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Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10


Time allowed:
Reading Time : 05 Minutes
Writing : 40 Minutes

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.

Case Notes:

Mrs. Emily Ryan is a 59-year-old patient under your supervision at the

hospital where you are working.

Patient Details:

Marital Status: Widow (3 years)

Admission Date: 4 April 2013 (New Life Hospital)

Discharge Date: 15 June 2013

Diagnosis: Enlarged spleen (viral infections, splenomegaly),

high blood pressure

Social Background: Lives at ASPE House, 168 Lavender Hill London

One daughter – married, works as a lecturer

Hobbies: painting, reading

Brother, J. Pereira (66), very supportive, visits regularly

Medical Background:

2009 – food poisoning – spent one month at the hospital (New Life)
Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

2006- – High blood pressure

Medications: Aspirin 100mg (recommenced post-operatively),

pneumococcal (pneumovax), meningococcal and haemophilus influenzae

type b (Hib) vaccines.

Nursing Management and Progress:

Dressing on surgery site - daily

No contact with water

Also, follow-up FBE tests at New Life Hospital

Assessment: In good condition. No signs of bleeding, pain or fever.

However, she still walks with support. Blood pressure normal on discharge.

Discharge Plan: Monitor medications (penicillin injection as directed),

avoid travelling, avoid vigorous exercise.

Writing task:

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Anna D Souza,

Senior Nurse at Old Age Nursing Home, 155 Commercial Street, London,

who will be responsible for Mrs. Emily Ryan’s continued care at the nursing home.

In your answer:

 Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences

 Do not use note form

 Use letter format

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.


Time allowed:
Reading Time : 05 Minutes
Writing : 40 Minutes

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.

Case Notes:

You are Shelly Kate, a qualified nursing sister, working with the STAR Nursing

Care Agency. Natasha Dobby is a patient in your care. Read the case notes

below and complete the writing task which follows.

Name: Natasha Dobby

Address: 201/275 Alfred St, North Sydney, NSW 2060

Phone: +61 2 9126 9264

Date of Birth: 2 August 1952

Social Background
Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Married – husband Patrick Dsouza, aged 73. He is a retired professor.

They live together in their own house.

Medical History:

Osteoporosis patient– first signs noted in 2009

16 July 2012

Tripped over a loose rug – injured hip

16 July 2012

Admitted at the hospital (time: 12:45 pm)

Diagnosed – hip fracture or broken hip (intracapsular)

17 July 2012

Underwent surgery – successful

18 July 2012

Shifted to specialized geriatric-orthopaedic rehabilitation ward.

Rehabilitation treatment initiated.

Offered mobilization (exercises to help promote strength and recovery).

23 July 2012

Patient doing well. Walking, with help. Requires extra care.

25 July 2012

Discharged from the hospital

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Her husband wants someone to come to their house to help her with gaining
mobility and with performing exercises to help speed up the recovery process. He is
not really able to assist her with walking because he uses a walking stick himself.

Writing Task

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Mrs. Margaret, Head Nurse
at Dowell Hospital, Ground Floor, 111-117 Devonshire St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 to
request that a physiotherapist is sent to the patient’s house to help her with her

In your answer:

 Do not use note form in the letter.

 Expand on the relevant case notes to explain the patient’s background and
medical history and the assistance requested.

 The letter should be 15-20 lines long.

 No more than the first 25 lines will be assessed.


Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Time allowed:
Reading Time : 05 Minutes
Writing : 40 Minutes

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.

You are Daniela Nichole, a qualified nursing sister, working with Apollo Health

Agency. Catherine Tracy is a patient in your care.

Name: Catherine Tracy

Address: PO Box 2106, Level 1, 52 Brisbane Street, Tamworth NSW2340.

Phone: (02) 6766 5110

Date of Birth: 14 November 1963

Social Background

Widow – lives with her daughter, Katie, who visits the hospital regularly.

Admitted into the hospital due to high BP – 1992

Blood sugar patient for the past year

Date: 19 September 2009

 Admitted into the hospital due to a serious injury to the backbone

 Injury to the spinal cord noted - suffered from pain and an intense stinging

sensation, caused by damage to the nerve fibers in the spinal cord.

 Loss of movement

 Loss of bowel and bladder control

 Difficulty with balance and walking

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Date: 25 Oct 2009

Showing signs of recovery

Walking with the help of her daughter

Date: 12 Nov 2009

Patient doing well. Occasional complaints of back pain.

Date: 15 Nov 2009

Discharged from the hospital

Her daughter wants someone to come to their house to personally care for her.

Writing Task

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Ms Kenzy Jaida,

Head Nurse at Royal Perth Nursing Agency, 6 Selby Street, Shenton Park,

Western Australia, 6008 to request that a nurse is sent to the patient’s house to

help her with her recovery.

