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Epilepsy, paroxysmal of condition

1. Indicate Generalized epileptic attacks:

1. Adversive attacks

* 2. Absentia epileptica

3. Jacksonian epilepsy

4. Sympathoadrenal and Vago-insularparoxysms

5. Rolandic attacks

2. Indicate localized types of epilepsy:

* 1. Adversive attacks

2. Attacks of Syncop

3. Jacksonian epilepsy

4. Sympathoadrenal and Vago-insularparoxysms

5. Hypoxemia paroxysms

3. Indicate factors, that render cooperation to development of epileptic state:

1. Reception of big dozes anticonvulsant mean

2. Longacting dream

* 3. Infringement of regularity of reception of anticonvulsants

4. Infringement of copper metabolism

5. Sensitization of the organism

4. Indicate, where localization of center of epileptic excitation, if attacks motor aura precedes:

1. Temporal lobe

2. Occipital lobe

3. Parietal lobe

4. Convolution of the brain

* 5. Anterior central convolution

5. Indicate, where localization of center of epileptic excitation, if attack visual aura precedes:

1. Temporal lobe

* 2. Occipital lobe

3. Parietal lobe

4. Convolution of the brain

5. Anterior central convolution

6. Indicate, where localization of center of epileptic excitation, if attack auditory aura precedes:

* 1. Temporal lobe

2. Occipital lobe

3. Parietal lobe

4. Postcentral convolution of the brain

5. Anterior central convolution

7. Indicate, what can confirm diagnosis of epilepsy of additional research receptions:

1. Computer tomography of brain

2. Pneumoencephalography

3. Radioisotopic examination

* 4. Electroencephalography

5. Electroencephalography

8. Indicate, about what disease they testify change on EEG in the form "peak-wave ":

1. Encephalitis

2. Cerebral arachnoiditis

3. Diffused sclerosis

* 4. Epilepsy

5. Syringomyelions
9. To what parts of cerebrum especially important role in epileptogenesis belongs:

1. Frontal lobes

2. Parietal lobes

* 3. Temporal lobes

4. Occipital lobes

5. Cerebellum

10. Indicate forms of children's epilepsy, which relate to comparatively favorable:

1. Syndrome of West

2. Big Generalized attacks

* 3. Childlike absentia epileptica

4. Progressing somatic dementia

5. Myoclonia

11. Forms of focal attacks are all low more listed, except:

1. Motor

2. Touch

3. Vegetative

* 4. Syncopal

5. Mental

12. Basic principles of treatment of epilepsy all low more listed, except:

1. Integrated approach

2. Continuity

* 3. Discontinuity

4. Sequence

5. Duration

13. They give most notice at treatment of symptomatic epileptic state:

1. Anticonvulsant therapy

2. Dehydration

* 3. Etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy of basic disease

4. Correction out of - and intracranial homeostasis

5. Symptomatic therapy

14. Indicate basic pathogenetic mechanism of damage at epileptic state:

1. Hypostasis of main thing of brain

2. Heart failure

* 3. Vascular-hypoxical infringements

4. Infringement of electrolytic and watar-hydrocloric exchange

5. Syndrome of disseminated intravascular curtailing

1 5. Role of genetic factor is supported in formation of epileptic process with following positions, except:

1. Presence in family tree epileptic illness

2. Presence of epileptic features of person

3. Research reception of twins

* 4. Presence in family tree of degenerate diseases of nervous system

5. Development of epileptic seizures in the early pediatric age

16. Patient complains on seasonly arising twitchings in lefthand leg with duration several minutes, that
pass body without infringement of consciousness in spasms of lefthand Half. Such spasms are how

1. Major spasmodic seizure

2. Minor seizure (absentia epileptica)

3. Epileptic state

* 4. Jackson attacks

5. Myoclonic attacks
17. Patient is suddenly lost for no apparent reasons on several seconds by speech, becomes transfixed,
reducing sight upwards, turns pale, does not react on reference to him. Does not remember anything
after attack about him. They how name such condition:

1. Tonic generalizated attack

* 2. Minor seizure (absentia epileptica)

3. Epileptic state

4. Jackson attacks

5. Myoclonic attacks

18. Patient suddenly feels off-flavours over several seconds, after what spasms arise. In addition
language bites, secession urine, falls, breaking ones body, head. Such spasms are how named:

