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Task List

Week 6 lessons highlight two important topics in Algebra – Equations and

Functions. Lesson 6 tackles applications of equations particularly the linear and
quadratic equations. Lesson 7 considers mathematical modelling using the concept
of functions.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by checking the number corresponding to
each task.

___/__ 1. Read/Watch Module 2 Lesson 6

___/__ 2. Answer Seatwork for January 11

___/__ 3. Read/Watch Module 2 Lesson 6B

___/__ 4. Answer Seatwork for January 13

___/__ 5. Read/Watch Module 2 Lesson 7

___/__ 6. Answer Seatwork for January 15

___/__ 7. Submit WGN Week 6.




A. What is an equation?

An equation is a mathematical sentence that expresses the equality of quantities.

Quantities are mathematical expressions that involve the constant and variables; at
least one variable for that matter. An equation is said to be the first degree if there
are no products of variables and if its variable's exponent is just equal to 1. It is a
second-degree equation, also known as a quadratic equation. If the highest exponent
of any of its variables is 2 or possibly, the exponent's sum if they are expressed in a
product must be 2. The focus of studying an equation is to find a solution.

B. Explain the difference between a linear and a quadratic equation in terms of

degree and solution.

This answer deals with equations with one unidentified variable. Linear
equations are equations of the first degree, meaning that the unknown variable
appears with an exponent of 1. They can always be brought to the form ax + b =
0 where a, b are constants and a ≠ 0. They have one root (solution) which is x =
-b/a. The graph of their underlying function f(x) = ax + b is a straight line, hence
their name.

Quadratic equations are equations of the second degree, meaning that the
unknown variable appears with an exponent of 2. They can always be brought to
the form ax² + bx + c = 0 where a, b, c are constants and a ≠ 0. The
constants a, b and c form a quantity D = b² - 4ac, called the Discriminant, which
determines whether the equation has any real roots. (This results from the fact
that the solution contains D's square root, which is not a ''real'' number for D <
0.) If D >= 0, quadratic equations have two real roots (merged into one for D =
0), which can be calculated by the formula:
x₁‚ ₂ = (-b ±√D)/2a

C. Give a concise definition of the following:

1. Rate

A rate is a comparison of two quantities. It is usually written in

fraction form. If the number in the denominator is 1, then we have a
unit rate.

2. Ratio

A ratio is a comparison of two quantities that may have the same unit.
It may be written as fraction, (𝑏 ), as numbers separated by colon, 𝑎: 𝑏, or
by the word “is to”, 𝑎 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑏. It is usually written in simplest form (that
is, there are no common factors between 𝑎 and 𝑏). If 𝑏 is equal to 1,
then we have a unit ratio.

3. Proportion

A proportion is an equation that states the equality of two rates or ratios.

Lesson 7. Applications of Functions


A. Give the definition of linear and quadratic function in terms of formula and
geometric meaning.

A linear function is a function that results in a graph of a straight line. It has a

dependent variable (y) and an independent variable (x) that does not contain any
power more than one. The general form of a linear function
is Ax+By+C=0 where, A, B, and C are constants. It can also be in the form y=

A quadratic equation is a function that contains just one of the variables but is
raised to the second power. Quadratic functions, when plotted, produce a
parabola. Its general form is 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐.

B. Define exponential function and give its practical significance.

An exponential function is a function formed when an independent variable (x)

is expressed as the exponent. It has a form of 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑎 𝑥 where a is the base and
x is the exponent. Its significant is that it can be used to describe a decay or
1 𝑥
growth. For instance, an exponential function such as 𝑓(𝑥) = ( ) is a sample of a
decaying exponential, since it reduces as the value of x increases.

C. Define logarithmic function and give its practical significance.

Logarithmic functions are simply the inverse of exponential functions. This is

because any exponential functions can be expressed in logarithmic form. Likewise,
every logarithmic function can be written in exponential form.

Logarithmic functions have the form f(x)=y=logbx which can be expressed in

exponential form 𝑥 = 𝑏 𝑦 (b remains the base). Logarithmic functions are beneficial in
that they help to work with very large numbers which, usually are hard to handle.

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