In your answer:

• Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences

• Do not use note form
• Use letter format

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.


Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Time allowed:
Reading Time : 05 Minutes
Writing : 40 Minutes

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.

You are Molly Tia, a qualified nursing sister, working with ERR Health Agency.

Elma Edith is a patient in your care.

Name: Elma Edith

Address: 213/354 Eastern Valley Way, Chatswood, NSW 2067 Australia.

Phone: 0427 694 010

Date of Birth: 19 February 1967

Social Background

Widow – lives with her husband. Her husband is disabled.

Medical History:

Admitted to the hospital due to high levels of abdominal pain

High blood pressure was identified – 1994 (but controlled now)

Date: 9 August 2009

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Admitted into the hospital due to jaundice

Treated successfully

Date: 17 June 2010

Admitted to the hospital due to nausea, vomiting and right upper quadrant

abdominal pain

Diagnosed as cirrhosis (early stage)

Lost 3 k g body weight

Kept in the hospital for 20 days

Condition is normal

No need for surgery

Post medical care or treatment is required

Date: 7 July 2010

Patient is doing well.

Date: 8 July 2010

Discharged from the hospital

Her husband requested for a nurse to come to the house for her personal care.

Writing Task

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Ms Christina Dakota,

Head Nurse at Mavin Nursing Agency, Level 24, 1 Market Street, Sydney,
Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

NSW 2000 to request that a nurse is sent to the patient’s house for personal care.

In your answer

 Do not use note form in the letter.

 Expand on the relevant case notes to explain his background and medical history

and the assistance requested.

 The letter should be 15-20 lines long.

 No more than the first 25 lines will be assessed.


Time allowed:
Reading Time : 05 Minutes
Writing : 40 Minutes

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.

You are Chelsea Jade, a qualified head of nursing, working with Supra Health

Care Agency. Reyna Sally is a patient in your care.

Name: Reyna Sally

Address: 198 Harbour Esplanade, Suite 405a, Docklands VIC 3008.

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Phone: 03 9999 8388

Date of Birth: 09 Jan 1961

Social Background

Widow – lives alone

No children

Jennifer Amana, her neighbor, is very friendly, visits her in hospital daily

Medical History:

Underwent an operation for appendicitis (appendix removed) – 1981

Diagnosed as diabetic – 2003

Admitted to the hospital due to severe pain in the stomach- 12 Feb 2005

(Diagnosed as food poisoning – cleared)

Patient was discharged after a week at the hospital – 18 Feb, 2005

12 April, 2005.

Admitted to the hospital due to severe abdominal pain, weakness, nausea

Symptoms went after a course of medication was taken

Discharged after a week

12 July, 2009.

Admitted to the hospital due to an injury to the left knee and ankle, as well as an
Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

injury to the head

Fell down the stairs

Not used to wearing spectacles

Suffered from pain and an intense stinging sensation, and inflammation of the skin

Walks with difficulty now

20 July, 2009.

Shown signs of a successful recovery

Discharged from the hospital

Personal nursing care has been requested

Writing Task

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Ms Nichole Davidson,

Head Nurse at Old Age Nursing Home, Town Hall, 90-120 Swanston Street,

Melbourne VIC 3000, to request that a nurse is sent to the patient’s house to help

with her recovery and with personal care.

In your answer:

• expand the relevant notes into complete sentences

• do not use note form
• use letter format
Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.


Sample Letter 6

Anna D Souza

Old Age Nursing Home

155 Commercial Street


(Today’s date)

Re: Mrs. Emily Ryan, 59 years old

Dear Anna D Souza

Mrs. Emily Ryan, who was admitted into our New Life Hospital, was diagnosed with an
infected spleen. A severe viral infection (splenomegaly) was noted which required
immediate attention.

The patient is a widower and has one daughter who is married and works as a lecturer, the
one who brought her to the hospital. She also has a brother who visits regularly.
Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Apart from a problem related to food poisoning which occurred once and high blood
pressure (the patient still has high BP), Mrs. Ryan has no previous medical history.

The patient was prescribed aspirin 100 mg (post-operatively) and advised to continue the
use of pneumococcal (pneumovax), meningococcal and haemophilus influenzae type b
(Hib) vaccines. There will strictly be no contact with water and dressing on the surgery site
is requested to be done daily. Follow-up FBE tests are recommended as well.

It is suggested that the patient should not perform vigorous exercises and that the patient
should avoid travelling until they have made a full recovery.

Please, contact me with any queries.

