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Carcassonne – The New Forest 1


A Carcassonne Central expansion by Wallace Nicoll for Carcassonne II

Although most of the forestry has been cut down to build the cities and to make way for fields, there are still
a few patches of woodland scattered across the countryside. Much of this is now actively managed by
foresters and woodcutters who live and work within those patches of woodland.

• 115x tiles depicting patches of woodland on normal landscape tiles (contained on 7 tile sheets, but only the first 3 are
included in this PDF document; 2 additional PDF files contain the other tile sheets – see Tile Distribution, below)
• a number of tiles have features from other Carcassonne expansions – such as Inns, Princess, Magic Portals,
Tower Bases, Shrines, Hills, Vineyards – these can be included when using those expansions, or ignored.
• several tiles have sections of river and coast for use with “The River”, or “The Coast” fan expansion
• 6x tiles with a Wood Axe symbol associated with a Woodcutter’s Cottage
• 9x tiles have a timber trade icon
• 14x timber trade tokens (not all will be required, but more tiles may be provided later with timber trade icon)
• 6x tiles and 15x apple tokens based on those in the “An Apple A Day” fan expansion (by Cappy)

Special Notes
There are intentionally few woodland tiles with sections of city on them as the woodland would have been cleared for building
and construction materials, so that crops could be grown, and so that enemies could be seen approaching. Because of the
mechanics of the game, it is possible that the corner of woodland on one tile will connect with the corner of a city wall on an
adjacent tile. If this occurs it is assumed that the forest touches the city walls, and thus there is no connection between fields.

On some tiles, where there is a road, river or, especially the coast, the trees extend along half of the length of the edge of the tile.
An adjacent tile containing a similar forest edge can be assumed to form part of the same area of woodland for scoring purposes.

If using The River or Coast expansions, mix the river/coast “New Forest” tiles in with the rest of the river/coast tiles and place
them as normal. Mix the remaining “New Forest” tiles in with your regular game tiles (you may choose a subset of tiles for smaller

If you are using the Timber Trade tiles, place the Timber Trade Tokens to the side of the playing area.

If you are using the tiles from “An Apple A Day” (which contain the apple symbol) place any Apple Tokens, if they are to be
used, to the side of the playing area according to the rules for “An Apple A Day” (which are available on Carcassonne Central).
Carcassonne – The New Forest 2

1. Place a tile
Standard tile placing rules apply. Apart from the obvious tile edges of city, river, road, and sea coast, the woodland tiles are all
classed as having “fields” along the edges. There is no requirement to place a woodland tile next to another woodland tile,
however, doing so, will extend the area of woodland for scoring.

2. Deploy a follower
Deploy a follower as normal. A follower may be placed on features such as roads, fields, cities or cloisters, if they appear on the
same tile as the woodland.

They may also be placed on one of the patches of woodland on the tile as a “woodsman”. There must be no other followers, not
even of the same colour, on any woodland patches on other tiles connected to that patch of woodland on the tile just played (since
some tiles have multiple patches of woodland on them). It does not matter how far away the follower is. However, it may be
possible to have more than one woodsman in a single patch of woodland, spread across multiple tiles, if they are placed when the
woodland patches are still disconnected.

Patches of woodland on either side of a road, or river, are also assumed to be separate.

A woodsman cannot be placed A woodsman can be placed on

on this tile as there are no the woods on the right-hand
patches of woodland connected side of this tile. The narrow
to a tile edge. The narrow sections of woodland which
sections of woodland which extend to the other two corners
extend to each corner may be separate fields, but do not
used to separate fields, but do continue the woodland.
not continue patches of
woodland on adjacent tiles.

Blue has placed a forest tile Blue has placed a forest tile
(with the blue box) next to (with the blue box) next to a
another forest tile with a red forest tile with a red woodsman
woodsman. Blue is not on a connected forest tile. At
allowed to place a woodsman this point the blue forest is not
on the forest tile because there connected to the red forest so
is already a woodsman on this blue may place a woodsman on
area of forest. the recently played tile. The
forest areas may, in future, be
joined up.
This also shows that you can
place a forest edge against a
field edge

2.1 Interaction with other expansions

2.1.1 Official Expansions

If you use any of the New Forest tiles which contain a landscape feature from any of the official expansions in your game, the
rules of that feature also apply to the New Forest tile. For example, this includes tiles which contain :

• Inns (from (“Inns and Cathedrals”)

• Princess (from “Princess and the Dragon”)
• Magic Portal (from “Princess and the Dragon”)
• Dragon (from “Princess and the Dragon”)
• Shrine (from “Count, King and Robber”)
Carcassonne – The New Forest 3

• Vineyard (from “Hills and Sheep”)

This generalisation will also apply to any other landscape/scoring feature taken from any other expansions, mini-expansions, fan
expansions, etc. (Tower Bases, Wells, etc.) should other tiles be added into the New Forest collection at a later date.

Traders and Builders: The Builder may be placed on a patch of woodland on which the player already has a follower. If, in the
future, the player whose builder is on that patch of woodland extends the woodland by laying another woodland tile, he/she may
take an additional turn. Although he is not “building” something (as in cities or roads), he can be considered to be “planting for
a future generation” by extending the area of managed woodland.

An Apple A Day – fan expansion: The 5th sheet includes 6 tiles that were in the original "An Apple A Day"
expansion (by CarcC member Cappy), converted into Carc2 format. If you wish to use this expansion, you can
get the C1 version from the Downloads area on Carcassonne Central, which includes the rules.

Alternatively, you can use the plain red apple tokens as trade tokens, and award them to whoever closes off
any piece of woodland that contains the apple icon.

