns, gnoufage smocks, and even skis in winter, they are used fae informacion before attacks, then either infiltrate CCl) irene a ronty + Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points Pe eee eon er support for the Shrurmovye Groups ws from the 120-PM-38 heavy morta tars are ideal weapons co follow the sttee Bghing infancry inco the city They can be set up in squares id paths 0 provide heavy firepower from just a Few streets ym the barcling Red Army riflemen. Non Pare Diclan anlits Army Comper nt Armies thro rnd on £0 th tory over the Fasci others sup SLC eer Cee en eee PU ese retetend ea ne ad when firing at teams within 16°/40cm while stationary, SM Assault guns support almost every division fighting inthe R c fs un empl deal with the problem Options Oar absense ae ey MG for +5 points per tank a ot ee een ern 1SU-122 assaule guns benefit from the Heary Breakthrough Gun special rule on page 13 Remeber to use the Volley Fre special rule on page 13 sehen fring at teams within 16" Oem while stationary, The he | of the l aa s aul Gun Theo | Heavy E. : direct fire hes Ci oN Doge Gite Loma Ente Rani USANA TRENTON avy artillery cannot keep pace with mighty Soviet tank and mech; gun support c mpai the rapid advances anise corps. Insteady rom the Guards Heayy ‘GuardsTank Army was supported by the 364" Guards ssaule Gun Regiment. 10734 obr 1942 9734 obr 1942 8134 obr 1942 7134 obr 1942 61-34 obr 1942 5 E34 obr 1942 oe eee ener et ery Cee eee 10 T34/85 obr 1943, 934/85 obr 1943, 8734/85 obr 1943, 7 T34/85 obr 1943, 634/85 obr 1943 5 F34/85 obr 1943 er near er eres 1944 tanks for +10 points for the company. Sea een en nee a ‘34/85 tanks for +15 points per team. Caren SU eae er) obr 1943 tanks to have Cupolas for +10 points for eat TATA During the storming of Budapest, canks were asigned to the: ascaule divisions to offer some mobile heavy Srepower during. the street battles. The tanks could smash through walls and Improvised obstacles and knock out dug-in enemy guns and infancey with cheir high-explosive rounds, OT-34 flame-tanks also proved very effective ar flushing enemy infantry out of fortified positions and buildings, ee $e GUARDS HEAVY TANK COMPANY ood 518-2 obr 1943 4152 obr 1943 315-2 obr 1943 are Se CeO RCE Scr eee UW Cesta? points per tank. Se Onc ee ee ete ee ee rar SI a eee er ena ras Guards Heavy Tank and Chicks special rule ‘ompanies are not affected by tse Hen Guards Heavy Tank Compares Wa UTE TANK KILLER COMPANY BU are koh GUARDS TANK KILLER COMPANY Assault gu ra pce LUNN orate one eee Poco ens : a a) The 389" Guards Assault Gun Regiment yas te- Be ee Bee ee Oe ee ee Be | MOTIVATION AND SKILL motored Panzergrenadier: of Panzerdivision and Panzerdivision Feldhernohalle fobs with great brewery amd skill in Hungary. Their vole within the division make them silent troops on atsick and defence. In Budapest they sire fighting of the war. A Panze ComPANY HQ Tae cy rare) Ty Replace cither or both Command SMG teams with ‘Command Panzerfaust SMG teams for +10 points = peyote yet cee Ost ou Ree Uae kee ‘Company HQ and Kfz 70 truck for Anti-tank sec- page Ge ai PRS a en ightingin Hungary the Feldherrnhalle Pancergrenadicrs Hough in various batces. Ube tested in some of the fiercest renadierkompanie ix rated as Confident Veteran, HEADQUARTERS EWEN PENT WA Company Command "Su team a 220 Command ‘SM te AS} REEVE (On the Tisza River they counterattacked c0 drive back the Soviets and Romanians and. then around Budapest fought unning defensive batles against Soviet mobile woops. In the savage street Fighting inside the city they fought some of their ‘nally they made last desperace breakout arcemps to escape the encirclement in February 1945, COMBAT PLATOONS PANZERGRENADIER PLATOON Loren} eke nn 3 Panzergrenadier Squads 2 Panzergrenadier Squads Ca irolsty + Replace the Command MG team with a Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. eC ae eect seer eos The panzergrenadiers fought on foor during the fighting. in Budapest. Fuel was shore and was reserved for the tanks and assault guns, An unarmoured truck is no place to be in the Font lines of a city bate. ‘hey also ut Fics alvays ready to launch a counterartack with the Panzers if the enemy broke through the front lines sed improvised fortifications such as street bar sprove defensive positions. However, they were PN e eas Te a Command MG tam KO NCEOD UNTEROFFIZIER UZ WY WY ||| WR At MGteam—MGteam 1G team Dra ao ro UNTEROFFIZIER Ws 2h MGtam MG team TOE | | TTT trey E H = | ee i $F ip deployed kilometres away in large parks or sports grounds. PLATOON ek 2 Machine-gun Sections 1 Machine-gun Section No Machine-gun Sections erates 140 points 80 points 20 points CER ae oe See eee er oe trucks for +5 points for the platoon, A Pancergrenadier Heavy Platoon must have a Mortar Section if it bas no Machine-gun sections. ‘The Heavy Platoon provides the company’s immediate heavy. weapons support. Machine-guns and mortars can provide Covering fire, or can be attached directly to the panzer: grenadiers in more ditecr support A Pancergrenadier Heany Platoon may make Combat Attachments to Combat Platons. Malt de) Sted PANZERGRENADIER MORTAR PLATOON Lae iere)) eke ana 43 Mortar Sections 2 Mortar Sections 1 Mortar Section Colao Seg cy eee eee eer ee et ty Seen Ze} mortars for +35 points per Mortar Section. Ce ee eee ae ee Sections, 210 points 145 points 80 points ‘Mortarsare ideal for fighting inthe urban environment where ‘open spaces are limited and big batteries of guns cannot be Aeployed. The mortars are close at hand, ready to provide Support when called on, unlike the artillery who are often ‘Dut om the open plains their fast response time and ease of MGI HMG “MGA HME Isa SECTION SEENON NAMES ATOONS (EUAN Command SMG team UNTEROFIZIER aS observer Fite team Bar fom owas ‘mortar Rar em ower mortar Ua RE server Rite arn BAA fem OWS Baad. om G9 UNTEROFFIZIER AX AAA Doser Rie team Rar fom GW34 mortar Bom B34 more relocation also make them a vital support weapon for the fast-moving Panzergrenadicrs. TO fexelent weapon in a street battle, whether ivis provid ily hand fect or indirect fire support to an attack, rolling up with an a street intersection from advancing Observer Motoreyle mand secar 7m e118 gun e618 gun Dy SECTION PE EE eNO ANTI-TANK GUN PLATOON 37.5em PaK#0 27.5em PaK40 165 points LAS points Sem PaK40 anti-tank ‘weapon in the arsenal of che wun-has become from a wood or rking atthe end oF stret, the hak is equally against an unsuspecting enemy Aehile. Te also works well against entrenched enemy guns Mand infancy 150m Paka gun PNAS EO ——— PANZERGRENADIER ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON 90 points 60 points Ae Panzergrenadier moune th fas on the back of half-tracks wo improve mobility and Gilow hein to fire quickly if attacked by enemy aireraft on - a Ue Ski 105 (em) halt rome aye rea SECTION. SECTION Se ahah Se a ee dattaal 3 Flame Sections 2 Flame Sections 1 Flame Sections 405 points 270 points 135 points ‘ments really come into their ovin against enemy fortified po- sitions, Inside Budapest a number of these platoons were put d inst enemy troops holed up in buildings or les. On the plains they knock out bunkers and trench lines with ease. Nowhere is safe from a jet of searing liquid flame. 