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Understanding the Human Being Comprehensively: – Human Aspirations

and its Fulfillment (ROE-074)

Q1. What shifts (changes) you observed in yourself before UHV1 and after UHV1 classes?
Ans 1.
Shift in Our Assumptions / Understanding through UHV1

Assumptions Before UHV1 After UHV1

Human Being = Body ? Self Body

Existence = Material ? Units submerged in space

Consciousness Material

Purpose = Happiness Continuous happiness and

[through sensation, feeling prosperity
from other] ? (Happiness is to be in a state
of harmony)

Program = Accumulation of physical To understand and to live in

facility (unlimited!) ? harmony (at all levels of
being – human being, family,
society, nature/existence)

Shift 1
UHV1 is focused on:
1. To initiate the process of self-exploration in you
2. The realization that human being is co-existence of Self and
Which in turn leads to the following shift in perception
Assumption: ‘Human Being is Knowing: ‘Human Being is
Body’ coexistence of Self and Body’
Purpose: Expectation to live with Purpose: Desire to live with
continuous happiness (effort to be continuous happiness (effort to be
made outside and not within – I am OK, made within and then outside)
problem is with others) Continuous happiness = To be in
Seeking happiness through physical harmony at all levels of being
facility, sensation & feeling from other Physical facility is required only for
Requirement of physical facility is nurturing, protecting and right
undefined/unlimited utilisation of body. Need of PF is
Program: Accumulation of physical defined, limited in quantity
facility (unlimited!) Program: To understand & to live
in harmony at all levels of being 13

Q2. What shifts (changes) you observed in yourself after UHV1 and after UHV2 classes?
Ans 2.
Total Shift through UHV1 and UHV2

Assumptions After UHV1 Expected after UHV2

Human Being = Self Body Self is central. Body is used
as an instrument
Existence = Units submerged in space Units submerged in space

Consciousness Material Consciousness Material

Purpose = Continuous happiness and Continuous happiness

prosperity (Happiness is to be in a
(Happiness is to be in a state state of co-existence)
of harmony) - Prosperity is a part of it

Program = To understand and to live in To understand co-existence

harmony (at all levels of To have the feeling and
being – human being, family, thought of co-existence
society, nature/existence) To live in co-existence

Total Shift through UHV1 and UHV2

Realising: ‘The Self (I) is central to human existence
Body is used as an Instrument'
− I desire for continuous happiness (to be in harmony) – Need of Self(I)
− Which is fulfilled by – Activity of Self(I)
1. Understanding of co-existence
2. Feeling & thought of co-existence

Understanding: ‘Human Being is coexistence of Self (I) & Body’

− I think/desire for continuity of happiness & prosperity. Physical facility is
U required for nurturing, protecting and right utilisation of body
H − My program is to understand & to live in harmony at all levels of being
Assuming: ‘Human Being is Body’
− I expect continuous happiness & prosperity from physical facility,
sensation & feeling from other. Requirement of physical facility is
− Accumulation of physical facility is my program

Q3. Purpose of education is transformation from animal consciousness to human

consciousness”. Illustrate.
Ans. The basic human aspiration is for continuity of happiness and prosperity.This is fulfilled
by living in human consciousness, by ensuring right understanding, right feeling and
physical facility.Transformation from animal consciousness to human consciousness is
ensured through human education-sanskar. Living with human consciousness ensures
undivided society and universal human order.

Role of Education-Sanskar: To Enable Transformation
in the self

2 3
with human
beings with rest of nature



Role of Education-Sanskar: To Enable Transformation

Basic Human Desire:
Happiness and prosperity → continuity
It is fulfilled by (program for fulfillment): Self
1. Right understanding in the Self (I)
2. Right feeling in relationship
3. Recognition of required physical facility
and its fulfillment with rest of nature

Deluded Self

Sanskar = ∑ (Desire, Thought, Expectation)

Sanskar (t+1) = Sanskar (t) + Environment (t) + Self-exploration (t)
As we self-explore, verify and understand, our sanskar gets updated.
In our modern society, education- Sanskar plays very important role:
1. To enable the child to know, to see things as they are, on his own right; clarity of human
goal; and to have a vision for living a fulfilling life, i.e. in harmony within, with good health
in the body, in mutually fulfilling relationship with human beings and in mutually enriching
relationship with rest of nature
2. To develop the commitment, ability and practice to live in mutually fulfilling,
complimentary relationship with one, then few and ultimately with all human beings
(Mutual Happiness).

3. To develop the commitment, ability and practice to live in mutually enriching relationship
with rest of nature, i.e. to live with prosperity. Have the understanding to correctly identify
the need of physical facility, have the skills and practice to produce more than the required
physical facility through his own effort using a cyclic-mutually enriching process, have the
understanding to rightly use as much physical facility as is required and share the remaining
in relationship and order in society (Mutual Prosperity).

Q4. ‘Self is central to human existence.’ Justify the statement.

Ans. Through UHV1 we are able to see that human being is not just a body but a co-
existence of self and body. But now we realized through the investigation in UHV2 that not
only self is there along with the body, but it is the self playing a central role in human being,
body is used as equipment by the self for the fulfillment of the self.
When we go to deeper to human existence and see that the need of the human being is
continuous happiness which is basically the need of the self not the body. In the process of
ensuring its need of continuous happiness self is using the body as an instrument as and
when is finding necessary and useful.
It is the self who is taking care of the body for its nurturing, caring and able to identify the
needs of physical facilities and fulfilled leading to prosperity. So the need of prosperity
needs of physical facility and production of physical facility is all part of self. Hence we can
say that, ‘Self is central to human existence.’

Q5. How the need of continuous happiness of self is fulfilled?

Ans. The need of continuous happiness of self is fulfilled by living at harmony at all four
levels. If we study human existence at large we will see that harmony at all different levels
is the expression of co-existence which is ever present at all different levels including
nature, society, family and individual.
Therefore the program of ensuring continuous happiness is fulfilled by:
1. Understanding co-existence
2. Feeling & thought of co-existence [Activity of Self(I)]
This is expressed naturally in the form of
1. Mutually fulfilling behavior with human being
2. Mutually enriching work with rest of nature
3. Participation in larger order
leading to
• undivided society and
• universal human order

Q6. The domain of right understanding starts from understanding the human being (the
seer, the doer and the experiencer). Examine
Ans. “Seer” means the one that sees / understands e.g. If you are given something in your
hand and you conclude that it is a pen, it is not your eyes that concluded this. It is you
that concluded this. The Self (I) sees via the eyes – the eyes don’t see themselves Like
that all the 5 senses are just the instrument that enable the Self (I) to see something
outside Just like you see outside, you can also see ‘within’, without using the body for
sensation e.g. You can ‘see’ that you are feeling happy, getting angry... Thus, the Self (I)
‘sees’ or understands, sometimes with the help of the body, sometimes without the help
of body, the Body is used as an instrument. Self (I) can also see the sort (good & bad) of
things going in our imagination and then see the resolution as well.
“Doer” means the one that does, who takes decision to do I am the one who decides. I
decide what to do, what not to do...I may or may not use the body to do – what I think of
is my decision. I do that thinking within myself (there is no role of the body in this) If
required, the body is used to express my decision The Body is used as an instrument.
“Enjoyer” means the one that experiences happiness /unhappiness I am the one that feels
motivated or depressed. I am the one that feels angry or delighted...I am the enjoyer, the