3. Score
When a patch of woodland is surrounded by open fields, roads or river, and there are no internal gaps, it is scored, and any
followers removed after scoring. In this case, “surrounded” means the orthogonal tiles (above, below, left and right). As forests
do not continue diagonally, these tile spaces can remain empty.

If there is no follower on a “completed” patch of woodland there is no scoring.

If there is a single follower on a “completed” patch of woodland, or it can be determined that one particular “colour” is in
majority, that player scores 1 point for every woodland tile making up that patch of woodland.

This tile includes both timber trade token

(top left) and the hand axe (top right)
signifying that this area of woodland will
score 2 points per tile when it is completed,
and reward the player completing it with a
Timber Trade Token.

If the patch of woodland contains a Hand Axe in the top right corner (there will also be a woodcutter’s cottage on the same tile),
then that player will score 2 points for every connected woodland tile, instead of 1 point. Multiple woodcutter’s cottages within
the same patch of woodland are not cumulative – a maximum of 2 points per tile can be scored.

Timber Trade Tokens – Whenever a patch of woodland is completed, the player who completes it will
receive any Timber Trade Tokens contained within that patch of woodland. It is irrelevant whether this
player had a woodsman on that patch of woodland, or not, or whether there was even a woodsman there at
Carcassonne – The New Forest 4

4. Scoring Examples

A player has placed the city tile and it

completes this patch of woodland, as it cannot
be expanded further as there are no tile edges
along which the woodland can be extended.
Red scores 5 points for the completed

The Blue player has placed the city tile (right

hand side) that completes this patch of
woodland, as it cannot be expanded further.
Blue scores 2 points for each tile in the
completed woodland (because of the Wood
Axe symbol) and scores a total of 6 points, then
collects one Timber Trade Token.

Final Scoring
Any incomplete patch of woodland at the end of the game will score 1 point for each tile for the player in majority, or all will
score the points if more than one colour are equally represented.

If a patch of incomplete woodland contains a woodcutter’s cottage at the end of the game it will also score one point per tile
(rather than 2).

Timber Trade Tokens – whoever has the most Timber Trade Tokens will score 10 points at the end of the game (as for the other
Trade Tokens from “Traders and Builders”).

Apple Tokens – if using these as bonuses for players completing an area of forest, whoever has the most Apple Tokens will score
10 points at the end of the game (as for the other Trade Tokens from “Traders and Builders”).

Do I have to use all the tiles in my game? No, you can pick and choose the tiles you like, depending on the size of your game.
Can the Abbey be placed next to an area of forest? Yes, provided it complies with the rules for placement of the abbey.
Which followers can be placed on an area of forest? You may place the regular follower, the big follower, the builder and the wagon on an area of forest.
Which followers can’t be placed on an area of forest? You can’t place the pig, the barn, the mayor, or the shepherd on an area of forest.
Can a follower on a forest be captured by a tower or eaten by The Dragon? Yes, provided that it complies with the rules for the tower or the dragon.
Can I use a Magic Portal to place a follower on an incomplete area of forest? Yes, provided it complies with the rules of the Magic Portal.
Can the wagon move to an area of forest? Yes
Can I move a follower from the City of Carcassonne to an area of forest? No.
Carcassonne – The New Forest 5

Tile Distribution
Rules Sheet Number Contents
1 1 15 tiles, all with a mixture of forest and field areas
1 2 15 tiles with a combination of forest, fields, roads, city segments (3) and cloisters (2)
1 3 15 tiles with a combination of forest and river (5), coast (3, including river mouth), timber
trade tokens (6, including one with river source), inn on a lake (1)
2 4 15 tiles with a combination of forest and timber trade tokens and woodcutter axes (4 with
axe, 2 with axe and timber token), inn on a lake (2), coast (4) and others with road/village
2 5 15 tiles with a combination of forest with shrines (3), magic portal (1), dragon (1), Princess
(1), coast (2) and tiles from “An Apple A Day” (6)
3 6 20 tiles with a combination of forest and forest strips with roads, city segments (4), inn on a
lake (2), dragon and well (1), vineyard (1), hill (1). These tiles are generally less forested
than the previous sheets
3 7 20 tiles with a combination of forest with roads, city segments (3), cloisters (2), tower bases
(2), timber trade token (1), garden (1)
2 Tokens The tokens sheet contains 14 Timber Trade Tokens and 15 tokens updated for “An Apple
A Day”. Use the tokens as you wish – the Timber Trade and the lower strip of 7 “Apple”
tokens can be used as bonuses when closing off an area of woodland containing that symbol,
while all of the tokens from “An Apple A Day” will be required if playing with that

Version History
1.0 Combined rules and tiles PDF for Carcassonne Forum Downloads (February 2020)
0.3 Revised rules for “New Forest” released (April 2018)
0.2 First draft of “New Forest” (January 2017)
0.1 First draft for comment with subset of tiles as “Woodcutters” (May 2016)

• Gantry Rogue (Gantry) for creating the Carcassonne Central web site where this fan-made expansion was developed and
• Chris Ober (obervet) and Matthew Harper (mjharper) for the Completely Annotated Rules (CAR) for Carcassonne.
• Jonathan Warren (Joff) and Scott (Scott) for this template.
• The original authors/designers of the various Forests expansions for Carcassonne v1 (mainly Scott and Novelty) which inspired
this expansion for use with Carcassonne v2.
• Members of Carcassonne Central for comments and suggestions on the original Woodcutters expansion

Carcassonne © Hans im Glück 2001-2020

Designer : Klaus Jurgen Wrede
Artist (Carcassonne v2) : Anne Pätzke

Hans im Glück permit Carcassonne Central and Carcassonne Forum members to develop expansions provided that they do not
replicate commercially available tiles, and are made available on-line and are not used/sold for commercial purposes.

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