251/16 mounts one flamethrower on each side of the body. These can bovh fre at the same time, but mn jive at the same enemy platoon. Each fleme-thrower fire at any target omits side ofthe half snack, from stat ahead so sraighe behind. — HEAVY INFANTRY GUN PLATOON PLATOON eee folie] Seca ent orn see etn platoon at no cost. the centre of your attacks ta quickly eliminate enemy ‘weapons that are holding up the Panzergrenadiers. Do not Beaftaid of using them over open sights to finish off particu- Jarly stubborn resistance —— ———> SELF-PROPELLED INFANTRY GUN PLATOON Le Ucetel| HQ Section with: OPTION + Replace all Grille H (15cm s1G) self-propelled guns with Grille K (15cm sIG) self-propelled guns for-10 ee cas Sell propelled infanry guns are far more Aexible than the Be tow models, They can stl operate as aillery, but when Bate can drive orvard, usingtheproccetionoftirarmou Bo bring the enemy under direct efor fase result, Commend $3 Kf251/16, (Flan) hall-vack ‘Sd KE 25/15 (Flamm alerack EVES mE ae Sakis 8 (Farin) haere oe Saikir 56 (Fama) blteack ‘841225116 [Flamm hal-rack oad 6 KI2251/16 (Fm hat rack Sd Kfe 251116 (Flemm) halfacks may not lel = Ta >a AYA ax alt Command Observer Morice SMB team toa snd ices [es EEE UE Sem 639 gun [En a Motorayele andar Command SM team ‘SdKf2751/1 halt ock Observer ile team Ua Gril Wisem si) GUN SECTIC SEEN PETTITT ATT = (ay) 4 MT LOU, | = » MOTIVATION AND SKILL = Bie tops of she Feldherrnballe Panzerkorps are veterans of the eastern front. The divi SM eet ey provide espe support withthe rains espns and ls The vison: and lak support, Suppare Platoos of Pancerbamrnppe and Panzerrenadierkomprnic Ge nucdt Confident Verran tes ethers noted under he plo. — * SCHWERE PANZER PLATOON + 4 Konigatiger (Henschel) 1380 points 3 Konigstiger (Henschel) 1035 points 2Konigstiger (Henschel) 690 points 1 Konigstiger (Henschel) 345 points Be During carly November 1944 che 13. Panzerdivison fought * alongside the 503. Schwere Panzerthteilang (503% Heavy Fank Bavalion) around Harvan and Jekohalma during the Jats to hale che Soviet advance on Budapest. The 503. Schwere Pancerabrelung had been heavily = iavolved in the fighting around Debrecen leading. che oumerattack with che 24 Pencerdivision and 4. Polizet SEParcergrendierdiesion BE) Remember to roll for your Tiger Ace Skills (page 168 of the 3 A retook bere cach gre. eee Se Ses 4 Jagdpanzer IV 3 Jagdpanaer IV 2 Jagdpanaer IV 380 points 285 points TATE 190 points During 1944 the old Marder cank-hunters were being replaced with better-armoured options like Jagdpancer IV tankchunters or StuG G assault guns. ~ — ANTI-TANK GUN PLATOON LEUTNAN Te LTT N oro) HQ Section with: AMR Command SM team 4 7.5em Pak40 215 points 37.5em Paks. 165 points 27.5em Pak40 115 points Ue $85 PK Mire mo 3 8.8cm PaKa3, 2 8.8cm Pak43 OPTIONS Ta FAAS SRA. + Add Kfz 15 field car and 3-tom trucks for +5 points Aiton ae Anitank gun oer ecs ee ene Comer ac Sarr ee nee es nc os no GUN SECTION “The 7.5em PaK40 anti-tank gun has become the standard ‘weapon in Heer anti-tank units Ac umber of army level anci-ank units were operat- ing in Hungary with 8.8em PaK43 heavy anti-tank guns. These units were the 661, 662, and 663. Schwere Panzerjagenthteilungen. GEPANZERTE AUFKLARUNGS PLATOON PPTETTIPECITI rr rrr rr i reriree ene: oF eee ete ees een Ce eee clo jeeps with Schwimmuagen amphibious jeeps for enn While one of the squadrons of a Auftlirungselwadron {feconmaissance squadron) is mounted in armoured balf- tracks the test of the squadrons infanery are mounted in Kiibehvagen or Schwimmuvagen jeeps for Fat mobility Kibelwagen Kibelwagen ‘withig. wath A rar SQUAD. NG am Kibolwagen vt Kielwagon ath Me "MG team = TUN ores} Te = an 12:0 _ 3 Aufklirungs Squads 300 points ietaars ca lemsbalevece 2 Aufklicungs Squads 215 points OGIO | folate) aaa Unies * Replace the Command MG with a Command : Peasant deer nero WAVE WADE | AAD AAT. . MGtcem—“MGteam MGican—-MGteam a Cet oe wee ee ee " ‘ ee eer 3 sakes “The Auftlirungschiadron (seconnaissance squadron) oft halltrack hatetrack c 1B. Pancerdivsion vias one of the fest units ofthe division fo head into combat in Hungary in October 1944. They fovghe with the divisions Panther tank bation as pare of wr the ll Pancerkors: wht ol : Gipancerte Auftlrungs Platoons may wse the Mounted Mien Saka MGteH Assault special rule on page 167 of the rulebook. half-track —— + s— ~— — + — — —- : AUFKLARUNGS PLATOON oe A P + LTP ucoley} ” 2 ees kta 15 field 3 Aufldirungs Squads 210 points “ih 2 Auikirangs Squads 150 points HQ SECTION OPTIONS ur Pen en en a heer WAR WAP. 7 Le ciao nye seein ; MGteonMieam Gian MBean cee Pees . . ‘win WAY otiew WAY. oe Kuelwagen wah ME A 4 Tee ad Peersce Lethe Cri ea LRTI NEON TE, iW ‘GEPANZERTE PANZERPIONIER PLATOON 335 points 2 Pioneer Squads 240 poimes OPTIONS * Replace Command Pioneer MG team with Command Pioneer Panzerfaust SM SOs Pod Equip up to one Pioneer MG team with a Goliath demolition carrier in addition to its normal weapons for +30 points, EURO ncn Cees pase arent tetera hase Replace any or all Sd Kfe 251/7 half-tracks with Sd Kf 251/1 (Seuka) for +35 points pec half-track. ‘Add Pioneer Supply 3-ton truck for +25 points, or Pioneer Supply Maultir for +30 points. You may replace up ta one Pioncer MG team per Pioneer | Squad with a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game before deployment. Commans Penaer 1G team ‘SéKi751/1 Tall vac TSE Ue AN oll | Proneer Sd Kie 28177 MGteam —“haltveck mH WAY ool Pigneor — S4K‘22517 NG team —“halltace WAR. Pioneer Geom EI) PIONEER SQUAD WAY WAY? oer Pioneer Pienoar Sd Kiz 25/7 UGteam — MBtoam —_hareck Assault special rule PANZERPIONIER PLATOON PLATOON eka 3 Pioneer Squads 2 Pioneer Squads olan) Pe eRe Rue eer a Command Pioncer Panzerfaust SMG team for a 190 points 135 points CU ee cee eee ay Se ere eee ne en eee es ‘Add Kfz 15 field ear and KE: 70 trucks for +5 points foes ‘Add Pioncer Supply 3-ton truck for +25 points, or Lea nee ners Panzerdivision Feldberrnballe and 13. Panzerdivision ¢ Feldherrnballe cach had theit own pioneer battalions. The highly skilled infantry can do all the mundane tasks normally = set engincering troops such as clearing mines and repairing Bridges. However, these assault spectalists shine in combat, Knocking out bunkers and other obstacles and fortifications * with explosives, flame-throwers and demolition carriers. i oN >a Command Prneer Ril NIG team aN UNTEROFFIZIER Ua AAR wate ||] WADA aa Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer” Pioneer AileMMS team RtNMS team |} RiMoMNG eam Rife oem GN TAY AAT Pioneer Piongat AilleIMS team Rie/KIG team You may replace up 0 one Pioncer RifldMG team per Pioneer Squad with a Flamethrower team atthe sart of the game before deployment. ZIFCOt Pete UULLL sib ii MUD LUE LOLA ERE BE LLLLLLUT —_ KET LAUNCHER BATTERY PLATOON kena {6 15cm NW41 Launchers 4 15cm NW41 Launchers 3.15em NW4I Launchers 15cm NWA1 Launchers 20 points 160 points 120 points 90 points Seed 6 21cm NW42 Launchers 420m NWA? Launchers 3 21em NWA2 Launchers 2 21em NWA2 Launchers 265 points 190 points 145 points 110 points OPTIONS See re ec ig epeter ces Seen eee hh ak She 15cm NWA1 or 2lem NW42 rocket launcher batter Hes deliver crushing firepower at a moment's notice. Their Abily to bringa constant rain of fire upon advancing enemy Ifinery can break their assaule in one volley. Bou mnust purchase all of the rocket launchers from one 4 Launcher Section before adding any seams from the second. B Launcher Section. ——— oe " MOTORISED ARTILLERY BATTERY PLATOON HQ Section with: 4 10.5em leFH18 howitzers 2.10.5em leFH18 howitzers 220 points 125 points eRe comic! 