Self (I) Body

Consciousness INFORMATION Material

I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous Physical facility is required for
happiness nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony Production, protection and right
at all levels of being (from self to utilization of physical facility is a
entire existence) is my program of part of my program (<1/4th)
action for continuous happiness
I am the: I use the body as an instrument
Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer) for fulfillment my program
’Vk] dr kZ
] H
Dr k

Q7. With the help of diagram, show the state of the self with right understanding.
State of human with right Understanding

Right Understanding Prosperity Fearlessness Co-Existence

& Right Feelings (Trust)

In Nature/
In Society Existence
In Every Individual
In Every Family

We need to ensure right understanding in the individual as the foundation of harmony in

the society. With right understanding, the need for physical facilities in the family can be
find out. By assessing our needs correctly and by producing more than required the family
can be prosperous. Assurance of right understanding in the individuals and prosperity in the
families, understanding of human relationships leads to harmony and trust (fearlessness) in
the society. When every individual is able to live harmoniously in relationship, and the
needs of all the families are ensured, fearlessness (mutual trust) in society will naturally
1. When one does not have the right understanding, one remains disturbed and also acts in
a manner so as to create disharmony with other human being as well as with rest of
2. Prosperity in the family means that the family is able to identify its needs and is able to
produce/ achieve more than its requirements.
3. Trust in society means every member of society feels related to everyone else and
therefore there is trust and fearlessness.
4. Co-existence in nature means there is a relationship and complementarity among all the
entities in nature including human beings.
Thus the state of absence of fear at society level will only be achieved when we have right
understanding at individual level and prosperity at the level of family.
Q8. With the help of diagram, show the state of the self without right understanding.
Ans. In the current scenario, we are generally trying to achieve happiness by maximizing
accumulation of physical facilities. This effort is creating problems at all levels. Some of the
consequences of such a trend are as below:
• At the level of individual: Madness of profit leads to stress, insecurity, loneliness,
suicides etc.

• At the level of family: mistrust, insecurity in relationships, divorce, dowry, conflicts,
and wasteful expenditure in family function.
At the level of society: growing incidence of terrorism and naxalism, spreading castesim,
wars between nations, fear of nuclear warfare, etc.
• At the level of nature: grave problem of pollution, resources depletion,
deforestation, wildlife extinction, etc
Current State of Human – without Right Understanding

Assumptions (eg. Accumulation Domination , Mastery &

Money is everything) By Any Means Exploitation, Fear Exploitation

In Every Individual In few Individuals In Society Over Nature

Madness for Consumption Hkks

x mUekn Terrorism Resource Depletion
Madness for Profit y kHk mU
ekn War Pollution
Madness for Sensual Pleasure d ke mUekn

Q9. How will you distinguish the material unit from a conscious unit through your
observation? Explain with the help of chart?
Ans. Differences are:

Material Unit Consciousness Unit

• Two orders – material order and • Two orders are: animal order and
pranic order human order
• Activities are: Recognizing, Fulfilling • Activities are: Knowing, Assuming,
only. There is no potential in them to Recognizing, Fulfilling
Know and Assume.
• In time: Temporary in nature, • Are continuous, there is no structural
undergoes structural changes, so we change in them. There can be a
call them gathansila. qualitative change, so we call them
• Cyclic • Not cyclic
• Composition – Decomposition • Development

• It is called Jada • This is called Chaitanya

(= Co-existence = Units submerged in Space)

Units (Nature) Space (All-pervading)

Limited in size Unlimited
Active No activity
Self-organized Self-organization is available
Energized Energy in equilibrium
Recognises the relationship and fulfills Transparent

Material Consciousness
Temporary Continuous
Recognising, Fulfilling Knowing, Assuming,
Recognising, Fulfilling

Physical Order Pranic Order

Animal Order
Atom Plant Cell
Human Order
Molecule Plant

Molecular Structure Animal Body Activity Completeness

Lump Fluid Human Body Living with

Authenticity No Cycle
Cyclic Development
Composition – Decomposition Conduct Completeness

Q10. Distinguish between temporary, continuous and ever.

Ans. Material unit is temporary as it is physico- chemical in nature, it will compose first and
then decompose so remains temporary in nature. It is limited with space and time; self is
conscious unit because the activities of desire, thought, and expectation… are continuous in
it. It is limited in space but unlimited in time so, it is permanent (RAHEGA): whereas space is
all pervading unlimited in space and time and thus will remain ever (THA, HAI, RAHEGA).

3.1.2. Knowledge of Existence

Existence ¾ Co-existence
Ever Present
Units Submerged in Space

Limited in Size Unlimited All Pervading

Activity, Active No Activity

Material Consciousness
Recognising, Knowing, Assuming,
Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling

Temporary Continuous Unbounded in Time
& Space

Q1. What do you mean by resolution? Explain all its components with help of a sketch?
Ans. Explanation of each component is given in unit V.
Resolution and its component
1. Human Desire = Continuous Happiness
Need of the
2. Continuous Happiness = Right Understanding ( )
Right Feeling & Right Thought Activity of
(Resolution ) the Self(I)
3. Resolution = 3.1. Right Understanding
3.2. Wisdom (Identification of Human Goal) In the Self (I)

3.3. Science (How to fulfill Human Goal)

Is Human Goal Fulfilled?

3.4. Behaviour
As a
3.5. Work Human Being

Self(I) & Body

3.6. Participation in Larger Order
3.7. Undivided Human Society
3.8. Universal Human Order Outside
3.9. Human Tradition (in which Human Goal is fulfilled)

Q2. What are the five dimensions of a unit? Describe each term by giving an example?
Ans. Every unit has five dimensions which are: form, property, natural characteristic,
innateness and co-existence. First two are variable and change with time and we can easily
see them with the help of our senses. The other three are definite never change so, it is
very important to understand these definite aspects of a unit but, seldom we note them.
For example the holy plant Tulsi (pranic order) has many forms (Rama & Shyama Tulsi),
depending on variety its leaves size, shape, color vary. It is used by us like a medicinal plant
as it relieves from cough &cold. It affects us positively simultaneously it kills the bacteria
causing cough thus show negative interaction with it. So we can say that every unit affects
the other in positive or negative way.
The natural characteristic of the Tulsi is composition/decomposition and to nurture or
worsen other pranic units. With these characteristics it participates in larger order. As the
pranic order, it also has the innateness of ‘existence’ and also exhibits the ‘growth’ which
cannot be separated from it, so we cannot stop it from growing. Like any other unit in space
it is also submerged in space and co-existing with others. We need to understand the later
three dimension of a unit through the process of contemplation, understanding and

3.1. Five aspects of a unit:
To see the reality as it is, in its completeness (Knowing)
Variety, Changing
For a unit (activity) to be able to see its:
▪ Form (shape, size, colour…)
▪ Property (effect on other unit)
▪ Natural Characteristic (participation in larger order)
▪ Innateness (self organisation)
▪ Co-existence (submergence)

Definiteness, Continuity, Universality

To See
Form (u1) = shape, size, density of unit1
Property (u1, u2) = effect of unit1 on unit2
= recognition-fulfillment by unit1 with unit2
Seeing through sensation Body + Self (I)
▪ Form (shape, size) Eyes, ears…
▪ Some part of property (effect on other unit) then tasting…
Seeing what is rational Self (I)
▪ Some part of property (effect on other unit) Tasting, Analysing
Process of Right Understanding is:
Seeing what is existential (essence) Self (I)
▪ Natural Characteristic (participation in larger order) Contemplation
▪ Innateness (self organisation) Understanding
▪ Co-existence (submergence) Realisation

Q3. What is right understanding and what is its process?

