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Journal of Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Technology JEEST

Vol. 03 No. 02, November 2016, Pages xx-xx


Anton Muhibuddin, 1Nanda Ulfa Rizki, 1Antok Wahyu Sektiono and 2Sri Nurhatika
Department of Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya
Institute Technology of 10th Nopember, Surabaya
Email: 1

ABSTRACT While oxidative (respiration) can produce

carbon dioxide and water (Fardiaz, S., 1992).
Bamboo plant rhizosphere known as
Some yeast belonging to the fermentative yeast
source of simbiotic useful microorganisms,
include Saccharomyces, Candida,
including yeast. Wild yeast explored should be
Brettanomyces and Zygosaccharomyces. While
tested it’s adaptability to new ecology
non fermentative yeast is Rhodotorula (Van
especially nutritional source availability. The
Dijken, J.P. and W. A. Scheffers, 1986).
research aim to get potential yeast which can
Yeast has been used for industrial
work well during fermentation process in apple
processes such as the manufacture of alcoholic
juice substrate.
beverages, fermented tape, the manufacture of
We were isolated yeast from three
animal feed, cosmetics, and antibiotics (Tanaka,
different locations: Ketawanggede District,
et., al., 1990; Ardhana, M.M. and G.H. Fleet,
Karangploso District, and Lowokwaru District.
1989). Yeast in the future can be developed as
All locations was located around Malang city.
renewable resources, because some types of
Result showed that there were found 13
yeast capable of producing alcohol from a
isolates yeast: Protomyces sp, Agaricostilbum
variety of different types of carbohydrates.
sp1, Agaricostilbum sp2, Agaricostilbum sp3,
Various exploration will find yeasts especially
Debaryomyces sp1, Debaryomyces sp2,
the types of yeast that have potential in the
Debaryomyces sp3, Trigonopsis sp1,
fields of industry, particularly in the production
Trigonopsis sp2, Udeniomyces sp1,
of bioethanol (Lansane, B.K., G. Vijayalakshi,
Udeniomyces sp2, Ascoidea hylocieti, and
M.M. Krishnaiah, 1997).
Komagataella sp. Diversity index indicates
Research on yeast is mostly done in
medium category to low category and
exploration of various ecosystems in Indonesia.
dominance index in all location indicates high
It is believed that the amount of yeast in nature
is much higher than yeast that has been known
Fermentation test showed improvements
for. Research has been done that yeast
in observation variables at 24 and 72 hours
exploration conducted on the district of Jember,
including temperature, cells number, and
East Java Some yeast isolates were obtained
alcohol percentage. The highest alcohol
among other Candida sp. 1, Candida sp. 2,
percentage were 11.6% and 10% that produced
Candida sp. 3, Debaryomyces sp. and
by the treatment of Agaricostilbum sp3 and
Kloeckera sp. (Muhibuddin, A and I.R.
Trigonopsis sp1 respectively.
Sastrahidayat, 2015; Ivanesthi, IR., S.
Nurhatika, dan A.Muhibuddin, 2016).
Keyword: Yeast, bamboo plant rhizosphere,
The purpose of this research was to
apple juice, and fermentation.
observe the potential of wild yeast from bamboo
ethanol fermentation, because it’s potential
(Singhal, P., 2013)
Yeast is one of microorganisms belong to
unicellular fungi. Based on the type of yeast 2. METHODS
metabolism, yeast can be divided into two
2.1. Time and Place
groups: fermentative yeast and oxidative yeast.
Research was conducted at the Mycology
Fermentative types can perform alcoholic
Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University
fermentation, which breaks down sugar
of Brawijaya. Research has been conducted
(glucose) into alcohol, lactic acid and gas.

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Journal of Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Technology (JEEST) P-ISSN:2356-3109
Vol. 03 No. 02, November 2016, Pages 121-127