4 Sem sFHI8 howitzers 2.15cm sFH18 howitzers 340 points 185 points Cera Beware o Lr Scan) Better een ee bconng Perec S + Replace any or all Observer Rifle tcams and their poe eer ees re er You muse purchase all of the guns from one Guin Section before sudding any teams fom the second Gun Seton. Observer Panzer IT OP tanks cannot launch assaults ERIN AA Commend SMG team FERTaIe ETN ET aX whe AX oe heer Kibalvogwn Qesavee Kabewagen SThirra ockot Launcher “Fhtraa Rocket Launcher SFhiraa. Focket Launcher Shar ‘Pocket Launcher Bhtrar Focket Launcher JFitaa Rocket Launcher CUT att Suatfteam RA Command SWetwam PE TEZaIGS Motovised Artillery Barteries equipped with 15cm sFHI8 owitzers may not be deplayed in Abas eked HQ Section with: 650 points 545 points 440 points 340 points 235 points eae Se ae ea ere SB Cae eR kee aaa ee eed cerns + Add an Sd Kfs 9 (181) recovery half-track for cents Observer Panzer IH OP tanks cannot launch assaule HAUPTMANN. ttt atrat Commans —Stafteam StIG team Kir tS field car Kie88 radio. Observe Rilo wam Rt ED Seltpropelled Selt-propelled So Kie250 Observer SéKIe7=0 Rie team aR oe Selkpropeled_Sel-propaled ‘un ‘oun un an ae Sel roped gun You must purchase al ofthe sl propel gm fr one Gia Seton before adding ay tas fam the second Gao Stn —— PANZERSPAH PATROL — PLATOON Re cece and 2d Kfz 25019 cm) 1 Sd Kf 250/9 (2m) Panzerspah Patrols are Reconnaissance Plasvons, ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON TeNKoren| 3 Sd Kf 10/5 (2cm) 2 Sd Kf 10/5 (2cm) 90 points 60 points fools) Cee eS Ce ee Sd Kf27/1 (Quad 2cm) halferacks for +15 points eee Cech ne a nats Upgrade to armoured halFtracks with Front, Side and Soca eg pete — ——$—$——$— LEUTNANT. TT oi Command $4 kf 280 (Reece) Sake 105 em hal-track rr ~ HEAVY ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON TEN a OL eam Meteo) ekseiuhit Anti-aircraft Seetions 205 points Bo) | Anti-aircraft Section 115 points: Saad PAU LULL pe ca —) Ba) 2 Anti-aircraft Sections 125 points Pi Anti-aircraft Section 65 points folaitels) + Model 8.8em FlaK36 guns with eight or more crew and increase their ROF to 3 for +10 points per gun Hoth the Heer and the Lufiaffé operate the excellent 8.8em FaK36 heavy anti-aircraft gun. The Soviets have learned to respect this weapon and will ofen go out of their way co avoid it. When well positioned ehese weapons can hale an aetack a it stares —— — LUFTWAFFE ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON — LaF ucolo la HQ Section with: SS 75 points 55 points 3 Anti aircraft sections 2 Anti aircraft sections erate + Add Kfr 15 field car and 3-ton trucks for +5 points Cec eerie cn Selec nod Aswell as the ‘88’, Lujiwujfe FlaK oops also manned lighter {nuns fo protect grouind troops and other assets fiom Soviet aircraft. The 3.7em FlaK43 is an excellent anti-aircraft gun Luftwaffe Anti-aircraft LEUTNANT ttt Command SMG eam Kiel ear UNTEROFFIZIER UME Eh. {880m HaA°H gun eed Sa iz 7 (aU halrack ‘Bem FiaK36 gun aad safe (at hatrack A Heary Anticairenst Gun Platoon is rated A Luftwaffe Heavy Anui-aircrfi Gun Platoon is rated Vice Mobily Fost Sle Top Equipment and Noss Waepon Range ROP Anstteub Peeper TRUCKS BMW mow gikiisiegs jer = Opto Pusegeed ll MG Bice fa ie as ee Aphis, Posen fc ll MG Hk, Kup, Sgr 70, Del Dlsed ioe Ope ka q crack : Whee Opel Mauer Halaced , TRACTORS , Si Ke 10 0, Sd Ke11 00 Z eeSUKE7(@)kutack led Bet (RIO tractor Fally-tracked ‘Slow tank, "= ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIERS. BS sii: 250 hana Halmacked Gainey) Hull MG lak Halal =) il GBs SAKE 251/0 Q7om hauach Hamed ree SURE 2517 incr heck Ss pe SAK: 2511 (ak) hal-uack 1 ° RECOVERY VEHICLES S19 (189) halk Hacoced Berger soery cide Palle i Tegepancr monerywdide —‘Fullyendcd 10 0 1 chide | AIRCRAFT Wapon aot ee Notes Cann ° ‘ Fig Tank 1 i atin MG 5 JD Sula Bombs 1 susre Ske con u ‘ EAs aU AS ULE Jp1944the Hungarians were fighting to hold back the re ride frecping over their country. The Hungarian Army had rapidly lepanded in 1943 and by the beginning of 1944 had formed vo fied armies. They saw fighting againse the Soviets in Galicia (nestern Ukraine) in March 1944, In September forces ge ako deployed in Transylvania againsc the Romanians and in the Soviets. When the Red Army invaded in Occober a hin! army was mobilised to defend the south of Hungary. All hse forces fought alongside the Germans for Debrecen, on the Tica River and for the city of Budapest. RMOURED FORCES My 1944 the Hungarians fielded wo armoured divisions and Ge ssault gun bavtalions. GALICIA AND TRANSYLVANIA hefirst units tosee action were the 2" Armoured Division and JH Asseule Gun Battalion in Galicia in March to July 1944. Both armoured divisions and two assault gun batcalions fought in Teansyhvania in September, attempting to secure the mountain passes from the Romanians who had just changed sides. Romanian border «oops collapsed in the face of the unexpected attack. ‘The Hungacian armour preformed well, bur Sovier troops arriving fiom eastern Romania brought the offensive ro an end. ‘During one encounter, near Torda, six Zrinyi assault howit- Gers of the 10 Assault Gun Barealion under Zasalis (ensign) Minos Bozoki ambushed and knocked out 18-34 tanks in Justa few minutes DEBRECEN AND THE TIZSA RIVER ‘The Hungarian Armies pulled back to a defensive line along the Tisca River in eastern Hungary on 8 October. After with drawing towards che Tisza River, they joined the German founterattack against the Soviee advance past Debrecen fon 21 October south of town of Polgir. Hungarian assault gunners fought for Debrecen alongside German troops, de- fending the city and coumteractacking, Meanwhile in the south the 1* Armoured Division withdrew boack tothe Tisza River, fighting alongside the StuG G assaule guns of the 7* Assault Gun Battalion. The frontline eventu- ally stabilised on the Tisea River in late October. BUDAPEST Th December the L" Armoured Division was trapped in Budapest, with just 5000 men, seven Turin tanks, one arti