Ans. Knowing something to be true for sure, within ourselves. To be able to see the reality
as it is, in its completeness is called right understanding. Presently we all are driven by our
senses and able to see, hear only outer dimension of a unit which is not definite. Right

understanding helps us to go beyond and see the other three aspects of a unit which are
definite and universal through the process of contemplation, understanding and realization.

3.1. Right Understanding and its process

To see the reality as it is, in its completeness (Knowing)
Variety, Changing
For a unit (activity) to be able to see its:
▪ Form (shape, size, colour…)
▪ Property (effect on other unit)
▪ Natural Characteristic (participation in larger order) Contemplation
▪ Innateness (self organisation) Understanding
▪ Co-existence (submergence) Realisation

Definiteness, Continuity, Universality Right


Assurance in

Q4. What are the elements/ part of right understanding?

Ans. Elements of right understanding are:
3.1. Right Understanding
To see the reality as it is

Knower – [Self (I)]

3.1.1. Knowledge of Human Being
To be Known – [Existence] 3.1.2. Knowledge of Existence
3.1.3. Knowledge of Human Conduct

Q5. What are the four dimensions of human being? How are they related?
Ans. To be able to understand the self organization in all entities of nature/existence and
their inter-connected organization “as it is”. We are able to see the harmonious
interconnectedness at all the levels of our living. So when our understanding is based on
realization then our desire will be correct and thoughts and selection will be according to
the understanding. On the other hand, If we do not have the right understanding, our
desire keep shifting, and this indefiniteness is reflected in our thoughts, and selections we
make, and finally in our behaviour and work.

Four dimensions of human being

B1 – Dimension of Realisation
2. Verify the Proposal
on the basis of your Natural Acceptance
1. Proposal
from outside B2 – Dimension of Thought
3. Experiential verification
by living accordingly

B3- Behaviour B4- Work & Participation

Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity

Mutual Fulfillment Mutual Enrichment

The basic human aspirations and its fulfillment through right understanding and resolution
is aimed at transforming our consciousness and living and hence, it has to infuse into all
dimensions of our living namely, understanding/realization, thought, behavior and work .

Q1. List the activities that are activated in self with right understanding. Define each and
elaborate on their correlation?
Ans. Following are the activities activated in self with right understanding:

Activities of self with Right Understanding

4 9

3. 4. 3. 5. 3. 6.
Human Tradition

Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity Fulfillment of Human Goal

Undivided Human Society Universal Human Order


1. Realization: We are able to see the reality as it is, which is essentially the Clarity of Co-
existence and thought of submergence.
When we look at the existence around, the first thing we see is space. We may not
note it but it is there. And then we see the units exist in the space so we would say
that there are two kinds of realities in existence and these are space and units (in
space).Each unit of every order vis., material, plant, animal, human order, ‘exist in
space’. We also say they are submerged in space, we can say,
Existence = Nature submerged in space

These units are in co-existence with space and in co-existence amongst themselves. There
is a interconnected between all these units and space. We can see that being in space, the
units are mutually fulfilling to each other. This is being in co-existence, so we can say that,
Existence is Co-existence and every unit in Nature is:
1. Energized in space
2. Self-organized in space, exists in a definite order
3. Recognizes its relationship with every other unit and fulfills the relationship in
I am a unit of consciousness in space. I am energized in space. Activities of desire, thought,
and expectation… are continuous in me. I am self-organized in space; I exist in a definite
order. I have to rightly recognize my relationship with other units and fulfill it. When I do, I
feel happy, when I do not, I feel unhappy…
With this realization, I live with authenticity, in continuity

2. Understanding: Clarity of Harmony (Self-organization) in Nature

All units in Nature can be classified into 4 orders. These units are connected to each other;
there is a relationship of Mutual Fulfillment amongst them (Self-organization or Innateness
of 4 orders). There is complimentarity in Nature, no opposition. When I understand this, I
am determined to live in a mutually fulfilling manner with every unit in existence. This
definiteness leads to a feeling of Bliss (Anand)

3. Contemplation: of My Participation in Larger Order

What is my role in existence? What do I have to do as a human Being, What is valuable for
me as a human being? What is my participation in larger order… self, family, society, and
nature/existence. What is my value in existence (Human Value).
Relationship of Mutual Fulfillment with Human Being → Mutual Happiness → Undivided
Relationship of Mutual Enrichment with Rest of Nature → Mutual Prosperity
Participation or Natural Characteristic of 4 orders → Participation in Larger Order →
Fulfillment of Human Goal, Universal Human Order and Human Tradition
On the basis of understanding my participation in existence, I can see that I have a definite
role to play as a human being. Then my desire is to fulfill that definite role – on this basis
my desires become definite. When I understand that Mutual fulfillment is inherent in
Nature, I am assured that these definite desires will be fulfilled. This leads to a feeling of
Satisfaction/Contentment (Santosh)
When I am able to identify my desires then I begin to plan and analysis in the block of
thoughts how to do the desired things. The result of all the activities is mutual happiness
and mutual enrichment in terms of my behavior with other human and work with nature
respectively. The outside expressions are undivided society and universal human order.

Q2. Describe the content of activities of dimension of realization in the self.
Ans. B1 Block refers to the dimension of realization in the self which includes:
• Realization
• Authentication
• Understanding
• Determination
• Contemplation

Self: Imagination on the basis of Realisation, Understanding & Contemplation

Space “kw
Power Dynamic Activity State Activity
“kfDr xfr fØz
;k fLFkfr fØz
1. Authentication Realization Co-existence
Áek. k vuq
ko l g&vfLr R
Self (I)

2. Determination Understanding Harmony in Nature


l a
d Yi ck/sk O
; oLFkk
3. Desire Imaging Contemplation Participation in Larger
Order, Relationship
bPNk fp=. k fpa
ru O
; oLFkkes
aHkkxhnkj h
4. Thought Analysing Comparing Co-existence, Harmony,
B2 Justice Guided Senses,
fopkj fo' ys
"k.k rq
yu Health, Profit

5. Expectation Selecting Tasting Goal, Value

Guided Sensation
vk' kk p; u vkLoknu
Body ' kj hj O; ogkj d k; Z
Behaviour Work ParticipationÒkxhnkj h
Other nw
l jk Human ekuo Rest of Nature in larger Order O
; oLFkk es
"; s —fr
rj i z

