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Name : Muhammad Azzam

Class: 2 C

BP Number : 1901031022

A verb is a word that shows an action, behavior, or event experienced by the subject.
In the composition of the parts of speech the verb is located behind the noun or pronoun
which is the subject of the sentence. There are six main types of verb that must be know in
english, first Regular and irregular verb are verbs that different in form,according to the
timing of the sentence. Second, Action/Stative verb, Action is verb which is done physically
and Stative verb is not physically by subject. Third is Transitive/intransivite verb,Transitive
is a verb must be followed bye the object afterwards,intransivite a verb which doesn’t need to
be added an object.Fourth is linking Verb is a verb that connects two different words, fifth is
Auxiliary Verb is verb the expand purpose. Sixth finite/Non-Finite Verbs that are
differentiated based on the flexibility in a sentence .

Adverb is an auxiliary words that serve to provide addtional information about a

verb.there are five types of adverbs, Firts adverb of time is a word of additional information
about time. Second,adverb of place the word stone regarding adverb of place. Third, adverb
of degree is a description of the intensity of a condition. Fourth,adverb of menner is a
description of how an event occurs. The last one is the adverb of frequency, which describes
the degree to which someone does something.

Number of words : 228 words

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