Jery battery and three 75mm anc-tank guns. In the city with them were clements of six assaule gun battalions “The assault gun troops were formed into a battlegroup under Lieutenant-General Emo Billnitzer consisting of 2000 men, 30 assault guns and eight 75mm anti-tank guns. Many of the men foughtas infantry during the sieg The 2"! Armoured Division defended the approaches to F Budapese. they avoided geting rapped in theclsy and fought in Operation Konrad I in January 1945. They continued to fight alongside the Germans uncil March 1945, HARCKOCSIZO SZAZAD (TANK COMPANY) The armoured troops ate highly morivated and well trained. They fghe with a mix of Hungavian and German tanks and call on support from their infantry, anc-aleeraft and antler Tn addition they ight side-by-side with the Germans and are supported by German artmout,arillery and airraft. ROHAMAGYUS UTEG (assautt GUN BATTERY) The assault gun battalions are the clive mobile arm of the Hungarian artillery. They use their own native Zriny! asa howitzer, or German $tuG G or Hetzer assault guns. They ‘re supported by the divisions they fight with, which includes Hungarian tanks, anti-tank, infantry, reconnaissance, anti aircraft, acilery and aircraft, a8 wi panzergrenadiers, and airraft as German panzers, BUDAPEST INFANTRY UNITS With the Red Army at the doorstep of Budapest a numb of local volunteer battalions were raised to help with the defence. Some of these battalions wore raised by the fascist Arrow Gross Party, while others were organised by none politcal groups. Often they had only basic raining, but what they lacked in skill they made up for with enthusiasm, These included the Vannay Battalion of public service workers, many of who knew the sewage and drains system well and could travel the city without detection. Another important group were the two University Assault Batalions raised by the students of Budapest University Various miliary schools and technical institutions also raised units to fight of lend skilled expertise. Among these were groups like the Moslin Group made up of 120 military cadets and soldiers who fought as a cank-hunter force with Panzerfausts and two 75mm 40M (PaK40) guns ‘The police and Gendarmerie (military and rutal police) also contributed five battalions of Gendarmes and 2000 police ‘men to the fighting, These units even had light armoured units with Toldi I sanks, Csaba armoured cars or Fiat “Ansaldo rankertes, The police, along with the army's regular infantry, provided the most experienced infantry wnits ONKENTES PUSKAS SZAZAD (VOLUNTEER RIFLE COMPANY) “The riflemen of the Budapest defence infanery come from carry of sources, ftom highly motivted volunteers pro= fessional police and regular soldiers All he diferent forces trapped inside Budapest fought together and supported each other In addition to the machine-guns of cheit weapons platoons, they are backed up by mortars, assault guns) panzets, anti-tank, infantry, reconnaissance, heavy Motta, antiaieraf, artillery and aireraft Jn 1919. Initially he served with the Border Guards before B > sctraining in 1942 and joining the 3% Armoured Regiment in P fanuary 1943 as 2 Fobadnagy (Lieutenant). From April 1944, Taresay served with the 2% Company, 1 Batalion ofthe 3% Armoured Regiment in Galicia as part yearned much experience hing in a Turin IU rank and then, after the division was lly re-equipped with German tanks in May, commanded [a company of Tiger IE heavy tanks he Soviets launched an offensive in July that pushed back the sans to the fiontier inthe Carpathian Mountain. The Armoured Division withdrew and teceved another batch ays September 1944, Tarcay and the 2" Armoured Division se moved «the Romanian border withthe aim of securing coming separated from the rest of the batalion they fought through artillery fire without infuntey support and destroyed ipvo enemy infanccy companies and three anti-tank guns e next day the company was back in action outflanking ad Drancing Sovier tanks. The Soviets were forced eo withdr. In fhe afternoon Tarczay took his own Panther forward to secure ihe lefr lank of the battalion’ position. He knocked out wo fanks and an antitank gun. arcaay continued ro hold off Soviet probes, raking a toll on Bphe enemy unl 6 Ocrober. During the fighting around Torda, Fiarcray and his Panthers knocked out 11 tanks, 17 anti-tank 1, 20 machine-gun postions, and a Katyusha Despite this, the Allied offensive could nor be held and the Armoured Division was withdrawn back to the Tia River the Hungarian Phin. On 25 October, during, an action Polgér, Tarray’s company overran a Soviet anti-tank bi destroying three guns and capturing another thre. During th action, two 1-34 tanks appreached fiom the Mank. Taraay them come within short range before knocking, them out The Panersdestoyed 16 enemy tanks and assault guns du che fighting beeween 6 and 25 October. Tacay dire i tanks fom the open hatch of his Puncher, with ele regu fg his own safery (On 30 October, Tarezay’s company was surrounded. He le the breakout, smashing his way through a Sovit rile bart jon, His Panther took a hit, but che thick armour deflecedd round. Tarczay crushed the offending and-ank gun under His Panthers racks. They next ran over an arillery bawery, qui descroying i. By late November Tarczay and his company were withdcama north oF Budapest wo halt the Soviet advance. The division fought a withdrawal back co lines norchwest of Budapest In January 1945 Tareeay was promoted to Sedzadns (Capen) He took delivery of 27 Panzer IV and two Panther tanks on 8 January 1945. Unsil the end of February they fought around Suekefehérvar between lakes Balaton and Velence Taresay was Knighted (and gained the cide ‘vind! meaning valiant) on 15 March and he went on leave to marry. He rejoined the remnants of the 2"! Armoured Division on 17 March and was engaged in the bartles against the Savier drive ‘on Vienna until his death, around 19 March, from wounds, a decedent EPP aay eee eee oe CHARACTERISTICS Fuhadnagy Esvin Tarevay is a Warrior and is rated Fearless Veteran, Tarcaay may join any Harckocsizd Szizad and replaces the Company Command Turan I ot Panzer IV H tank for B40 points, or T AROUND THE FLANKS Plarcay likes to get around the Hanks of his enemy’ ro catch them off guard, Movement is the key to this and ‘Tarczay alyays keeps his platoons moving, [Bot Panther A tank for +75 points Tarczay and any platoon be has joined may choose to make 4 Stormarooper move (page 166 of the rulebook) instead of a normal Husztr move (page 69) This means you can shoot in the Shooting Step as normal and loose $0 make a Stormtrooper move instead of assaulting inthe Ault Step. AS STRAIGHT AS AN ARROW Tarceay always fought fiom his open vaeret hatch and was able to direct che fire of his gunners with skill and precision because of the excellent visibility this provided. Tarczay re-rlle mises with bis tanks main gun DESTROY THOSE ANTI-TANK GUNS! Tarcray seemed to