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Read the following News Item text.

Islamic preacher Syekh Ali Jaber dies at

News Desk
The Jakarta Post
Jakarta   /   Fri, January 15, 2021   /   05:37 pm

Prominent Muslim preacher Syekh Ali Jaber died on Thursday following 19 days’ treatment at Yarsi hospital
in Central Jakarta.
The 44-year-old cleric was admitted to the hospital in December after complaining of fever, coughing, and
shortness of breath. On Dec. 29, 2020, he announced on his social media accounts that he had tested
positive for COVID-19.
“I didn’t expect to contract the virus as I'd taken PCR tests several times before and I always got negative
results. I also didn’t meet a lot of people [recently] and always adhered to health protocols," Ali said at that
His condition worsened shortly after the announcement. He was later transferred to the hospital's intensive
care unit (ICU) where he was treated until his death.

Yarsi hospital's spokesperson Elly M. Yahya said Ali had been declared coronavirus-free prior to his passing.

"He had undergone a PCR test a few days ago and the result came back negative," Elly said on Thursday as
reported by Kompas TV.  She, however, did not specify Ali’s cause of death.
This article was published in with the title "Islamic preacher Syekh Ali Jaber dies at 44". Click to

Now study the analysis.

1. The communicative purpose of the text is to inform readers about Syekh Ali Jaber’s passing.
2. Generic Structure/ Text organization:

Islamic preacher Syekh Ali Jaber dies at 44 Title/Headline

News Desk
The Jakarta Post
Jakarta   /   Fri, January 15, 2021   /   05:37 pm

Prominent Muslim preacher Syekh Ali Jaber died on Thursday following Newsworthy Event

19 days’ treatment at Yarsi hospital in Central Jakarta.

The 44-year-old cleric was admitted to the hospital in December Background Event

after complaining of fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.

On Dec. 29, 2020, he announced on his social media accounts
that he had tested positive for COVID-19.
“I didn’t expect to contract the virus as I'd taken PCR tests several times Source of Information

before and I always got negative results.

I also didn’t meet a lot of people [recently] and always adhered to
health protocols," Ali said at that time.

His condition worsened shortly after the announcement. Background Event

He was later transferred to the hospital's intensive care unit

(ICU) where he was treated until his death.

Yarsi hospital's spokesperson Elly M. Yahya said Source of Information

Ali had been declared coronavirus-free prior to his passing.

"He had undergone a PCR test a few days ago and the result
came back negative," Elly said on Thursday as reported
by Kompas TV.  She, however, did not specify Ali’s cause of death.

3. Language Features:

 Using “Action Verbs”:

- He announced on his social media account that he had tested positive for COVID-19.
- “…. Always adhered to health protocols.” Ali said at that time.

 Using “Saying Verbs”:

- Yarsi Hospital’s spokesperson Elly M. Yahya said Ali had been declared corona virus-free prior to his passing.

 Using “Passive Sentences”:

- The 44-year-old cleric was admitted to the hospital in December.
- He was later transferred to the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where he was treated until his death.
- Ali had been declared corona virus-free prior to his passing.

 Using “Adverbs in Passive Sentence”:

- He was later transferred to the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where he was treated until his death.

 Using “Past Tenses”:

- Prominent Muslim preacher Syekh Ali Jaber died on Thursday.
- He announced on his social media account that he had tested positive for COVID-19.
- “I didn’t expect to contract the virus as I’d taken PCR test several times before and I always got negative
- His condition worsened shortly after the announcemet.
- “He had undergone a PCR test a few days ago and the result came back negative,” Elly said on Thursday as
reported by Kompas TV. She, however, did not specify Ali’s cause of death.

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