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1)Good afternoon

My name is … and I am …
The focus of today’s presentation is…
The presentation today is divided into three parts. First, I’ll... Following that I’ll... Finally, I’ll…
Taylor’s scientific principles were designed to reduce the inefficiency of workers and
managers. Taylor had a very simple view of what motivated people at work, of course, money
and pay should be linked to output through piece rates. However, there are a number of
problems with Taylor’s ideas. He did not value the human needs of workers. There is no
guarantee that the ‘best way’ will suit everyone.
Now, I’d like to discuss…
The first comprehensive attempt to classify needs was by Abraham Maslow in his book
Motivation and Personality, published in 1954. Maslow’s ideas have a great appeal for business.
The hierarchy is clear to find out which level each individual is at and decide on suitable
Let’s consider this in more detail.
The hierarchy is normally presented as a ‘pyramid’ with each level consisting of a certain class
of needs. Maslow argued that needs at the bottom of the pyramid are basic needs They are
concerned with survival; these needs must be satisfied before a person can move to the next
level. Once each level is satisfied, the needs at this level become less important.
The top level of self-actualization need to fulfill your potential, Maslow argues that although
everyone is capable of this, in practice very few reach this level.
Well, we’ve looked at..Maslow’s. Now, I’d like to discuss…Herzberg’s
I’ll provide you with a more detailed explanation later in the presentation.
Herzberg had close links with Maslow and believed in a two-factor theory of motivation. 
Workers motivated to work harder by motivators e.g. more responsibility, more interesting
work, more praise for good work
Workers can become de-motivated if hygiene factors are not met e.g. pay, working conditions,
relationships with colleagues
George Elton Mayo was an Australian psychologist, sociologist and organization theorist.
Mayo is known as the founder of the Human Relations Movement and is known for his research
including the Hawthorne Studies and his book The Human Problems of an Industrialized
Mayo’s theory on motivational management Mayo believed that workers are not just concerned
with money but could be better motivated by having their social needs met whilst at work
From this Mayo concluded that workers are best motivated by Better communication between
managers and workers…... the second one is
 The motivation was improved by making employees feel important, giving them a degree of
freedom to make choices and acknowledging their social needs.
Financial incentives coincide with Taylor’s idea, as I mentioned earlier, Taylor based on
money to motivate people.
Piecework/ it is like payment by results.
Commission/. To be simple it is a payment for achieving a target for example car salespeople
get 100$ for each car they sell.
Profit sharing/ profit sharing occurs when some of the profits made are distributed to workers
as well as shareholders.
Bonus. A payment in addition to the basic wage for reaching targets or in recognition for
PRP. A payment system designed for non-manual works where pay increases are given if
performance targets are met.
If other factors are more important than pay in motivating workers, it is important for firms to
identify them. only then can a business make sure its workforce motivated.
Consultation: If staffs are consulted by employers when changes are proposed they are more
likely to feel that their views are valued and this can improve motivation.
Empowerment: There are a number of advantages of this for a business and for employees.
Employees may feel more motivated. They feel trusted and feel that businesses recognize their
talents. This should improve productivity and benefit the business in the long term, for example
by reducing absenteeism.
Teamworking. By this method, productivity may be greater because of pooled talents and it
allows flexible working.
Flexible working: has a number of benefits for //it can cope with fluctuations in demand more
Job enrichment: the idea of job enrichment came from Herzberg's two-factor theory.
Job enrichment attempts to give employees greater responsibility by extending their role in the
production process( planning a task, work supervision, quality control)

If there are no further questions, I’d like to thank you very much for your attention. If you think
of any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.

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