be particularly good at taking with his tank tracks. Often an would end with Tarcra twisted wreckage of a Sovier gun line ont guns sack on a gun positions tank nested in the middle of the Tarccay may re-roll any failed saves when bit by « Gun eam in Defensive Fire during an Asati HUNGARIAN SPECIAL RULES HUSZAR Hungary has a strong cavalry vadition descended from Magyar horsemen. Hungarian knights often stood alone against che Oxtoman Tucks as the defenders of Europe and tuting the 17" co 19" Centuries they supplied the Habsburg Empires lite light cavalry. Hungarian mobile troops are Famed for their aggression and wide sweeping movements Hungarian platoons thae are Huczdr Dlataone are so ind cited under thove platoons Any Huszdr Platoon wish a Command seam may aster at che sare ofthe Shooting Step instead of hocring. Ifa platoon attemprs s0 mt may not shoot even if fils co mak «Huse mo ke a Huszdr move, ie Roll a Skill et for each platoon + ifthe testis F100 uccesful, the plasoon may move anocher + Otherwise the platoon cannot move this step. All normal rules apply for this movement, Plaroons cannot make Husedr moves if the Double, Bagged Down or Ba make Huscdr moves. wy are Pinned Down or be moved ed vebicles PREPARING FOR THE COMING STORM ‘he Hungarians learned harsh lessons on the Don fone Huring the wineer of 1942/43, so now when they prepare For Wsfence, they prepare wel Hngarian platoons may re-rll failed Skill Tews 10 LOCAL KNOWLEDGE The Budapest defence battalions were made up of local police, students and workers who knew their city well. The Vannay Alarm Barcalion, made up of municipal workers, would use the sewer and drainage system to move about the city underecred and launch surprise attacks. Onkéntes Puskds Szdzad may deploy a Hungarian platoon entively made up of Infimery or Gun seams, oa ‘mis of both, in hmmediate Ambush (se page 197 of the rulebook) in addition 10 wny Ambush deplayment thar Inmediate from the platoons that ‘nay be allowed ky the Mision played. Th Ambushing plasoon mast be ‘are 10 be deplyed on table during deplyment FIELD FORTIFICATIONS During che street fighting in Pest and Buda the defenders utilised barbed wire, minefields, street barricades and tank. traps to hinder che movemene of the awacking Soviet and Romanian troops. These batters also served as strong for holding important streer junctions enemy attacks, 1d slowing the A Hungarian Onkéntes Puskas Sedzad may purchase for sificatione (ee page 88) as part of their force wing their normal pois tora All fortifications must be deployed in your deployment ‘area immediately before you or your opponent places an A Hungarian Onkénes Puskds than 50 poinss of farsificasions always defends against another Infamtry Company in Defensive Battle special rue missions that wie the biiiaisnnln in ee rr eat Sate (TANK COMPAN’ ee ee ee ed Pr) PoC ovum EON en ed Ce eri Ce ad La) oe en Se ee oe Pee ne eT een ica ee SEE Ts MOTIVATION AND SKILL The ranks ofthe Hungarian 1 and 2° Armoured Division are commanded by veterans ofthe hartles on the Don in 1942 to 1943. During 1943, new recruits trained with hese ese and the Germans in both German anal Hungarian tanks and tactics. They are some of the host rroops in the Hungarian armies. A Harckocsizs Szizad is rated Confident Veteran. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY HQ Urea 120 points 190 points Command Tank 125 points se | | A 185 points eae OPTION Se ees mn eee fn 1944 the Hungarians fielded two armoured divisions and \. A Harctoc Both were heavily in the battles to defend Hungary nst che red tide, The 1* Armoured Division was mainly \ Flamgarian Tier 1 tants do not ge Gem famed with Hungarian-manufaetured Turén and Toldi tanks The 2"! Armoured Division had a mix of Hungarian and IGermans tanks, Initially they took the field with Turin tanks, ut received German tanks and assaule guns as replacements Yoo mest flat least one Hlarckoesiz6 Platoon entirely tvith de same model of ankeas the Company HQ COMBAT PLATOONS HARCKOCSIZO PLATOON 300 points. 240 points 180 points 380 points 285 points 190 points Cea esa 585 points 390 points 550 points 365 points ‘The 1* Armoured Division's Turdn [and Il anks first entered EERSTE [combat on the Transylvanian frontier in September 1944 in Support the of the Hungarian 3% Army. Harchociad Platoons are Hszar Platons The 2"! Armoured Division received ten StuG G assault guns, pee vammesly Heanksand cenTiger1 Eheay rinks from | Yo may on feld one Farchoid Platoon equipped sith Fee Ty sake up For loses OF Turtn ens in May) | Tier! E van in you fice. Hurgarian Tiger 1 E tks do 1944 while fighting in Galicia. In August the 2™ Armoured | ot get German Tiger Ave Sil division received five Panther A ranks which came under the command of Fibaduagy Ervin Tarczay, who had previously {gommanded some of the Tiger | E tanks. You muy only field up 0 two Harckosizé Platoons equipped jer A tanks in your for eae aeeasetae setae coer ey WEAPONS PLATOONS 5 Toldi Il 4 Toldi It 3 Toldi II OPTION Seon pipers Pe Cems “The Toldi II light tank isarmed with a 20mm anti-tank tlle but in 1944 some units bogan ro receive new 40mm armed Toldi fla and IIL tanks with mote hitting power. Light Harctcsied Platoons ave Reconnaissance and Haszir ‘ORMESTER iter office Told + — MOTORISED PIONEER PLATOON okey 3 Pioneer Squads 2 Pioneer Squads OPTIONS 260 points 180 points ere ener) eee en renee cs er eae eee cc PUR atere enone dee an s Each cank battalion had its own Pioneer Platoon for clearing ‘minor fortified positions, ous ocher engineering tasks nes and obstacles, assauli repairing bridges and Ip the desperate fighting of 1944 many of these pioneers fought alongside the canks and motorised infantry of the 1¥ and 2" Armoured Divisions. Command Pioneer File KG team Pioneer Rif tea ED) AVR WATA WATA Pioneer Pionest Pioneer AieMG team ifeiMGteam RieMG team PLATOON. aa Command Nino Nino POS CEST Se Eee a a (olay Caen eas eet een meets ‘Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points, + Add Botond trucks for +5 points for the platoon, kocsis Livésr Platoons (Motorised Rifle Patoons) ff the Motorised Infantry Regiments provide each division Hvith three batalions. These skilled rllemen keep pace with the rapid movements ofthe tanks o provide support when itis needed, ready (0 take capruted postions and hold them gains’ counteraccack Some platoons have been issued German Panzerfaust anti tank weapons, while others make-do with improvised succhel charges and anti-tank mines as Pincéloadéie (tank hunter) WADA ATA FioANG wan illeM6 ecm Sa WAAR WAT Fie/AIG team ite/MiG team ms |= RATA WAT Filet tea WAAR WALA AileMAG team ie —— ~~ —— MOTORCYCLE SCOUT PLATOON _ PLATOON ee 3 Scout Squads 185 points 2 Scour Squads 135 points oar Ca oe eae Ley Cm Sener et ect ter er CoE are tee erent esr ne ree ee tes ‘The armoured reconnaissance battalion of an armoured division contains a yariery of specialise scouting units, including ovo companies