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Task 1

The given line graph compares the number of households using 3 electric
appliances namely washing machine, refrigerator and air conditioner from 1920
to 2020 in a country.
Overall, there was an upward trend in the number of households that owned
these three electric appliances during this period. It is clear that the number of
households using refrigerators is the highest in 2020 compared to other devices.
In detail, the number of households which used refrigerators experienced a
considerable rise from 1920 to 1970, to about 90 thousand households. This
figure increase slowly and peaked at more than 100 thousand households by
The number of air conditional ownership grow significantly, it started from 20
thousand households in 1920 to about 80 thousand households in 2020.
Meanwhile, there had been a slight rise in the number of households which used
washing machines between 1920 and 1970. From 1970 to 2020, the number of
households that used this device has fluctuated and reached nearly 80 thousands
household by 2020.
Task 2. Nowdays, many students choose to do a part time job during their
college time. What are the advantages and disadvantages of students doing a
part time job
These days, the number of students having a part-time job while they are
studying at university is increasing significantly. Having a part-time job not
only brings benefits for students but also has some disadvantages. This
essay will discuss the pros and cons of having a part-time job while you are
a student.

There are some benefits of taking a part-time job along with studying. First,
students can earn money at a young age. Student can cover their bills,
tuition fee, and buy the required things with the money they receive from
their job. In this way, they can reduce the financial burden on their parents'
shoulders. Besides, the practical experience that students gain from a part-
time job can help them in their future careers. During the part-time job,
students can learn some useful skills such as communication, problem-
solving, teamwork, multi-tasking, and time management…Nowadays, the
job market is very competitive and employers tend to look for employees
who understand the work environment and have work experience.
By contrast, a part-time job can also bring some disadvantages that you can
not deny. A part-time job can distract students from their studies. While
doing a part-time job, students will have a busy schedule and as a result,
they will get less time for self-study and doing their assignments. On the
other hand, a part-time job can have bad effects on students’ health. For
instance, spending a lot of time on a part-time job can create stress and
make students exhausted

In a nutshell, a part-time job can bring both good and bad sides for
students. Having a part-time job will bring more pros than cons if students
know how to balance their job and study.

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