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Name: Russell Thomas G.


Date: November 29, 2020

Good Morning po, I’m Russell Isla and today I will discuss the-

Economic Impact of Working from Home on the opposition side.

1. Workers' productivity
Working from home may increase their productivity because of lesser
interaction with others and more focus, however, it can lead to isolation and
stress due to more energy they use in focusing on their work, which affects
the economy of the company. A working parent may have more effect on their
productivity due to the possible disturbance of their child. And lastly,
boredom, boredom can largely affect their productivity because of lesser
interaction with other people like officemates. The decrease in their
productivity is equal to the decrease in the economy of the company.

2. Inequality of their work

All of us are not the same, we have our likes and dislikes, that's why we
study different courses in college and work on where we want, but in some
cases, we work on what is available for money to supply our demands. Some
works can be done at home especially the office workers, they can easily
transfer their computer in the office to their home with the permission of the
company. However, some jobs like nurses, doctors, and other works that face
the customer can't continue their job at home, because their job is to give
service. For example, in the modified enhance community quarantine
(MECQ), some can work at home as office workers and some cannot like the
public transportation drivers and the crews of fast-food restaurant like
Jollibee, because their work needs face-to-face and they give service. When
they cannot work the (GDP) Gross Domestic Product of the company or the
country decreases, this can also result in unemployment because some
company decreases their staffs to protect their GDP. Lower GDP means lower
profit. For example, the United Kingdom, according to the economist Julian
Jessop, the work from home impacts the GDP and results into a 1% loss. 1
percent of 2.6 trillion US dollars is not a small number.
3. Additional Expenses
People work hard because of these expenses, like in our daily needs,
such as food, water, electricity, and other necessities. Not all of us have an
internet connection at home, some rely on mobile data, it is an additional
expense to apply on an internet service provider. In-office, we don't need to
worry about the electricity bill, but at home we are, these computers use a lot
of electricity so it adds us additional expenses again. After working, we tend
to get tired and hungry, most of them order food because they are too tired to
cook food for themselves. We thought that we are saving but we are spending
more money on the short relieve of our tiredness.

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