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(write your essay title here)

_______________________ (write your name here)

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___________ (write the month you submit the essay), 2020

Field : Economic

Topic : The effects of local quarantine during coronavirus outbreak on daily

workers in Indonesia

__________________________________________ (title)

Since the beginning of 2020, the world has been shocked by the corona virus
outbreak that comes from Wuhan, China. The spread of the new coronavirus is a public
health crisis that could pose a serious risk to the macro and micro economy through the
halt in production activities, interruptions of people's movement and cut-off of supply
chains. Coronavirus causes panic in China and thousands of lives in the world. This
means indonesia is one of the countries affected by the virus. Another result of this
pandemic is many small, medium and large companies are eventually forced to close
their businesses temporarily. Not only companies are closed, thousands of
food/beverage businesses are also forced to close.

To overcome the spread of the virus, the government implements local

quarantine for workers. This means the workers do their work at home. Work from
home can also help employees to balance the world of work and daily life. Working
from home is also believed to make work done faster, more effectively and efficiently.
Work from home has a good effect on the current pandemic so that virus does not
spread more widely anymore.

Work from home has benefits for workers. First, work from home can make us
more flexible about work. If in the office, workers can only work in one place and will
be bored. work from home can make workers work anywhere, for example, living room,
bedroom, dining room, home terrace, and others. The flexible workplace will provide
comfort for workers.
Second, one of the advantages of working from home is that workers don't need
to spend money to pay for transportation costs. Workers can also save time on travel.
Workers who are also often stuck in traffic on the road to the office can take advantage
of this work from home benefit as best as possible. Moreover, by working from home,
you can minimize stress levels.

In addition to traffic jams from home to the office, one of the triggers of stress is
the accumulation of work to be done. If workers are the type of people who can manage
time well, work from home certainly will not be a problem. When stress is felt not to be
a burden, of course, work productivity will increase. That way, workers can get the job
done quickly. More tips, workers have to avoid working in the bedroom to avoid feeling
lazy, don't forget to shower and dress neatly and listen to your favorite music that can be
a positive mood.

Third, for workers who prefer a quieter atmosphere at work, of course, if the
office is too crowded and feels uncomfortable. Workers can get permission to work
from home so that work gets done faster and workers get the peace that they want.
Work from home can give a worker an atmosphere of calm as much as he wants without
permission. This will increase worker productivity.

Work from home has a positive impact on this pandemic. work from home also
has a positive impact on workers in doing their work. But work from home also has
negative effects over a long time. This happens because of restrictions on social
interaction that create new problems for work from home.

First, work from home can cause workers to lose their work motivation. This is
due to various things, for example, the working atmosphere is not as expected, the
atmosphere of the home is not like an office, distracted by social media. Workers at the
beginning of work from home will feel comfortable, but workers are also human beings
who need social relations. if there is no social connection, the stress level of the worker
will be high and the productivity will decrease.

Second, the cost of electricity and the internet at home increases. When working
in an office, the company bears the cost of electricity and the internet. However, it is
different when employees work at home because the electricity and internet costs will
increase due to continuous use. in addition to the impact on workers, the addition of
electricity and internet costs also has an impact on shop owners who are forced to close
due to the enactment of work at home. Stores that are forced to close will cause the
owner to have no income while spending on the internet and electricity costs will

Energy economist from Gadjah Mada University Fahmy Radhi believes that the
WFH policy will reduce the consumption of the business sector by around 30 percent
due to the reduction in large buyers. WFH will instead increase electricity consumption
for the household sector by around 20 percent. This is because consumers are more at
home so that the use of air conditioners is increasing. He considered the government or
PLN should provide incentives to all electricity customers, not because of WFH but
because world oil prices dropped dramatically so that the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP)
also declined. ICP is one of the variables determining electricity cost. With this ICP
reduction, electricity tariffs must also be reduced by around 20 percent for all
customers. The incentive in the form of reducing electricity tariffs aims to increase
purchasing power which is expected to contribute to economic growth.

On the other hand, not all companies can apply the principle of work from
home, as recommended by the government. for example the owner of a coffee shop. Of
course, it is not possible to close the shop because it will only further reduce daily
income. WFH won't be able to be applied to markets or shops that have to be open
every day for income. in Indonesia, not all markets or stores can be reached online.
Because there are still many markets and small shops that will go bankrupt if they
follow the WFH rules from the government, there are expenses but no income and
economic crisis will rise. Following this, it is possible that the spread of the virus can be
reduced but the economic crisis will be even higher if this continues.

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