Q3. List three bases of the activity of ‘comparing’ in the self lacking right understanding.
Ans. Following are the three bases of comparing:
1. Preconditioning: Assuming without knowing. Depends on something or someone
outside, keeps changing. Not sure it leads to harmony or contradiction.
2. Sensation: taste of sound, touch, sight, taste, smell: food, sleep, fear/security,
(samvedna – shabd, sparsh, roop, ras, gandh)
3. Physical facility and its accumulation maximum consumption.
When we maximise the uses of the physical facilities at the end of the time it
becomes troublesome for us. Example when we try to perpetuate physical facility,
the following pattern results. With time it successively changes from:
tasty-necessary → tasty-unnecessary → tasteless-unnecessary → intolerable
(ruchikar-avashyak → ruchikar-anavashyak → aruchikar-unavashyak → asahaniya)

3.1.1. Knowledge of HB– Comparing (Basis for Analysing)


Appealing Conducive Profit

Un-guided to Senses to Health able
(or under the influence of
Preconditioning, Sensation)
Obsession Obsession Obsession
for for for
Sensation Indulgence Accumulat
ion, Profit
(Sound, Touch, Sight, Taste, Smell)

Q4. List the three bases of the activity of ‘comparing’ that get activated in the self with
the right understanding. How they guide the other their bases of comparing.
Ans. If the higher activities in self awaked, the bases of comparing will be on the thinking
co-existence, harmony in nature and our participation at larger level in this existence. After
having these thoughts the desires will be definite. We are assured (ashwasti), satisfied
(tripti) and know that it is universal (sarvbhaum) to all others in this existence.
1. Authentication of co-existence, the submergence
2. Authentication of harmony, i.e. human-nature relationship, mutual enrichment
(mutual prosperity)
3. Authentication of relationship, i.e. human-human relationship, mutual fulfillment
(mutual happiness)
➢ Appealing to senses: Instead of engaging the senses in getting sensory pleasure from
the physical facilities, we can evaluate the state of physical facility and identify the
uses correctly.
➢ Favorable to health: Clarity about program for sanyam ensuring health of body, so
that body is capable of being used for ensuring right understanding and right feeling
in the self as well as its authentication in living, including behavior, work and
participation in larger order.

➢ Profitable: For clarity about prosperity (identification, production & right utilization
of physical facility), so that nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body and
right utilization of physical facility is ensured for relationship and societal order.

3.1.1. Knowledge of HB– Comparing (Basis for Analysing)

Co-existence Harmony Justice Appealing Conducive Profit

to Senses to Health able
Authentication of Ensuring the Living in a
co-existence, harmony, mutual relationship of Identification Sanyam, Clarity
submergence in enrichment in mutual
space. Mutual human-nature fulfillment, of right ensuring about
fulfilment relationship justice in physical health of Prosperity
human-human facility body



Natural Characteristic


4. 6

Q5. Name the three kinds of tasting in self. How are they related?
Ans. Lacking right understanding our selection is based on our tasting and tasting is based
on preconditioning, sensations. When we have assumed that sensations are source of
happiness, we are making endless efforts to get them, so the activity of tasting and
selection remain unguided. During the process of realization the thoughts are and desires
are in alignment with one another so selection and tasting not influenced by sensations and
preconditioning. We do Selections on the basis of human goal based tasting.

3.1.1. Basis of Selection, Tasting

Sensation Based
(or under the influence of
Preconditioning, Sensation)
Sensation is assumed to be
source of happiness
(Sound, Touch, Sight, Taste, Smell)


Basis of Selection, Tasting

Goal Based, Value Based Sensation Based


On basis of On basis of On basis of sensation

human goal justice in for right identification of
relationship physical facility
(Sound, Touch, Sight, Taste, Smell)

Selecting on the basis of human goal based tasting
a) Awakening (in the self) – Harmony in the self leading to happiness, peace,
satisfaction, bliss in the self (based on comparing on the basis of co-existence)
b) Harmony (with entire nature) – Participation in larger order leading to right
understanding, and resolution, prosperity in every family, fearlessness (trust) in society
and co-existence in existence (based on comparing on the basis of harmony)
Selecting on the basis of human value (feeling: Justice) based tasting.
Referring to identification of physical facility that is nurturing for the body, for protection of
body, selection is made and it will be goal and value based.

Q6. What is the difference between ‘state activity’ and ‘dynamic activity’ in the Self?
Explain with the help of a few examples.
Ans. Static activities are: realization, understanding, contemplation, comparing and tasting,
whereas the dynamic activities are authentication, determination, imaging, analyzing and
selecting. Dynamic activities are totally dependent on static activities.

3.1.1. Dynamic and static Activities of Self (I)

Power Dynamic Activity State Activity

1. Authentication Realization B1

2. Determination Understanding

3. Desire Imaging Contemplation

4. Thought Analysing Comparing B2

5. Expectation Selecting Tasting

Behaviour Work Z Participation
Other Human
Rest of Nature in larger Order O

Q7. How does the dimension of thought differ from the dimension of realization? Which
dimension is dormant in an under-developed Self? What is the process to activate it?
Ans. Dimension of thoughts comes in B2 block which includes imaging, analyzing, selecting,
tasting, analyzing and comparing. If we have a desire of buying of a car, it triggers an image
of a car in self. Immediately thoughts come like how to buy a car (What to do), is there
enough money with me or not, how to arrange money if it is not enough, which size and
color I have to choose etc. I am starting analyzing the things (How It will be possible). Now
as per my selection/Tasting, I take decision what to do for buying a car such as get arrange

money (bank or relatives), take advice from friends, parents and then go to market and
fulfill the desire of getting a car. All these activities are called dimension of thoughts.

Different dimensions of human being

Power Dynamic Activity State Activity
1. Authentication Realization B1
Self (I)

2. Determination Understanding

3. Desire Imaging Contemplation

4. Thought Analysing Comparing B2

5. Expectation Selecting Tasting

Behaviour Work Participation
Human Rest of Nature in larger Order

The upper block i.e. B1 is called Dimension of Realization which includes realization,
understanding, contemplation, authentication and determination. The problem today is
this block is dormant and we are not aware of it. As a result, we are not able to operate on
our own right and keep operating on the basis of sensations i.e. we are operating only at
the thought level (B2 block) , indicate an under-developed Self. This is not sufficient for us
as a human being. We need to go through the process of contemplation, understanding and
realization which make the lower block definite.
Q8. What are the sources of happiness for a human being? Classify them, and show their
Ans. Sources of Continuous Happiness are right understanding and right feeling which
include the following:
1. Right Understanding
Harmony at all levels of being
Human Being, Family, Society, Nature/Existence
– in Self (I) Definite completion point, Continuity is possible,
2. Right Feeling Trust, Respect, Affection, Care, Guidance,
Reverence, Glory, Gratitude, Love
– in Self (I) Definite completion point, Continuity is possible,

To understand and to live with harmony at all the levels of human being is the only source
of human happiness. To live with harmony in self one should have right understanding in
self, clarity in thoughts. In order to resolve the issues in human relationships, we need to
understand them first, and this would come from ‘right understanding of relationship’. To
live with harmony at family level need to understand the values in relationship (Trust,
Respect, Affection, Care, Guidance, Reverence, Glory, Gratitude, and Love) which leads to
justice. At the level of society needs to understand prosperity and fearless society. And also
need to understand my participation at larger level i.e. in nature/ existence.
If we have right understanding and right feeling, then we will remain in a state of harmony
and continuity of happiness is possible. This is a state called swatantrata.