* 1. Focal, passing in generalizated (again generalizated)

2. Small convulsive attack (absentia epileptica)

3. Epileptic state

4. Jackson attacks

5. Myoclonic attacks

19. In patient 42 years attack, that is accompanied with feeling pricking, numbness of right hand, right
leg afterwards grows dumb. Through several minutes after such attacks spasms in right finitenesses
arise. These attacks are how named:

* 1. Jackson

2. Absentia epileptica

3. Syncopal

4. Migrainous

5. Generalizated

20. To doctor mother of 8-years girl addressed. Last 3 months girl constantly badly studies.

Teacher marks that is seasonly marked at the lessons at her stiffening sight, in time of what she does not
answer on question, do not react on the name. Mother marks similar phenomena and houses. Falls and
spasms did not ever check out. At neurologic survey changes are not revealed.

What most possible diagnosis at patient:

* 1. Absentia epileptica

2. Syncopal phenomena

3. Defect of education

4. Faint

5. Jackson attacks

21. At 7 years boy over day are marked "switching-off" on 10-15 seconds, in time of which he becomes
transfixed in one pose, without reacting on question, is not withdrawn on the name.

Does not remember anything about attacks. Neurologic research did not find changes.

What research reception been better to use for specification of diagnosis:

1. Skull film

2. CT of head

* 3. Electroencephalography

4. Electroencephalography

5. Evoked potentials investigation

22. 45 years man addressed with complaints on periodic involuntary twitching of fingers of right hand.
Over 20-25 seconds twitchings are distributed on all hand. Did not ever lose consciousness. Neurologic
inspection found smoothness of right nasolabiali of pleat, increase of tendon reflexes on right
finitenesses. Doctor suspected attacks of epilepsy and appointed CT.

What character attacks been faster in all at patient:

* 1. Focal impellent

2. Focal touch

3. Absentia epileptica

4. Complex

5. Syncopal

23. 26 years man addressed in polyclinic with complaints on attacks of loss of consciousness 1-2 time on
month. Is ill 6 months. Attacks arise suddenly without harbingers. Relatives tell, what falls at the time
attack of patient, body it is strained, spasms in finitenesses afterwards arise, it is marked bite of
language, uncontrolled urination. Is established after realization of clinical examination diagnosis and it
is ordered treatment. What of preparations is most expedient for the appointment:
1. Diacarb

2. Prednisolone

3. Encaphable

* 4. Depakinum

5. Neostigmine methylsulfate

24. At child 10 months on background of acute respiratory infection and hyperthermium (39 ш ‘) arose
loss of consciousness and tonic-clonic attacks, that occurred one behind one. What character urgent
condition at child:

1. Syncopale

2. Ataxium

3. Transitional ischemic attacks

* 4. Epistate

5. Sympathoadrenal crises

25. At child 5 years Lennox-is Gastuyi with syndrome epileptic status of myoclonic attacks arose.
Introduction of what preparations is contra-indicated child:

1. Corticosteroids

2. Dehydratational

* 3. Anticholine esterase

4. Oxybutirate of sodium

5. Benzodiazepinum

26. At man 45 years, after transferred craniocerebral trauma arose often attacks, that are accompanied
with deflorescence of person, hyperhidrosis, general weakness, transient loss of consciousness. What
character attacks at patient:

1. Absanse

* 2. Syncopal

3. Atonic

4. Myoclonic

5. Tonic-clonic
27. Woman 45 years, two year ago operate in connection with fibromyom of womb and polycystic
ovary. Several months back appeared attacks, that are accompanied with hypertension, tachycardia,
deflorescence of derma, tachipnoe, sensation of fear, headache.

What of listed preparations most effective at this condition:

* 1. Alfa-adrenalin blocker

2. Nootrops

3. Anticholine esterase

4. Dehydrational

5. Anticonvulsions

28. At child of 3 months with perinatal hypoxical encephalopathy, subcompensated hydrocephalus,

often attacks with loss of consciousness, nodding of head by the type are observed "yes-yes" and "raise-
raise ". What character attacks at child:

* 1. Infantile spasms

2. Jackson

3. Vegetative-visceral

4. Absanse

5. Syncopal

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