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Free Wallet
Written by Pablo Amirá

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Copyright: © 2016 Pablo Amirá

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Money sometimes can be elusive and you know that Magic and
Mentalism as well as be a profession for some, a great passion,
hobby, beautiful creative practice and performing art, it is also a
business for many and business is all about making money from
products and services.

There is a lot of wallets available for mystery performers (I am

even working in some secret projects right now), but you don’t
need them to perform amazing moments for your audiences! They
are tools, but just that.

Years ago I wanted a stage size “Card to Wallet” but I did not want
to invest the money in one. So what I did? I hack what is normal
(buying something to get it) and I arrive to a simple solution that I
will offer you now.

No, I did not steal the wallet from someone. You will use a free of
charge wallet that someone will give you and then through a
simple modification, you will have a great new tool for mindreading
and predictions.

As well as the “Free Wallet” method, I will share with you now
several interesting effects that you can do it with.

Enjoy this simple hacks and ideas.

Pablo Amirá, 2016


Free Wallet

So, how in earth you will get a free card to wallet? Those things
are expensive.

Well, all banks around the world wants to offer his products and
service to clients and potential clients. They offer prices, raffles,
competitions and free products. One of them is a checkbook wallet
if you get from them a checkbook.

If you open an account, they will give you a checkbook wallet that
you can easily modify to get a functional card to wallet that looks
normal and handles like an “normal” wallet for performance.

So your first step is simply going to a local bank, open an account

with them and receive your free checkbook wallet that you can use
as a stage size card to wallet. The second step is to modify the
wallet so it will give you “card to wallet” properties. For this you
need just a knife/scissor and some double side tape (or glue/blue
tac). You will do a simple cut in the inside fabric so you can have
access to an inner pocket from the outside, using the checkbook as
a “guide” for your cards, business card or any object that you want
to load.


This is my “Free Wallet” (photo 1)

(photo 1)

As you can see, I keep a bill in there, some old credit cards, papers
and a photo. This gives the wallet a natural looking and not like a
“special prop”, just an incidental daily container used to isolate the
object that will elicit your amazing moment.

This is the simple modification that you need to do. As I already

explain, you will use the checkbook as “guide” to place the object
inside the inner right pocket. To do
that you just need to cut the fabric or
simple remove it. If you cut the fabric
you need to glue the bottom section
to the leather so the access will be
easier (photo 2)

(photo 2)


So you can place any flat object on that pocket (behind the
checkbook) and it can be instantly remove from the inner right
pocket (photo 3 & 4)

(Photo 3) (Photo 4)

Simple right? Most card to wallets work in this manner. There are
other clever methods, but you don’t need them. This is easy to do
and workable for real world performances.

What if your wallet does not have a zipper? DON’T WORRY and
stop thinking like a “tragician” (tragic magician). You don’t need do
over-proof the fact that the object was isolated.

In performance I keep the checkbook in my inner left jacket

pocket, with the checkbook slightly removed. In this manner, the
insertion of the loaded object is easier. You can place the
checkbook wallet in either direction (facing you or facing your
audience), that will place the business card or playing card face up
or face down. Play with your options.

Now, maybe you are thinking… but this wallet is not free, I have to
pay to get the checkbook and maintain the account that I open!

Well, if you don’t want to receive that free wallet (personally I did
not pay extra for it when opening my account years ago) you can
proceed in other manners.

1. Just go to a bank and politely ask if they have checkbook

wallet “for sale”. They have tons of them and if you are kind
(and you can even perform something interesting for that
employee) they can give you one for free, without opening
an account.
2. You can go to a flea market and get a checkbook wallet for
a dollar and then modify it.
3. If you don’t want to do the previous options, just ask some
friend if they have a checkbook wallet available for you in
exchange of a performance. Most persons have a lot of
them in their warehouse.

So now, you have free wallet (or you pay $1 at a flea market) and
you modify it to have a simple loading system. Because you know
this construction now, you can get several different type of wallets
(now just this checkbook type) and play with them to have
different options.

If you need replacement, don’t worry, just repeat the steps and
you can get other free wallet!

Let see now some interesting effects in which you will use your
“Free Wallet” to create predictions and mindreading. Obviously,
you can do “signed card to wallet” and other magic effects with
this. I will not explore those options because I don’t perform magic

Animal Intuition

Outer Reality

The performer asks everyone in the audience to think in his

personal favorite animal, letting them know that this process is
based in a psychological interesting fact.

Then a participant is asked to name outloud his decision and 3

reasons why this animal is his favorite. With this information the
performer can do an accurate reading about the participant

The performer now claims that inside his wallet, previous the
performance, he wrote something for the near future. The
participant reads outloud the paper and correctly predicts his
decided animal

Inner Reality

In this precognitive piece we will use a technique that I label as

“Single Writing”. This is similar to “Double Writing” but bolder in
the psychological aspect, because you will literally will write the
prediction in front of the audience AS IF you are writing other
information that then you will memorize and read from the card.

It is a bold technique that you need to master in the finesses to

make it work. If you are not confident enough, use double writing,
modifying the necessary steps.

