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Throughout our lives we tend to change, these changes can be observed physically, mentally,

emotionally, socially, etc. Changes are inevitable but growth are optional (Bechler). Knowing that we
cannot slow down neither stop time, we tend to wait thinking that change will come to us. As a young
adult, I can say that I have changed a lot. I had undergone through physical, intellectual, emotional, and
social changes. I become more taller and my voice becomes bigger, I tend to think more abstractly, and I
become more concerned to politics and social issues. Thus, it made me become independent and
reliable in handling things.

There were times that I must make big decisions in my life, through those bad and good
decisions that I have made I have learned a lot that gave me time to change. Moreover, as these
changes happen it made me realize that I still have a lot of things to change in me.

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