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Research Critique on Thinking of work 24/7: Are EntrePinoys really workaholic?

Divina M. Edralin wrote a research/study about Filipino entrepreneurs. Her study was
titled, “Thinking of work 24/7: Are EntrePinoys really workaholic?” Her study will give
you a better understanding about workaholics and how certain
hypothesis/misconceptions should be deemed null and void at this age. Why do we
work? Basically, we work to establish our career and provide for our family. Work gives
us ample security in life, a feeling of value and personal satisfaction. We all work for
various reasons. Whatever reason it may be, no one can judge you. How you do your
job is a different story. Some people work just to make themselves feel useful and not
static. But there are others who take their job passionately even with menial salaries.
There are also some who are addicted to working seven days a week. Obsession even
in the form of working is of psychological and mental association. Just like with
any other types of addiction, being a workaholic may or may not be positive in a
person’s life. Prolonged work hours and uncontrollable need to work may affect both
personal and professional life. Like with other kinds of addiction, it can drag you down
and take a great toll in your physical, emotional, mental, social life. Anything done
excessively at a prolonged fashion is predominantly exhausting. Workaholics are not
exactly the top performers in the company or team. The number of hours you spend at
work does not necessarily equivalent to the quality of work you produce/give. The
company owners and bosses do not just count the number of hours and days you are at
work. An employee’s performance is measured by how well you do your job and how
effective you are in that position. According to the study of Lajom (2016), there are
two types of employees: Employees with harmonious and obsessive passion.
Based on that specific study, the ones who have higher level of work-life balance
leading them to favorable work performance and well-being outcomes are employees
with harmonious passion. While the workaholics or employees with obsessive passion
are hindered from attaining high performance at work because they fail to attain balance
and often associated with negative emotions. Related literature has found evidences
that being a workaholic despite having negative consequences can have a
positive spillover effect. Head of the families redirecting their frustrations at home
can provide more than enough funds for the family. They can send they children to
prestigious schools and their wives are satisfied. The head of the families may not have
ample time to spend with the family and often bombarded with negative outburst at
home, but they can provide the needs and wants of their families. The respondents of
the research are EntrePinoys tested based on hypotheses based on their age,
civil status, and gender. The participants are self-employed and business owners.
The degree of workaholism among the EntrePinoys is based on the Behavioral
Manifestations. The overall mean score of the degree of workaholism of EntrePinoys is
2.90, which is moderately high (p 25). According to the result of the study, regardless of
the age like baby boomer or millennial age group, people can be workaholics. Your
gender is not a factor why you are workaholic. Misconceptions should be deemed null
and void about a specific gender being obsessed in working. Both male and female can
be workaholics. Marital status is a factor but not a vindictive reason for being a
workaholic. We should look at the bigger picture of every scenario. The number of
EntrePinoys who are single, married, separated should also be considered rather than
just mere generalizing the results. It is also proven that both negative and positive
spillover effects are present on workaholic EntrePinoys. They have not escaped the
downside of having obsessive passion. We have identified the pros and cons of being a
workaholic. It can be prevented. It is manageable. Recommendations were provided
by the author based on the result of the study. Most of the recommendations
given are of personal choices. Most of the interviews provided show that the
EntrePinoys know and are aware of their obsession. Knowing is not enough. Making
interventions to lessen and eventually eliminate the obsessive passion should be put in
place. No one will make that decision for you. You have the freedom to choose. You
cannot do it alone. You must involve your team at work, family, and friends. Finding
balance in both work and handling personal matters is not an easy journey. No one
promised that it would be. You just must take the initial step.

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