Q9. How does any sensation produce only temporary happiness? Explain taking a few
examples. Or
• How do the unguided thoughts lead to obsession? Explain categorically.
Ans Sensations (samvedana): A perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ
(TASTE, SMELL, TOUCH, HEAR, SEEING) or with a specific body condition is known
as sensation. Suppose we had seen the bike and make it our desire without identifying or
need, then this desire is based on the sensation.
The pleasure obtained from sensations is short-lived, if the source for our happiness is
temporary by definition, then our need for continuous happiness will never be fulfilled. If our
desires and imaginations are on the basis of sensations, which are driven from outside then
we are enslaved of these desires (i.e. we depends on others for our happiness). This state is
called partantrata and we get only temporary pleasure from it.

1. Sensation: Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell

– Through Body Temporary, Dependence on Body & Other,
No completion point, Continuity not guaranteed
Pleasure (from favourable sensation)
Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell – Through the Body
Tasty-Necessary → Tasty-Unnecessary → Tasteless-Unnecessary → Intolerable

2. From Other: Temporary, Dependence on Other,

No completion point, Continuity not guaranteed
Dependence on the other, can’t be continuous

We want to receive favourable feelings from others such as attention, appreciation. When
we get attention or appreciation we feel confident but, if we do not get the things it forced
us in the state of unhappiness. So again there is no continuity in happiness this way.

3. Owning / accumulating physical facility:

For human being, physical facility is required, but it is not sufficient…

In the current scenario, we are generally trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by
maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. This is an attempt to
achieve happiness through pleasant sensory interactions. The physical facilities are not seen
in terms of fulfilling bodily needs but as a means of maximizing happiness. This has resulted
in wrong assessment of wants for physical facilities as being unlimited. This effort is
creating problems at all the levels. It is becoming anti-ecological and anti-people.
Sometimes “happiness”, excitement…
Sometimes unhappiness, depression…

Q10. What is the right utilization of sensation for a human being? Explain taking a few
Ans. The senses are our primary teachers. Without them we cannot learn about the world
or know how to deal with it. When there is light, the eyes act as our guides. When there is
darkness, the ears become our support. When both are absent, other senses come to our
rescue. When all are absent, which is the case with the state of self-absorption, the Self
becomes the sole guide and support. The senses also play an important role in the
performance of our essential duties.
The right utilization of senses
Their essential purpose is to ensure the order and regularity of the existence and help
people perform their essential duties. When they are rightly used, they radiate our minds
and help us recognize truth but when wrongly used they spread darkness and delusion and
create confusion. When we become self-aware and awakened (realization) through
knowledge and study, we can use those senses to go beyond our minds and bodies and
become stabilized in the Self. Instead of engaging them in getting sensory pleasure from
the physical facilities, we can evaluate the state of physical facility and identify the uses
Sensation Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell
– Through Body For evaluating state of physical facility
to identify if it is OK for nurturing, protection
of body (health of body)
For behaviour / work, sharing knowledge, feeling

Q1. What are the four orders of nature? Briefly explain them.
Ans. All the physical objects that are in solid, liquid or gas state either living or non- living,
collectively termed as nature. In other words, the all the mutually interacting units – big or
small, conscious or lifeless together can be called nature. These units are infinite in number
and we could easily observe that there exists a dynamic balance, self regulation among all
these units. There are four orders of nature:
Material order The big land mass of the continents, gigantic water bodies like ocean
and seas, mountains and rivers, the atmosphere above, the heaps of metals and
mineral below, the dense gases and fossil fuels deep below the surface of the earth –
all fall into the material order or padartha avastha. In fact, if we look around beyond
the earth, the material order is visible even in the form of stars, planets, moons and
several astronomical bodies.
Pranic order Our land mass is covered with grass and small shrubs and they form the
lining on the entire soil. Shrubs, plants and trees form huge forest along with the
flora in the ocean. All of this is the plant/bio order or prana avastha and it is the next
big order on our planet. (The material order is far greater in quantity compared to
the plant/bio order)
Animal order Animals and birds form the third largest order and we call them the
animal order or jiva avastha. Here again, we see that the plant/bio order is far greater in
quantity than the animal order.
Human order Human are the smallest order and they are referred to as human order
or gyana avastha. Animals are far greater in quantity as compared to the human order.

Nature = Collection of Units = 4 Orders

The presence of Self (I) is To understand the other three orders, right
indicated by the presence understanding of the Human Order is required,
of the activity of Assuming otherwise over-evaluation, under-evaluation or
otherwise-evaluation of the other orders keeps
taking place.
Recognizing, Fulfilling

Bio Order
Plants, Trees
Recognizing, Fulfilling Recognizing, Fulfilling

Physical Animal Order

Self (I) +
Order Animals, Birds Body
Soil, Metal

Human Order
Human Being Assuming,
Recognizing, Fulfilling
Self (I) + Body Potential for Knowing, Assuming,
Recognizing, Fulfilling

Q2. Explain the ‘innateness’ of each of the four orders with suitable example? OR
• What do you understand by the term ‘innateness’ (dhaarna) in nature? Explain the
innateness of material and animal order in nature.
Ans. Innateness (dharana): Innateness means qualities which are innate to the unit. Each
unit in existence exhibits innateness, an inherent quality that cannot be separated from it.
Material order When we burn coal and it has finished burning and only some ash is left
and smokes have gone out, They may not be visible to the eye at that moment, but
they continue to exist, they still are in the form of other matter or in the form of gases,
etc. This is there with all material units. We cannot destroy matter, we can only
convert it from one form to the other. Thus, “to exist”, or ‘existence’ is intrinsic to all
material, it is innate to it. We cannot separate the ‘existence’ of a thing from the thing

4 orders of nature
NCE (Self-organisation) CHARACTERISTIC
O;oLFkk esaHkkxhnkj h
(Participation in
larger order)
Physical Soil, Existence Formation- Composition- Constitution
Metal Interaction Deformation Decomposition based

Pranic Plants, " + Growth " + Nurture-Worsen "-“ + Respiration Seed based
Trees “ + Pulsation

Animal Animals, “ in Body ", " in Body ", " in body "-“, " in Body
Breed based
Sensititity in I Will to live in I Cruelty, Non-cruelty Selecting/Tasting
in I in I
Human Human “ in Body ", " in Body ", " in body "-“, " in Body
Will to live with Imaging, Sanskar
continuous Next Generation Analysing, based
happiness in I Selecting/Tasting
in I Human
Knowability, Right Feeling & Perseverance, Potential for sanskar
Knowledge in Thought Bravity, understanding
I Generosity… in I
Right Understanding 10

Plant/pranic order As the pranic order is a development of the material order, it also
has the innateness of ‘existence’. In addition, it also exhibits the ‘growth’. This
principle of ‘growth’ cannot be separated from any units of this order. If it is of pranic
order, it will grow. For example, if you have a plant, you cannot stop it from growing.
Animal order The animal body is a development of the pranic order and therefore this
order inherits the innateness of the previous order namely ‘existence’ and ‘growth’.
This is at the level of the body, which is physico-chemical in nature. In addition, all
units in this order have the ‘will to live’ in ‘I’.
Human (knowledge) order When we look at the human being, we find that ‘existence’
and ‘growth’ are fundamentally present in the body, just as in the animal body. At the level
of ‘I’ however, in addition to the ‘will to live’, a human being’s innateness is the ‘will to live
with happiness’.

