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Sulaymaniyah Polytechnic University

Technical College Of Applied Sciences

Medical Laboratory Science
First stage – Second Semester
English Report

Final Report of English for

Academic Purposes

Prepared BY: Supervisor:

Khushkan Mohammed Mahmood Dr.Baset Karim

Final Report of English

Skill For Success (Reading and Writing level 1 ) is the name of the book .That book contain of
important information that help us to learning English language in a good way . We studied four
unit of reading and writing. Now I explain what each unit is about. Unit one is about a good job,
and it helps us to know what’s a right job for us. Unit two is about Immigration, immigrant
stories, and describe that why do people immigrate to other country.
Unit three is about vacation, also talk of vacation policy, and benefits of long and short vacation.
And unit four is about laughter, describe that what is laughter? And tell us if we lough more
stress has less.
And in each unit that we talk about there were reading skill, vocabulary skill, grammar and
writing skill.
Writing skills include all the knowledge and abilities related to expressing ideas through the
written word, and it is important to write a good paraph. The writing skill that I have benefited
the most such as writing main idea that is the big idea and supporting sentences that give a more
information about the main idea
Reading skill refers to the ability to understand written text. One of the reading skills that I have
benefited during my English learning process is reading chart, graphs, and tables. They are useful
they give a lot of information in a small space. They also make it easier to understand a text.
As we said in this book we talk about vocabulary and grammar. We have read some articles
about each of them in each unit. In vocabulary skill such as( word form ,modifying nouns ,word
forms , and part of speech ), And it helped me to learn some new word meaning that I did not
know them before . also in grammar skill I learned a various and some useful thing. It helped me
increase my level knowledge in grammar .

Generally I can say that this book is good and useful for me. I learned from it the things that
important to write and reading better than before, It helped me to be more proficient in writing
skill. And another thing that I like about this book is that the way the book is written is so simple
and easy that it makes a lot of people easy to understand and learn.

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