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Name: John Mark B.

Year & section: BEEd 1A
Chapter Test
We are done with the Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks. To
asses our learnings about this chapter, explain the following questions. 5 points each
1. Why is it important to give extra care and effort during the Pre-Natal Period?
» Taking extra care and effort during the Pre-Natal Period is a must because this provide
a cascade of benefits to the women and the baby. These benefits are:
1. Reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.
•To avoid the risk of pregnancy complications, a woman should strictly follow
a healthy and safe diet. She must get a regular exercise and avoid exposure to
potentially harmful substances such as lead and radiation. Following these
consideration would help a baby to born healthy.
2. Reduce the fetus’s and infant’s risk for complications.
• In order to attain this, a woman should avoid smoking and alcohol use.
3. Help ensure the medications women take are safe.
• To ensure this, women should not take certain medications such as dietary
and herbal supplement because they can harm the fetus.

2. Why do you think Infancy and Toddlerhood considered as the stage where one goes
through dramatic change and growth?
» Infancy and Toddlerhood is considered as the stage where one goes through dramatic
change and growth because this is the stage where the child experience a major
dramatic change in the five main areas namely:
1. Physical development- An infant and toddler’s growth is dramatic in this stage.
Infant and Toddler grow taller, and their heads gets bigger.
2. Cognitive development- Infant and Toddler make great advances in being able to
learn and remember.
3. Emotional and social development- Infant and Toddler start to show their
emotions and how they feel about other people.
4. Language development- Infant and Toddler quickly learn language by what is
spoken around them.
5. Sensory and motor development- Infant and Toddler become strong enough on
how they sit and walk.

3. What point/stage in life do children’s growth rate slow down and able to refine their
motor skills?
» The point/stage in life in which children’s growth rate slow down and able to refine their
motor skills is in the childhood stage. This is the stage where their growth rate slow
down in terms of their physical aspect, but great changes also in their mental ability.

4. What do you think is the most crucial stage in a child’s stages of development?
» In my opinion, the most crucial stage in a child’s stages of development is the
adolescence stage. I absolutely agree with it because I am one of those who has
experience why being adult is one of the crucial stage in the child’s development. As we
all know when a child is turning into an adult a lot of development might happen to
him/her these development are: physical, cognitive, emotional and sexual development.
When I was in my elementary days I was still a child that time I clearly remember that
when I sing a song I can reach those high notes but when I turn into my adult stage I am
not able to reach out those high notes because my voice really change. A lot of changes
happen in terms of my physical aspect. In the field of cognitive aspect as well way back
when I was still a child I act like I am an immature but when I turn into an adult already
the way how I choose my decision, how I think really change and matter. Same goes in
my emotional aspect, when I was a child I easily cry when someone tried to ruin my day
but now that I am on my adult stage I feel like I always portrayed patience and
humbleness. Lastly in the field of my sexual development, again a lot of changes happen
starting from my childhood days up to my adult stage.

5. What do you think is the message of the quotation below?

» From the quotation that is portrayed, we clearly see that our life undergo three stages
these are: teens, workers and oldies. From these stages in life we can formulate an idea
that life is not constant it is always changing and every stages in our life undergo
different experiences. Like for example in stage of teens, you have all the time and
energy but no money but in the stage of workers it contradicts to each other, you have
all the time and energy but no time and same goes with the oldies stage it also
contradicts to each other, you have all the time and money but no energy. What I can
advice in order to attain a better life is for us to treasure and value each and every
moment of our life (family, friends, jobs, and the like) because we can’t have them
forever they are just temporary in this world that we’re living.

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