Q3. Explain the natural characteristics (svabhava) of each the four orders with suitable
Ans. When we look at the different orders in nature, we find that each order has a certain
value. This is the ‘usefulness’ or ‘participation’ of the order in existence. This ‘value’ or
‘participation’ is also referred to as “natural characteristic”.
The svabhava of material order is ‘composition/decomposition’. The svabhava of Plant/bio
order is ‘composition/decomposition’ and to nurture or worsen other pranic units. The
svabhav of animal order and human order can be understood in two aspects: body and self.
The svabhav of animal order is Composition / decomposition, nurture / worsen in body and
non cruelty, cruelty in ‘I’. The svabhav of human order is Composition / decomposition,
nurture / worsen in body and perseverance, bravery, generosity in ‘I’. It either nurtures or
worsens other pranic units. As in the example above, when I digest the vegetable, I absorb
the plant and it worsens, while my body is nurtured. The svabhava/ value of the self (‘I’) in
human beings is perseverance (dhirata), bravery (virata) and generosity (udarata).
• Perseverance (dhirata): Being assured that the all encompassing solution is to
understand and live in harmony at all levels of existence, living with this commitment
without any perturbation.
• Bravery (virata): Being assured that the all encompassing solution is to understand
and live in harmony at all levels and I am ready to help the other to have the right
understanding. This is the commitment to help the other have the right understanding
of the harmony and living at all levels of existence.
• Generosity (udarata): Being assured that the all encompassing solution is to
understand and live in harmony at all the four levels and I am ready to invest myself,
my body and wealth to help the other have the right understanding.

Q4. Explain the activity (Kriya) of each of the four orders with suitable examples?
Ans. An activity (Kriya) means something that ‘has motion’ and /or ‘has a result’. The
material order is active in multiple ways, and the same with the plant order or animal order
or human order. We are sitting in a room but we are active. We are thinking, desiring, the
body has breath running, heart throbbing. The air in the room is blowing. The wall standing
constantly also has activity. The chair in the room is also active. It may not be very visible to
our eyes but the chair is still active. We can understand this activity in two ways:
• Things that we see are ‘visibly moving’, through the naked eyes, such as a spinning
top, a moving bus, a running man, are active, and
• All things that are ‘visibly stationery’, are not moving, are also active like a stationary
chair. The activity of chair is that the wood of the chair is interacting with the
environment and as a result it decays with time.
All units around us, including ourselves, are active, all the time. They are interacting with
the environment. In the activity, there is a state or configuration and motion
simultaneously. This remains all the time.
Material order All material things (i.e. units in the material order) can be understood
as an activity of ‘units’ coming together to form a bigger unit. We call this ‘composition’.
For example, the chair is made of smaller pieces of wood. Bigger units can also separate
from each other to form smaller units and we call this ‘decomposition’. Like a wooden
chair can decay after a few years. Thus any unit in the material order can be understood as
an ‘activity of ‘composition/decomposition’.

Plant/bio order When we look at all the units that make up the plant/bio order we
will find that they can be understood in terms of composition/ decomposition and
respiration. Not only do plants compose (following new plants) and decompose (decaying),
they are also breathing, or pulsating, which we call respiration.

Animal order We can understand the activities of animal order in two aspects:
Body In Animals – Physico-Chemical Activities The body displays the same activities
that we see the plant. The body displays respiration or pulsating, as we call it. The body is
also formed at one point in time and keeps building cells as well, i.e. there is composition in
the body. Hence, the activities in the body are the same as that in the plant/bio order,
which are: composition/ decomposition and respiration. Hence, we say that the body
belongs to plant/bio order.
‘I’ In Animals – Conscious Activities The activities in ‘I’ are fundamentally different
from those in the body. ‘I’ is a unit that has the ability or capacity of selection ad tasting.
They make selection for their food and habitat.

Human (knowledge) order The activities in human body are similar to that in the
animal body, and we have seen this as: composition/decomposition and respiration.

When it comes to consciousness or ‘I’, human show more activities than just ability to
‘select’ or make choices as animals do. Thus, in human beings, ‘I’ has the activities of
desiring, thinking, and selecting/tasting, with a possibility or need for understanding and
realization. Only humans have this need to know and that is why it is called gyana avastha –
the knowledge order.

Q5. Define harmony in nature and why is it important. Explain with examples.
Ans. If one is to enjoy the benefit of life to the fullest, it is necessary to develop and
maintain harmony. The law of nature has a unique cause and effect system which must be
understood in order to be in harmony with the natural law of things.
Combination of all that is in solid, liquid or gas state is called as nature. In other words, the
aggregate of all the mutually interacting units – big or small, sentient or insentient together
can be called nature. These units are infinite in number and we could easily observe that
there exists a dynamic balance, self regulation among all these units.
Natural harmony is necessary for the following reasons:

