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Title……… |Author

Title of The Article

First Author, Second Author, third author, and so on

(full name, written without academic title)
Department, Faculty / School, University / Institution

Abstract is written in italic English or Arabic with a maximum of 250 words. It should
briefly describe the purpose of the study, method(s), results and discussion, conclusion and
significance of the study. The abstract is clearly described the core of the study.

Keywords: consist of 3 to 5 important words chosen to reflect the concept of the article and
to help access to searches on the Internet

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Title……… |Author


This part pervades the background of the study and provides the
significance of the study. A brief description of the theory used in this
research should be explained in this section. It is containing the previous
research to show the gap analysis and the author’s position in this study. It
must also give state of the art and it must point out the research questions. In
this part, the author(s) should use references (quotations) to support the
argumentation. For instance: Badri Yatim, Sejarah Peradaban Islam
(Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada, 1993), 10-111, Phillip K. Hitti.History of
Arabs (Jakarta: Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2001). 10-112 for shortened notes ex:
Hitti. 10-113 if same as previous reference or Yatim, Sejarah Peradaban
Islam, 10-114 for reference previously cited. It should use Chicago Manual
Style 17th Edition (Fullnote) and are expected to use reference manager such
as Mendeley, Zotero, and those kinds of thing.


In this section, the author(s) has to mention the method and the
approach used in this study. It should explain the details of research
procedures; design of the study; data collection; and data analysis.

Results and Discussions

This section shows the results of the study and deep analysis or
discussion which answer the research questions. In addition, the author (s)
must discuss the findings by strengthening the reason with supporting details
taken from any references such as scientific journal, book, and the other
reliable sources.


It contains the concluding paragraph and provides the implication,

limitation, and suggestion for further study.

Badri Yatim, Sejarah Peradaban Islam (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1993). 10-11
Philip K. Hitti, History of Arabs (Jakarta: Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2001).
Hitti. 10-11
Yatim, Sejarah Peradaban Islam. 10-11

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The References must consist of all sources cited in the article.

Yatim, Badri. Sejarah Peradaban Islam. Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada,
Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger
Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
Smith, Zadie. Swing Time. New York: Penguin Press, 2016.

Keng, Shao-Hsun, Chun-Hung Lin, and Peter F. Orazem. “Expanding
College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality
and Income Inequality.” Journal of Human Capital 11, no. 1 (Spring
2017): 1–34.
LaSalle, Peter. “Conundrum: A Story about Reading.” New England Review
38, no. 1 (2017): 95–109. Project MUSE.
Satterfield, Susan. “Livy and the Pax Deum.” Classical Philology 111, no. 2
(April 2016): 165–76.

News and Magazines

Manjoo, Farhad. “Snap Makes a Bet on the Cultural Supremacy of the
Camera.” New York Times, March 8, 2017.
Mead, Rebecca. “The Prophet of Dystopia.” New Yorker, April 17, 2017.
Pai, Tanya. “The Squishy, Sugary History of Peeps.” Vox, April 11, 2017.
Pegoraro, Rob. “Apple’s iPhone Is Sleek, Smart and Simple.” Washington
Post, July 5, 2007. LexisNexis Academic.

Thesis or Dissertation
Rutz, Cynthia Lillian. “King Lear and Its Folktale Analogues.” PhD diss.,
University of Chicago, 2013.

Website Content
Bouman, Katie. “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole.” Filmed November
2016 at TEDxBeaconStreet, Brookline, MA. Video, 12:51.

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Title……… |Author
Google. “Privacy Policy.” Privacy & Terms. Last modified April 17, 2017.
Yale University. “About Yale: Yale Facts.” Accessed May 1, 2017.

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