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Animals walk over dirt and garbage and over food, so that’s

how they can spread micro organisms. Rats, mice, flies,

mosquitoes and cockroaches are the most common to do
In most cases these animals are carriers of dangerous micro
organisms that can cause severe illness, without causing the
animal it self to get sick.

Damage to buildings and houses

Rats and mice are known to make holes in wood, and or eat
electric cables. Not even talking about the drops they leave
behind. Rats and mice multiply very easy, and it is difficult to
catch them. If you store food proper, without being exposed
to the open, you will not have any rats and mice. If there are
rats and mice, than it means that the place is not kept clean,
and that the general food storage is not done proper.

Damage to ingredients

So many macro organisms are causing damage to

ingredients. They make damage
- by eating, so they can stay alive
- by their presence, so they create a good environment
for micro organism
- by their droppings, so they make food unusable

Damage to flora and fauna

In most cases it is a big concern to farmers. They need to

prevent macro organism from eating their crops. Some
hotels, restaurants or chefs have their own gardens or farms,
so than extra attention should be paid while growing food.
Also the plants in the garden of a hotel or restaurant can be
damaged by the eating rodents.

Prevention and protection against macro organism

Not so long ago, everybody thought that it was impossible to

fight against macro organism but it is possible by paying
more attention to constructions of the buildings and storage
of food products.

Certain ways to prevent to have macro organisms are:

1) While constructing houses and work places

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