of motorcycle mounted Scouts These highly mobile troops fight alongside the heavy, medium and light tanks by moving ahead of the division co J probe the enemy's positions, discover ambushes, and locate {enemy strongpoints rae FiteIG team it mini A WATE FileAIG team ile/MI tesm AYAR WALA RilaMAGoam eG team A Motorcycle Seoui Hysad Plaoon. [oR reorriaeerreammemcan green: (oe Roun BTEC iecat Caay (TANK COMPANY) EA CT eee enced os HEADQUARTERS 4 eee ed eet Pad i ied eer oman Peet etd rom eed Seamed De aase tae MOTIVATION AND SKILL B Fincarin asaul artileryroopsare the clit ofthe areiley branch of ervice. They wndergo extensive training with arsllery and tank veterans, as well as additional instruction from mplete they are issed with the latese Hungarian Zrinyi guns, They fight hard to support their foo slogging sis Cteg is rated Confident Veteran. OMNES} CSSA) Foch Assault Gun Barclion had chree batteries of een to Steen vehicles. The Assanle Gun Barceries (Rehamdyis Die) were ofcen used to support operations as whole bauer han as individual platoons. This lesson was learnt fiom the hard fighting on the Don where Hungarian tank nits were used piecemeal all along che Hungarian lines, eld at least one Robarnigyiis Plasoon entirely equipped with the same model of assauls gun as the Company HQ. A Rolamdgyts Uteg HQ is a Husekr Plaoo COMBAT PLATOONS ROHAMAGYUS PLATOON AON oI aero] Command Assaut Gun FCW Emam Inn Whee «ier J was planned to equip all the asault gun forces with the Asse Gr Assoult un Zrinyi, However, slow production meant Getman-made StuG G and Herzer assaule guns were also used. ‘Assault Gun ‘Assault Gun Robamdgyis Platoons are Huszir Platoon (INFANTRY COMPANY) CoCr Cur You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may fleld one platoon from each bo« ros og Paks eed feu roti A eed Peg The Order of the Valiant (in Hungarian, Vitéoi Rend) or Knighthood of the Heroes was the frst and probably the ‘most importane Hungarian order established after the Grea MOTIVATION AND SKILL A great defence of Budapest. Among ety of militia and paramilitary pse were mile The volunteers of th arity Asueult bata Arrow Cross Milteia are led by reserve off eve raised or presied Tal edaheealaleal CU ervice by the Hamgarian aushorises during the solunseers and police uni Vomay Alarm Battalion and x. They are brave and kaow their ci “lull, but many dorie ave a lot of military enaining, sa are rated Fearless Conscript. Regular Infantry, Police, and Gendarme battalions sere expected 10 fightin the frome lines. They ed Confident Trained, HEADQUARTERS Pero Ly c2 Ea Company HQ. 20 points 25. OPTIONS Replace the Command Rifle teams with Command Pancélvadasz SMG teams for +10 points per team or Command Panzerfiust SMG teams for +15 points Posen ‘Add Panzerschreck teams for +15 points per team. Ore ce CMe aoa. The Hungarian infantty forces defending Budapest against Ithe Soviet onslaught during the winter of 1944/1945 were truly 2 mixed bag. Units varied from the volunteer students and workers with limited training, through disciplined Police and Gendarmerie to regular infantry units with pro- However, many of chem fought tenaciously Le ucerel} eke Rut OPTIONS Replace the Command Rifle eam with a Command Prev et Cet ae oe ou Panrerfiust SMG team for +15 points ean enc Lec +10 points per Puskis Squad. The men of the Onkéntee Puskds (volunceer rifle) platoon are farmed with a limited range of weapons. Some of the volun- {cr battalions were armed with rifles and lighe mortars only, ‘while the police also had light machine-guns. She Germans were able to provide Panzerfaust anti-tank ‘weapons to some, while other improvised explosives to take four enemy canks. ae 2i¢ Command fille oom Company Command il oar NCEA) the Combat and Weapons plazoons of Onkentes Puskas cdc must be selected fiom options with the samme symbol ‘asthe Company HQ. ZSORMESTEN tea. WTA ||| ATM WAT iietwam —_Fileteam Fill team ‘ileteam WANA WAT Rife ear Fille team prism AVR WAVE WATE fifleteam —‘illetean ‘Rie wam TWN cole ls] Eke Some of the volunteer, police and Gendarmerie bartalions in Budapest were also issued heavy machine-guns. The regular Fiflemen of the 10! and 124 Infantry Divisions expect support from machine-guns as pare of their training The high r:ve-of fire provided by these weapons is vital in the tight confines of the steet fighting for Budapest. A nest Of machine-guns will often stop even the most determined infaneey assau A. Puokis Machine-gun Platoo Ausachments 0 Onkéntes Puskés Platvons, make Combat SUPPORT PLATOONS PUSKAS MORTAR PLATOON PLATOON HQ Section with: ‘2 Mortar Sections 1 Mortar Section " folaitoh Seen ee EO ee PEN et ee een oe 110 poins _ 70 points The mortar-men ofthe infantry divisions are ready to fight HADI EXONS AK ax Command Observer le Rieteom team a MSH Rar Barr sian ea com ON Rar Barr slae Olan 5 PON The 81mm and 120mm morass of the regula infanay ae often assigned to support whoever isin need. Platoor is rated + PLATOON eke "3 Anti-tank Sections 2 Anti-tank Sections oral * Add Botond trucks for +5 points for the platoon, 165 gine 110 poins he men of the Hungarian assault artillery were considered ‘elite. While many of these men fought in assault guns like the Zrinyl or Hetzer, some its didnt get vehiclesand instead were armed with 75mm 40M (German PaK40) anti-tank guns. These assault artillery troops were often atcached co units thac Beedel a boost to che firepower The assault arillery are the elite of the artillery arm, oma 7m 40M gun K SECTION The Hungarian soldiers cou and armoured troopt could Gondarneri, volunteer and militia baaion fighting in Budapest wee ened inside ihe city. They are rated Confident Trained, exept where noted. al aaa Te TaD, = ARTILLERY BATTERY PLATOON ree 410mm 14M howitzers 2100mm 14M howitzers 4 149mm 14/31M howitzers 2 149mm 14/31M howitzers folate + Add horse-drawn wagon and li an Pa ese ee ea trucks for 149mm 14/31M howiwers for +5 points onencet ‘he artillery of the infantry divisions has undergone changes Since 1943. The infantry’ artillery fights wich 100mm 14M ‘Skoda howitzers as the standard weapons instead of the now fetired 80mm gun, The medium barteries are now armed with 149mm 14/31M howitzers. PLATOON Tekan oratory Seen a Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. eS aes Sc Perens Sen Fach infantry regiment has an allocation of engineering, troops. They provide immediate support to infantry when obstacles, mincfields and barricades need to be dealt with. In f pinch, they can also knock our the enemy armour ou may replace up 10 two Pioneer RifleMMG teams with mecthrower teams at the start of the game before A deploymen. cad (rte eeenaeaealanlniatl aa _—____— Sciex AY atrat AS Command” Statteam server Fie eam fie team aaa. Howie Command Pionee Fil team Pioneer” Paneer AiieAG am OIG tam Wah Pioneer aN tear AifeNIG team Ri/tAG team WAR Pronger ith ORMESTER AYR WAYA WATER Pioneer Pioneer Bieam ffle/MG team illo team i B Some units yor the lupgatians received the 8.8m FlaK37 gun version, RMOURED CAR PLATOON PLATOON Tn 1944 the infantry were allocated a platoon of Csaba armoured cars to their reconnaissance battalions. In Budapest a company of tankertes and ten Toldi II tanks. During one assault all the Fiar-Ansaldo 35M rankettes were knocked out bravely at- tempting to retake the racecourse in support of police and regular infantry. The Csaba supported the Gendarmes during inst Veesés on 1 November 194. 