from February till June 2016. Soil samples rhizosphere. Soil sample was taken at 15 cm
obtained from bamboo plant roots in three depth (Ashliha et al., 2014).
locations: Ketawanggede District, Karangploso
District, and Lowokwaru District. 2.5. Yeast Isolation and Purification
10 grams soil sample put to the
2.2. Materials
Erlenmeyer that contained 90 ml of distilled
The laboratory equipments were used in water. The mixture then homogenized and
the research consisted of plastic trays, deposited ± 5 minutes. Supernatant was taken at
Petridishes, bottles Duran Schott, measuring 10 ml and put in a flask contained 40 ml of
glass Pyrex, Erlenmeyer flask Duran Schott, media YMB. Then incubated on top orbital
beaker glass Duran Schott, object glass and shaker at room temperature for three days. For
cover glass Sail Brand Microscope slides 23 Cat dilution taken 1 ml suspension from the
No. 7101, Pasteur pipette, micropipette Vit Lab Erlenmeyer contained isolates from YMB, then
100 mL, ose needles, scales Ohaus Gent-0-gram put into a test tube that contained 9 ml sterile
balance 311 g, test tubes, spatulas, bunsen, distilled water and gained up to 10-5 serial
microscope camera Olympus BX 41+ OP 26, dilution. After that, taken 0.1 ml suspension and
handsprayer, autoclave Hirayama, orbital inoculated on YMA media with spread
shaker Protech, laminar Air Flow Cabinet methods. Yeast grown on YMA media
(LAFC), UV-VIS spectrophotometer, incubated at room temperature for about 3 days
Spektroquant Pharo 300, pH meter T1 Trans and purification to obtained pure colonies.
Instruments Lab 900 Walk a microcomputer Observations were made on the characteristics
technology, and bottle fermentation. of the macroscopic colonies grown on media
Materials used in the research include (Ashliha et al., 2014).
YMA media (Yeast Malt Agar), YMB media
(Yeast Malt Broth), SB media (Saboroud 2.6. Yeast Identification
Broth), alcohol 70%, NaOCl, distilled sterile Yeast isolates were identified to the
water, spirits, matches, composite soil samples, genus by referring to the identification guide
(NH4)2SO4, H2SO4, and apples. book "The Yeast a Taxonomic Study".
Observations were made macroscopically and
2.3. Research Design
microscopically. Macroscopic observation was
The research was conducted using 14 based on the appearance of colony morphology
treatments and each treatment was repeated upon isolation and purification include the
three times. shape, texture, color, surface, elevation, and the
The treatments were: waterfront. Microscopic observations on yeast
P0 : Control include cell shape, size, type of budding,
P1 : Protomyces sp presence or absence of hyphae or pseudohyphae
P2 : Agaricostilbum sp1 and spore types were obtained from isolates
P3 : Debaryomyces sp1 (Widiastutik et al., 2014). Microscopic
P4 : Trigonopsis sp1
observation use preparation cultured on glass
P5 : Debaryomyces sp2
P6 : Udeniomyces sp1 objects and characters seen in microscope
P7 : Ascoidea hylocieti (Ashliha et al., 2014).
P8 : Agaricostilbum sp3
P9 : Komagataella sp 2.7. Yeast Growth
P10 : Udeniomyces sp2
Yeast growth in liquid media test to
P11 : Agaricostilbum sp3
P12 : Trigonopsis sp2
know the mechanism of carbohydrate
P13 : Debaryomyces sp3 utilization by the yeast. One ose colonies of
YMA was added to test tubes that contained 10
2.4. Soil Samples Exploration ml SB media and grown for 24 hours. Yeast
oxidative in SB media will form a layer or
Samples isolated by collect composites pellicle on the surface of the media, while the
soil samples from the bamboo plant

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Anton Muhibuddin, Ethanol Fermentation Potency Of Wild …

fermentative yeast will form a layer or pellicle E = Ʃ H’/ln(S) ………………….. (2)

