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Students defending the rare cause in

loot lake

Ninja one of the integrants of the group reacting to the

cube falling into Loot Lake

Diego Lara,profesional fortnite player

Tilted towers – in tilted university in fortnite map a

group of 6 students called Brite bomber,Skull
Trooper,Ana,Tfue,Ninja and J Ghosty.
They created a campaing called Save Loot Lake that
was being destoyed by a mysterious cube created by a
purple lighting that’s why the cube is purpleso they
start to exchange clothes for money to get all money as
they can but in at December 2017 the people start to
thing that the campaing was bad.

But a boy called Epic Games do not agree because he

think that the campaing could would aruin more the
world economy that the cube already has distroyed he
argue “the economy is already devasted and the
campaing is distroying it more soy they have to stop
the campaing” so Epic went in a formal meeting with
the group of students.

In half of the reunion the cube falls into loot lake and all
the lake got infected by the cube and 2 weeks later at
midnight there always has been a house in the middle
of the lake and the cube make the house a big huracan
that make every one woke up now the uracan is flying
threw all the map and the group of students is still
recolecting money for the cube for star a investgation
to stop the cube and Epic is paying his 10 years in jail
because he tried to steal all the money .

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