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The pictures illustrate the proportion of people who live in Australia in terms of their origins

and location.

Overall, it is clear that the majority of people staying in Australia is Australian. Additionally,
most residents choose to live in urban areas.

According to the pie chart, Australian ethnicity->native Austratilan made->makes up nearly

three fourths of the total population, followed by which is British with 7%. New Zealander,
Chinese and Dutch respectively comprised->comprise of 3%, 2% and 1% of the chart,
whereas the rest of people living in Australia had->have an origin from other countries.

As can be seen from the table, all cities tend to have the dominant reference,
approximately 80% to 90% -> cities have dominance over rural areas when it comes to
population density, with over 80% of population residing in. Besides, the australian also
had the most remarkable of people->are the majority of those living in rural areas: 20% -
> taking up 14,6% of total population. In contrast, most Chinese ethnicity enjoyed->enjoy
staying in cities, only 1% of the Chinese choosed->choose to live in the countryside.

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