on the basis of media (Jumiyati et al., 2012).
H’ = Diversity index
2.8. Substrate Fermentation E = Evenness Index Pielou
Ln = logarithm normal
5 kg apple was washed with tap water. S = Amount of types
Then the apples crushed using a blender with
add water ratio 2:1 (w/v). and then squeezed to (C) = Ʃ (ni/N)2 …………………. (3)
separate the fiber and fruit extract.
Pasteurization apple juice at temperature of 65- C = Dominance Index
70º C for 15-20 minutes. Then added 1% ni = Amount of individuals in a type
(NH4)2SO4 (v/w) and 10% sugar (v/w) to the N = Amount of individuals all types
apple juice. Then added H2SO4 or NaOH in
apple juice to adjust the pH to the range 4.5-5 Exploration data based on Jukri et al. (2014)
for optimum growth of yeast (Sigit et al., 2014). categories:
2.9. Yeast Activators Diversity index High <3
Medium 1-3
Apple juice prepared in the Erlenmeyer Low >1
flask for diluted up to 100 ml. Then added 1% Evennes index High 0
(NH4)2SO4 (v/w) in apple juice. Apple juice Low 1
heated up to boiling and cooled in a state phase. Dominance index Hight 0
Then added H2SO4 or NaOH in apple juice to Low 1
adjust the pH optimum conditions growth of
yeast. Add 20 ml the apple juice solution to the Observation of physical characteristics
Erlenmeyer. After that, added one ose yeast such as color observed by observe color
isolates that taken from propagation on YMA changes during fermentation. Physical
media in apple juice solution and incubated on characteristics such as smell was observed
an orbital shaker for 24 hours (Santi, 2008). during fermentation. Both above characteristics
were observed every 24 hours. Observation
2.10. Fermentation Test cells numbers was observed every 24 hours. The
number was calculated using a UV-VIS
100 ml fermentation substrate was added
spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 600
to the bottle fermentation. After that, added 6%
nm (turbidimetry methods). pH and physical
yeast activator solution. Then covered the bottle
characteristics such as temperature was
fermentation with aluminum foil to exclude the
observed using T1 900.
contamination by other microbes. The
The ethanol percentage was measured
fermentation process was conducted for 72
using picnometer and rotary evaporator. The
hours (Sigit et al., 2014).
rotary evaporator was used to gain the ethanol
solution from the fermentation medium, while
2.11. Variable Observations
the picnometer was used to measure the ethanol
The exploration data was analysed by value once evaporation was performed. The
Diversity Index (H '), Evenness Index (E), and ethanol value measurement was done by
the Dominance Index (C) with each Ludwig et obtaining the specific weight with picnometer.
al. (1998) in Sidiyasa et al. (2006) as follows: First, the picnometer was filled with aquades,
then both were sealed and weighted, resulting in
(H’) = Ʃ (pi ln pi) ; pi = ni/N ………. (1)
W2; the picnometer was thereafter emptied, the
H' = Shannon Diversity Index
remaining aquades absorbed with acetone. The
ni = Number of individuals picnometer was dried in an oven and thereafter
N = Numberof total individuals of all species weighted for the second time, resulting in W1.
Pi = The proportion of an individual species The weight of aquadest (W) was obtained by
in relation to all types substracting W2 to W1.

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Journal of Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Technology (JEEST) P-ISSN:2356-3109
Vol. 03 No. 02, November 2016, Pages 121-127

2.12. Data Analysis

Table 5. Microscopic Characteristic of Yeast
Quantitative data analyzed descriptively
Isolate Size of Type of Shape of
using charts. The qualitative data analyzed
Code Cell Bud Cell
descriptively. 1 1,47-4,14 Multi- Spheroidal
µm polar
3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 2 1,12-3,4 Mono- Spheroidal
µm polar
3.1. Yeast Exploration 3 1,16-3,42 Mono- Spheroidal
Yeast that were isolated: Protomyces sp µm polar
(1), Agaricostilbum sp1 (2), and Debaryomyces 4 1,16-3,42 Mono- Spheroidal
sp1 (5). From Karangploso area soil sampling µm polar
5 1,06-4,42 Mono- Spheroidal
include Agaricostilbum sp2 (3), Debaryomyces
µm polar
sp2 (6), Trigonopsis sp1 (10), Udeniomyces sp1 6 1,09-4,42 Mono- Spheroidal
(8), Ascoidea hylocieti (12), and Komagataella µm polar
sp (13). From Lowokwaru area soil sampling 7 1,09-4,42 Mono- Spheroidal
include Agaricostilbum sp3 (4),, Debaryomyces µm polar
8 1,05-1,54 Mono- Spheroidal
sp3 (7), Trigonopsis sp2 (11), and Udeniomyces
µm polar
sp2 (9). 9 1,05-1,53 Mono- Spheroidal
Table 1. Diversity Index µm polar
10 (1,05 x Multi- Triangular or
Location Index Category 1,95) - polar cilyndrical
Ketawanggede 1,06 Medium (1,07 x
Karangploso 0,97 Low 2,85) µm
Lowokwaru 1,08 Medium 11 (1,05 x Multi- Triangular or
1,95) - polar cilyndrical
Table 2. Evennes Index (1,07 x
2,85) µm
Location Index Category 12 1,04-6,85 Multi- Spheroidal
Ketawanggede 0 Low µm polar
Karangploso 1 High 13 1,04-6,85 Multi- Spheroidal
Lowokwaru 1 High µm polar