1. To solve the problem of global warming and depletion of non-renewable natural

resource can be avoided.
2. Natural harmony with trees cures all problems like – drought, desertification,
reduction of wind velocity, energy savings.
3. One can understand the depths of harmony and alignment in natural by
contemplating and reflecting upon the natural order. It is possible to unravel the
mystery of the natural synthesis in the midst of ongoing chaos at the material
To maintain the harmony in existence, we have to understand the importance of nature for
our existence then we have to understand our responsibility towards nature. When we take
from nature, we should also plan to give back to it. There can be harmony only if each
subsystem of the entire creation will be in mutually satisfying relationship with every
subsystem without disturbing the other’s peaceful existence and without hindering its own
Q6. Explain the conformance/ Inheritance of the four orders with suitable examples?
Ans . Conformance (anu-Sangita)/Inheritance
Each unit conforms through the principle of conformance or anusangita. It means how
the continuity of the fundamental nature of the unit is preserved.
Material order The continuity of the elementary nature of the material unit is
preserved through the physical and chemical processes. For example in each atom of
iron conforms to the constitutional structure of Iron. There is no atom of iron that will be
unlike the other atom of iron, if it were, we would not call it iron. We call this
‘constitution conformance’. The material order exhibits constitution conformance. We
can verify this for all things in the material order. For example, O2, N2, Au, Ag, Al all of
them conform to and are always according to the constitution of their kind. Hence, we
say that any matter conforms to its constitution or has ‘constitution conformance’.
Plant/bio order A Neem seed will always sprout a Neem plant. Its fruits, its leaves, the
taste of the leaves, the colour of the leaves, all this information is stored in the seed. Thus,
we say the plant is always as the seed. Hence, we say that a plant conforms to the seed, or
has ‘seed conformance’. This ‘seed conformance’ method is the mechanism by means of
which the continuity of a plant species is maintained in nature/existence.
Animal order Animals conform to their heredity. How animals are, their behaviour is
according to their heredity they belong to, the heredity they come from. Hence, we say
that an animal conforms to its breed, or has ‘breed conformance’.
Human (knowledge) order We humans are according to our imagination; desires,
thoughts and selection in ‘I’. The desires, thoughts and selections we have in ‘I’ can come
from past memories, our parents, the environment, and the media, anywhere. In the case
of humans, we can say ‘as the education, so the human’. Together, we call these
‘sanskara’. Hence, we say that a human being conforms to his or her sanskar or has
‘sanskaar conformance’.
Q7. How will you show interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment in four order of
nature with examples?
• What are the orders of nature? How are all four orders interconnected?
Ans. In the nature, all the units are connected to each other and fulfilling each other.
Human being is related to all other human beings. On this basis, we have feelings and
emotions for everyone. Human being is connected to all the material units in the existence
and gets aware of it as he starts exploring it. We can see this interconnectedness and
mutual fulfillment in the following diagram:
Material Order and Plant/Bio-Order: The material order provides the nutrients to the
plant order in the form of soil, minerals, etc while the plant orders decays and forms more
nutrients, thus enriching the soil. The plant order also decays to substances like oil and
coal, which are stored deep within the earth as protection against the heat from the
molten core inside the earth as well as the heat from the sun (today, this is the material
we are removing and using as fuel). Plants produce oxygen/ carbon dioxide and thus help
in the movement of the material order. There is a mutual interdependency and co-
existence we can see here.
Material Order, Plant/Bio- Order and Animal Order: The material order provides the basis
for movement of all animals, birds and fishes. Water, oxygen and other gases are
necessities for both plants and animals. At the same time, the animal order helps enrich
the soil with its excreta and this helps the plants with nutrients. The plant/bio order
provides food for animals, birds and fishes. The animal Order helps in pollination of the
flowers of the pranic order.

Material Order, Plant/Bio- Order, Animal Order and Human Order: We humans also have a
natural acceptance to be mutually fulfilling to these three orders. However, we are not able to
ensure this mutual fulfillment. We are dependent on the material order for soil and minerals
and metals, but only end up polluting the soil and depleting the fossil fuels; we are dependent
on plants for our food and holding together the larger ecosystem, but we have destroyed
forests and destroyed multiple species of plants and herbs; we are dependent on animals to
carry out our production and transportation activities, but have made many species of animals
extinct, and are today known for our cruelty towards animals. We can see that there is
interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment in all the orders of nature except human order. We
have to work on this.
Q8. Explain in detail realization of Co-existence.
Ans. Realization: Realization is Clarity of Co-existence, Clarity of submergence.
When we look at the existence around, the first thing we see is space. We may not note it but
it is there. And then we see the units exist in the space so we would say that there are two
kinds of realities in existence and these are space and units (in space).Each unit of every order
vis., material, plant, animal, human order, ‘exist in space’. We also say they are submerged in
space, we can say,

Existence = Nature submerged in space

These units are in co-existence with space and in co-existence amongst themselves. There is a
interconnected between all these units and space. We can see that being in space, the units are
mutually fulfilling to each other. This is being in co-existence, so we can say that,
Existence is Co-existence and every unit in Nature is:
1. Submerged in space
2. Energized in space
3. Self-organized in space, exists in a definite order
4. Recognizes its relationship with every other unit and fulfills the relationship in
I am a unit of consciousness in space. I am energized in space. Activities of desire, thought, and
expectation… are continuous in me. I am self-organized in space; I exist in a definite order. I
have to rightly recognize my relationship with other units and fulfill it. When I do, I feel happy,
when I do not, I feel unhappy…
With this realization, I live with authenticity, in continuity

Q9. How does the understanding of the four orders guide the participation a human being
with them? Give examples to illustrate. OR
• Human being is an integral part of nature/existence with a specific role to play’-
explain this statement.
Ans. To understand the participation (role) of human being in this existence, It is essential to
understand the inherent harmony in nature and to live accordingly, i.e.
▪ To facilitate a favorable environment for the activity (at least not violate it) of all
▪ To facilitate the innateness (or at least not violate it) of all orders
▪ To ensure the inheritance (or at least not violate it) of all orders
Physical Order: For material order human facilitate its existence by ensuring favorable
environment and maintaining / ensuring its constitution (eg. constitution of earth)
Bio Order: Facilitate its growth by ensuring favorable environment and maintaining / ensuring
its seed (e.g. seed of rice), by putting manure for facilitating the growth of plants.
Animal Order: Facilitate care of the body by ensuring physical facility, environment for
existence & growth of body (eg. providing adequate forest, food, shelter). To ensure its will to
live by maintaining its breed (eg. breed of cow).
Human Order: Facilitate care of the body by ensuring physical facility, environment for
existence & growth of body. Facilitate its will to live with continuous happiness by ensuring
human education-sanskar (provide societal systems for facilitating and living with right
understanding). Participating in developing undivided society & universal human order.

Q1. What do you mean by ‘wisdom’? Explain. OR
How does ‘Right Understanding’ relate to ‘Wisdom’? Explain.
Ans. Identification of human goal in light of right understanding (which is in alignment with
existential order) is called wisdom. Right understanding provides the foundation for the
identification of human goal. It also facilitates the recognition of the definitive of ethical human
conduct. This helps the mankind transform to living with human consciousness.
In the light of right understanding, it is possible to visualize the pattern of “Holistic alternative”
to cater the human goal, a model of human living which is people friendly and eco-friendly. The
human goal consists of the following:
1. At the level of the self (I), every individual requires freedom from contradiction and
requires happiness, peace, satisfaction which is fulfilled by right feelings and right
thoughts (samadhana).
2. At the level of family, feeling of prosperity and its continuity is necessary (samridhi).
3. At the level of society, fearlessness, mutual trust (abhay), cooperation is required.
4. At the level of nature/ existence, mutual enrichment and co-existence (sah- astitva) is

Human Goal

Presently, human welfare is primarily perceived in economic terms only. The narrow objectives
leads to problems in various spheres of life and not sustainable. So recognition of "What to Do"
as a human being and "What not to do" is wisdom. On this basis we can identify the goals of

any organization, system or society either working for production, justice, exchange- storage
etc. We can evaluate whether the goals are humane or not.