So you have your “Free Wallet” ready in your inner left jacket
pocket (if you are right handed), ready to receive your
prediction. Also you need a stack of cards in which the 2nd card
is written in this manner:

will be

The space below is blank obviously so you can fill the necessary
animal. Now you guide your audience towards this “psychological
interesting fact” (Credits to Kenton Knepper for the utilization of
this psychological games).

Then you select your participant, ask for his name, do a “double
lift” and apparently write the name on the top card, in reality you
will just move the pen as if you are writing. This will indirectly
stablish the idea that you are writing information in your card.

Now ask him to name outloud his decision. After you hear it, smile
(communicating indirectly that you are correct in your prediction)
and follow immediately with the next question:

“Now give me 3 reasons why you think in that animal”

Let your participant name his reasons and “write them”, in reality
as you know you will just mimic the action to write. When you

write the 3rd one, you will just write now for real but the animal on
the proper blank space.

Now you will turnover two cards and place the “written card” (in
reality a blank one) on your top pocket or in an available place in
which your participants can see it. In this manner the prediction is
on top of the stack, ready to be palmed.

Now invite your participant onstage (or in parlor situation you can
approach him) and while this is happening just palm the card and
load it inside the wallet while you claim that before everything
happens you wrote something and place it inside your wallet.

Let the participant take the card face down. Now take the blank
visible card (your participant thinks that you wrote his name and
the 3 characteristics) and read it! This is a great indirect technique
to communicate them that you wrote the information.

Now read your prediction while your participant confirms

everything and give the prediction as souvenir.

Extra Ideas

1.As you can understand, this method is a really interesting

manner to predict a thought of animal, and with a little of thought
from your part, anything that you want!

2. You can also add to the wallet any of the special envelopes
available to do a prediction inside a sealed envelope.

Credits and Reference

This effect is based on my “Impromptu Prediction 3.0”, released in

my eBook “Anywhere Predictions”, which originally just use
business cards (perfect for impromptu situations).


Believe in Mindreading

Outer Reality

The performer takes a deck of cards, looks deeply to a member of

the audience while he is thinking in any card, takes one specific
card and place it in his wallet.

Then the participant is asked to name out loud his decision which
is exactly the card that the strange psychic placed in his wallet
moments ago.

Inner Reality

This is a mindreading piece which use the dramatic progression of

my piece called “BelievESP” from my eBook “E5P”. The dramatic
progression allows you to have a funny relaxation moment in
which you can load the palmed card in the wallet.

On stage take your deck of cards and share the theme of “belief”.
This will be congruent with your actions and will give the
performance more entertainment and interest. Ask for a participant
who believes in the remote possibility of mind-to-mind
communication to stand up and to think in a playing card. Now
look one participant deeply as if you are reading his mind, and
after that “you read his mind” in your subtext just spread the cards
in your hands, take one card (it can be a psychological
force/archetypical choice such as Ace of Spade or Seven of Hearts)
and place it in your wallet openly. You can place it in the same
pocket in which you retrieve the loaded objects or even the left


side pocket (in my case). Do it casually and no one will notice then
the illogical procedure, just focus in being natural.

Now ask the participant to name his card outloud. If you guess
correctly the card, you don’t need to do something extra, just
reveal the card while you say:

“You believe right?... Because you believe, you will see…”

while you turn over the card and receive the applause.

If you don’t guess correctly, you will simple add:

“Do you remember that at the beginning I look you directly, I

spread this deck of cards and I place one card on my wallet?”

While you say this, you will literally spread the deck, find the
named card and placed on top of the deck. Now you will show your
palm empty indirectly just gesturing, dramatically take the wallet,
open it, show just the back of the card, look it yourself and say:

“That is exactly right, your thought of card…”

Now just place the card back again and place the wallet again on
your pocket but this time take a little bit of the checkbook so you
can then load the card. At this moment you will have a funny
relaxation moment in which you audience will act skeptic about the
revelation. At this moment palm the card in your right hand and
load it on the wallet while you remove it again and say:

“I sense that you don’t believe… You told me that you believe


And because you believe, you will see”.

And now you will reveal the correct card.

As you can see, a great way to predict a thought of card and to
engage the whole audience into a process that you can use deeply
to do readings and for other creative uses.

Extra Ideas

1. You can use also “Mene Tekel” decks to do the work even

2. With extra thought you can do a prediction piece rather

mindreading, remember to study the moments correctly so you are
congruent at every aspect during the performance.

Credits and Reference

This card piece is inspired by my “BelievESP” from my eBook

“E5P”, which is originally based on the work of Francis Carlyle's
Homing Card from the book Stars of Magic.


George is Psychic!

Outer Reality

The performer announce that a strange and funny thing was made
prior the performance with a dollar bill. Then three member of the
audience name three presidents from USA (or your local country),
from which only one is the chosen one.

After this process, you take from your wallet a folded bill which
shows the printed figure from the bill with a message that predicts
exactly the decided president.

Inner Reality

I create this piece time ago with only one goal in mind, which is
using that classical joke to write a “speech balloon” in a bill which
predicts a thought. I work this simple idea and I decide to use
named presidents to predict.

