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Class : 1 G Manajemen Group 12 : Nama : Filiya Shaviliya

Npm : 120020242
Nama Ahmad mudrikul izza
Npm : 1200202
Business Latters
London, 24 December 2020
Dear sales manager, BGW Electrics Ltd. Liverpool .

Burke and sons Ltd., 55 Inkerman Road, London SES 8BZ

MT A. l Moon, British Rail (wilayah selatan), London WIM 2BT
Ms Angela Box, Gorton dan Sons, 344 Oxford St. London WIA kekeba

I am writing this letter to propose some of the products we will make such as washing
machines, refrigerators and other appliances.
The First Is The Washing Machine. The quality of the washing machine that we will make will
not be left behind with other products where the clothes are left in the sink, then the
washing machine is operated, the machine will automatically wash, rinse until dry. This kind
of washing machine is equipped with a control device, so that the work process can be
controlled by humans.
The Parts Of This Washing Machine Are: 1) The washing tub functions as a place to wash
2) Squeeze / dryer tub functions as a place to squeeze / dryer clothes
3) The switch functions for the initial operation of the washing machine
4) The water inlet and outlet hoses are used for water inlets and drains
5) The electric motor functions to drive the pulsator and the drying bath
6) Capacitor serves to improve the performance of the electric motor (Cos f)
7) Timer functions to adjust the time / duration of washing, rinsing and squeezing / drying
8) The ground cable serves to secure / neutralize the short circuit current or the leakage
current to the washing machine and the pulsator functions to produce a circular motion of
water. And the second refrigerator
The refrigerator that we made is very modern which will sell well in the market. This
refrigerator is Powered with parts
such as compressors, Condensers, Filters, Ovaporators, Thermostats,
Heater, Fan Motor, Overload Motor Protector, And Refrigerant. And we will also make other
household items.
i would love to hear the decision you will take on this matter.

Thank you very much for your attention. Signature

(Ahmad Mudrikul Izza)

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