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o EotrŪotr}Dtroūtro0

#w:mw-"ffigmw węüB
A įr4 -"g#-ļfu' The legacy of the Romons is extremely
Ū o
0 o
o o important. Mony things thot form port of
o ArchjtecĪure o
everyday lif ewere introduced or improvedby
Art D
"What have the
D the Romons. over the centurįes since the
o ū Romans ever done
tr Language o
collopse of the Romon Empire, Romons ideas, for us?"
o (Latin) o lįteroture, art ond orchįtectu re hąve
trl B
5onįtation įnf luenced mqny people oround the world.
D (sewage) Ū
D Agueducts tr
o o Some exomples of things that Romons
o introduced to Britoįn thot ore still in use
B o
ū ( woter supply) o today con be seen on theleft of this page
tr Īhe calendor o
tr o
o Ū KeY areąs
o Cement and bricks D
o Public heoted baths U Lįterqture Architecture
tr Īurnips ond carrots o
Romon authors followed the fomous ftlony Romon buildings still stand - just
o tr
Paved streets ond Greek authors, often developing ond thįs is evīdence of how good Roman
tr o
ū pavaments o building upon Greek wrifing. Mosi orchįtecture Wos. Romon orchitecture
o Apples, ņirs ond groPes D surviving literoture is wrįtten for or by hos mony connecfions with Greek
ū Benefits (free food) for o
the rich. Writers were supported by orchitecture through the use of pillors
o poor citizens tr the rich. Mony writers hove been .ond orchąs. 5ince the Renaissance,
D Roads o influenced by the Romons including this style has been populor orourid the
D Wine tr
Shokespeore (Julius Caesar, Antony and world.
Cots D
Cleopotro), Robert žraves (Ī Cloudius),
E tr
tr Stinging nettles tr Milton (Poradise Lost), Dante (fnferno)
o Īowns o ond Jomes Joyce (Ulysses).
ū 6loss o
Street Cleaners D
o Shops o
Art Longuoge
o Laws tr Romqn ort has infļuenced mony people. English is a mixture of many different
u 'o
Tenement Blocks Just os with architecture, the languoges, but it contains very mony
o tr
Publįc order Ranoissoncesow o rebirth in interest in references to Lotin. Some Lotin words
tr o
o Fįremen.ond Police o clossicol ort. The use of ore used directly, whereos others have
o Parks o picturas of Emperors on been adapted - yet the influence of the
Cabbages & peas D coįns ond sculptures Romons in our longuoge can easily be
o D
D Public librories o
įntroduced powerful seen.
o Publįc notices and o images to socieŅ..
advertisements tr
0 D
o tr tr tr a E o D o trļ'tr D Ū o

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Bo:fiĄĄŅ ĻliF,E lĮl iļ-{oPPļN6

ŠįnT'dįd the slroppĮng for. Rgņqn fomįlįes. Theg w,ouid ņü tÜ įįe shops
ruld _bug urlroį euer was needeel'.
{ma.gļne Ųo.u arg ņ s[ār. - .o.. gou fitį įn haĻ
rnuęh vrąs speni in the shopping tists-be{oĻ usių Roman nulrr6ers?

GŪūD1 FēI{ A tūigĮĮ ryos ņgEd oJ the ĮrqįįĪs

pūį x 'ĄĻt įtņtpņd of roap, Įc rcrop*
sņd dį,t ņff thę Rg.mąņ Ļqįhcrs.

Ä fįöulą įs .ą l:rp*h t+ hsĮd q

eįgqk d the ntck-

Įqit lĮ Rlnį.qĄ ĪJļo. ņeg tr,as h ūįą_tlļ

*sįĄr. oĘf ep,įļt vros tąįįq.d c

iĪfrhįūeģ xll

lĪ lļĪ Iv v vt vlt vļl TX
Õ.7 I q įū
x1 x11 X11'Į XĮv Xv xvĮ xvt I xvil t XIX
lĮ t2 Ļ ļ ļ7 ķą

į{ FP
lvroNDĄY X + VI = XVI = 16

G + €:F]4 II + XV = XVII = 17

tĄ/EpNElpĄY \.:*-"g + VI + X = XVI = 16

TĮ{\,1R'DĄY III + X = XIII = 13

FRIpĀ3 ffi+ VI + XII = XVIII = 18

B tr
ElEĮfi*Faųe*aen l{ĪīP:l,Ų/l/. Īt a t.( ņ" Ųi.lRĢ#.įA'į.ĮJ

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