Q2. What is the meaning of ‘Science’ as described in the course? How does it relate to
Ans. It will be necessary to develop appropriate system and program to cater to the human
goal in order to ensure human welfare. Science is the application of knowledge and
understanding of the social and natural world following a systematic methodology.
How to fulfill human goal – its thought, expectations, detailing (includes plan, program,
implementation, result and evaluation) is Science.
Science of behaviour says how to ensure justice (mutual happiness) in human-human
relationship from family to world family. Science of behavior with human Being leading to
mutual happiness i.e. Justice – from family to world family – undivided society.
Science of work answers how to ensure mutual enrichment in human and rest-of-nature
relationship, i.e. prosperity in human being & preservation of rest-of-nature. With the help of
science we can resolve two questions:
1. What to produce?
2. How to produce?
How to produce referring to the technology or system we use for production. When we look at
the way in which nature is organized two things becomes clear;

1. All the systems in nature are cyclic.

2. The systems in nature are mutually fulfilling.
We have largely depleted nature by chemicals, exploiting resources, depleting wildlife, forest
area, pollution is on rise, plastic pollution, and so on. We produced many times more clothes,
electronics, cars, watches, cell phones. Managing all this is becomes a major problem for us.
Science and technology is to facilitate the cyclic process in nature and make human beings
more and more fulfilling to other entities. We have explored new dimensions of science to get
information about every corner of nature. We can design our production system through the
application of science and technology in such a way that this mutual fulfillment is better
ensured, rather than disturbing it.
Technological progress has invented newer source of sensual pleasures. We are developing
micro- and nano- technology to cure smaller parts of the body, but we are producing new
diseases day by day through irresponsible living. Thus appropriate systems of treatment need
to be adopted
Q3. When you say ‘participation in the larger order’, what does order mean? Explain.
Ans. There are five dimensions of human endeavour which help to attain human goal which
are: Human Goal

Five Dimensions of Universal Human Order are:

1. Education – Sanskar
2. Health – Sanyam
3. Production – Work
4. Justice – Preservation
5. Exchange – Storage
Participation in larger order means to participate in the 5 dimensions of human order in order
to ensure fulfillment of human goal from family order to world family order.
Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster ... Nation ... World Family
participation in larger order (5 dimensions of human order) leading to fulfilment of human goal
ensure development of talent in all necessary dimensions - engineering, farming, medicine,
plumbing and so on so that every individual is able to participate in a mutually fulfilling manner
in each of the 5 dimensions of human order.
Q4.What do you mean by ‘Human Tradition’? Present your image about human tradition
based on the inputs given in the course.
Ans. Continuity of undivided human society & universal human order from generation to
generation is known as ‘human tradition’. When we identify human goal by using our wisdom
then we can better apply science and technology to fulfill it. We would able to participate in
larger order to ensure fulfillment of human goal from family order to world family and only
human education make sure it.
Human education ensures understanding and living in harmony at all four levels of human
existence. There will be certainty in human behavior and conduct that brings happiness and
satisfaction. It goes from person- person; person - family: family – family cluster – village –
village cluster ... nation ... world family- nature. We have to ensure the availability and
continuity of education- right living (siksha- sanskar) in our society.

3.9. Human Tradition (in which Human Goal is fulfilled generation to generation)
Conduct that ensures
continuity of mutual Human
happiness & Conduct
Education that
ensures the
development of the
competence to live
Human Human Human
Nature of Constitution
Tradition Education Conduct
Entry Point
of people living
together in a
relationship of
mutual fulfillment
Order The society in which
Human Goal
is realised

Q 5. What is human conduct (behaviour)? Explain in terms of values, policies and

character with appropriate examples.
Ans. The right understanding gained through self-exploration enables us to identify the
definitiveness of human conduct which is called the ethical human conduct. It is the same for
all human beings. Unless we have the right understanding, we are not able to identify the
definitiveness of ethical human conduct. It can be understood in terms of the following:
1. Values (Mulya):
2. Policy (Niti):
3. Character (Charitra):

1. Values (Mulya): Competence of living in accordance with universal human values or the
participation of a unit in the larger order. The participation of human being is seen in two forms
behavior with human and work with nature. The values of a human being (Jivan mulya) can be
enumerated as:

A) Values in self (Jivan Mulya):
• Happiness, peace, satisfaction, bliss
B) Values in Human – Human Relationship (Sambandh Mulya) 9 values:
• Trust, respect, care, guidance, affection, glory, gratitude, reverence and love.

C) Values of a Human Being in its Participation in Universal Human Order

(Manav Mulya):
1. Perseverance (Dhirata): Commitment for living in harmony at all 4 levels with
2. Bravery (Veerta): Commitment for helping the other to understand harmony
and to live in harmony at all 4 levels.
3. Generosity (Udarta): The commitment to invest one's self, body &wealth to help others to
understand harmony at all 4 levels.
4. Kindness (Daya): To give means (sadhan= right understanding) to a person who have
ability (ready- ness to receive) but do not have means (sadhan) to use it.
5. Beneficence (Kripa): To give ability to a person who have means (sadhan) but does not
have ability to use it.
6. Compassion (Karuna): Providing both ability and means (sadhan) to a person.

D) Values of Human Being in the Interaction with the Rest of the Nature
Vastu- Mulya):
1. Utility Value (Upyogita Mulya): To prepare a physico-chemical object for nourish and
protection, example: a shirt has the utility that it protects the body. This is its utility
2. Artistic value (Kala Mulya): To ensure the long lasting utility of the object, example:
Designing the shirt so that it can be easily put on. We provide buttons in front of it, size
of the shirt as per the body is its artistic value.

2. Policy (Niti): The decision about the enrichment, protection and right utilization of the
resources (self, body and wealth – mana, tana and dhana). Have three parts:
1. Economic Value (Artha Niti): enrichment of self, body and wealth.
2. Political Value (Rajya Niti): protection of self, body and wealth.
3. Policy for Universal Human Order (Dharma Niti): right utilization of self, body and

3. Character (Charitra): The definiteness of my desire, thought and selection gives definiteness
to my living.
1. Sva Nari, Sva Purush: Chastity in conjugal relationship.
2. Sva Dhana: Rightful production, possession and utilization of wealth.
3. Dayapurna Vyavahar and Dayapurna Karya: Kindness in behaviour (people friendly)
and work (eco friendly).

Some other questions:

Q1. How do you distinguish between a ‘prosperous’ person and a ‘deprived’

person in living?

Ans. PROSPEROUS PERSON: A prosperous person thinks about right utilization of

physical facilities and nurturing others.
DEPRIVED PERSON: A deprived person thinks about accumulation of physical
facilities and exploiting others.

Q2.What do you mean by the terms Swatva, swatantrata and swarajya?

Ans. Swatva:
Swatva means innateness of self – the natural acceptance of harmony.
Swatantrata means being self- organized – being in harmony with
Swarajya means self-expression, living in harmony with others.

Swatva Swatantrata Swarajya

Q3. What are the three realities to ‘know’ for a human being? Explain.
Ans. The three realities to know for human being are:
• Human being
• Existence
• Human conduct

Q4. List established values and expressed value.

Ans. We need to have is the established value; the expressed value is a natural

Established – Values Expressed – Values

1 Visvasa (Trust) s) 10
2 Sammana (Respect (Compliance) 11
3 Sneha (Affection) (Commitment) 12
4 Mamta (Care) (Generosity) 13
5 Vatsalya (Guidance) (Spontaneity) 14
6 Shraddha (Reverence) Pujyata (Obedience) 15
7 Gaurava (Glory) Saralata (Simplicity) 16
Saumyata (Self-
8 Kritagyata (Gratitude) Restraint) 17
9 Prema (Love) (Compassion) 18

Exams are the perfect
occasions for showcasing
your talent and
determination. May the
blessings of God be with
you during the exams!


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