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Agustín Lara

Agustín Lara Aguirre y Pino; Tlacotalpán, Mexico, 1897-Mexico City, 1970) Composer of
Mexican melodic song. Due to his self-taught formation, his prolific production and
unquestionable success, Agustin Lara has been considered the Irving Berlin of Mexican song
on numerous occasions. Known as El Flaco de Oro (the Golden Skinny), countless are the
songs composed by this musician that have conquered an everlasting fame: Granada
(immortalized by the tenor Mario Lanza), el chotis Madrid, Noche criolla, La Cumbancha,
Noche de ronda, Sólo una vez, Palmera or María bonita (written for his wife, the actress
María Félix) are only some of the most famous. Adapted to numerous languages and sung in
the most different styles, their success in the Old and New World brought their author the
highest honors and general recognition. Along with the melodic song, Lara also excelled in
composing music for movies; hers is, for example, the score of Santa, one of the first sound
films made in Mexico.

Francisco Gabilondo Soler CRI-CRI

El Grillito Cantor was born on October 6, 1907, in the city of Orizaba, state of Veracruz.
During his childhood he liked to read the stories of Grimm, Andersen and Hauff. Reading the
adventures of the writers Verne and Salgari, he dreams of traveling to unknown worlds. In his
youth, he dedicated himself to swimming and boxing but this did not convince him and he
abandoned it soon after. He also tried to fight and did not do badly but it bothered him to
have to kill the bull and this hobby did not last him long.
Francisco Gabilondo Soler dies on December 14, 1990 due to a heart failure at the age of 83.

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