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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Radu Elena

School: Şcoala Gimnazială ”Înv. Clemența Beșchea”Căpățânești
Date: May 24th , 2017
Lesson: Animals
Unit: My animals
Grade: Ist grade
Year of study: 2nd
No.of classes/ week: 1
Type of lesson: Acquiring new vocabulary
Skills: speaking, listening
Textbook: Fairyland 1

1. To help students get into the atmosphere of the English class;

2. To revise and consolidate the main words and structures learnt so far- food
3. To develop speaking, listening skills.
4. To identify farm animals
5. To encourage students to learn the English language through dialogues, games,
6. To give students more practice on pronunciation and vocabulary;

Techniques: discussion, learning by discovering, games.

Materials: handouts, flashcards, laptop, video-projector, whiteboard, magnets.
Classroom management: frontal, individual,
Anticipated problems: The Ss may not understand some oral commands or tasks; if this
happens, they will be translated into Romanian.
Time: 45 minutes

Activity 1: Warm-up (6’)
Skills: Listening, Speaking
Aim 1, 2
Class Organization: T- Ss, Ss- T
Procedure: Teacher greets the students and asks Ss to remember some food items by showing
them some flashcards and playing with them a memory game on the whiteboard with magnets.

Activity 2 (5’)
Skills: Speaking
Aims 3 and 4
Class Organization: T- Ss; Ss-T
Procedure: Teacher asks Ss to turn to page 24 to the unit “My Animals” and listen to a
presentation of the farm animals on that page and repeat the words as they hear them. After
watching the videos Ss are asked to identify the animals from their books.

Activity 3 (7’)
Skills: Speaking.
Aims 3, 4 and 5
Class Organization: T- Ss, Ss- T
Procedure: T holds up the book and asks the Ss: “What is this?” and Ss answer “It’s a dog…
then T points to the dog and says “The dog on the on the farm goes woof, woof, woof, all day!”
Ss repeat. T follows the same proceudure for all the animals. Then T asks Ss to listen to the song
on the same page. T explains to the Ss that they should number the animals in the picture as they
hear them during the song.

Activity 4 (7’)
Skills: Speaking
Aims 4 ,5 and6
Class Organization: T- Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: After the Ss listen to the song for the first time, T gives them some animal puppets
and they raise their animal and do the related animal sound when they are called. The song is
played again, Ss raise their animals puppets when their turn comes and do the animal sound.
Activity 5 (5’)
Skills: Listening, Speaking
Aims 5 and 6
Class Organization: T- Ss, Ss-T , Ss- Ss
Procedure: Teacher gives the Ss a worksheet and asks the Ss what is wrong in the picture. Ss
say the correct answer and they write on their worksheet the right animal sound.

Activity 6 (10’)
Skills: Speaking.
Aims 4, 5 and 6
Class Organization: T- Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: T asks Ss to look at exercise 3/ page 25. Ss are asked to colour the animals in a
funny way, for example the T says: “Colour the dogs purple” and so on, until all the animals
from the picture are coloured. Then T asks the Ss to count the animals in the picture.

Activity 7 (3’)
Skills: Speaking.
Aims 3, 4 and 6
Class Organization: T- Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: T asks Ss to watch a video with a song “Let’s take a walk around the farm”. Then
encourages them to sing along.

Feedback: T awards rewards, praises active Ss and encourages the others. (2’)

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