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Ask for ayurved

February 25, 2013 at 9:34am ·

The consumption of milk and milk products is not hazardous until they are
consumed in a limit. But certain wrong myths misguide us and we ignore the
fact that the body is made up of the food we take, and imbalanced food intake
will definitely do harm to the body. There is no magic pill in the world which
can heal everything, irrespective of the cause of the disease. At last we have to
accept the truth and give up the cause, for curing and avoiding the disease.
Here are some interesting facts about milk and milk products which are
mostly ignored in daily life as well as in patient care. So don’t get surprised if
some of the facts are quite different from what you thought.

Properties of cow milk

Cow milk as per Ayurveda has sweet post digestive effect. It enhances
anabolism in body. Cold in potency, galactogogue and pacifies vata and pitta.
Imparts moisture to the body, though heavy in nature it ignites digestive fire.
Regular use of milk since adolescence, increases longevity and youthful life.

Properties of buffalo milk

Buffalo milk is heavier than cow milk, it induces sleep, sweet post digestive
effect, unctuous and increases kapha, slightly diminishes digestive fire.

Properties of Malai-Clotted cream

Heavy to digest, cold, nourishes body, unctuous and increases kapha. Pacifies
pitta and vata, provides strength and valor. 1/1/17, 10A11 PM

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Properties of milk according to the time of consumption

In the morning
It nourishes the body, helps to gain weight and increases appetite.
In the after noon
It gives strength to the body, pacifies kapha and pitta, increases appetite.

In the night
Salubrious, balances all doshas, beneficial for eyes. But one should not drink
milk just after meals , as it increases kapha. It should be taken after light
meals keeping a gap of 1 & ½ hr after meals and ½ hr before sleep. It can be
even taken without eating anything as much as desired at night.

Milk at night is most beneficial for person with good appetite and digestion.
It is recommended for those who are thin, anorexic and want to gain weight.
Milk instantly increases shukra(semen quantity and quality) . It is beneficial
for persons of Vata constitution and old age people to have milk with butter
oil(cow ghee) 1 cup at night, it provides sound sleep. It is also good for
children. (Reference- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu- Dugdhavarga).

Contra-indications of milk-
In conditions of newly acquired fevers and initial stages of every disease, i.e.
(Aama is toxin released by undigested food juice or undigested food juice
remaining in the body for a long time) . In persons suffering from indigestion,
fullness and persons who have taken heavy meals.

Curd is prepared directly from milk by fermentation at home. It is of five
types depending on taste and stages of fermentation. It is usually taken as a
dessert in meals. It is not flavored and is less acidic than yoghurt. 1/1/17, 10A11 PM

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Curd is Abhishayandi, hot in potency, ignites digestive fire , unctuous, with
mild astringent taste. It produces sour post digestive effect, hence increases
pitta and kapha. It produces skin diseases and blood related disorders. It may
produce swelling in the body, increases fat in the body. But as it is hot in
potency it is useful in cold, rhinitis, chronic fever and diarrheas, lack of taste
in mouth and anorexia.

Five types of curd and their properties

1. Partially fermented- Almost like milk, partially fermented. It creates

imbalance of all three dosha and burning in the body.
2. Sweet - Very thick, sweet in taste with no or mild sour taste. This type of
curd is heavy to digest, increases kapha and meda(fat), vata pacifier.
3. Sweet-sour- Thick, Sweet, sour and astringent taste in the end, properties
similar to curd mentioned above.
4. Sour- curd with mild sweet taste, It enhances digestive power, increases
pitta and kapha. Produces diseases of skin and blood.
5. Very sour- Very sour in taste to produces sourness and sensitivity in teeth.
Produces skin and blood diseases, burning sensation. Increases vata and pitta

It is preferable to have curd prepared from cow milk over buffalo milk. If
available, curd prepared form goat milk is best.

Directions on how to consume Curd

Curd should not be taken at the night, it is said to be abhishyandi i.e. it blocks
the channels in the body. In Ayurveda , the biological channels or strotas in
the body are like lotus which blooms in the morning and closes in the
evening and night. Hence consuming curd may occlude the channels and
increase kapha and fat in the body. 1/1/17, 10A11 PM

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Curd can be taken in the night with sugar or moong dal or Amla or honey.
Curd should not be heated before consumption.

Contra-indications of Curd
Curd should be avoided in newly acquired fever, Aama conditions skin
diseases, bleeding disorders, in the night and spring season.

Properties of Curd water or Mastu

It is the water part separated from the curd. It provides strength in fevers,
appetizer, cleanser of biological channels, satisfies thirst and pacifies kapha
and vata. It is a mild laxative

It is prepared by culture method using 1 or 2 bacteria species, by fermenting
milk lactose into lactic acid. It gives extra tang and sourness to it. It is gel or
liquid, may contain added flavors. It is more acidic in taste than curd.

