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The feet are “carrying” your whole body.

That means that

there is a lot of pressure on your feet. It is very easy to get
injuries at the bones in your body because of standing
positions. Always stand and walk straight.
Use clean socks and shoes at any time. Socks need to be
able to absorb the sweat that comes from your feet. When
taking care of your feet, please let the feet soak regularly in
cold water after washing. This keeps the cells open and also
it works very relaxing for your feet. If the shoe is made out of
leather, that is the best way. It keeps the shoe “breathing”.
Make sure the bottom of the shoe is not higher than 2.5cm.
The area at the back of the shoe must not be to hard. The
space between the largest toe and the shoe front should be
1.5 cm. The toes must be able to spread, so do not keep
shoes too tight.

The Hands

Most things are toughed with the hands. That’s why the risk
is high to get an infection at your hands, or to get micro
organisms on your hands. To prevent them from this wash
them very regularly. Especially when preparing food. Make
sure the nails are short as well.
The hands need to be washed at least 20 minutes before:

- preparations of food
- having meals
- cleaning and maintenance of wounds

and after:

- when contacting food or ingredients

- treating of wounds
- cleaning of the nose
- usage of toilet
- working with dirty ingredients, materials or in an dirty
- contact with sick people or animals
- changing of work (-and place)

The decease causing micro organisms can easily be spread

with dirty hands. After the usage of the bathroom small
invisible cells could be on the hand and or under the nails.
Via this way somebody that is working in the kitchen can
cause food poisoning to other colleagues or guests.
Other methods of preventions are;

- avoid contact with water taps buttons or handles with

the hands
- use paper towels to dry your hands, not cloths or
use a hand dryer machine
- use a water tap that you can control via food pedals,


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