1¢ Galinta Gendarmerie Battalion operated n Csaba armoured cars, ten Fiat-Ansaldo Commend fmoured eat Loe oTe ONES TATENC An Armoured Car Platoon is a: Reconnaissance Huszir Platoon -- ANTI-AIRCRAFT PLATOON — PLATOON HQ Section with: 2 Anti-aircraft Sections 55 points OPTION + Add 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon. he scandard anti-aircraft weapon ofall Hungatian divisions fs the Swedish designed 40mm Bofors gun. This modern and Ivory efective anti-aircraft weapon is ideal for protecting your Itoops from roaming Allied ground-atcack aircraft. The Bofors Tive weapon against ground targets. sun's excellent rate-of-fie also makes it an effec- ——— ELON msm ‘rm 26M gun ee EAVY ANTI-AIRCRAFT PLATOON TWN cele) Pekan ‘280mm 29/38M guns 2 8.8m HlaK37 guns OPTIONS Ne OE eter eon caren swith eight oF more crow and increase their ROF to 3 eens? 85 points 135 points Se eer ee Hungarian heavy anti-aircraft fire was provided by the men Imanning che 80mm 29/38M guns. These Bofors-designed Buns also made good anti-tank weapons when desperation P ealled for it jerman ‘88° in 1944. ‘The EON PENANG ‘ASSAULT PIONEER PLATOON PLATOON rekon 3 Pioneer Squads 2 Pioneer Squads 260 points 180 points rary Pee ena cer eg ON ene a Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points Seon ers neer Supply 3-ton truck for Asal: Pioneers are highly trained prof ava Pioneer RifleMG teams with rt of the game before MOTORISED ARTILLERY BATTERY PLATOON HQ Section with: 4 105mm 37M howitzers 2.105mm 37M howitzers 4 149mm 14/31M howitzers 2.149mm 14/31M howitzers olay) ‘Add 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon. A Motorised Artillery Battery tsa Huser Platoon. Mot issued 10 the armoured division. nn os A Motorised Artillery Bectery is raced — AIR SUPPORT cel NLS laced Ju 87D Stuka Ju 87G Stak D The Royal Hungarian Air Force used the German-buileJu 87 ddive-bomber for ground-attack co support the army in the field. The 102" Dive Bomber Group operated under the German 4, Laftunaffe Lufifioce nae alee de eater! UNS re Pioneer Pioneer itr toa ile) team lle team WATA an Pioneer Pioneer Ail team Rilo tear WATER WATA HATA Piano Pione Fie/NIG team fie/MIG team ille/ME team AYA atrat Aa command” Stat Observer file team Rife team Hoiter Tara Howitzer Howitzer ———— (atin Ci) enced asec aa TANK TEAMS Name Mobility Front Side Tap_—_ Equipment and Notes Woxpon Range ROE Antitan Firepower LIGHT TANKS. Told t Pall racked Cee. 20mm 30M anti-tank rifle 16°40 ola ts Fully eacked Cox MG, dom 41M gun 247607 TANKS. Tura Fully caked Co-ax MG, Hall MG, rotcrd ammo mn 41M gun finn Co-ax MG, Hall MG, Proceed ame, Fim 41M gun 5 Panzer 'V H Corax MG, Hall MG, Froccsd ammo, Shien Puncher 8 Fully racked ‘Coax MG, Hull MG, Wide meks 750m KieK22 can 321800 HEAVY TANKS B Teele aly cacked Coax MG, Hull MG, Prete ammo, Slow tank 3.8m KieK36 can 4071000 Slow tert "ASSAULT GUNS ZeinyiM allysracked 7 2 AAMG, Protected amino, 1051 434M howitcr 24606 Hall ounce. Fullptncked 7 Haine rosea 750m Su40 gun 2m Hut moaned Heuer Pally racked Hull MG, Oretloaded Som PaK39 gn 52°80 al mute RECONNAISSANCE Gaba 39M Wheded 1 Com MG. 20mm 36M ani-sank ie 164d0n Fae Anaido sat ieee i Tin MG, Unelable SELF-PROPELLED ANTI-AIRCRAFT Ninod Fullyaacked 2 4mm 36M Bafor gen 24'K6ton VEHICLE MACHINE-GUNS Webile MG 167400 Airceaft expen Ju87D Seka Bombs FA87G Shika Cannon (ees HUNGARIAN GUN TEAMS Range ROF Antitank Firepower Notes IM EMG Man-packed 24°/dem 6 ROF 2 when pinved down. Fimm 36/39M mora Mancpacked —407/100em 2 Sinoke bombardment lnm 43M morar Light 56/1406 Frm 40M gun 7 Sem PKG) Medium 32°780em 2 3. Gun shield men 364 Bofors gun Inumobile (ern Aaulateray,Turoable GOmm 29/38M Bofors gun Immobile32°/806m 3 Hey an-arcrafs Tara Bs Sem FiaK37 gon Immobile — 40°/100em 3. (Gun shiek, Heavy ani-ircraf,Tarntable Toi 14M howizse (100/17) Immobile —24°/4am Gam shied. Fiing boobardmenss P°80em 1WSmm 57M howirer UeFHts) —Immobile —_ 24"/60cm Gun shield, Soke Firing ownbardments Siok bombardment Doman 14/31M howizer Immobile —16°0em Firing bombardmenss 72 80m Team Rite sam 16'40em HRveIMG team 16cm SMG cca ¢/den 3 Full ROF when moving. Lighe Morar eam 140em Ca re ov fen ems Panceracrecl team 87720 Tank Asauk 5, Flin chower eam 102m Flame thrower Sia am canoe shoot Moves a Heavy Gun tea ADDITIONAL TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT Paver “itm 2 Tank Asal 6, Cannot hoo in he Shooting Step if rove in the Movement Step Pinctvadés and Pioner vans aerated 2 THAR ASAUTEA TRANSPORT TEAMS ‘Armout Vehicle Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes Weapon Range ROP Anti-tank Frepomer TRUCKS ‘Mororcycle eam Jeep Botond euck or ton ead Whedel Hone-drawn wagon Wagon TRACTORS Horse limber Wagon RECOVERY VEHICLES Hialéarackod ry sebide eee ce ec eee ry PAINTING ROMANIANS » aha During the fighting in Transylvania the Romanians — began to wear their national zy) ] —tri-colour (blue, yellow and red) eee Se with their enemy the Hungarians) who also wore khaki uniforms ~ ROMANIAN PAINT COLOURS Most Romanian equipment was painted dark green without camoutlage. Equipment Vallejo Acrylic Romanian arsillry fand anti-ank guns Olive Grey (888) Soviet Scouts used a distinctive ‘Amocbal | pattern camouflage uniform To paint your Scouts, basecoat your miniatures wich Russian Uniform (924), and_add ‘Amocba’ splotches of either Black (950) or German Camo Datk Green (979). Alternatively, basecoat your miniatures with Khaki Grey (880), wich | blotches of Black (950) or German Camo Black Brown (822). SOVIET PAINT COLOURS Most Soviet equipment was painted dark green without camouflage. Equipment Vallejo Acrylic Sovies Tanks and Guns Russian Green (894) Lendelease tanks Brown Violet (887) Soviet M4A2 Sherman in lend-lease colours. ach branch of the Hungarian Honvéd (Army) had a unique uaniform collar tab colours. Infantey: Medium Mobile tops Armoured Divisions Dari Bl 5 Artillery (inluding AA and ass guns) Hi Red 957), pe Dark Ble e HUNGARIAN PAINT COLOURS Equipment Vallejo Acrylic Hungarian tanks and Guns Reflective Green (890) sak 30 Gamo Brown Ger. Camo Med. Brown (826) Gamo Ochre Green Ochre (914) German-supplied equipment ix hepe in the supplied colour of Dunkel Gelb, Middlestane (882). PUNE OR aay The of the Feldhermballe divisions wore a cuff tile on their left sleeve The example above has been painted with a line of Orange (Ochite (824) wich White (951) borders and a squiggle for the Feldbermballe tile. soldiers GERMAN PAINT COLOURS Equipment Vallejo Acrylic Tank ad Gans Dunkel Gelb (dark yellow) Camo Brown Camo Green German Panzer 1V/70 (V) in standard German 3-colour camouflage. Hungarian Tirin Hin standard Hungarian 3-colour camouflage —— i nearer a a Middllestone (882) ‘Chocolave Brown (872) Reflective Green (890) a taal aneaen emt pase eee FIELD FORTIFICATIONS ELD FORTIFICATIONS During the sueet fi Pruilised barbed wir ting in Pest and Buda the defenders nefields, screet barricades and rank traps to hinder the movement of the attacking Soviet and Romanian troops. These barriers also served as stro defends that we the Defensive Battle 0 TO 8 BARBED WIRE OBSTACLES | FORTIFICATION Barbed Wire Obstacle 10 points Barbed wire is a cheap and effecrive way to keep the enemy infantry from assaulting your own positions. 