Buttermilk forms an inevitable part of food in India. Ayurveda promotes use
of buttermilk in many grave diseases of digestive system like chronic gastro-
intestinal diseases, non bleeding chronic hemorrhoids, ascites etc. Buttermilk
is said to be nectar for humans in Charaka Samhita. It maintains intestinal
flora and promotes the active digestion of food by stomach and intestines.

Especially in chronic fevers like typhoid, chronic dysentery where constant

anti-biotic drug abuse destroys natural flora and strength of gastro-intestinal

As per Ayurveda, buttermilk is of 5 types as per the method of preparation. 1/1/17, 10A11 PM

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1. Ghol (Lassi with cream)- It is prepared by churning curd without separating
its cream and without adding water. It is refreshing, pacifies pitta and vata
and heavy to digest. It should not be taken by obese person and people
suffering from diseases of kapha
2. Mathit (Mattha)- It is residual liquid left after churning and removing the
butter. It pacifies pitta and kapha
3. Takra - It is prepared by adding quarter part water to curd. It is light and
astringent. It improves appetite and being hot in potency it also pacifies vata.
It is highly recommended for chronic gastro-intestinal problems. It should be
avoided in summer season, person with pitta aggravation and bleeding
4. Udashvita - It is prepared by adding half part of water to curd. It is
specifically recommended for digestion of Aama i.e. undigested food juice
harmful to health or toxins releases from undigested food. It also provides
5. Chhachika or Chhachh - It is prepared by churning the curd and removing
butter from it. 2-3 times of water is added to it. This is called Chhach, which is
popular drink in summer season. It is refreshing, cold and satisfies thirst. It
pacifies vata and removes fatigue.

Contra-indications of Buttermilk
In pitta aggravation, bleeding disorders, summer season and autumn season.
Chhach can be taken in summers.


The cream separated from buttermilk by churning process is called butter or

makkhan. It is nutritious, good for vision and complexion. Pacifies vata and
pitta. Freshly prepared extremely good for children and the old age
debilitated persons. Freshly churned out butter improves intellect and 1/1/17, 10A11 PM

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complexion and beneficial in chronic diarrhea. Milk cream- butter/cream
removed directly from milk is highly unctuous, ,improves vision, strength and
pacifies pitta.

Contra- indications of butter

Do not take old butter, refrigerated for a long time, which is sour, bitter,
alkaline in taste, intake of such butter causes kapha aggravation, skin
diseases, and obesity.
Avoid butter in obesity, atherosclerosis, cardiac disorders and diabetes.

Cow’s ghee

Ghee is simply clarified butter — butter with all the milk-solids removed.
Ghee is a time-honored alternative to hydrogenated oils that clog arteries and
promote free-radical damage. Daily intake of ghee in diet promotes vigor and

Ayurveda considers ghee the ultimate cooking oil, with diverse mind/body
benefits listed in the ancient texts.

• Absorption: Ghee is an integral part of the science of ayurvedic herbal

formulation. Since ghee is an oil, it can bond with lipid-soluble nutrients and
herbs to penetrate the lipid-based cell walls of the body. It is stated to
increase the potency of certain herbs by carrying the active components to
the interior of the cells where they impart the most benefit.
• Preservative: Ghee does not spoil easily, and actually preserves the original
freshness and potency of herbs and foods. It does not need refrigeration.
• Digestion: The ayurvedic texts say that Ghee helps balance excess stomach
acid, and helps maintain/repair the mucus lining of the stomach.
• Mild Burns: Like aloe, Ghee is said to prevent blisters and scarring if
applied quickly to affected skin. 1/1/17, 10A11 PM

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• Mind: Ghee is said to promote all three aspects of mental functioning -
learning, memory and recall.
• Ayurvedic Balance: Ghee balances both Vata (the ayurvedic mind/body
operator that controls movement in mind and body) and Pitta (the operator
that controls heat and metabolism).
Ghee has been given the cherished title of “Rasayana” in ayurveda - pre-
eminent herbs and foods that help overall health, longevity and well-being.

Researches on cow ghee have shown that, ghee prepared from churning
process of curd of cow milk, called “Bilona ghee” can be successfully used
even in patients of Hyperlipedemia. It balances HDL levels and reduces LDL
and triglycerides (By Dr. Sharada Tank and Dr. Maheshchandra Sharma,
National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur).

Contra-indications of Ghee

Person with less or diminished digestive capacity, recent and acute infections,
very obese, very weak, diarrhea, diseases of digestive system, diseases of
Aama, diseases of kapha and throat, alcoholic disorders.

The above facts are derived from the Ayurveda texts.

In Ayurveda it is said that any substance in the universe when used in

optimum quantity can be a medicine and anything in excess can act like a
poison. So it is up to us , about how we use or consume a substance.
Definitions of hazardous substances to the human body will change from
time to time, But our body constitution will remain constant which is made
of the Panchamahabhoota and Doshas. We only need to discover how to
maintain the healthy balance of these two in the body to achieve healthy
mind, body and soul. So safeguard your body from falling prey to false
pleasures which ruin the health to enjoy the true pleasure called Life. 1/1/17, 10A11 PM

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P.S. 1/1/17, 10A11 PM

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