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Is the goal of environment sustainability compatible with the overarching

objective of GDP growth?

The Gross Domestic Product is the measurement of all the product and services
produced in the country. While the environmental sustainability is about the
consistent growth opportunity and directive being involved to study the future trends [
CITATION Pau182 \l 1033 ]. The usage of materials, non-renewable sources and
products enhances the GDP while the opposing view of environmental sustainability
is not met with these standards. The growth of GDP is associated with the nature of
usage and production of products and services in the country. More the production,
negative the situation of environment would get. The stance is not appreciated in the
long term sustainability.

However, GDP’s growth and the problem of environmental sustainability cannot be

linked due to the nature of capital and its requirement. The knowledge section and
the approach of produced capital is not properly associated with the institutions
working with better efficiency. Natural capital and hybrid approach for the growth of
GDP is required to maintain the standard of environment while linking it with
collective growth and opportunity [ CITATION Tim10 \l 1033 ]. The necessary feature
of production and services are associated within the communities and business
reacting to the long term situation. The importance of environmental sustainability
enhances the productivity and support for business in long-term perspective.

With the justification in aforementioned discussion, it is realized that the GDP’s

growth does not support the environmental sustainability concern. The
environmental sustainability does not align with the goals of GDP growth for short
term basis; however, they do coincide with the long-term perspective. Integrating the
growth of GDP with environmental sustainability is about having the use of effective
and efficient capital. The results would be noticed and observed in the long run while
having the importance be met according to the existing environment and control
system. The production capital along with the human capital is about having the
development of people along with innovative and sustainable machineries
[ CITATION Tej193 \l 1033 ]. The concept of building sustainable modeling would
increase the constructive development of business while working according to
environmental standards. For the countries and their economic system, it is all about
having a directive towards the long-term capital approach while linking the growth
within the necessary surroundings. Environmental sustainability integration with GDP
growth is a project for long term while not helping the short term conditions.

Elkins, P., 2018. Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: the Prospects
for Green Growth. Routledge, p. ..

Everett, T., Ishwaran, M., Ansaloni, G. P. & Rubin, A., 2010. Economic Growth and
the Environment, s.l.: Defra Evidence and Analysis Series.

Pettinger, T., 2019. Environmental impact of economic growth. Economics Help, 29


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