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What was the condition in society before each event?

What do you believe should have happened instead of the govt. action? OR Was the
government action justified?

Condition (before) Govt. Action What should have happened?

Plessy v Ferguson

Post Civil war. I believe the government’s action was not justified. The ruling
was to allow segregation to exist. That meant seprate but equal. This was the
morally wrong thin gto do.

Schenck v. U.S.

WW1 was going on at the time. They decided that if freedom of speech
presented danger at a time of crisis, then it ccould be restricted. Totally

Buck v. Bell

It was decided that inmates could not reproduce because they were defected.
This was at the time of the great depression. I believe this was not justified.
Just because 1 person messes up does not mean that their kids are,
biologically speaking, inclined to.

Smith Act

__This was at the start of ww2. It MADE IT illegal for advocatinf the overthrow of
government by force or violence. This was a fair conclusion because if our country
fell from within at the time, we would’ve lost the

Korematsu v. U.S.

Condition (before) Govt. Action What should have happened?


___This is at the time of the cold war. It was basically a paranoia led witch hunt. That
is never a good thing. So I believe that it was wrong. Lots of people suffered for no
reason at all.

Dennis v. U.S.

This made it illegal to plot violent overthrow of government. Again, this was after
ww2 beginning of cold war. Not a good time for a revolt. So im with their decision.

Photo Ban of Coffins

Coming home from
War (1991-2009)

______this was around war in middle east to protect the dignity of fallen veterans. I
am with this
U.S. Patriot Act

________at time of 9/11. Deters and punishes acts of terrorism. It was a good

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