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Name : Fildzah Aulia Putri

Bp 1901031006
Class : III C
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris Teknik III

TOIEC Reading Part 7

1. When did lamp sales go up?

The correct answer is (B) During the last three months of the year.
in the text said, “during the final quarter of the year.”
Lamp sales go up during the last three months of the year
2. According to Ms. Randall, what caused sales to go up?
The correct answer is (B) An advertising campaign. Because, Ms. Randall
said, “we’ve put advertisement everywhere, …”
So, caused sales to go up is an advertising campaign.
3. What does Ms. Randall say about her company’s product?

Fildzah Aulia Putri

The correct answer is (A) it is superior other companies’ products.
Because, Ms. Randall said, “we know we have a quality product, it’s the
best in the market”.
So, it’s superior to other companies’ products.

4. What are these instructions for?

The correct answer is (B) A telephone. Because, the in the text there are
said “to make a call …”
So, these instruction for a telephone.
5. The word “retrieve” in line 12 is closest in meaning to?
The correct answer is (A) get.
So, the closest meaning the word “retrieve” is “get.
6. How should the TX 9000 be cleaned?
The correct answer is (B) By rubbing it softly with a cloth. Because, in the
text said that “wipe gently with a damp cloth.”
So, TX 9000 be cleaned by rubbing it softly with a cloth.
7. What does the article say about this year’s cotton prices?
The correct answer is (B) They have gone down. Because, in the text
explain that “prices had plunged 25 percent for the year and will
probably drop even more before the end of December.
So, they have gone down.
8. What has affected this year’s cotton supply?
The correct answer is (D) Devastation by disease. Because, in the text
explain that “successful methods of combating common disease.”
9. When will the yearly report n cotton production be available?
The correct answer is (A) At the beginning of the year. Because, in the text
explain that “The National Cotton Producers Association will release the
final figures for this year’s harvest in annual report, due out in January.”
So, at the beginning of the year.
10. Why did Ms. Collins write the letter?
The correct answer is (A) To ask for employment. Because, in the text
explain that “I am interested in applying for position in the Marketing
Department of the Findlay Manufacturing Company.
So, Ms. Collins write the letter to ask for employment.
11. What field of work is Ms. Collins interested in?
The correct answer is (D) Marketing. Because, in the text explain that “I
am interested in applying for position in the Marketing Department of
the Findlay Manufacturing Company”.
So, Ms. Collins interested in Marketing Department.
12. What does Mr. Marcus say about Ms. Collins?
The correct answer is (D) She has insufficient experience. Because, Mr.
Marcus said that, “the research work in which you expressed an interest
requires a minimum of three years, experience in the field.” While Ms.
Collin doesn’t have experience in marketing she just working as an
assistant at a local import-export firm.
So, Mr. Marcus says about Ms. Collins is she has insufficient experience.
13. What does Mr. Marcus recommend to Ms. Collins?
The correct answer is (B) Getting more work experience. Because, in the
text explain that “I suggest that you spend some time gaining some
practice in your chosen field.
So, Mr. Marcus recommended to Ms. Collins is getting more work
14. What does Mr. Marcus want to send to Ms. Richardson?
The correct answer (A) A resume. Because, in the text explain that “I
would like to forward the information you sent me to her office.”
So, Mr. Marcus want to send to Ms. Richard is a resume.

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