0 TO 4 MINEFIELDS FORTIFICATION Minefield 50 poines Large minefields have been sown into the soil with beth Telleemine 44 anti-tank mines and the pernicious S-Mine 35 sncipersonnel mine. 0 TO 2 ANTI-TANK OBSTACLES FORTIFICATION Anti-tank Obstacle 100 points Anti-tank barriers can range from concrete ditches «0 logy driven into the earth to stall tanks in vulnerable positions O TO 5 STREET BARRICADES FORTIFICATION Street Barricade 30 points riers are designed to block the exit and entey to allow cover and proteetion for defenders, while the movement of the 0 TO 16 TRENCH LINES AND GUN PITS FORTIFICATION Trench Line Gun Pit 5 points 5 Points “Trenched ahd gu pits were used all around Budapest. | Detect cal ie ratecenaetad eC rou STREET BARRICADE SPECIAL RULES Daring the many battles for cities on the Eastern Front the defenders used improvised barricades ro block access to the streets dnd shoroughfares, These ws used to slow the momentum of the attackers and as an anchor point for the det 1c. The bar- fice would slow or stop any enemy armour, making them vulnerable to attacks from the surrounding buildings. A aricade was usually buile to act as both an obstacle and as protection for the troops mannin it, They took many different forms depending the material available to construct it. Many were made from rubble and stonework salvaged from the sur- Founding streets and buildings. Felled lampposts and telegraph poles could also reinforce them. Sometimes cars, tricks, buses Orcity trams were used co build the barricade around, A kiocled out ink made a particularly impressive barricade anchor, prvviding che defenders plenty of protection ftom rifle and machine-gun fir AA Sirce: Barricade isa Barver fortification (sce page 209 of the rlchook) (CROSSING A STREET BARRICADE Difful Impassable 19 Cavalry and seams with b Demolition Carriers. This means has only troops on foot tana Fully-srached armoured vebicles ean erase them at all. alibough Fully racked vehicles need a Skill west to do so Overloaded vebicles must re-roll successful Skill tess to cra Set Barricades are Very 4 Steet Barricade. A Sireet Barricade is built igh and deep so reams must start be Movement Step adjacens to the barricade 1 ees it and ‘must stop their movement on reaching a barricade, le Step adjacent to the barricade to Ascault enemy teams adjacent to the other side fit: Ausaulting seams mutt sare the Ace Teams cannot end a Step sitting on a barricade. They mus her adjacent tothe be on one side or the other and clearly barricade ov back from i ~*- a+ — TAKING COVER BEHIND A BARRICADE Street Barricades provide Concealment and Bulletproof Cover against shooting fiom the oer side, but no protection cxgunst arilery fire, or arcrafi GAPPING A STREET BARRICADE A Remote-Contraed Demolirion Carrier (ee page 216 of the rulebook) detonated adjacent to a Street Barricade ‘makes. Firepower Test wsing its second Fieponver rating to ap the Steet Barricade Guns rated as Bunker Buster can aloo gap a Street Barricade, A eum muss be able so draw a Line of Sight 10 4 8 Barricade and be within 16°140cm to be able to i, Unlike normal shooting, teams roll a Skill Test 0 bit 4 Barricade. If sey hit, make a Firepower Tet to gap the Siree Barricade Pioneer teams shat are not Pinned Down may gap an adjacent Street Barricade instead of moving, At the e the Movement Sicp Sweet Barricade, Regardles of w every team that attempted seam males a Still Text 10 gap Ber hey suceed or nt, sap the Since Barricade counss ss having moved. When making a Fivepower Testor Skill Tet to gup a Street Berricade J + A sucess will op te Street Barricade +A failed test leaves the” Street Barricade rovaly UA, capped Sine@MBarrcade bocomes Difficult Going, but ahi 0 provide Cone ai Bales Coven ‘This is a supplement for Flames Of War, Romania which quickly surrenders and in the hope that Stalin will treat them kindly. three massive armies turn on Hungary which is desperately being defended by six German and Hungarian Ifthat was nor enough the Hungarians and Romanians start their own war in Transylvania over disputed territory and old grudges. Stalin now orders the start of the attack on Hungary. Hider rushes armoured forces to Hungary to deal with the threat and a massive clash of armoured forces delays the Soviet of fensive, but not for long, the great red sledgchammer is soon. Ssvinging again, as they launch an assault toward Budapest the Hungarian capital he Germans of the ‘Feldhermnhalle’ (Brown shirts) divi sions and Hungarian armoured forces attempt to stop the encirclement of the city, [This savage and bitter struggle will as for 100 gruelling days Tc iva fight to the death with no quarter asked or given. It is the fight for the survival of Hungary as a nation, Will you command the Hungarian and German forces and, “ry to stop Stalin’s dream of a communist Europe? Or, will ‘you lead the brave Soviet and Romanian forces to victory and liberation of Europe. ither way the smothering blanket of communism will fall ver Eastern Europe. Wherever it falls Stalin’ Iron ' of millions and whole nations for many Be ec cteetiammrirere Product Code FW217 lames Of War website and discussion forum: ip://, the World War II Miniatures Game. The history of the battles for Hungary up to the final fall of Budapest. Detailed maps of the battles for Hungary. istory of the 9 Guards Mechanised Corps and 30" Rifle Corps during the battles for Hungary. Options to field a Soviet Lend-lease Tank Battalion armed with 76mm M4 Shermans and a Storm Battalion of city assault troops. History of the Romanian Divisions during the battles for Hungary. Options to field a Romanian Rifle Battalion, History of the 13. Pancerdivision ‘Feldherrnbualle and Panzerdivision Feldherrnballe, Options to field a Feldberrnhall’ Armoured Battle Group with Panthers or new Panzer 1V/70 tanks and a Motorised Grenadier Company. History of the Hungarian forces during the battles for Hungary, Options to field 2 Hungarian Tank Company, Assault Gun Battery and a Volunteer Rifle Company. Rules for Street Barricades. Painting Guides. Inspirational colour photographs. ree,

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