Table 3. Dominance index Table 6. Yeast Physiological Characteristic

Location Index Category Isolate Physiological Characteristic
Ketawanggede 0,33 High Code
Karangploso 0,4 High P0 Obligate fermentative
Lowokwaru 0,33 High P1 Facultative fermentative
P2 Facultative fermentive
Table 4. Macroscopic Characteristics of Yeast P3 Facultative fermentative
Isolate Elevation Colour P4 Facultative fermentative
1 Little convex Ivory P5 Obligate fermentative
2 Little convex White like candle P6 Facultative fermentative
3 Little convex White like candle P7 Facultative fermentative
4 Little convex White like candle P8 Facultative fermentative
5 Little convex White yellowish P9 Facultative fermentative
6 Little convex White yellowish P10 Oksidative
7 Little convex White yellowish P11 Obligate fermentative
8 Flat- little White like candle P12 Facultative fermentative
convex ivorys
9 Flat- little White ivorysh 3.2. Fermentation Test
10 Flat White like candle 1. Alcohol content
11 Flat White like candle At 72 hour observation showed that the
12 Flat- little Egg white control treatment had the lowest alcohol level
convex (1.3%). Fermentation test results showed that
13 Flat White like candle the highest alcohol level of 11.6% produced by

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Anton Muhibuddin, Ethanol Fermentation Potency Of Wild …

Agaricostilbum sp3. Other results showed that 3. Temperature

the alcohol level of 10% was produced by
The fermentation process begins with
Trigonopsis sp1, 9.3% by Debaryomyces sp1,
temperature increase, and after the highest point
9% by Agaricostilbum sp1, 7.4% by
the temperature will decrease to approximately
Debaryomyces sp2, 6,8% by Debaryomyces
the same temperature as the beginning of the
sp3, 5.6% by Udeniomyces sp2, 5.4% by
fermentation process. Test fermented for 72
Trigonopsis sp2, 5% by Agaricostilbum sp2,
hours were performed using apple juice show
and 4.6% by Ascoidea hylocieti and Protomyces
the temperature increasing and decreasing,
although still in the range of 26-27ºC.
Alcohol Content (%) Temperature fluctuations is not
significant as long as possible because the
11.6 fermentation bottle cap was opened every 24
10 hours for measurement of temperature and pH.
9 9.3
It indirectly provides different treatment for
5.6 5.4 their mixing process when the electrode was
4.6 4.6 5 4
3.1 inserted. The measuring process indirectly
1.3 affect the discharge of carbondioxide is a
byproduct of the fermentation process.






Carbondioxide was formed by the natural

Trigonopsis sp1

Trigonopsis sp2
Komagataella sp
Protomyces sp

fermentation process can affect the temperature

during the fermentation process. The loss of
carbondioxide indirectly affect to
temperatur.Yeast can produce alcohol in an
optimal temperature range of 30-33ºC (Azizah
Figure 1. Alcohol Content After 72 hours Fermentation
et al., 2012).

Then, 4% alcohol content from 4. Smell

Komagataella sp., and 3.1% from Udeniomyces Fermentation test was conducted for 72
sp1 treatments respectively. hours showed a change it’s smell when
compared to observation 0 hours. The changes
2. pH generally occurs on all substrates with each
Decreasing of pH from all treatments treatment and the addition of 13 yeast isolates
indicates that there are fermentation process on tested. Control unchanged smell due to the
apple juice. The highest decrease at observation absence of additional yeast isolates. The
between 0 hours to 24 hours was using changes as well be an indication of the
Agaricostilbum sp1. formation of alcohol during the fermentation
The highest decreasing of pH between process.
observation at 24 hours to 48 hours was using
Komagataella sp. isolates with a pH of 4.48 to 5. Color
3.49. Substrate fermentation test that using a
The highest decrease in pH between solution of apple cider shows fawn at 0 hours of
observation at 48 hours to 72 hours in the observation on the overall treatment with the
fermentation treatment with added activators of addition of yeast isolates. Control treatment was
Debaryomyces sp2 with pH 3.93 to 3.68 on a a different color than the other treatments on
24-hour observation. observations 0 hours because she did not isolate
Decrease in pH is generally influenced the addition of yeast. Colors were observed at 0
fermentation process by the yeast that produces hour show differences in observation 72 hours,
a byproduct such as alcohol and carbondioxide so that indicates a change in nutrition during
that acidic chracter (Kartohardjono 2007 in fermentation test. Azizah et al. (2012) mentions
Azizah et al.,2012). that the fermentation substrate will change

