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CHANGES in MATTER (Physical and Chemical Change)

Experiment Time!

Mentos and Coke Experiment

Kids love experiments that cause eruptions! Plus kids love fizzing science
experiments. These types of experiments also increase practical life and fine
motor skills. The mentos and coke experience is especially cheap, but it is still fun
for kids and adults alike!

Materials Needed:
• 2liter bottle of Diet Coke (it’s said that the sugar substitute in Diet Coke kick
starts the reaction and gives a bigger geyser)
• 1 package of Mentos (the original mint flavor, the fruit flavored Mentos are
covered in a wax which means there aren’t as many nucleation sites on
• QA place where you can get messy (like a picnic table outside or a

How It's Done:

1. Place the bottle of Diet Coke squarely on a flat surface.
2. Open the bottle.
3. Drop the Mentos candies into the bottle.
4. Stand back and watch the geyser spray!
5. Take a video and picture while doing the experiment and send it to my
messenger account. (Loucel Diaz)

Watch this video

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted and Approved by:

Ms. Ma. Loucel T. Diaz Mrs. Mary Grace A. Dacumos Mrs. Margaret T. Bueno,MAEd
SCIENCE 1 Teacher Preschool and Grade School Principal President and School Directress

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