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Yuson, Sydney Mae G.


Activity 3.2 – Elucidate It

Directions: Write in 350 words, elucidate the essence of the existence of the United Nations
and its purposes. Make sure to reflect the basic parts of an essay: Introduction, Body and
Conclusion. Use the space provided below.

__United Nations’ Occurrence__

Perhaps there are still people nowadays that are not aware why seems every country in
the world are interconnected. But a lot of us knew the reasons why and how it all started, may it
be in surface or in-depth reasoning. In my case, I would say that the main reason is the
globalization. Which is organized by the different international organizations particularly the
United Nations. UN actually celebrated its 75th founding anniversary just this last October 24
after it was established on October 24, 1945 at the end of the Second World War. With 51
member state who are committed in maintaining peace, security and progress among nations.
But what does it really means establishing the United Nations organizations?

United Nations was established for the purpose in keeping peace throughout the world
to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate in solving international problem and in
promoting respect for human rights, and to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.
Those are the organization’s four main purpose in its establishment. The United Nations’ work
reaches in every corner of the world and this organization is really best known for
peacekeeping, peace building, assistance for humanitarian and for conflict prevention among
nations. The essence of its existence is to give hope for the people in making actions of
preserving peace and building a better world for all, especially during the time that it was
established which was after the World War II. This organization gives impact to us people in the
different aspects of our lives. And that includes the related issues about peace and security,
human rights and development, terrorism, gender equality, universal education, resettlement of
humanitarian assistance and many more.

Although the priority of UN’s member states is the maintenance of peace and security, it
has also been said that it addresses other important issues like sustainable development and
economic and monetary stability. To formally conclude this, UN has a very big role in our society
then and now. It is because of this organizations why we experience things that are not only
within and influenced by our own country but also from other nations.
Yuson, Sydney Mae G. BEED - II

Activity 3.3 – Reference It

Directions: Among the principal organs of the United Nations, choose one and discuss it by
using a wide range of references: Use the space provided below. You may use extra sheet if

Among the principal organs of United Nations which are the General Assembly, The
Security Council, The Economic and Social Council or ECOSOC, The Trusteeship Council, The
International Court of Justice, and The Secretariat I choose the international Court of Justice to
The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It
was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations and began work in April
1946. The court is located at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. International Court
of Justice is the only one of the six principal organs of the United Nations that is not located in
New York, United States of America. The Court has two functions and those are to settle in
accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted by States, and to give advisory
opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized UN organs and specialized agencies.
The current chief Justice of the International Court of Justice is Abdulqawi Yusuf and he was
appointed since February 6 in the year 2018. The Court is composed of 15 judges, who are
elected for terms of office of nine years by the United Nations General Assembly and the
Security Council. It is assisted by a Registry, its administrative organ. Its official languages are
English and French.
The court’s primary function is to pass judgment upon disputes between sovereign
states. Only states may be parties in cases before the court, and no state can be sued before
the World Court unless it consents to such an action. Before the case proceeds to court, written
and oral arguments are presented, and the court may hear witnesses and appoint commissions
of experts to make investigations and reports when necessary. Cases before the ICJ are
resolved in one of the three ways, first is they can be settled by the parties at any time during
the proceedings, second a state can discontinue the proceedings and withdraw at any point or
last, the court can deliver a verdict. The ICJ decides disputes in accordance with international
law as reflected in international conventions, international custom, general principles of law
recognized by civilized nations, judicial decisions, and writings of the most highly qualified
experts on international law. Although the judges deliberate their verdict in secret, with both
English and French language used, these are still delivered in open court. Any judge who does
not agree in whole or in part with the court’s decision may file a separate opinion, and few
decisions represent the unanimous opinion of the judges. The court’s judgment will be the final
and without no one can appeal.

Sources: %20was%20founded

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