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Name: Suciana Safadina (tk.


Nim: P07220119046

Task 1
Convert the following temperature and report the result


212 F = 100 C two hundred and twelve degre fahrenheit (or centigrade)

1. 98.6 F = ……………. C

2. 102.4 F = …………... C

3. 95.2 F = …………….. C

4. 37 C = ………………. F

5. 35 C = ………………. F

6. 41 F = ……………….. C


Change farenheit to celcius: (f-32) x 5/9 = C

Change celcius to farenheit: (c x 9/5) + 32 = F

1. 98.6 – 32 = 66.6 x 5/9 = 37 C

2. 102.4 – 32 = 70.4 x 5/9 = 39.1 C

3. 95.2 – 32 = 63.2 x 5/9 = 35.1 C

4. 37 x 9/5 = 66.6 + 32 = 98.6 F

5. 35 x 9/5 = 63 + 32 = 95 F

6. 41 – 32 = 9 x 5/9 = 5 C

Task 2.
Try to solve these problem in converting centigrade to fahrenheit and fahrenheit to centigrade.

1. Take the following temperatures with Fahrenheit clinical termometer: Mr. A, 1040 F, Mrs. B
990 F, Miss C 1010 F. The physician asks what the centigrade temperature is for each patient.
Convert the Fahrenheit temperature to centigrade.
Physician : What is Mr. A (Mrs B, Miss C)’s temperature in celcius?

Nurse: Mr. A: 560 C, Mrs. B: 532.2 C, Miss C: 543.3 C temperature degress celcius.

2. Take the following temperatures with centigrade clinical thermometers: Mr. D 370 C ; Mrs. E
37.80 C; Miss F 380 C. But the physician asks what the fahrenheit temperature is for each
patient. Convert the centigrade to fahrenheit.

Physician : what is Mr. D( Mrs. E, Miss F) ‘s temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

Nurse : Mr. D: 698 F, Mrs. E: 100.04 F, Miss F: 716 F temperature degress Fahrenheit.

Task 3
Translate this into communicative english.

1. Silahkan berdiri diatas timbangan itu.

2. Saya perlu tahu berapa berat badan anda.

3. Saya sedang menghitung denyut nadi anda.

4. Berapa berat anda?

5. Badan anda panas.

6. Tekanan darah anda110/80.

7. Tekanan darah anda sedikit diatas normal.

8. Temperatur anda di atas normal.

9. Apakah berat badan anda normal?

10. Berat badan anda 75 kilo.

11. Berapa tinggi badan saya?

12. Saya perlu mengukur tinggi badan anda.


1. Please stand on the scale

2. I need to know how much you weigh

3. I am counting your pulse

4. What is your weight?

5. Your body is hot

6. Your blood pressure is 110/80

7. Your blood pressure is slightly above normal

8. Your temperature is above normal

9. Is your body weight normal?

10. Your weight is 75 kilos

11. What is my height?

12. I need to measure your height

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