Yours sincerely
Charge Nurse

Sample Letter 7

Mrs Margaret

Dowell Hospital

Ground Floor, 111-117 Devonshire St

Surry Hills
Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

NSW 2010

(Today’s date)

Re: Mrs Natasha Dobby, 62 years old

Dear Margaret

Mrs Natasha Dobby, who underwent hip fractured surgery on 17th of July, is being discharged
into your care. On 16th of July, she tripped over and fell down, badly injuring her hip. On
diagnosis, broken pieces were noted which called for immediate action. Surgery was performed
successfully. The patient was shifted to a specialized geriatric-orthopedic rehabilitation ward on
18th of July when the condition was noted to be a bit normal.

Rehabilitation treatment was initiated and was offered mobilization (the patient was encouraged
to do exercises which promote strength and recovery). By July 23, the patient was able to walk
short distances with the help from her husband. She requires extra help. Her husband wants a
physiotherapist to come to their house to assist her in gaining much more mobility (for her
speedy recovery). Her husband is not able to assist her as he himself walks with a walking stick.

Please, send a physiotherapist from your agency to the patient’s house to help the patient
recover sooner. Please, contact her husband on the number: +61 2 9126 9264. Her addressed is
added too. Her Address: 201/275 Alfred St, North Sydney, NSW 2060.

Natasha Dobby has been a patient of Osteoporosis too since 2009.

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Please, contact me with any queries.

Yours sincerely

Shelly Kate

Sample Letter 8

Kenzy Jaida

Royal Perth Nursing Agency

6 Selby Street

Shenton Park

Western Australia, 6008

(Today’s date)

Re: Mrs Catherine Tracy, 51 years old

Dear Kenzy Jaida

Mrs Catherine Tracy was admitted into our “Apollo Health Agency” due to serious injury to her
backbone on 19th September, 2009. The patient was suffering from pain or an intense stinging
(sensation must have been caused due to the damaged nerve fibres in the spinal cord). Other
changes that which were noted include loss of movement and loss of bowel or bladder control.
Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

The patient had difficulty in balancing or walking properly for a couple of days. It took more than
a week for the patient to get recovered to a certain extent. By Oct 25, the patient began to show
some signs of improvement. The patient was able to walk with the help of her daughter who
used to come regularly to see her.

The patient was discharged from the hospital on 15th November. The patient was doing well.
There were no problems (apart from usual complaints of pain in the neck which would perhaps
take some more time to go off). Her daughter wants someone to come to their house to care
for her personally.

Please, note that Catherine Tracy has BP and sugar problems too.

Please, contact me with any queries.

Yours sincerely

Daniela Nichole

Sample Letter 9

Mrs Christina Dakota

Mavin Nursing Agency

Level 24, 1 Market Street

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

NSW 2000

(Today’s date)

Re: Mrs Elma Edith, 47 years old

Dear Christina Dakota

Mrs Elma Edith was admitted into our “Health Centre” on 17th June 2010 on complaints of
nausea, vomiting and quadrant abdominal pain. On examination it was noted that the patient
was suffering from cirrhosis (early stage / there were no complications). The patient complained
of weight loss too (lost almost 3 Kg body weight).

The patient was kept in the hospital for 20 days. During this time, the patient didn’t complain of
any pain. As there was no need of any surgery, so it had not been performed.

The patient’s condition was normal at the time of discharge from the hospital on 8th of July. Her
husband requested for a nurse to come to their house for her personal care too.

Please, take a note of this too that Elma Edith is a patient of high BP. She has been suffering
from BP problems for about 10 years now.

Strict post medical care or treatment is required.

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Please, contact me with any queries.

Yours sincerely

Molly Tia

Sample Letter 10

Mrs Nichole Davidson

Old Age Nursing Home

Town Hall, 90-120 Swanston Street

Melbourne VIC 3000

(Today’s date)

Re: Mrs Reyna Sally, 53 years old

Dear Nichole Davidson

Nursing Writing Tests 6 - 10

Mrs Reyna Sally was admitted into our “health care home” on 12th July, 2009 due to injuries to
her left knee, ankle and to the head (She has got spectacles but she is not used to wearing that.
The patient fell from the stairs and injured herself badly).

At the time of admission the patient was complaining of pain or intense stinging sensation of the
inflammation of the skin. The patient was facing difficulty in walking because of the injury to the
knee. It took almost 8 days for the patient to get well to the normal condition.

The patient showed signs of recovery and was given discharge on 20 July, 2009. The patient
requested for personal care by the nurse too.

Please, take a note of this too that Reyna Sally is a patient of BP as well. She has been suffering
from BP problems since 2003.

Strict post medical care or treatment is required.

Please, contact me with any queries.

Yours sincerely

Chelsea Jade

Supra Health Care Agency

Copy right All rights Reserved: Maiva Corporation

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