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1) meat fish / seafood fruit vegetables

a) sausages salmon strawberries lettuce

b) duck prawns peaches beans
pork cod grape spring green
chicken squid lemon potato
beef octopus banana carrot
lamb lobster apple onion
turkey crab watermelon tomato

(It is) easy as pie when something is said to be as easy as pie, that means that it is very simple to do, so simple that anyone could do it.
(You are) the apple of my eye it means to say that they are the one who you admire, love and want.
(To) spill the beans it means that you have accidentally said something you shouldn’t have. For example, you may have accidentally told someone too much information about a surprise party.
(To be) the cream of the crop it means to be the best of the best. It essentially refers to people or things that are of high excellence.
(To) have all your eggs in one basket it means that they have put too much faith in one thing.
There’s no use crying over spilled milk it means to say that one shouldn’t complain about things that have already happened or that can’t be changed
(To) drop like a sack of potatoes It means that someone or something has fallen quickly and hit the ground hard

3) Types of cooking
b) Poaching This involves a small amount of hot liquid. The cooking liquid is normally water.
Simmering This involves cooking liquid on top of a stove in a pot or pan.
Broiling Similar to grilling, the heat source comes directly from the top.
Blanching Here the food is part-cooked, and then immediately submerged in ice cold water to stop the cooking process.
Braising First the food is sauted or seared, and then simmered in liquid for a long period of time until tender.
Stewing The food is sauted or seared first, and then cooked in liquid, but normally uses smaller ingredients such as chopped meats or vegetables.
barbecuing Meat is grilled over hot coals.

Page 1A - 5 Daiane Lucas

e) What do you usually have for breakfast? I usually have just cup of black coffee. I usually have a big breakfast with eggs and bacon.
How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? I used to drink two or three cups a day I don't drink coffee a lot, just for breakfast.
Where do you usually have lunch? I usually have lunch at home, because I like to cook my meals. I usually have my lunch at the restaurants with my colleagues.
How often do you eat out a week? I eat out twice a week. I eat out every day of the week.
Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? I prefer eating at home. I prefer eating out.
Do you need to buy any food today? Yes, I do. I'll need some ingredients for trying a new recipe. I hope no, but I'm not sure.
Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? No, I'm not. Actually I had my dinner of this night. Yes, I'm always hungry.
Are you taking any vitamins or food supplements at the moment? Yes, I'm taking vitamin D, because here there isn't sun enough. No, I'm not taking any vitamins. I prefer don't use them for now.
Are you trying to eat healthily at the moment? Yes, I'm always trying to eat healthily, but I can't do it for long. No, I don't. I always eat what I want without concern.

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