The workings are very easy. Fold a bill in quarters and write
something like this (photo 1)

In the 3rd quarter you will leave a

blank space to then during
performance, fill the one that you will

(photo 1)


Fold the bill in quarters in such
a way that you have access to
the 3rd quarter, place it in a
notepad in this manner and you
are ready to perform an
interesting and fun prediction

(photo 2)

(photo 2)

Introduce the theme for your performance and announce that you
need three members from the audience to stand up while you
explain that in your wallet there is a bill folded that contains
something for the future.

Tear a page from the notebook, place it on top of everything but

keep the access to the bill and let three members of the audience
to name three presidents. Write the first two but the 3rd one write
it directly to the bill (this is a form of Single Writing, the technique
that we use in “Animal Intuition”).

After the three presidents are named, invite one of the participant
to join you on stage while you palm the dollar bill in your right
hand. Then leave the notebook in a table or appropriate place and
while you apparently just hand the wallet to your onstage
participant, load the bill. Now comeback to the notebook and
announce outloud the “three presidents” (as you know, you only
have two written, but you will read them as if there are three).
Now you will ask the participant to just imagine “the three


presidents floating invisible in the air” and you now you will use
Equivoque to force the appropriate one.

I will explain you a basic method for 3-element Equivoque in here

based in the work of Annemann. If you want to expand your
knowledge about it, you can study several other sources for
detailed explanation and finesses.

“Imagine that 1, 2 and 3 are floating in the air (1,2,3 are the
presidents, 3 is the one to force). Only one will be selected, the
other ones will not be important now. So please take one in each
hand imaginary and announce which ones you took”

If you participant takes 1 and 2, you continue with:

“Ok, so only one remains, which is….”

Let the participant reply.

If you participant takes 3 and other one, continue saying:

“And hand one to me as the final decision”

Now, no matter what happens, direct attention to the “3” and you
are done. Now slowly recapitulate everything, take the wallet from
your participant´s hands, take your bill, do the action to open it
(that will indirectly communicate that the prediction was in the
inside) and reveal the president!

A fun and different type of prediction with a lot of audience



Extra Ideas

1. You can also use a coin to predict thoughts. I have a routine in

my “Anywhere Predictions” eBook that you can use impromptu
with a borrowed coin.

2. Keeping the theme congruent with the objects used, you can
also ask not just for presidents, but also for historical figures in
your country.

Credits and Reference

As far as I know, the use of a “speech balloon” in this way for a

prediction is original. This handling is based in a routine called
“Numerology Prediction”, offered in the instructional video for my
“Universal Peek Device”, in which I mix the use of secret writing
and equivoque to arrive to the prediction.


Reversed PIN

Outer Reality

The performer announce that he feels that four audience members

are very intuitive and they will know something very personal.

After a relaxation ritual, each one thinks in a single digit number in

their mind. After that the four digits are announced outloud. For
the surprise of everyone, the performer from his wallet takes a
credit card in which his PIN code is written, which is exactly the
four-digit number created by the intuitive audience members.

Inner Reality

This is a prediction piece that uses a common object such a credit

card to reveal again, a piece of information which is coherent with
the object itself, something interesting to start to think about it.

The setup is very simple, you have already the wallet ready with
the chechbook protruding (so you can do the load) and a credit
card with a big blank sticker to one side placed in your pocket. The
sticker must be face up. In your pocket also you need a tiny pencil
because you will use “pocket writing” to secretly imprint the 4 digit
numbers on the blank sticker while your participant are naming

This is a very easy pocket writing routine because your surface is

very rigid and you can palm it then to load it in the wallet.

Remember to be engaging and to understand the moments that

this routine provides you. You can play it seriously at the beginning
doing the “relaxation ritual” so your participants start to receive

impressions and then for the climax you can be comical about the
fact that now everyone knows your PIN number.

Extra Ideas

1. You can use “Double Writing for this” or even the “Single
Writing” technique that we saw previously.
2. You can also predict with this method the PIN of other
audience member, but I prefer to do it in this manner.

Credits and Reference

For more pocket writing work you can check John Riggs and Mark
Strivings material.

As far as I know, the use of a credit card as “pocket writing”

surface is original but inspired by the work of John Riggs in “PW”.


I started my personal creative journey in Mentalism 10 years
ago. I did not have the money that I “need” to get a good
toolkit, so I took the hard route of creating my own variants
and options to expensive gimmicks and props. I am glad that I
started in that manner, because I learn a beautiful lesson. All I
need is inside my mind.

Far more important that the method to get a “free” wallet, the
method to transform it into a “card to wallet” or the
techniques, effects and mindset that I offer in this short
eBook, the best lesson in my opinion is to understand the value
of your own creativity. Of course, the effects presented in here
don’t need really the special wallet. You can use other method
to load or switch the predictions, this is just an interesting way
to do it.

Don’t take your limits as limits, rather opportunities to run in

new directions.

Enjoy your performances and your new wallet!

Pablo Amirá , 2016



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