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Summary of Diseases

1. Hepatitis - inflammation of the liver cells accompanied by rapid destruction of cells

2. Cirrhosis - slow destruction of liver cells and proliferation of fibrous tissues eventually
leading to scarring of the liver cells
3. Hepatic coma - a complex brain syndrome secondary to liver disease
4. Ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity due to impaired portal
5. Esophageal varices - presence of varicose veins in the lower third of esophagus and
6. Fatty liver - fatty infiltration of the liver associated with starvation, malnutrition,
deficiency and toxic factors causing cellular necrosis
7. Portal hypertension - increased portal presence due to impairment in blood flow
8. Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder wall without any sign of infection
9. Cholelithiasis - presence of gallstones without infection
10. Cholecystolithiasis -presence of gallstone with infection
11. Choledocholelithiasis - the stones slip into the common bile duct producing
obstruction partially or completely or obstruct intermittently
12. Biliary dyskinesia - abnormal function and flow of the bile due to abnormal pressure
relationships in the biliary tract
13. Jaundice - yellow pigmentation of the skin and discoloration of the eye due to the
overflow of bile duct to the general circulation
14. Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreatic tissues
15. Cystic fibrosis - dysfunction of the mucus-producing exocrine glands in the bronchi,
pancreas, liver and intestine
16. Hypertension - not a disease entity in itself, but a symptom, an arterial blood
pressure greater than 140/90
17. Hyperlipidemia - an elevation of plasma lipids, including cholesterol, cholesterol
esters, phospholipids and triglycerides
18. Angina - pain caused by demand on the heart when inadequately supplied with blood
19. Myocardial infection - destruction of a position of the myocardium due to interruption
of blood supply resulting to the formation of localized neiotix areas
20. Congestive heart failure - disorder of the cardiovascular system caused by the failure
of the heart as a pump
21. Nephrotic syndrome - also called nephrosis, exact etiology is unknown, may be due
to a wide variety of systemic diseases, or part of the primary glomerular disease
22. Acute renal failure - this syndrome exists in patients in whom glomerular filtration rate
falls drastically over a period of days to several weeks
23. Chronic renal insufficiency - renal function is impaired but dialysis is not required
24. Chronic renal failure - a syndrome with results from progressive and irreversible
destruction of nephrons regardless of cause
25. Uremia - a complex of symptoms, physical findings and biochemical changes caused
by the retention of the waste products of protein metabolism and changes in water,
electrolyte and acid base balance
26. Nephrosclerosis - vascular renal disease due to hypertension, hardening of the renal
27. Pyelonephritis - acute or chronic inflammation resulting from infection of the urinary
28. Nephrolithiasis - renal calculi or stones; most contain variable amounts of calcium,
oxalate or phosphorus
29. Myocarditis - may occur as a result of infectious agents or may be induced by drugs,
toxic substances or allergy
30. Rheumatic heart disease - rigidity and deformity of value causes and fusion of the
commissures and the chordae tendineae due to single or repeated attacks of
rheumatic fever.

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