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Journal of Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Technology (JEEST) P-ISSN:2356-3109
Vol. 03 No. 02, November 2016, Pages 121-127

physically because of the overhaul of complex 7.4%. Udeniomyces sp1 has facultative
compounds into compounds simpler. fermentative characteristics and the resulting
Control treatment does not change the alcohol level is 3.1%. Ascoidea hylocieti have
color so that the color remains dark brown in 72 facultative fermentative characteristics and the
hours of observation. Test fermentation with the resulting alcohol level is 4.6%. Agaricostilbum
addition of isolates Protomyces sp, sp2 has a facultative fermentative
Agaricostilbum sp1, Debaryomyces sp1, characteristics and the resulting alcohol level of
Trigonopsis sp1, Debaryomyces sp2, Ascoidea 5%. Komagataella sp has a facultative
hylocieti, Agaricostilbum sp2, Komagataella fermentative characteristics and the resulting
sp, Agaricostilbum sp3, Trigonopsis sp2, and alcohol level is 4%. Udenimyces sp2 have a
Debaryomyces sp3 shows a color change from facultative fermentative characteristics as well
yellowish brown to yellow-brown on as the resulting alcohol level of 5%.
observations of 72 hour. Addition isolates of Agaricostilbum sp3 has a facultative
Udeniomyces sp1 and Udeniomyces sp2 shows fermentative characteristics and the resulting
similarities with the control treatment that is not alcohol level is 11.6%. Trigonopsis sp2 has
a color change on the observation 72 hours with obligate fermentative characteristics and the
fixed color is yellowish brown. resulting alcohol level is 5.4%. Debaryomyces
sp3 has a facultative fermentative
6. Optical Density characteristics and the resulting alcohol level
Observations commonly show OD values was 6.8%.
indicate that the observation 0 hours until 72 The highest of alcohol produced from the
hours of observation yeast still in the range of fermentation test with the addition of
numbers 1, except for the treatment with the Agaricostilbum sp3 isolates that have oxidative
addition that the isolates Agaricostilbum sp1 characteristics. This can occur because unscrew
observation 72 hours reached a value of 2. The bottle fermentation process when observation of
increase in OD up to 72 hours of observation on pH and temperature. Bottle fermentation which
the all treatment added of activators showed that opened indirectly remove carbon dioxide
the alcohol level produced during fermentation contained in the bottle fermentation, and
test can still be tolerated by the yeast, so the causing the entry of oxygen into the bottle
yeast is still the potential to produce higher fermentation. Excessive carbon dioxide in the
alcohol because yeast can still breed. Azizah et bottle fermentation can inhibit the growth of
al. (2012) states that a certain level of alcohol yeast. In addition, the alcohol level produced by
can inhibit the growth of yeast. yeast metabolism will be more on aerobic
OD values among treatment showed no conditions that do require oxygen. The
significant difference. The results of cell conditions according to the oxidative properties
counting using turbidimetry method is strongly of yeast, so that the resulting alcohol level
influenced by the cell size and color density of higher than treatment with the addition of other
a test solution. isolates.

7. Relations Between Media Growth and 4. CONCLUSION

Fermentation Result 1. We found 13 yeast isolates from 3
Protomyces sp has obligate fermentative locations:Protomyces sp, Agaricostilbum
characteristics and the resulting alcohol level is sp1, Agaricostilbum sp2, Agaricostilbum
4.6%. Agaricostilbum sp1 has facultative sp3, Debaryomyces sp1, Debaryomyces
fermentative characteristics and the resulting sp2, Debaryomyces sp3, Trigonopsis sp1,
alcohol level of 9%. Debaryomyces sp1 has Trigonopsis sp2, Udeniomyces sp1,
facultative fermentative characteristics and the Udeniomyces sp2, Ascoidea hylecoeti, and
resulting alcohol level is 9.3%. Trigonopsis sp1 Komagataella sp. that all isolates are
has facultative fermentative characteristics, as fermentative yeast, except Agaricostilbum
well as the resulting alcohol is 10%. sp3.
Debaryomyces sp2 has obligate fermentative 2. The highest alcohol percentage was on
characteristics and the resulting alcohol level is treatment Agaricostilbum sp3.

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